940517 Samsung {This line added when newsletter was archived.}
 Royan found this on GEnie last night. Please check my notes which are after 
this posting:

                        M  I  C  R  O  T  E  C  H
          ___       ___        ___   __     ________       ___
         /   \     |   \      /   | |  |   / ______ |     /   \
        / /\  \    |    \    /    | |  |  / /      \|    / /\  \
       / /  \  \   | |\  \  / /|  | |  | / /      _     / /  \  \
      / /    \  \  | | \  \/ / |  | |  | \ \     | |   / /    \  \
     / /_____ \  \ | |  \   /  |  | |  |  \ \____| |  / /____  \  \
    / /------  \__\|_|   \_/   |__| |__|   \_______| /_/------  \  \
   / /                         ____________                      \  \
  / /                  ========            ========               \  \ TM
 / /         ==========           B  B  S           ==========     \  \
/============         19.2K/2400/1200 (708) 851-3929          =========\

                    Chicagoland's largest Amiga Dealer!

          19,200-2400-1200 BAUD SUPPORT, 2 Lines, 24 hrs, 7 DAYS,
                               ___    ___    ___
                     WITH  |  |   |  |   |  |   |
                           |  |___|  |   |  |   |   MEGS storage!
4800+ files online!        |  |   |  |   |  |   |
Fred Fish on CD-ROM!       |  |___|  |___|  |___|  

It's now  Sat  7-May-1994 10:25p

News Bulletin: Amiga Continues!
(Fri  6-May-1994  5:33p)

Here is the latest news from our COMMODORE REPRESENTATIVE (not BBS or the usual
rumour mill):

As of 4:00PM Friday, May 6, Commodore was purchased by Samsung, who has every
intention of continuing the Amiga line of hardware as we have all hoped.
The Amiga will survive! Press releases with more details will probably appear
in the next few days.

The separate division of Commodore which manufactures CD-32 has been purchased
by Philips. It is not known at this time if Philips will continue CD-32
production at all, or if the CD-32 technology will simply be absorbed into
their own CDI product line. Again, time will tell.

Personally, I expect CD-32 to simply vanish, and the Philips CDI machine will
suddenly get more powerful.....
Stay tuned... As we hear OFFICIAL announcements, we'll post them.

Note that the date of posting is May 7th and there have been no press 
releases that we know of, so take it for what it's worth. On the other hand,
this did make it past the GEnie posting screeners, so they must have some
idea that the writer is trustworthy. As I've been saying, don't hold your 
breath but don't sell your Amiga just yet either.