Short: Converter from BMP to TMS9928 format Author: @nanochess (Óscar Toledo G.) Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: gfx/conv Version: 2.4 Architecture: ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos TMSColor: Converter from BMP to TMS9928 format 2.4 Sep/25/2024 by Oscar Toledo G. Usage: tmscolor [options] image.bmp image.asm [label] Creates image for use with assembler code -b Generates CVBasic source code. -n Removes CVBasic stub code for displaying. -z Output file is compressed with Pletter. -s Process tiles in chunks of 16 pixels high (sprites). -sb Same as above but generates BITMAP statements. -t Generates minimum of tiles required. -t1 Same but starting at tile 1 (0-255). -e45d2 Replaces color 4 with 5 and d with 2 before processing. -fx Flip image along the X-coordinate (mirror) -fy Flip image along the Y-coordinate -i Generates BITMAP statements instead of DATA -i2 Generates BITMAP statements using X and . -m Generates magic sprites for areas with more than 2 colors -p1 Searches best color combination for photo (slow) -p2 Searches best color combination for photo (2x2 dither) (slow) -o result.bmp Outputs the final image, plus highlight of errors (if any). -d Direct copy of binary input file to output (can compress). Useful for getting binary data in ASM or CVBasic code. Best photo conversion is generated by this command line: tmscolor -p2 photo.bmp photo.bin Photos will look better if the contrast is good. Magic sprites will work only with an image of 256x192 pixels. Thanks to LeandroCorreia for ideas of color conversion.