Short: Conjugates portuguese and brazil verbs (MUI) Author: (Ingo Paulsen) Uploader: sa227pa uni-duisburg de (Ingo Paulsen) Type: misc/edu Version: 1.02 Requires: MUI3.1+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos FEATURES ======== - complete verbfile with more than 11000 entries - supports active/passive - supports indicative/subjunctive - Present, Imperfect, Past absolute, Future, Conditional, Imperative, Present perfect, Past perfect, Past anterior, Future perfect, Conditional perfect included - test mode with all tenses - export mode for every verb (enables printing) - pattern searching - highlights irregular verbs - localization ABOUT ===== This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note". It is FREEWARE as defined in paragraph 4a. For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher). AUTHOR ====== If you have any comments, hints or questions or some suggestions for the next version, please write to the following address: Address: Ingo Paulsen Im Angerfeld 30 47259 Duisburg GERMANY E-Mail: ConjPor (c)1997-98 by Ingo Paulsen