   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
 AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technologies, GmbH

A M I G A ' S   P R E S I D E N T  S P E A K S   -   I N   G E R M A N 

        P H A S E   5 ' S   B L I Z Z A R D   F O R   1 2 0 0

 I B R O W S E   1 . 1   A V A I L A B L E   -   D O E S   F R A M E S

 I S T A R   -   I D E A S   P R O C E S S O R   -   D E S C R I B E D

      " I N T E R N A U T S "   A T   A M I G A   ' 9 7   S H O W

       L O N D O N   T O   H O S T   W O R L D   O F   A M I G A 

        R U M O R   -   Q U I K P A K   C A N ' T   D O   I T ?

     R U M O R   -   N E W   A M I G A   A T   L O N D O N   S H O W

               A M I G A   C L I S P   A N N O U N C E D 

     F T P   O F F   -   C O M I N G   S O O N   F O R   A M I N E T

              A M I B A S E   V 2 . 4   A N N O U N C E D

           R O   F I L E   M A N A G E R   A V A I L A B L E

           P I O S   T O   S H O W   A T   C E B I T   ' 9 7

Editor's thoughts and introduction:
 I hate to do it but I'm going to - run a story I can't read.  Petro
Tyschtschenko, CEO and President of Amiga Technologies, today released
a statement on the Amiga's situation and the status of the buyout of
AT.  It DOES NOT mention a new owner, only that Mr.  Tyschtschenko
expects matters to be resolved soon.  We have no one here to translate
this into English, so we're running it in German.  If one of our
readers can send us a good translation quickly, we'll send it back out
to everyone post haste.  How's that for interactive journalism?
 There is an admittedly shaky translation to English on the Amiga Web
Directory, but they ask that it not be distributed so we won't.  We
did learn (or think we did) a few things by fighting our way through
the German as best we could.  It seems VIScorp is officially out of
the running (no surprise).  Amiga Technologies itself is apparently
down to only three employees (remember, they subcontract the
manufacturing of the computers).  Apparently the distribution network
continues to grow, having expanded to Russia and Malaysia.  The
company is managing to stay alive, and hopes the purchaser will want
the Amiga as an entity, not just pieces of the technology.  Finally,
thanks are expressed to the Amiga faithful for support so far.
 This announcement shouldn't be a surprise.  While everyone hoped for
word of a new purchaser at the end of February, it was unlikely
everything would be settled by then.  As soon as there is an
announcement of ownership status, we'll bring it to you.
 We have other news of interest also; news we are a bit more sure of.
There's too much to describe in detail here, so here are some
highlights.  The Power PC board for A1200s has been announced by Phase
5.  The Amiga now has two frames capable browsers with the new upgrade
to IBrowse.  There's a fascinating knowledge base product called Istar
describes below.  We think you'll like its price, too.  We also have
several product announcements from the Usenet, and a couple of very
interesting rumors pulled from the newsgroup discussions.  One relates
to a new model Amiga supposedly due for introduction at the upcoming
London World of Amiga show.  We have information on that, too.
Finally, the folks at Pios are inviting everyone to meet them at
Germany's CeBIT.
 Brad Webb,

     S T A T E M E N T   B Y   A M I G A ' S   P R E S I D E N T


BENSHEIM, 21.02.1997

Liebe Amiga Fan-Gemeinde,

lange ist es her, daß Sie eine Nachricht über unsere Homepage bekamen.
Seit Oktober hat sich nichts mehr getan, so scheint es zumindest.
Aber ganz so ist es ja nicht.

Erst einmal möchte ich mich für die zahlreichen e-mails bedanken, die
Sie an mich gerichtet haben.  Natürlich habe ich auch Kritik
einstecken müssen für mein langes Schweigen, aber meistens bekam ich
motivierenden Zuspruch!  Dafür bedanke ich mich recht herzlich.

Es ist wirklich ein tolles Gefühl, zu wissen, daß man sich auf die
Amiga Gemeinde immer noch verlassen kann.

Was hat sich jetzt so zwischenzeitlich ereignet?

Ja, zunächst ist VisCorp ganz offiziell aus dem Rennen.  Es gibt zwar
immer noch hartnäckige Gerüchte, daß VisCorp an AMIGA interessiert
ist, aber offiziell gibt es nichts konkretes.

Gott sei Dank habe ich beim Konkursverwalter durchsetzen können, AMIGA
zunächst nicht zu zerschlagen.  Seit Konkurs, dem 15.Juli 1996, haben
wir unser Geschäft unter den gleichen Bedingungen weiterbetreiben
können, als hätte es den Konkurs nie gegeben.  Unser Distributorennetz
hat sich sogar vergrößert, in Rußland gibt es jetzt einen neuen
Amiga-Distributor und in Malaysia ist einer hinzugekommen.  Das
Preisgefüge unserer Produkte ist auf dem gleichen Niveau wie vor dem
Konkurs.  Mit unserem Umsatz können wir uns selbst am Leben erhalten
und das ist großartig, unter diesen schwierigen Umständen.

Ein Dank an alle AMIGA-Freaks, die durch den Kauf unserer Produkte am
Erhalt unserer Gesellschaft aktiv mitgewirkt haben!

Seit dem Ausscheiden von VisCorp sind eine Reihe von sehr
interessanten Übernahmeangeboten für AMIGA beim Konkursverwalter
eingegangen.  Er hat sich bis jetzt noch nicht festgelegt, aber so wie
ich die Situation einschätze, wird es kurzfristig zu einer
Entscheidung kommen.

Bei den Übernahmeangeboten sind Firmen involviert, die AMIGA
weiterführen wollen und durchaus in der Lage sind, eine Zukunft für
AMIGA sicherzustellen.  Es gibt natürlich auch Firmen, die nur Teile
von AMIGA erwerben möchten.  Letztendlich ist es die Entscheidung des
Konkursverwalters, wem er den Zuschlag gibt.  Diese Entscheidung
richtet sich nur nach der Höhe, die für AMIGA gesamt erzielt werden
kann.  Das höchste Gebot ist ausschlaggebend, vorausgesetzt, es ist
finanziell abgesichert.  Wir blicken sehr spannenden Wochen entgegen.

Unsere Firma wird zur Zeit noch von drei Mitarbeitern
aufrechterhalten:  Axel Krämer und Andreas Steep in Braunschweig und
mir.  Ich bin mittlerweile umgezogen und habe mein Domizil in dem
ehemaligen Gebäude der ESCOM AG.  Von dort aus versuche ich so gut wie
möglich, AMIGA am Leben zu erhalten.  Weitere Mitarbeiterdetails
entnehmen sie bitte der "Mitarbeiter"-Page.

Sobald es eine Entscheidung gibt, wer der erfolgreiche, zukünftige
AMIGA-Eigner ist, werde ich Ihnen weitere Details zukommen lassen.

Bis bald
Petro Tyschtschenko
E - M A I L   T O   T H E   E - D I T O R 


I'd really like to get my hands on a Topolino PC-Amiga mouse adapter
device. Can you send me any information on price/availability?

Thank you.


 All we can suggest is to contact your nearest Amiga dealer or check
the ads in the two American Amiga publications, "Amazing Computing"
and "The Amiga Informer".  We've included your e-mail address above.
If any dealer who has this product available would like to let Ramiro
know, we suspect there's a sale in it for you.
 There's a list of Amiga dealers in our issue number 961025 that may
be of help also.

     P H A S E   5 ' S   B L I Z Z A R D   F O R   1 2 0 0 
    phase 5 News

Product News about the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board Accelerator for Amiga
1200 Oberursel, February 25, 1997:  phase 5 digital products is proud
to announce the upcoming BLIZZARD 603e Power Board, a PowerPC-based
accelerators for Amiga 1200 and A1200-based Tower Systems.  With this
innovative and powerful new accelerator a new dimension of performance
is brought to the Amiga 1200, with performance increases of multiple
times beyond the performance of the fastest 68k based accelerators
available today, for a sensationally low price that is perfectly
targeted at the A1200 upgrade market.  Primarily being designed as an
upgrade board for existing Amiga systems, the BLIZZARD 603e Power
Board incorporates phase 5's innovative dual-processor technologie,
where a fast PowerPC RISC processor is combined with a 68k processor,
in case of the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board a 68030 CPU.  Both CPUs
dynamically share the memory and system busses, what is necessary for
a true multiprocessor behaviour.  While the original AmigaOS 3.x
continues to run on the 68030 CPU - as well as all existing
applications do, what provides 100% compatibility - the PowerPC 603e
CPU is supported by a comprehensive

PPC Library developed by phase 5, which provides all functionality to
integrate the PowerPC into the Amiga multitasking environment.
Software developers can easily optimze their programs step by step by
porting single tasks to PowerPC code, which then can run parallel with
68k tasks.  Many important Amiga software vendors are preparing ported
or optimized versions of their software packages already, so it is
expected that a large quantity of software products supporting the
PowerPC will be available soon.  The BLIZZARD 603e Power Board will be
availabe with the fast PowerPC603e processor at a clock speed of 120
MHz; a socket is provided for the 68030 companion processor in a PGA
housing.  It provides a fast memory expansion option which uses
standard PS/2 type SIMMs.  The memory is dynamically shared by the two
CPUs on the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board .  As an option, as very
inexpensive Fast SCSI-II controller will be available for the BLIZZARD
603e Power Board, which combines transfer rates of up to 10 MB/s with
the flexibility and expandability of the SCSI standard.

With it's 120 MHz 603e processor the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board
provides - only on the PPC side - a raw performance of approximately
170 MIPS or approximately 3.5 SPECint95 and 2.8 SPECfp95 (estimations
based on Motorola/IBM manufacturer specifications) - a blistering
performance that can compete with most of the fastest PC systems
available today.  with this performance the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board
is ready for the most demanding applications such as 3D rendering and
high-speed 3D gameplaying, image manipulation, animation, video
applications, and many other demanding applications that depend on
fast CPU performance.

The BLIZZARD 603e Power Board will be delivered with a comprehensive
software package, which includes the PPC library as well as tools for
creative users, among them a Public Domain GNU C compiler for PowerPC
(including sourcecode) and many demo programs and utilities with
sourcecode; in addition to this software free developer support is
available via the phase 5 FTP site.  Last not least a
PowerPC-optimized version of CyberGraphX V3 with RISC-optimized
CyberGL/3D and MPEG functions and libraries is included (with a
special GGX driver to support the AGA chipset) - of course with
comprehensive documentation.

The BLIZZARD 603e Power Board will be selling for a price that can be
called sensational, offering a superior price/performance relation.
The suggested retail prices are as follows:  BLIZZARD 603e Power Board
w/ 120 MHz 603e processor

DM 699,- / GBP 279.00 / USD 399.00

Note:  All prices are recommended retail prices.  English and german
price include local VAT, the recommended US price does not include
local taxes.  The prices are without the 68030 CPU which is necessary
to operate the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board.  68030 processors from
existing processor boards can be used on the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board
by pluging these into the provided socket.  If you don't own a 68030
CPU already, ask you local dealer for an attractive bundle offer.

Registered owners of a Blizzard 68030 board will - within the PowerUp
upgrade program - receive special, attractive upgrade offers by mail
during March 97.  The handling of these upgrades will be done via
local appointed representatives.

The delivery of the BLIZZARD 603e Power Board is scheduled for late
May 1997.  Availability for the A1200 desktop system is depending on
the finalization of the CE approvals until that date.

 I B R O W S E   1 . 1   A V A I L A B L E   -   D O E S   F R A M E S

Omnipresence International and HiSoft are pleased to announce that
IBrowse 1.1 is now shipping.  This upgrade features major new
functionality, including frames, cookies, client pull, image dithering
and a host of other new features.

For existing purchasers, IBrowse 1.1 is available as an online update:


 I S T A R   -   I D E A S   P R O C E S S O R   -   D E S C R I B E D

DATE:  28 February 1997


The Amiga has long lagged behind other platforms in availability of
software for Knowledge Based Systems (KBS).  Istar starts to help the
Amiga catch up - but does more than catch up.

Istar contains unique features not found on any other platform, that
have been made possible by the Amiga's unique hardware-assisted
scrolling and graphics, and by a radical new approach to user
interfaces.  It was acclaimed in two recent papers of international
repute, in the August 1996 issue of the International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies, and the thinking behind its design has been
explained in the Nov 1966 issue of Expert Systems.  It has been very
well received at the Expert Systems '96 conference in the U.K.  and
the recent workshop on Thinking With Diagrams.


Istar allows you to *draw* your knowledge base as a box and arrows
diagram, and then immediately run it as an inference net.  This means
you can encapsulate human expert knowledge to create an intelligent
advisory system.  When the user presses the 'InferGoals' button it
will ask a sequence of questions in order to arrive at a conclusion.
Its backward chaining algorithm ensures it will only ask the user
relevant questions, and suppress irrelevant ones dynamically.  Its
forward chaining algorithm ensures that any information entered will
be propagated automatically throughout the knowledge base.

Istar is designed to work in ill-structured domains of knowledge, in
decision support mode - such as calculating whether the shares of a
company are worth buying.  To this end it offers a wide range of data
types, including probabilities and bayesian evidence.  It has
automatic check for and prevention of infinite loops.

In its inference mechanism Istar is *FAST* - faster even on a standard
Amiga 1200 than on many Pentium(tm) systems.  This is because of its
careful internal design and because the kernel routines are written in


In addition to giving support for developing knowledge base systems,
Istar also acts as an Ideas Processor, allowing you to 'sketch out'
your ideas as items linked with arrows - as a semantic net.  For
instance, to set out your ideas of what factors have contributed to
the recent decline in profits of your company.

Istar has a number of facilities to examine the knowledge you have
built up.  Press a key and Istar will show only those items that
contribute to the item you are interested in, hding all others.  Press
another, and it shows only those that your current item contributes
to.  Press another button, and it shows all items relevant to a topic
of your choice - such as finance, personnel, etc.  New facilities are
being developed all the time.

Its highly 'proximal' user interface makes it supremely easy to draw
your knowledge and alter it at will, as new factors come to mind.
(Even the normally cumbersome process of shifting a link from one box
to another is a simple fluid movement.) Thus it is posible to
construct a large knowledge base that richly expresses your knowledge
- at the time it comes to mind.

Istar has a number of unique clutter-handling facilities.  (A large
knowledge base in a structured domain tends to become cluttered if
this is not managed.) Boxes can be moved around and links bent with
consummate ease, all the while maintaining the semantics of the
knowledge base.  Empty space can be opened up.


Istar was originally built to aid the INCA (Intelligent Contract
Authoring) research project, funded by the U.K.  Engineering and
Sciences Research Council (to whom we acknowledge thanks for funding,
as project GR/J 17982).  The research was carried out by the
Universities of Salford and Glamorgan, and allowed the participants to
explore new ways of authoring construction contracts from the
requirements of the parties involved, rather than from standard forms.

This required the facility to intelligently choose those clauses that
must be included in a contract, and then assemble them as text in a
contract.  Istar thus was designed with a *dynamic document
generation* facility integrated with its inference net.  Though not as
advanced as the main knowledge handling facilities, it still provides
a useful document generation facility.  Every time is run the
knowledge base is activated to produce a different document.

Once generated, the document can be exported in HTML - especially
useful for intelligent construction of Web pages, that are tailored to
the user.  The dynamic document facility is being developed.


Istar is *FREE*, available from Aminet.  Version 1.06 can be found in
dev/misc/Istar.lha.  Version 1.05 can be found in biz/misc/Istar.lha.
It is also available for downloading from the INCA Web page:

Istar comes with installation script and full documentation.  The
documentation not only tells you how to 'drive' Istar, but also how to
get good use out of it.  The documentation includes a set of small
tutorial sessions which introduce you to Istar's features and uses in
a progressive manner.  Three sample knowledge bases are included, to
evaluate shares, to show how various philosophers influenced each
other until the middle ages, and to show how many issues in artificial
intelligence are linked.

Istar is still under development.  You can guide the course of its
development by emailing Istar@basden.demon.co.uk.

Though currently in the public domain, Istar might be of interest to
commercial organisations, and future alternative development plans are
being drawn up.

Download Istar today, and try it out.  Have fun.

Dr. Andrew Basden,
Information Technology Institute,
University of Salford,
Salford, M5 4WT
    " I N T E R N A U T S "   A T   A M I G A   ' 9 7   S H O W 

28 February, 1997

InterNauts luncheon at Amiga '97

"Just who do you think you're talking to?"

Did you, as an Internet user, ever wonder who you were talking to at
the other end of the proverbial "line"?

If you're like most of us, you spend an amazing amount of time online.
You send tens, possibly even hundreds of messages to fellow Amigans
across the country, BUT!  Can you put a face to the name?  Now's your

World-Wide Amiga Online!  and the North Alabama Society of Amiga Users
(NASAU) are planning a round table discussion "lunch meeting" to take
place at the Amiga '97 show in St.  Louis.  It'll be a great way to
shake hands, make friends, and establish contacts with the people you
deal with online.  Poised for the start of the show, it's a great way
to make the show a better experience.  After all, what's a better way
to see the show than with a lot of friends?

Some of the Answers you'll need:

When?  :  
Saturday, March 15th, 1997 - 11:30 am until we get tired of
eating and talking!

Where? :
The Pavilion Restaurant in the Harley Hotel (where Amiga '97 is taking

Why? : 
Meeting your fellow Internet Amigans can help to solidify and
strengthen the friendship and cooperation between friends on the
Internet.  It will also allow you the opportunity to meet and exchange
ideas to some of today's premier Amiga webmasters and news makers,
such as Kevin Hisel of CUCUG and Wayne Hunt of World-Wide Amiga
Online!.  Come by and enjoy the team!

Cost? :
Unfortunately, there really isn't any such thing as a free lunch.
There's of course no entry fee into the Restaurant, I'm afraid the
crazy chef (you know, the big guy with the stainless steel meat
cleaver) still likes being paid...  The average lunches range from $
5.00 on up...

What we Need...
If you're interested in joining us or have any questions whatsoever,
please send an e-mail to Wayne Hunt (wayne@amiga.org) with your name,
number of guests, and e-mail address so he can let the Restaurant set
another place at the table...


     L O N D O N   T O   H O S T   W O R L D   O F   A M I G A 

The World Of Amiga Show Is Back Again


Following its spectacular success last year, The World Of Amiga
exhibition is coming back.

The two-day show will be held at the Novotel Exhibition Centre in
Hammersmith, London, on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th May.

All the latest developments in Amiga technology will be on display,
with major hardware and software launches anticipated from the leading
UK and German developers and manufacturers.

Admission prices are £8 for adults and £6 for children.

"After last year's smashing success which saw the re-birth of
confidence in the future of Amiga technology, The World Of Amiga 1997
is set to further enhance the machines' resurgence," said Peter
Brameld, head of show organiser PBA Events.

"With even more hardware and software developments this year than
last, there are lots more reasons for Amiga users to come along to
this unique showcase."

    R U M O R   -   Q U I K P A K   C A N ' T   D O   I T ? 


As of 21.2.97 news from the AMIGA PLUS (German AMIGA mag) say they
have heard that QuikPak can't get the money for the AMIGA!  And that
there were 10 bidders for the AMIGA techno.  At the moment Hembach is
in the USA to check the different bidders.  the date 28.2.97 for the
final buyout could be possible.

Who knows something about this rumors/news?

   R U M O R   -   N E W   A M I G A   A T   L O N D O N   S H O W 

On 20-Feb-97, Phil Ayres wrote:
Hi there,

Thought you all might like a few teasers on a new Amiga to be released

And no, its not the ABox!

Rough idea on specs as follows:

Full tower case.
7 x Zorro slots
PCI slots.
2 x video slots.
64 bit 3D graphics card - video in workbench capabilities.
060 processor, possibly with new "booster" card, accelerated beyond
capabilities of P200 Pro!!
1 Gig HD
22Mb RAM
8 x CD ROM drive.
16 bit stereo sound output.

World preview at the World of Amiga Show - UK, May 1997.

The price should be at most a 1000 ukp.  Phil Ayres writes that he
will be working with one within 4 weeks.  It is not Quikpack who is
the producer.  Unfortunately Phil will not reveal more.  Join the Pure
Amiga mailing list, to get the latest.

             A M I G A   C L I S P   A N N O U N C E D

Date: 26 Feb 1997 19:47:36 GMT


     Amiga-CLISP binary and source


     based on CLISP-1995-05-30 source


     Bruno Haible and Michael Stoll.
     Amiga-port by Joerg Hoehle <Joerg.Hoehle@gmd.de>


     CLISP is an implementation of Common Lisp.  Common Lisp is a
     convential programming language and an AI language.  It is
     interactive.  It has automatic garbage collection and can protect
     resources (e.g.  free them even in case a computation is aborted
     with an error).  Common Lisp programs are easy to test
     (interactive), easy to maintain (depending on programming style)
     and portable (there is a standard for the language and the
     library functions).

     CLISP needs just 2 MB of memory (it will allocate more for large
     applications) and implements 99% of the CLtL1 standard, as well
     as some extensions and a large part of the CLtL2 standard.  CLISP
     contains an interpreter and a compiler, CLOS, a small ARexx
     interface and a foreign function interface with which to call any
     function from almost any shared library.  CLISP is safe to use,
     for any integer, array, string etc. manipulation is checked: your
     application won't write past a string, overflow an integer or
     dereference a NULL pointer, generating Enforcer hits.


     Amiga foreign function interface (AFFI)
     CLtL2 logical pathnames
     CLtL2 LOOP macro
     SCREEN package for (K)CON: cursor control
     -wide version that works with VMM
     optimized -00 version for 68000 processors


     Since this release, Amiga-CLISP requires at least OS 2.04.


     Main CLISP site and it's Amiga subdirectory:

     The author's Amiga-CLISP Home Page and directory:

     In the dev/lang/ subdirectory of Aminet, for example:


     Amiga-CLISP is and has always been free software.


     Slightly modified GNU Public License

   Joerg Hoehle.
Joerg.Hoehle@gmd.de        hoehle@zeus.gmd.de
Author of Amiga-CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
Maintainer of fifolib, shared library and FIFO: DOS-handler

   F T P   O F F   -   C O M I N G   S O O N   F O R   A M I N E T 

28 January, 1997

FTPoff is an application that allow you to select aminet files offline
then download them next time you are online.

!!! Not available yet !!!


FTPoff has been developped to choose Aminet files offline.  That
permit users that pay for accessing the Internet to acces Aminet at
full speed.

Functions of FTPoff :

   o Select Aminet files offline then download them next time you are 
   o The user interface of FTPoff is MUI based. The windows can be 
     easyly resized
   o Easy install thanks to the Installer script

   o January 21, 1997

  1. Developpment of FTPoff is paused from now to Februar 16, 1997.
  2. Searching for Beta-testers.

     © Laurent Kempé 

              A M I B A S E   V 2 . 4   A N N O U N C E D 

Date : 24 Feb 1997 21:41:53 GMT


        AmigaBase V2.4


        Steffen Gutmann
        Langstr. 11
        D-79331 Teningen-Nimburg

        Email: gutmann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de


        AmigaBase is an easy to use programmable database
        with a graphical user interface.  Data can be stored
        in fields of type STRING, INTEGER, REAL, DATE, TIME,
        BOOLEAN, CHOICE (one item out of many items) and MEMO
        (multiline text).  Records are organized in a
        hierarchy, this allows an easy implementation of
        1:n relations, e.g. for managing music titles on
        different music cassettes, etc.

        By programming AmigaBase, the user has the ability
        to create custom print or import/export routines,
        or to recalculate some fields when changing the
        value of a field.  This gives high power to


        There are only few changes in AmigaBase V2.4.  
        The main work is now concentrated on finishing
        a new, relational, and MUI based database.

        o  New icon set.
        o  Some minor bug fixes.


        Harddisk and Workbench 2.1+ recommended.


        AmigaBase V2.4 can be found in the Aminet, e.g.



        AmigaBase is shareware. If you use it, you have to register
        as an AmigaBase user. The requested shareware fee is DM 70,--
        or US $50. On registration you will receive the latest version
        of AmigaBase along with the (English or German) user manual
        which contains about 100 DIN A4 pages and includes several 
        screen dumps.

        AmigaBase is (c) by Steffen Gutmann 1989-1997.


        Shareware fee is DM 70,-- or US $50.

Steffen Gutmann

           R O   F I L E   M A N A G E R   A V A I L A B L E 

Date : 21 Feb 1997 00:18:19 GMT






    Oliver Rummeyer
    Hochbergstrasse 49/1
    D-88213 Ravensburg




    RO is a Intuition-controlled, fully user-configurable
    file manager for OS 2.04 and newer. You can use RO to copy,
    move, rename or delete files, and you can perform a filetype
    sensitive action command (e.g. show pictures or texts, play
    sounds, etc with one single command button) on files via GUI.

    Some features are:

     o uses MUI
     o very small executable
     o highly configurable
     o user configurable filetypes
     o supports datatypes
     o supports XPK, PP and ARCHandler
     o path name completer
     o more than 50 internal commands
     o user menu support
     o hotkey & hotdir support
     o powerful arexx port
     o very fast directory and file operations
     o appicon launches progs for defined filetypes
     o english, french, german and swedish documentation & catalog
     o supports middle mouse button
     o nice preference program
     o dynamic listviews
     o drag & drop


    - Version 1.25 (20.2.97)

     o Requires MUI 3.6 or better.
     o Fixed a major bug.
     o Fixed some minor bugs.
     o Catalog files changed.
     o New internal Function LFOLD.
     o Other minor changes.


    RO requires Magic User Interface (MUI) version 3.6 or later.


    http://www.uni-ulm.de/~s_orumme/RO_v125.lha (346177 Bytes)

    RO is also available on Aminet, e.g.



    Shareware fee US$ 20 or 30,- DM 


    Shareware, RO 1.25 is (c) 1994-1997 by Oliver Rummeyer

Oliver Rummeyer

        P I O S   T O   S H O W   A T   C E B I T   ' 9 7 

PIOS at the CeBIT 97

PIOS Computer AG invites all interested people cordially to visit us
on CeBIT 97.  We will be present as guests on the PowerPC booth of


13th - 19th March 1997

Precise location:

Exhibition area (Messe) Hannover, Hall 12, Booth E24 (Motorola)

[CeBIT hall map]

Our main feature will be PIOS ONE
Amiga Update on the net:  some issues available at:
    http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
    http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text)
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1997 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   || bandr@globaldialog.com
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