Short:        Wildfire7PPC - wf7_PicManager FX Snapshot
Author:       Andreas Maschke (WK-Artworks)
Uploader:     eksec eure de (Andreas Kuessner)
Type:         gfx/edit
Architecture: generic


Welcome to this example image of Wildfire`s soon coming picture manager.
This picture manager will be an add-on for Wildfire7PPC and will be
released later this year.

Visit us at the Computer`98 in Cologne at the Amiga and Oberland booth,
where Wildfire7PPC will be released!

Wildfire7 Demo files:

biz/demo/Wildfire7_Demo.lha   ... Main files of the Demoversion

biz/demo/Wildfire7_PPC.lha    ... additional PPC files for PPC+68K, main
                                  files needed!

biz/demo/Wildfire7_3D.lha     ... additional 3D operators, main files

biz/demo/Wildfire7_3DF.lha    ... additional 3D Text Operator, main files


/*                                                                       */
/*                Wildfire7PPC - ©1995-98 WK-Artworks                   */
/*                                                                       */

1. Introduction

Wildfire7PPC is the successor of Wildfire5PPC. There are lots
of new features - some of them are unique - but the important
thing to mention here is that Wildfire7PPC is totally easy to
understand to anyone and user-friendly !
But it's not just an old program with a new GUI - we have
completely rewritten almost any part of it.

Some of the features are:
 *easy to use MUI-Interface with lots of previews
  and extensive drag&drop operations
 *powerful Converter (MPEG/QT/AVI/YAFA/IFF/Image-Sequences)
 *linear and nonlinear effects system
 *real 3D-effects (including lightsourcing, phong-shading,
  transparency, alpha-rendering)
 *more than 120 PlugIns
 *direct support for PPC and CyberGraphX

The only restrictions of the demo version are:
 *saving of any images/animations isn't possible
 *loading of QT/AVI animations isn't supported for copyright reasons

You will simply love it!

2. Contact/Sending bug reports
For serious bug reports or technical questions directly contact
the developer Andreas Maschke at "".

All other request please contact the Wildfire project manager
at ""