Short: BUG FIX! ArtEffect 2.6 - Deutsch locale 26.4 Author: Haage & Partner Computer Uploader: m steigerwald haage-partner com (Martin Steigerwald) Type: gfx/arteff Version: 2.6 Requires: ArtEffect 2.6 Architecture: generic Distribution: AmiNet When using the text tool with one of the last four modes ArtEffect would crash cause there have been too many modes for the text tool in the german translation. __________________________________________________________________________ HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH A M I G A DEVELOPMENTS Schlossborner Weg 7, 61479 Glashuetten, Germany AmigaOS and PowerPC Fon: +49-6174-96 61 -00 Fax: -01 StormC|ArtEffect|AmigaWriter __________________________________________________________________________ >> INFORMATION: <<