Short: Amiga On Line Magazine, number 6 Author: Virtual Works Publishing Uploader: mordock dei unipd it Type: mags/misc Architecture: generic ############## ENGLISH ##################################################### This archive includes issue number 6 of Amiga on Line (tm) April 1997, Amiga on Line is the first italian WEB-magazine for Amiga games, but it's also full english. In Amiga on line number 6 you can find: -Going on paper : Amiga On Line gets published. NEWS: -Amy Tech sold, -Myst finally announced, -Islona, -Albion on Amiga, -TFX returns, -World of Amiga show, -Master Axe released, -Applaud Software, -Another browser, -Another game from Mutation. PREVIEWS: -Aurora Works letter to AOL, -Alien Formula 1, -Ffigy, -Flyin' High, -Genetic Species, -Max Rally, -Quake, -Strangers, -Trapped 2. REVIEWS: -XP8 ECS, -Uropa 2. -A Special on new BUDGET releases. And also our Tips section, our HOT Links and the reader's Top Ten. Number 7 (May 1997) will be avaible on-line from 15 May 1997 and will include Master Axe and Blockhead review, previews of Marbelous, Kargon, Testament, Castle Kingdoms and a lot of more. OUR SITE ADDRESS: FOR ANY REASON E-MAIL TO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ########### ITALIANO ####################################################### Questo archivio contiene il sesto numero di Amiga on Line(tm) Aprile 1997, Amiga on Line è la prima rivista on-line italiana dedicata ai giochi per Amiga. In questo numero di Amiga on line troverai: -Going on paper: Amiga On Line su carta! NOVITA': -Amy Tech venduta, -Myst verra' convertito, -Islona, -Albion su Amiga, -Il ritorno di TFX, -World of Amiga show, -Master Axe pubblicato, -Applaud Software, -Ancora un browser, -Un altro gioco della Mutation. ANTICIPAZIONI: -Lettera della Aurora Works a AOL, -Alien Formula 1, -Ffigy, -Flyin' High, -Genetic Species, -Max Rally, -Quake, -Strangers, -Trapped 2. RECENSIONI: -XP8 ECS, -Uropa 2. -Uno Speciale su nuovi BUDGET. E anche i nostri Trucchi, gli HOT Links e la Top Ten dei lettori. Il numero 7 (Maggio 1997) sarà disponibile on-line dal 15 Maggio 1997 e includerà le recensioni Master Axe and Blockhead, le anticipazioni di Marbelous, Kargon, Testament, Castle Kingdoms e molto altro. IL NOSTRO INDIRIZZO: PER QUALUNQUE RAGIONE MANDATE UNA E-MAIL A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga on Line ©1997 Virtual Works Publishing. Italy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------