Short:        A high quality shapes puzzle game
Author:       Ryan Lloyd
Uploader:     Ryan Lloyd <rmlloyd mac com>
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

The idea of PoPuP is get all the shapes into the holes as fast as
possible!! When the timer runs out or you have put all the shapes into the
the holes, the shapes will all 'PoPuP'!! The mouse is used to pick up the
shapes and then drop them into the holes. 

The game features:

* 3 different levels

* 3 different timer limits for all 3 level

* full speech

* 4 Different music tracks with some rap thrown in for good measure

* 256 Colour graphics

* In game Instructions

System Requirments

PoPuP is AGA only requires 1.7MB of hard drive space to be installed. It
runs better with some fast mem but will still run with chip mem. It also
requires a mouse for play.

Why not download?

Why not download the game and give it a try? And if you like it, then I
would love to hear from you!

Good luck, and if you do download the game, I hope you enjoy it! %)

SLY 1998 %) - AKA WhereAreU (ChatNet) AKA ^^SLy (Dalnet)

[ Note from Aminet admin, 2024-05-24: contact mail address updated (as ]
[ requested by the uploader)                                           ]