Short: HousePool No.04 - German House/Techno Magazine Author: (HousePool Media International) Uploader: carma bbs sx1 hrz Uni-Dortmund de Type: mags/hpool Architecture: generic HOUSEPOOL® Issue 4 (November/December 1995) ------------------------------------------- HousePool® is released every 2 months in GERMAN language. HousePool® is an interactive House- & Techno-Magazine ! It covers Dancefloor, House, Acid, Trance, Techno, Rave, Hardcore, Gabber, Jungle, Kosmic,... and all the other nice stuff around. There are three versions of HousePool®: - The Amigaguide Version: (exclusive for AmigaOS) It is an AMIGAGUIDE-File and so it needs an Amiga. Players for Pictures, Animation, Soundmodules and, of course for the AmigaGuide-File itself are included in this package. - The HTML Version: (HyperText Markup Language) It is available on request and on some ftp-sites (mostly and is usable on all computer systems, which have a Web-Browser like Mosaic, NetScape or at worst Lynx. - The Online Version: (World Wide Web) It is the actual Issue online on the Web. Like the HTML Version you will need a Web-Browser to get it. It has of course no song modules available. You can reach it at the following URL: >>> <<< Features of HousePool®-Magazine: *** Portraits of Record-Labels, Record-Shops & Personalities *** VIVA-TV: "House-TV" Reviews, Playlists & News *** BFBS: "Steve Mason Experience" Playlists & more *** Song-Modules (MED,OMED,MOD) EXCLUSIVE NEW STUFF & RMXs *** Reports / Background-Stories / Dossiers *** Club/Disco addresses & guides *** Label & Shop addresses *** Internet-TECHNO-Sites (WWW) *** Real interactivity *** ...and of course much much more... ! DON´T FORGET: YOU ARE HOUSEPOOL ! So feel free to support this magazine with your sight of view, with your articels or your letters. Of course, you can also send money. ;-) SEND: - bug-reports, comments, criticism, suggestions, reports, articles, song-modules & anything you like... - your wishes for an international (english) version of HousePool®... TO following addresses: EMAIL: SMAIL: HousePool Magazine Postlagernd Herne 44621 Herne / Germany ################################################################## # Have fun & enjoy HousePool ! - The fabulous HousePool-Team !! # ##################################################################