Short: PPM to Videotex (Teletext/Viewdata)
Author: (Chris Young)
Uploader: chris unsatisfactorysoftware co uk
Type: gfx/pbm
Version: 1.3
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 ; m68k-amigaos
AppName: ppmtovtx
FileName: ppmtovtx.lha
SDKVersion: 1.1,1.2
Publisher: Unsatisfactory Software
ppmtovtx converts pictures into Videotex (CEPT-3) format. The Videotex format
is shared with Teletext (Level 1) services such as Ceefax, and Viewdata
services such as Prestel or Minitel.
A Videotex frame is made up of 24 rows of 40 characters. These characters can
be either printable ASCII characters, mosaic graphics or formatting commands.
The format allows for 8 colours including black, and a graphics resolution of
80x72. Typically the first row on a Videotex service is a header row showing
the page number and service name, so the actual useable height is reduced to
23 rows, or 69 mosaic pixels.
ppmtovtx expects binary PPM files with a width of 80 pixels. The height can
be anything up to 72 pixels, and should be divisible by three. The behaviour
of the program in other cases is undocumented. The usual height would be 69
pixels, which gives 23 rows of Videotex data. You can scale pictures to this
size using the following command:
pnmscale -xsize 80 -ysize 69 picture.ppm >scaledpicture.ppm
Where "picture.ppm" is the name of the original file, and "scaledpicture.ppm"
is the destination (NB: the ">" is required). pnmscale and tools to convert
to and from PPM format files are available in the NetPBM package. (NetPBM is
available from and an Amiga port is on Aminet)
You can then convert this into a Videotex frame using:
ppmtovtx scaledpicture.ppm scaledpicture.bin
Where "scaledpicture.ppm" is the input file, and "scaledpicture.bin" is the
output file in raw data format.
There are more options for ppmtocept3: