Short: A quiz game written in C Author: (tech) Uploader: christopher nelling de (Christopher Nelling) Type: game/misc Architecture: ppc-morphos MorphOS Port by Christopher Nelling XQuiz is a quiz game written in C. It reads the questions from a question database, and supports more than one answer per question. It saves your score and the current score and support mutiple langu ages. What features does xQuiz have? Remember xQuiz is still under developement. - XQuiz reads the questions and answers from a plain text file. - XQuiz can have more than one answer per question. - XQuiz saves your score. - XQuiz saves the current question and continues when you start the program. - XQuiz will compile on Windows (NOTE: Download the .zip if you want to compile on Windows). - XQuiz will compile on most Unix like systems and Windows. - XQuiz does not need X (Yes it will work on DOS too). (feature or not:P) - XQuiz has support for multiple languages. (see README file)