Short: classic, some 49 year old puzzle game Author: ( (c) 2021, Giovanni Iacobelli Uploader: Giovanni Iacobelli Type: game/wb Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Klassisches, 50 Jahre altes Puzzlespiel GiocoDel15 v1.0 (c) 2021, Giovanni Iacobelli INTRODUCTION GiocoDel15 is a classic puzzle game from about 50 years ago. It consists of a table of 4 columns and 4 rows where 15 boxes numbered progressively from 1 to 15 and an empty box are positioned. The object of the game is to rearrange the boxes after shuffling them randomly. USE To launch it, just double click on its icon. The game was written in C ++ and requires no installation. The game, once launched, will open a window. In it there are some buttons: INFO will display a small window on the video where information about the program and the author will be displayed. START The boxes will be shuffled. After pressing this button, the game will start. EXIT will get us out of the program. Confirmation will be requested. DISTRIBUTION The Game is FREEWARE. So it can be freely distributed for free. It may be freely distributed on the net or in collections of P.D. and Shareware on CD-Rom. Please distribute the program together with all other files included in the package. NO WARRANTY ... The author assumes no responsibility for the damage that the program or its use could cause: EACH ONE USES THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! Furthermore, the author does not guarantee the perfect functioning of the program. REQUIREMENTS GiocoDel15 runs on Workbench 3.x CONTACTS Anyone who wants to get in touch with the author can do so at the email address mentioned at the head of this documentation. We welcome reports of program anomalies or malfunctions, comments, suggestions, etc. Please specify the Amiga model used and the OS version.