Short: 30 Convolutions for PerfectPaint (24bits version) Author: Halvadjian Georges Uploader: gothic fr free fr (Halvadjian Georges) Type: gfx/edit Version: 1.2 Requires: OS 3.0, Minimum 68030 + FPU, Graphics card recommended Architecture: m68k-amigaos WebPage: HTTP:// INSTALLATION: ------------ You have to install first PerfectPaint V1.2 (PfPaint.lha), then copy then entire "Convolutions" drawer in "PerfectPaint" drawer. AVAILABLE: --------- [Art]ColorArt [Art]CrossHatch [Art]DeepPress [Art]East [Art]Jiggle [Art]Sparks [Art]Texture [Blur]Blurx3 [Blur]Blurx5 [Blur]Gaussian [Blur]Gaussian-High [Blur]Gaussian-Low [Emboss]0-Low [Emboss]1-High [Emboss]2-Ultra [Emboss]Relief [LineArt]ColourLine [LineArt]EdgeDetect [LineArt]Fragment [LineArt]Fragment_Color [LineArt]Laplace [LineArt]Line_Art [Photo]Negative [Photo]Night [Photo]SurExposed [Sharpen]0-Low1 [Sharpen]1-Low2 [Sharpen]2-Medium [Sharpen]3-High [Sharpen]4-Ultra French Doc can be found in Aminet: PfPaint_FRA.lha English Doc can be found in Aminet: PfPaint_ENG.lha Some features of PerfectPaint: ------------------------------ Drawing in 1-24 Bits Antialiasing Spare page Stencil Multiple-level undo Symmetry Text with antialiasing, bevel and outline,Rotation,Animation ... Different types of pen Animation Real-time zooming Arexx Several effects *Colour: - Shade - Light - Transluency - Inverse color - False color - grey - Treshold - Airbrush - Spray *Wrap: - Texture - Brush - spare - Cloud - Gradient *Distortion: - Displace - Fish eye lens - FlipX - FlipY - Fractal - Ripple - Rotate - Sin - Straw - Twirl - Wave *Convolution *Other: - Pick brush - Shadow - Grain .......