Short: *Hit Tiles 2 - Special Edition* by HIT MAN (v1.0) Author: Luca "HIT MAN" Ciccotelli ( Uploader: Massimo "MAXIME" Marino (maxime webzone it) Type: game/think Version: 1.0 Replaces: HitTiles*.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos /\ /\ / \ / \ ____________________ / \/ \ ____________________ \___________________\\ //___________________/ ___ \\\ /// _ /`'\ /> <_ _> \\\ /// /\/\ /­\ /\/> START To play the game. | |->OPTIONS To chose your best configuration, and in particular. | | | |->MAIN MENU To come back to MAIN MENU. | | | |->RANDOM GAME SCHEMES To play with a random levels scheme every time | | you start the game. | | | |->HELP ON/OFF To enable/disable use of the help-mode in the game. | | With HELP ON you will have 3 available help for | | each level but a lower bonus score at the end of | | the game. | | | |->TIME ON/OFF To enable/disable the time-limit in the game. With | | TIME ON you will achieve higher scores. | | | |->SOUND ON/OFF To enable/disable the sound in game. | | | |->MUSIC ON/OFF To enable/disable the music in game. | | | |->LOAD TILES To load up to 1000 new set of tiles. | | On ECS machines will be showed only the ECS set of | | tiles. | | | `->SCREEN SETUP To obtain the best view of the game screen. | |->ABOUT Some infos about the authors. | |->HIGH-SCORES Display the high-scores screen. | `->QUIT Quit the game and (in registered version) save the High-scores and the setup (if changed), then don't reset during the game!!! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Minimum configuration: Kickstart 1.3, 512K of FAST memory, 512K of CHIP memory (I have not tried the game on kickstart 1.2, but I think that it works certainly) Memory needed on ECS machines: Minimum: about 373K of CHIP and about 281K of FAST With about 669K of CHIP and 281K of FAST or about 950K of CHIP, no loading in game (but in case you play the game from a disk, do not remove it from the drive!) Memory needed on AGA machines: Minimum: about 435K of CHIP and about 281K of FAST With about 747K of CHIP and 281K of FAST or about 1028K of CHIP, no loading in game (but in case you play the game from a disk, do not remove it from the drive!) INSTALLATION ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Double-click on the icon named "HitTiles2SE_Installer" LIST OF FILES ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HIT TILES 2 SPECIAL EDITION must be distributed with all the following files: HitTiles2SE (Main program) IffToTiles (Convert IFF pictures to tiles. See his DOC) HitTiles2SE_Installer (Installer) HighScore.HT2SE SetupAGA.HT2SE SetupECS.HT2SE DOCS/ (Documents) HitTiles2SE.doc IffToTiles.doc CollaboratorsSearching IMPORTANT GFX/ (Graphic) Menu Pannelli 8ColoursIcons/ MUSIC/ (Modules) HT2SE HT2SE01 HT2SE02 HT2SE03 SFX/ (Sounds) 01.sfx 02.sfx 03.sfx 04.sfx 05.sfx 06.sfx 07.sfx TILES/ Default.tiles (Default tiles) Default.tiles.aut (Name of author) Default.tiles.pal (Palette of tiles) 8BitGames.tiles (Some tiles set) 8BitGames.tiles.aut 8BitGames.tiles.pal Classic.tiles Classic.tiles.aut Classic.tiles.pal TextureAGA.tiles (AGA tiles set) TextureAGA.tiles.aut TextureAGA.tiles.pal TilesPics/ (Not necessary for the use of the game) EMPTY_AGA.pic (See IffToTiles.doc) EMPTY_ECS.pic HitTiles2SEdefault.pic