Short: multi-player puzzle game Author: Adam D'Angelo, 68k compile by uploader Uploader: lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo) Type: game/think Version: 0.5 Requires: FPU Architecture: m68k-amigaos See the following URL for SDL requirements:- StormMesa is optional:- Remove "--no3d" from the startup to activate StormMesa. xp3000/Amithlon does not appear to be fast enough for StormMesa. Mures is a cross-platform clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket" written using C. It has been tested on Linux and Windows, but should work on other 32-bit platforms. Controls -------- Press enter to start the game, press P to pause, and Q to quit. Print screen saves a screenshot to the shot.bmp in the current directory. Press escape to return to the menu from the middle of a game. F1 restarts the current game. This is useful in puzzle mode. Player 1: Use the mouse to target, and click and drag in the desired direction to place an arrow. If a joystick is detected, it may also be used by player 1. Player 2: Use the arrow keys to target, and the number keypad to place arrows. Player 3: Use A,W,S,D to target and I,J,K,L to place arrows. Multiplayer ------------ Multiplayer (multi-computer) support is currently experimental and only enjoy-able over links without packet loss. To start a server, run the game and select Server. Put in less than four players. The game will not start until it fills up. To run a client, use -c hostname, where hostname is the host name of the server. Once the game fills up, the server will automatically start it, but if you wish to play with less than four players, the person running the server may press enter to start it. If you're looking for others to play with, try #mures on Feeling bored ? :) Why not check out this URL ?