Short: Atari images converter Author: Piotr Fusik, Adrian Matoga et al., Morphos port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni Uploader: lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Type: gfx/conv Version: 1.3.0 Architecture: ppc-morphos FAIL - First Atari Image Library FAIL is a portable viewer of several Atari 8-bit, Atari ST and Atari Portfolio picture formats. Currently the project consists of: o fail2png - portable command-line converter to PNG files o FAILWin - viewer for Windows o thumbnail providers for Windows Explorer (Vista and newer) and GNOME o plugin for XnView o (de)coder for ImageMagick Supported file formats Atari 8-bit 256, AP2 80x96, 256 colors. 4MI "AtariTools-800" 4 mono missiles 2x240 each. 4PL "AtariTools-800" 4 mono players 8x240 each. 4PM "AtariTools-800" 4 mono players 8x240 each plus 4 mono missiles 2x240 each. AGP "AtariTools-800" graphic. ALL "Graph", 160x192, 5 colors. AP3, APV, DGP, ESC, ILC, PZM "DigiPaint" / "EscalPaint", 80x192, 256 colors, interlaced. APC, PLM "Any Point, Any Color" / "Plama 256", 80x96, 256 colors. APL "Atari Player Editor", up to 16 16x48 frames, 4 colors. APP 80x192, 256 colors, interlaced, compressed. ART "Ascii-Art Editor", up to 64x24 characters, mono. ART "Artist" by David Eaton, 160x80, 4 colors. BG9, G09 160x192, 16-level grayscale. BKG "Movie Maker" background, 160x96, 4 colors. CCI "Champions' Interlace", 160x192, compressed. CHR "Blazing Paddles" font, mono. CIN "Champions' Interlace", 160x192 or 160x200. CPR "Trzmiel", 320x192, mono, compressed. DLM "Dir Logo Maker", 11x16 characters, mono. DRG "Atari CAD", 320x160, mono. FNT Standard 8x8 font, mono. FWA "Fun with Art", 160x192, 128 colors. G10 "Graphics 10", up to 80x240, 9 colors. G11 "Graphics 11", up to 80x240, 16 colors. GHG "Gephard Hires Graphics", up to 320x200, mono. GR7 "Graphics 7", up to 160x120, 4 colors. GR8 "Graphics 8", up to 320x240, mono. GR9 "Graphics 9", up to 80x240, 16-level grayscale. HIP "Hard Interlace Picture", 160x200, grayscale. HR 256x239, 3 colors, interlaced. HR2 320x200, 5 colors, interlaced. IGE "Interlace Graphics Editor", 128x96, 16 colors, interlaced. ING "ING 15", 160x200, 7 colors, interlaced. INP 160x200, 7 colors, interlaced. INT "INT95a", up to 160x239, 16 colors, interlaced. IST "Interlace Studio", 160x200, interlaced. JGP "Jet Graphics Planner", 8x16 tiles, 4 colors. MAX "XL-Paint MAX", 160x192, interlaced, compressed. MBG "Mad Designer", 512x256, mono. MCH "Graph2Font", up to 176x240, 128 colors. MCP "McPainter", 160x200, 16 colors, interlaced. MGP "Magic Painter", 160x96, 4 colors with optional rainbow effect. MIC "Micro Illustrator" / "Graphics 15" / "AtariGraphics", up to 160x240, 4 colors. MIS "AtariTools-800" missile, 2x240, mono. PIC "Koala MicroIllustrator", 160x192, 4 colors, compressed. PLA "AtariTools-800" player, 8x240, mono. RAW "XL-Paint MAX", 160x192, 16 colors, interlaced. RGB "ColorViewSquash", up to 160x192, three-frame interlace. RIP "Rocky Interlace Picture", up to 320x239. RM0 "Rambrandt", 160x96, 99 colors. RM1 "Rambrandt", 80x192, 256 colors. RM2 "Rambrandt", 80x192, 104 colors. RM3 "Rambrandt", 80x192, 128 colors. RM4 "Rambrandt", 160x192, 99 colors. SGE "Semi-Graphic logos Editor", 40x24 characters, mono. SHC "SAMAR Hi-res Interlace with Map of Colours", 320x192, interlaced. SHP "Blazing Paddles" shape table, mono. SHP "Movie Maker" shapes, 160x96, 4 colors. SPC "The Graphics Magician Picture Painter", 160x192, 128 colors. SXS 16x16 font, mono. TIP "Taquart Interlace Picture", up to 160x119. WND "Blazing Paddles" window, up to 160x192, 4 colors. XLP "XL-Paint", 160x192 or 160x200, 7 colors, interlaced, compressed. Note Artist, AtariGraphics, Magic Painter and Rambrandt had no default extensions, so I made them up. Documentation for Rambrandt suggests RM0-RM4 for the compressed files, I also use them for the raw format. Atari ST ART "Art Director", 320x200, 16 colors, compressed. CA1 "CrackArt", 320x200, 16 colors, compressed. CA2 "CrackArt", 640x200, 4 colors, compressed. CA3 "CrackArt", 640x400, mono, compressed. DOO "Doodle", 640x400, mono. NEO "NEOchrome". PAC "STAD", 640x400, mono, compressed. PC1 "DEGAS Elite", 320x200, 16 colors, compressed. PC2 "DEGAS Elite", 640x200, 4 colors, compressed. PC3 "DEGAS Elite", 640x400, mono, compressed. PI1 "DEGAS", up to 320x280, 16 colors. PI2 "DEGAS", 640x200, 4 colors. PI3 "DEGAS", 640x400, mono. SPC "Spectrum 512", 320x199, 512 colors, compressed. SPU "Spectrum 512", 320x199, 512 colors. TNY "Tiny Stuff", compressed. TN1 "Tiny Stuff", 320x200, 16 colors, compressed. TN2 "Tiny Stuff", 640x200, 4 colors, compressed. TN3 "Tiny Stuff", 640x400, mono, compressed. Atari Portfolio PGC 240x64, mono, compressed. PGF 240x64, mono. You can find some sample files in Feedback If you are interested in the FAIL project, please subscribe its mailing list. This list is for users and developers. Once you subscribe, you can post comments, ideas and questions about FAIL. Use tracker to submit bug reports, feature requests and small code patches. History FAIL 1.3.0 (2012-07-23) Added Atari ST formats: DEGAS (PI1, PI2, PI3), DEGAS Elite (PC1, PC2, PC3), NEOchrome (NEO), Spectrum 512 (SPU, SPC), Tiny Stuff (TNY, TN1, TN2, TN3), STAD (PAC), CrackArt (CA1, CA2, CA3), Doodle (DOO), Art Director (ART). Added Atari Portfolio formats (PGF, PGC). More Atari 8-bit formats: Atari Player Editor (APL), Artist (ART), Ascii-Art Editor (ART), Atari CAD (DRG), AtariTools-800 (AGP, PLA, MIS, 4PL, 4MI, 4PM), ING 15 (ING), Lepix dialect of CIN, raw images (GR7, G10, G11). Fixed non-interlaced RIP modes. FAILWin extended with "First/Last file in directory", "Skip files on error". Narrow pictures were cropped in FAILWin. FAIL 1.2.0 (2011-12-16) Added decoding of ColorViewSquash (RGB), Blazing Paddles (CHR, SHP, WND), Magic Painter (MGP), Mad Designer (MBG), AtariGraphics (MIC), Fun with Art (FWA), Rambrandt (RM0, RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4), XL-Paint (XLP), XL-Paint MAX (MAX), SHIMC (SHC), Graph (ALL), APP View (APP), Semi-Graphic logos Editor (SGE), Dir Logo Maker (DLM), Movie Maker (BKG, SHP), BG9, G09, The Graphics Magician Picture Painter (SPC). Improved decoding of all RAW and MIC, some RIP and FNT files. Added APV extension for the AP3 format. Created GNOME thumbnailer (for Linux file browser Nautilus). You may drag&drop files to the FAILWin window. GR8 wasn’t registered in ImageMagick. FAIL 1.1.0 (2011-04-18) Fixed decoding of ILC, AP3, RIP, PIC, CPR, HIP and CIN. Added support for MCH, IGE, 256, AP2, JGP, DGP, ESC, PZM, IST and RAW. Created Windows thumbnail provider. Fixed user interface issues in FAILWin. Fixed compilation errors with the new libpng. Updated installation for new ImageMagick. Moved source code from SVN to Git. FAIL 1.0.1 (2010-08-25) Windows setup has been created. A coder for ImageMagick has been created. MCP, GHG and HR2 formats are supported. Build process has been improved. FAIL 1.0.0 (2009-08-25) Initial release. Authors Piotr Fusik Idea, programming. Adrian Matoga Programming. Pawel Szewczyk FAILWin icon, testing. Peter Dell Testing. Slawomir Sledz Testing. Monika Wesolowska Testing. Last updated 2012-07-23 06:17:45