Short: ZXAM POKE guide V2.3 (784 games) Author: (Richard Koerber) Uploader: shred chessy aworld de (Richard Koerber) Type: misc/emu Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: ZXAM POKE guide V2.3 (784 Spiele) Keywords: zxam zx spectrum game poke cheat Requires: ARexx, AmigaGuide, ZXAM Spectrum Emulator Languages: English URL: ******* * NEW * Improved navigation and shortcut help! ******* This guide contains the POKEs of 784 ZX Spectrum games. They're activated by a simple mouse clicking, using the ARexx features of the ZXAM Spectrum Emulator. The ZXAM Spectrum Emulator is © by Antonio J. Pomar Rosselló. This Guide is Freeware! Please read the docs.