DOSã=spCú>p%N®ýØJ€g "@é"N®þbCúN®ÿ J€g @ hpNupÿNudos.libraryexpansion.library¶*è§âv‡ Wem das Spiel trotz dieser Hinweise immer noch zu schwer ist, der kann sich ja mit den folgende Cheats das Leben erleichtern: Dazu im Simulator die Tasten Shift, Alt und Control gleichzeitig gedrückt halten und den Code eingeben: CIA Unbegrenzte Munition COLDMISER Keine Hitzeüberprüfung FLYGIRL Mech bekommt Sprungdüsen MIGHTYMOUSE Unbegrenzter Sprungdüsentreibstoff BLORB Unverwundbarkeit DORCS Treffen mit den Programmierern GANKEM Zerstören des a¶+èLÿ²þnvisierten Mechs ICANTHACKIT Erfolgreiches Beenden der Mission HANGAROUND Nach Gelingen oder Fehlschlagen der Mission kehrt man nicht sofort zur Shell zurück TINKERBELL In der Aussenansicht macht die Kamera frei beweglich ENOLAGAY Große Explosion XRAY Durch Berge sehen Wer bei den Trials of Grievance seinen MechKrieger "Enzo" tauft (im Star Configure - Bildschirm), kann auch mal in einer Tarantula, einem BattleMaster IIC oder gar als Elementar in den Ka¶,è~Cÿvmpf ziehen. Um allerdings den BattleMaster zum Laufen zu bekommen, muß in der Datei MW2SHELL.EXE an einer Stelle gepatcht werden, da sich ein simpler Tippfehler eingeschlichen hat: Dazu einfach mit einem Diskeditor nach "btllmstr" suchen und durch "bttlmstr" ersetzen, dann steht dem Einsatz des neuen Mechs nichts mehr im Wege. Durch die Eingabe von FREEBIRTHTOAD als Name des MechKriegers bei den Clanmissionen erhält man im jeweiligen Ready-Room eine Auswahl ¶-25±Òœaller Missionen angeboten ! Martin Müller aufen zu bekommen, muß in der Datei MW2SHELL.EXE an einer Stelle gepatcht werden, da sich ein simpler Tippfehler eingeschlichen hat: Dazu einfach mit einem Diskeditor nach "btllmstr" suchen und durch "bttlmstr" ersetzen, dann steht dem Einsatz des neuen Mechs nichts mehr im Wege. Durch die Eingabe von FREEBIRTHTOAD als Name des MechKriegers bei den Clanmissionen erhält man im jeweiligen Ready-Room eine Auswahl  ý͘ « 21pÿÿÿýè3#ËThe Orion Conspiracy KOMPLETTLÖSUNG Nach dem Empfang und der Beerdigung, befindet man auf seinem Zimmer und erhält einen Brief. Man unterhält sich mit allen Personen, aber zuerst mit LaPaz. Dann unterhält man sich mit Kaufmann auf Ebene B3, den man im Gang trifft. Dann zu Ebene B2: dort spricht man mit Brooks; man muß sie zu einem Basketballmatch sie herrausfordern. Auf Ebene B2 geht man in den Gartenraum 1 und nimmt aus dem Schuppen den Seitenschneè ¤rNider. Dann weiter mit der Bahn. Man spricht mit Kapitän Clifford. Dann zum Maschinenraum 1 und dort den Feuerlöscher an- und den Schraubenschlüssel aufheben. Jetzt spricht man mit Meyer. Dann geht man zur Kommandobrücke, spricht mit Lowe und Kapitän Shannon. Jetzt begibt man sich zu Dr. Chu im Arztraum 2 und spricht mit ihr. Nun zum Laborraum 1 und 2, wo man mit allen vier Personen spricht. Im Laborraum 1 erfährt man von Bernard, daß im All eine 3-Megawaè ¹‰n^tt-Spur entdeckt worden ist. Nun zum Trainingsraum und den Expander mitnehmen, dann den mittleren Spind öffnen. Dort sind Sachen von Brooks zu finden. Die Jacke nehmen und durchsuchen, anschließend die Jacke wieder zurücklegen und eine Karte aus dem Spind nehmen: jetzt hat man zwei Karten. Nun zur Bar und mit allen drei Personen sprechen. Jetzt geht man zum Fahrstuhl U2, den man mit Brooks Karte benutzten kann. Von dort geht man zum Shuttle und benutzt dè ô„Þmie Paßkarte mit dem Navigationscomputer; dann löscht man alles. Jetzt zum Lagerraum und dort das Schweißgerät und die Liste mitnehmen. Die Liste lesen. In Höhle 2 die Lampe nehmen und in Höhle 3 den Hammer. Nun zur Höhle 1 und die Lampe vor das Rattenloch stellen. Jetzt die Ratte mit dem Feuerlöscher einfrieren und mitnehmen. Die Lampe nicht vergessen. Nun zum Basketballraum. Dort das Netz abschneiden und mitnehmen. Nun geht man zu Meyer im Maschineè ÈÜî‰nraum. Dort erfährt man von Meyer, daß die 3-Megawatt-Spur von einer Lähm-Bombe stammt. Jetzt zu Rowland im Labor und mit ihm sprechen. Rowland möchte einen Blaubeerkuchen. In die Bar gehen, denn dort liegt jetzt eine Brechstange, die man mitnehmen sollte. Dann geht man zur Küche, wo man mit Chandra spricht und sich auf seine Suppe einläßt. Man verläßt die Ebene und kehrt dann zurück zum Essensraum, wo dann die Suppe steht. Man legt die Ratte in die Suppè QGN´e. Jetzt in die Küche und mit Chandra spechen. Dann zurück in die Küche und den Blaubeerkuchen mitnehmen. Jetzt zu Rowlands Quartier und ihm den Kuchen geben. Nun zu Raman im Labor 2 und mit ihr reden.Vor der Kommandobrücke trifft man LaPaz: man spricht mit ihm, um die Liste zu bekommen. Dann die Liste anschauen und noch einmal mit LaPaz sprechen und dabei nach der Waffenkammer fragen. Jetzt wieder zu Rowlands Quartier und mit ihm reden. Von dort aus zumè!ˆ× Arztraum 2. Dr.Chu geht und man kann den medizinischen Computer benutzten. Man erfährt das LaPaz schwanger ist. Jetzt geht man zu LaPaz, die man vor der Kommandobrücke trifft und fragt sie zum Zugang von Dannys Sachen. Mit dem Schlüssel, den man bekommt, geht man zu Dannys Quartier und öffnet das rechte Regal. Im Regal findet man ein Container, den man nimmt und dann durchsucht. Man endeckt einige Briefe, die man untersucht, um eine Klammer zu bekommen.èͧ¿ Dann noch einmal durchsuchen und man findet ein Foto, das man sich ganz genau anschaut. Nach Kaufmanns Tod wird man als Verdächtiger eingesperrt. Man befindet sich jetzt im Isolierraum. Man nimmt das Teleskop und baut es auseinnander, um an die Linse heranzukommen. Das Essenspaket, das man bekommen hat, muß man untersuchen. Nun benutzt man die Linse mit dem Gitter und öffnest es dann. Jetzt schiebt man das Rohr aus der Bar auf den Luftauslaß und anschli èžUessend den auch Keks. Nach dem man draußen ist, trifft man am Fahrstuhl Gates. Nach der Unterhaltung geht man zur Transsportluftschleuse und schaut sich die Kokons an. Gates und Dr. Chu tauchen plötzlich auf. Dr.Chu verwandelt sich in ein Alien und Gates stirbt. Dann befindet man sich in Maschinenraum 2, wo man die Schalttafel benutzt. Nun das Kabel durchschneiden und anschliesend die Schalttafel noch einmal benutzen. Jetzt in Maschinenraum 1 gehen und di è­ Ϲe Kreatur ansprechen. Sie geht einem hinterher und bekommt einen Stromschlag, ist aber nicht Tod. Jetzt muß man die Treibstofftanks öffnen. Nachdem man draußen ist, trifft man Rowland der mit dem Transportermodul abhaut. Zum Fahrstuhl C2 gehen. Die Steuerung mit dem Brecheisen öffnen und den Expander dazwischen klemmen. Die Steuerung anschauen und dann vergrössern. Die Büroklammer mit dem Hammer verbiegen und mit der Steuerung benutzen. Nun kann man mit  èïÄ5dem Fahrstuhl zur Waffenkammer fahren. In der Waffenkammer angekommen, muß man die Konsole benutzen. Nach der Rauferei und einigen Gesprächen, sollte man den Spind öffnen und zwei Mal durchsuchen: man findet zwei Minen. Jetzt zum Shuttle und aus dem Spind den Schraubenschlüssel nehmen. Draußen im Flur trifft man LaPaz. Nach den ganzen Gesprächen muß man die beiden Türen verschweißen, die LaPaz einem zeigt. Nun geht man zu Meyer im Scoutraum. Nachdem alle èr0Qós erledigt ist, geht man zum Fahrstuhl A2 und von dort aus ins Mohagami-Labor. Dort die Flüssigkeit mitnehmen. Nun zu Brooks Leiche in Ebene B3 und sie durchsuchen. Jetzt zu Meyer beim Shuttle und ihm den Schaltkreis geben. Nun zur Kommandobrücke, denn dort trifft man LaPaz und Lowe. Von dort aus geht man zum Garten 3 und sieht eine Kreatur und tippt sie an. Nachdem man im Garten 2 ist, klebt man das Netz über den Ausgang und redet mit LaPaz. Nach einige ËDcí8r Zeit kommt die Kreatur und man schüttet die Flüssigkeit über sie. Dann befindet man sich im Shuttle bei Meyer. Jetzt geht man zur Kommandobrücke und betätigt den Selbstzerstörungsknopf; dann zurück zum Shuttle. Dort erfährt man, daß der Versuch fehlgeschlagen ist. Nun muß man wieder zurück zur Kommandobrücke und den Selbstzerstörungsknopf noch einmal drücken - aber diesmal die Mine anschliesend drauflegen! Reiner Novak edet mit LaPaz. Nach einige ýÍ—°! @ 22pÿÿÿýèã¿Ž How to Solve SEX VIXENS from Outer Space As if you really cared... This is not exactly a difficult game. The toughest parts are figuring out the exact wording that the program wants, which can be a bitch and a half. Cheating by viewing the SEXVIXEN.EXE file reveals most of the syntax. Anything in []'s is what you type (followed by a c/r...) Anyway, here we go... Starting off you see your space ship. The magic word is [SPACE]. Go [N]orth to your cè:DîÚontrol panel and just to get the magic message, [N]orth again to receive a very important message. Sit your butt [D]own and [BLAST] off for Fed Planet One. Now get back [U]p, and let's jam [S]outh, [S]outh and [S]outh yet again to get to the air-lock. [OPEN] the air-lock and go [S]outh to exit the Thruster. Go [E]ast to the car, and [GET IN]. No controls, but it wants your credit card so [GET CARD] out of your pocket and [INSERT CARD] into the slot. You automatically go cruiè[öÉ…sin' to the Pink Flamingo Hotel where you go [S]outh and [S]outh again to get to the hotel desk. As in real life, never pass up free money so [GET COIN] and now we gotta pay the robot. [GET CARD] from your pocket again and [GIVE CARD] to the robot. Go [W]est to the lift, and again, since you want to go up, [GET CARD] from your pocket and [INSERT CARD] into the lift device. You are in your room. Let's go to the bathroom first, so go [E]ast and ... instant woman capsules? Gotta gè¢ô et one of these. [GET COIN] out of your pocket (yeah, for such a studly dude, this guy goes digging around in his pockets a lot) and [INSERT COIN] into the machine. [GET CAPSULE], and who cares what that Sandie thinks. Go [W]est back to the bedroom, and [TURN ON COMPUTER]. What do we want? Why, Lila of course, so tell 'em to [SEND MAID] up to your room. She is, of course, impressed by you. Give her what she wants so get [D]own on the bed and [MAKE LOVE] with her. Yup, it's a dèÜqcXirty thankless job doing things this way, but someone has to do it. [ASK] her for some information about the Tribe and she will spill her guts to ya. Our job is finished here, so go [W]est, [S]outh, [S]outh, [U]p into the BT, and [N], [N], [N] to our control panel. Sit [D]own again and [BLAST] off for what's his face's space station. When you arrive, get [U]p, [S]outh three times to get to the air-lock, [OPEN] it, go [S]outh, [OPEN] the space station's airlock, and let's takeèàt¾A a look around. Go [W]est to the kitchen and [EAT CHERRY] since you're kind of hungry. We want to find the guy who runs the place so [E]ast and [S]outh and you see him. We want to [ASK] him about Mongo, but he won't tell you shit without something in return so [GET CAPSULE] from your pocket and [GIVE CAPSULE] to the horny bastard. He gives you the navagational code to the next place and like magic you're back at your controls. Sit [D]own and [BLAST] to Mongo. Get [U]p again,è5™¬ [S]outh three times to the air-lock, [OPEN], and step out [S]outh to take a look at Mongo. Yeah, very clever hills. Go any direction twice (let's say [N]orth, [N]orth) and, uh oh, it's the goon squad. A bunch of blue chicks wanna see what you're made of so [UNDRESS] for 'em. They toss you in prison with She-La who will help you escape, for a price. Get [D]own and with her and [FUCK SHE-LA]'s brains out. Exhausting, but you must go on so [ASK] her how to escape. You get booted è}Õ’down a shaft and end up in some sort of lab. Go [E]ast and, hey, lookie here, it's a Sex-Ray. [PRESS GREEN] button to turn that sucker on. [PRESS RED] to make it fuck up. Now go [W]est and [W]est again to where you got two of the amazon guards waiting there to capture you again. They take you to La-Lust, and maybe this shows up better on VGA, but she looks like a shapeless yellow blob with too much eyeliner. Still, screw up your courage and get [D]own onto her bed and [MAKE LOV èlDŠE] to her. Yeah, pretty impressive, but she wants to show you the Sex-Ray in action, so do anything at all really (like [N]orth). Ha, joke is on her. You wanna blow this fiesta before it destructs all around you, so [E]ast outta there. Whoops, looks like our only hope is one of those Sky Bikes so [RIDE BIKE] back to your ship, go [U]p into the Big Thruster. You're at the control panel. Sit [D]own a final time, and [BLAST] off that hellhole and you have won the game. Hit a dire èp*½ctional key to see your prize and then Ctrl-S if ya want to see the 'hey dude, you won' text. Lame, huh? Some other points of interest (and ways to die). First and formost, hit Ctrl-S when you enter a room or when something happens to see Sandie's reaction. Sometimes helpful, sometimes not. Blast off standing up. (Wonder how She-La survived at the end?) [KILL SANDIE]. Didn't need that bitch anyway. Alternately, [KISS] her at the control panel, [MAKE LOVE], [RUB TITS],  è |0¹ò[RUB SNATCH], [JACK], ya know, the usual sex stuff. You can also use this sort of stuff with the other ladies you encounter. Break their hearts... When you get [D]own with a woman, immediately get back [U]p. oooOOOOooo... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, eh? Piss of the guy in the space station... [EAT EGG] and die of food poisoning. [PICK UP EGG] or [PICK UP CHERRY] from the galley and watch him blow his top. Of course, if you're feeling a little light footed, [KIS è!ƒ íS] him. You can also make the mistake of going to [SLEEP] in the barracks or even in your own bed. If you don't [EAT CHERRY], you will die when you try and make love with She-La. You can also die if you try to do anything to the guards they don't like, such as running away, fighting 'em, or trying to grab anything belonging to LaLust that you shouldn't. You will also die if you forget to fix up the Sex-Ray. Did I bother playing through this solve to make sure that it worke `;I†´d exactly? Well, no, but it should be pretty close. Written by The Ghost Wind -- 6/20/89 ed. If you don't [EAT CHERRY], you will die when you try and make love with She-La. You can also die if you try to do anything to the guards they don't like, such as running away, fighting 'em, or trying to grab anything belonging to LaLust that you shouldn't. You will also die if you forget to fix up the Sex-Ray. Did I bother playing through this solve to make sure that it worke".#ýÍM{PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#WB 23pÿÿÿý"è$;=µjWelcome to Shadowgate, and particularly this walkthru. This walkthru is designed to ease you through whatever stumps you in Shadowgate. Keep in mind that this walkthru contains not just hints, but explicit directions as well. Don't come back unless you're absolutely stuck. Having said that, before we begin let me touch on three major issues in Shadowgate. First of all, you die often. Really often. (Even more than in Uninvited, for those who have played it.) Save a lot (but us"è%H¦·e the Save As command, otherwise you will overwrite your last save.) The next issue is light. This game takes place well before Edison, so to see where you're going you'll need a flaming torch. However, each torch has a limited life. Torches are stuck in the walls of most of the rooms, and you can pick them up and bring them with you, but you can't carry ALL of them, so knowing where another torch can be found is crucial. Also note that a torch will flicker m"è&Ìï1iomentarily 6 turns before going out (except the torch you start out with, which only lasts about ten turns), so when you get the flicker, light another torch. The last issue is secret doors. Not all entrances in this game are apparent, or even shown in the Exits window. Sometimes a passage is hidden in a scene, or moving a loose brick will uncover a hidden passage. Keep your eyes out for them. Okay, let's go! Here we are, at the entrance to Castle Shadowgate. But befor"è'²´me you open the door, take a look at that skull. Well, there's no welcome mat to hide a key under, so maybe the skull holds it. Open the skull. Voila! Pick up the key. Now open the door (you won't need the key to do it). And wouldn't you know it, it creaks (shades of Uninvited here). Let's go inside. Now, the first thing to do here is light one of those torches before yours goes out (that's OPERATE the lit torch on the unlit one). You can now drop your torch and"è(mPy pick up the one in the wall. If you like, go ahead and set fire to the rug (people who went through Uninvited hitting every window with the battle axe will have fun here). The key won't open the side door, but it will unlock the double doors, so unlock those and go through. Here we are at another hallway. Grab the funny-looking torch, and save here. We're going to do a couple of interesting things now. First, light the funny looking torch and examine it. Greenish tint, e"è)ƒË¬Üh? That might come in handy soon, but we don't need it now, so don't save here. Now pick up one of the candles, or the book. Whoops! Enjoy the funeral dirge (soon it will start to drive you insane). Now open your saved game (funny how the default is to start from the beginning, and not from a save file) and don't pick up anything from the shelf. But just because we can't take the book doesn't mean we can't read it... Open up the book. Aha! A key! Grab that, and go back "è*‘»˜to the first hallway. Now we have the key to unlock the other door. Do that, and go through (you can drop both keys now). You now should be in a closet, and two nice armaments are sitting on the shelves-a sword and a slingshot. Grab both (note that you can click on one, and then hold down Shift and click on the other, and you will select both; but release Shift before dragging them) and go back to the second hallway. Look at the far wall. Something fishy about tha"è+ª-ôt stone there... open it. A secret passage! Head through it. Now we are in a chamber with a large exit. You can't get through that (go ahead and try it), but there is another exit from this room. First pick up the arrow, and note which way it's pointing. Hmm... that torch on the left wall won't come out. Perhaps it's attached to something? Maybe if we pull it... Operate the torch (on itself). Ta-dah! Another hidden entrance! Go down there now. Two bridges, but which " è,¶,Lto take? For now, don't try to cross the rickety skull bridge. Stick with the sturdy one. Uh-oh. Good time for a save. That wraith won't kill you immediately (unlike everything else in this game), but will instead curse you. This is to be avoided. There is a way to destroy the wraith. Like many mystical creatures, the key to victory lies in the occult. In other words, try some smoke. If you operate your torch on him, he shudders. Maybe some particular kind of smoke? Gre" è-ÌØm[en smoke? Fire up the oddball torch and fry him with it. Now you can pick up the cloak and go thru the door (the exit in the upper-right of the exit window is totally useless). Cages? (More shades of Uninvited here) Don't bother trying to open them; it can't be done. Instead, read the scroll on the shelf (you don't need the scroll itself, just the information). This little rhyme basically states the object of the game: to find the bladed sun, the silver orb, the" è.àCó¡ staff of ages, the golden thorn, and the platinum horn. We will be coming back here later, but now let's leave through the top exit. Wait! You can't reach it? Try climbing. The rope, in particular. But how to get it up there? Read the sign. "EPOR"? What does that spell backwards? "ROPE"! Perhaps it's a magic word... Say "EPOR" to the rope. Now we can climb it. Mirrors, mirrors, on the wall, who's the bravest of them all? Anyway, right now you can leave this room alo" è/L@”þne. Just open the back door and go through. Here we have a bunch of coffins. Actually, most of them are safe to open. The only one to avoid is the middle one on the left side. But the others, we can open. Try the left front. Close call, there! Now the back right. Nothing... the back middle, now. Those coins are useless; leave them alone. Now, the right front. Ah, now things are getting interesting! That mummy is holding something useful. But how to get it? Maybe we can " è0‚3háremove the mummy's rags. Don't bother trying to unravel them; burn them off with your trusty torch. Now grab that scepter (it's not the Staff of Ages, by the way) and head through the back door. Go through the right door. Theres a shark in the lake! Don't worry about that yet. Go through the door on the far wall. Those stones would be good ammo for the slingshot. Grab one and load it (either operate it on the slingshot, or open the slingshot and put it in). For a chuckle, t"è1÷ÀW‡ry putting in something else while the stone is in the sling. Now comes one of the nastiest parts of Shadowgate: a secret door. See the black space under the waterfall (right of the rockslide, which is for all practical purposes impassable)? Go through it. A secret room, and a rock. Take a look at the rock. Try whacking it. Grab the bag revealed and open it. Gems! (Uninvited players have a slight advantage here-the gems look like the Blothney gem, and are used the same way.) Go back "è2Ì=to the fork now; we can't do much here yet. At the fork, take the left door. Ignore the rat; we have better things to do than chase rodents. See the gem-shaped hole in the door? A gem would fit in that nicely, wouldn't it? Put the lightest-shaded gem in the hole (you can drag the gem over the hole, or operate it on the hole). That sphere is not the silver orb, but is useful anyway. Examine it. Brrrr! Pick it up and return to the lake (don't try the trapdoor). Now we have to try to "è3ÂLgrab that object (a skeleton key, in fact) from the skeleton. Swimming is suicidal (try it, if you desire and have a save handy). Time to think here... the shark can swim in the water, but if the water weren't water... Maybe if it were ice, he would be stuck. But how can we freeze the water? The sphere! Operate it on the lake. Now how do we get it back? Melt the ice a bit. Your torch will do nicely. Now take the sphere and the key, and return to the pedestal room. Open the door and g"è4’Žç“o through. Oh boy. Time to save your place, because one false step and you're fried adventurer. If you were to take something, the dragon at the far end of the room would roast you. You need some way of blocking his fire. What's here that can do that? The shield. Snatch it up (if it's too big, go back out, drop some stuff, and come back; don't drop anything in here). Now grab the hammer, the spear, and the helmet. We can't get any more here, so leave (you can drop the shield now it'"è5Úõ¦æs totally useless for any other purpose). You can get more room in your inventory by wearing the helmet and the cloak. Now it's time to head for the mirror room, where your adventure really begins. One of these mirrors holds a surprise. But which one? The middle one. Smash it with the hammer (nothing else will do it). Don't worry about seven years of bad luck; you won't last that long if you don't do it. The hammer will do you no good anymore, so drop it. Open the door and go throug"è6ð@üœh. Whoa! It's locked, so use the skeleton key to get it open. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen--or find something protective. If you aren't already, wear the cloak. That will enable you to tolerate the flames. Now open the door. Uh-oh... it's a firedrake! This creature feeds on fire. But if there's no fire... put out the fire with the chilling ball. Whew! Now you can take off the cloak, and drop it too. Oh, well, so much for that, but no time to waste, go through t"è7 û’»he door. Cross the bridge. Wouldn't you know it, there's a troll guarding this bridge. Don't worry about the toll (for a laugh, get the coins from the coffin and pay the toll); instead, dispatch him with your trusty spear. That will take care of him... for now. In any case, head on down the bridge. Another nastie! This time it's a cyclops. Thirteen feet tall... kinda reminds you of Goliath, doesn't he? So treat him the same way. Nail him with the slingshot. Bull's-eye! He's out col"è8¨ÍJd, but he's not dead. If you really want to kill him, stab him with the sword. Neither the sword nor the sling will be useful anymore, so drop them.There's a well here, too. Anything inside? Operate the well on itself and find out? A bucket, but what's inside? Open it up and find out. A metal glove (technically a gauntlet). Hang on to that, but now open the door and enter another area of the castle. This hallway, judging by the rug stretching across the hall, is the entrance to the "è9 Ánƒmain area of the castle. Leave the broom here-you may or may not need it, but if you do you can always come back for it. Go ahead and burn the rug if you please, but don't waste too much time; let's head down the front left passage. This library is pretty well stocked. The most important book, though, is the one on the desk, so grab that. Also look inside the desk. Take everything in there you'll need all of it. Now it's time for a little light reading. The only book of interest to "è:Ý÷éþus is the thick book on the bottom left shelf, third from the left. (However, go ahead and read them all; there's some interesting and funny stuff in there.) Open that book up and copy down the stuff about scrolls and books (a text editor DA would be great for this, as well as for reading this walkthru). Incidentally, while you're at it, read the scrolls and the big book. Terra Terrakk and Instantum Illuminaris (yet another item borrowed from Uninvited) are easy enough to decipher, b"è; kñ2ut what about that book? You can't read it right now, but don't trash that item yet. In any case, there's a gem-shaped hole in the wall. Just slide in the medium-shade gem and go inside. Here's another rug to burn, but that's not the important thing here. Look at that globe. Try to open it. If we can't open it with our mortal powers, maybe some more power would help... Remember "the key to the world"? Use the Terra Terrakk scroll on the globe (brace yourself for some nasty puns, too"è<-Üt¾). Pick up the key (the bottle is a cure for the wraith's curse, which is there so that people wouldn't have to know the obscure bit about the green smoke) and close the globe. The rest of the stuff you can leave here, so go back to the main hallway and take the far left passage. Welcome to the laboratory. If you want to die, open the cage or drink some of the jars on the shelf. If not, examine the stone on the floor. Doesn't that look like a handle? Indeed, you can pull it. Operate"è=B7® the stone on itself (although Open should work, it doesn't) and take the holy water. Now head downstairs into the garden. Examine the fountain. There's a flute in there. But the fountain is gushing acid, so we can't get it or drink it (go ahead and try it, if you dare). Maybe if our hand was protected from the acid, we could grab the flute. Put the glove on and take the flute. Now it's time to remember one of the minor rules of adventuring: "Use it where you found it." Play the flu"è>¶µAte (operate it on itself) and pick up the ring. The flute and the gauntlet can both be dropped, and there's nothing more here, so return to the main hallway. Now let's explore the right doorway. Lots of nice stuff here, so pick up whatever you like... uh-oh. I guess that wasn't such a good idea. Get out of here before those hobgoblins rip you apart (there is no way to get the stuff, which may be just as well). Instead, open the door and enter the banquet hall. What could that be un"è?ð€CQder the rug? Probably something useful. We can't move the rug, so we have to remove it. This particular spot is fun for the belligerent, because guess what-you have to burn the rug. Do so, but don't bother taking the key-unlock the lower door (in the center of the picture) with it. The other two keys you picked up here unlock the other two doors, so get those open and get rid of those two keys. Now take the door on the right. The picture of this room is very important. Either save h"è@%£º}ere, and use a distinctive name like "Sphinx", or take a screen dump, and keep either one handy. In any case, this is a Sphinx, and (you guessed it) it will ask you some riddles. There are a total of six riddles, and which one is chosen is totally random. Try to figure them out yourself, but if you're stuck, the answers to the riddles are listed below: "Eyeless tho' that I may be...": Skull (from the library) "It has towns, but no houses;" Map (from the library) "First I was burnt.."èA­Õ¼." Horseshoe (from the laboratory) "If you look at me..." Mirror (from the banquet hall) "I at fires attend..." Bellows (from the study) "Long neck and no hands..." Broom (from the mirror room) Once you know what the answer to the riddle is, go back and get that object, and give it to the Sphinx (dropping it will suffice). You may now go up the stairs into the observatory. The scroll is useless, but the map is not so. Examine the shooting star. It's not part of the map, so you can "èBÔW˜7remove it. Take that, and then open the map. That rod will be of use to you, so take it. Now let's go up into the turret. That odd-shaped object on the floor is indeed the golden thorn, but getting it is not so simple. Save here, and then pick it up. Gee, I guess that beautiful lady isn't so beautiful after all... well, there is a surefire way to kill a werewolf, and that is with a silver object (usually a bullet). We don't have a bullet, but we have got that arrow, so operate the s" èCGÌEÈucker on the lady/werewolf. Now take the spike and return to the banquet hall. Take the left passage now. This chamber seems innocent enough, but... there's the platinum horn, there on the floor. Pick that up. Maybe that wasn't so smart. This hellhound definitely will not let you get near the horn while it's around. We ought to send it back to the devilish place where it came from. And what better way to destroy a hell-spawned creature than with holy water? Use that on the hellhound"!èDýõ*4, then get rid of it and get the horn. That's two out of five-not bad, but there's still a ways to go. Climb the stairs. Another artifact! This time it's the bladed sun, and this time a wyvern (a close relative of the dragon) is guarding it. The solution to this puzzle is sort of a throwaway, so don't feel low if you don't get it. Operate the shooting star on the wyvern. Now you can pick up the bladed sun and go back to the banquet hall. Now take the middle passage, and from there ""èExù>6take the left doorway. The lightning is awfully menacing, but we can control it. What better way to control lightning than with a lightning rod! Typically such things are made of metals, such as iron. We do indeed have an iron rod, so stick that in the hole. Blammo! The hand seems to have something for you. Take the wand, and have a look at it. A serpent on the side, huh? That may serve us well eventually. Take the stairs down, but DON'T take the pot of gold; that's the oldest trick "#èFêB‰in the book. The bag is safe, so you can get it. Now go up the stairs, back to the hallway, and through the right doorway. Sir Doogan is quite dead, so you don't have to worry about him. However, there are some neat things here. Look at that panel on the right. Perhaps it's movable. Open it, and admire the small hole. What would fit in the hole? Not a gem, but something a bit smaller. Like a ring. Stick the ring in the hole. Now look at Sir Doogan. He looks a little plain without a "$èG?õrVkingly object in his hand. What of yours befits a man of such greatness? Try the scepter. Give it to Doogan. Aha! A secret tunnel... head down it. In the secret hallway under Doogan, watch out for the passage on the left; going that way makes for a crushing experience. Instead, take the passage straight ahead. The gargoyles will leave you alone as long as you don't try to get past them, but that's fine for now; just take the side path. Now we really need some magic. Remember the bo"%èHÜ.„ok? The book on magic stated that books come with extra protections. What would help us read anything, the book in particular? Maybe we need our eyes checked... but that's not necessary; just put on the glasses and read the book. The stuff in the book is important to keep, so copy that down. But "A bridge to form amidst burning death, a demon to guard"? The lava seems pretty deadly to me. The book is for this particular location. Use it on the demon, then drop the book and the glasse"&èIR¿&šs and cross the bridge (toll-free, even). The switches here will open the cylinder, but if you throw them in the wrong combination the beastie in the hole will have you for breakfast, so think before you flip. Now is the time for the saved game or screen dump of the Sphinx' chamber. See those little lines on the staircase? Those lines are a diagram of which switches to throw. Flip the right switch, the middle, then the right again to open the cylinder. Take the silver orb. That make"'èJÛïÓs four out of five. Unfortunately, the fifth of the five is on the other side of the troll's bridge, so we have to do some major backtracking here. Head back all the way to the second hallway by double-clicking the back exit (the one on the bottom of the exits window) and return to the bridge room. What we seek lies across the rickety bridge, but it will fall under too much weight, so drop everything but your lit torch and go across. The snake is merely a statue, so don't panic. How"(èKGrš¿ever, we have seen a snake before-on the wand. Go back and get that, and go back across. Operate the wand on the snake. Aha! The staff of ages! Take that, ditch the wand, and go back across. Once on the other side, grab everything and go back to the "EPOR" room. Look at the back wall closely. See the loose stone in the center. Open it and go through. Here's the third gem-shaped hole, so stick your last gem in it. The wizard's words are important, so keep a record of those. Take the ")èLìD;@scroll as well, and read it. If you're puzzled, "Ulterior Humana" translates to "Hidden Human". The scroll is an invisibility spell! That will be really useful soon. Now go out, go up the rope and back to the troll bridge. Cross the bridge. Well, the troll doesn't want you to cross. But if he can't see you, he can't stop you! Use Ulterior Humana on yourself, and stride past him. If you didn't kill the Cyclops before, he will be aroused again, but you're still invisible, so no matter"*èMu2oˆ. Just pass him and go back to the room with the gargoyles. An interesting fact about gargoyles: they are extremely irritable to light. This gives you a good weapon against them: Instantum Illuminaris. Use it on them, then go straight past them. The door on the left is impossible to open, so don't worry about it. Instead, turn the crank to open the well. Guess what? This is a wishing well. Got any coins? Check the bag. Look at that big coin. Got a picture of a well on it, eh? Toss t"+èNðÅ`yhat into the well. The wind means you may now jump in the well, so do so. Here's the River Styx (yet another cliche; this game thrives on them). Perhaps the gong is a service gong. Try banging it with the mallet. That ferryman is Charon (the game calls it Kros), for you mythology buffs. He wants a fare of one coin, so give him one of the coins from the bag. Almost done! This is a good time for a save; dying is none too difficult. The bladed sun looks like it would fit in one of tho",èOÑš:se niches. But which one? Remember the message in the book? "Where the sword is hung, thou shalt put the key" or something to that effect. Stuff the bladed sun in the left hole. Now about the staff. Recall the scroll: "Five to find, three are one." Also recall "Three for the staff, one to be the key, and one to be thy pathway." We need to put together some stuff, the staff being one of the three items in question. Stick the orb and the staff together, then add the spike to that. Ta-d"-èP Ê4ah! The staff is now ready for action. Now how to get inside. "One to be thy pathway." The only one of the five we haven't used is the horn. Blow it. Besides a few eerie notes, you may now enter the skeleton, and have a rendezvous with your destiny. Oh boy. Here's the Warlock Lord, and there's the Behemoth (sounds kinda like a piece of heavy machinery, doesn't it?) Now, annihilate the Behemoth by zapping him with the staff. Kerblam! You've saved the world from a horrible fate. Enjoy".zª(úÄ the winning music (I preferred the music for Uninvited, but to each his own) and the princess (the game assumes you're male-one final cliche). Also don't forget to print out a certificate of achievement, acknowledging your heroic feat. -- _ _ _ |\/ \/| |_____| / o o \ _\ ,___, /_ ----/ \-----/ \------------ '' '' Lord Hippo hilate the Behemoth by zapping him with the staff. Kerblam! You've saved the world from a horrible fate. EnjoyQRýÍ©´SR‡ 24pÿÿÿýQèS–¾d ******************** *CODES FOR SLAMTILT* ******************** LIQUID \ WHIPLASH \ BARRY \ KOTTEN \ DANIEL \___ JUST SOME TEXT APPEARS COW / IAIN / STEWART / KLAUS / CHEAT / LONGPLAY NOW YOU GOT 5 BALLS STONED ??? NOT SURE, FIGURE OUT YOURSELF ARCADE ACTION PLAY THOSE LIQŸÂ­PTLE ARCADE ACTION GAMES RADIOACTIVE CHANGE THE COLOURS SMILE YOUR BALL BECOMES A SMILEY :) WIPEOUT RESET HIGHSCORE OKI THAT WHERE THE CODES, IT MAY BE POSSIBLE THAT I FORGOT ONE BUT I DO NOT THINK SO, ALSO THEY MAY DO SOME OTHER THINGS I DIDN'T SAY, I ONLY CHECKED IT FOR 1 MINUTE IF YOU FOUND ANOTHER CODE THAN PLEASE LET ME KNOW ??? NOT SURE, FIGURE OUT YOURSELF ARCADE ACTION PLAY THOSE LITUýÍžxYXWVU 25¬pÿÿÿýTèV¡KPFrom: Captain Avenger of the ISS Newhope To: All other Starship Captains The way to stop the suns from flaring - killing all life in the systems - is as follows: 1. You must use a black egg to destroy the Uhlek Brain World. If you do not, the Uhlek will not let you collect the Crystal Cone. They will slaughter you and your crew with plasma bolts. Do not feel guilty about destroying this planet. The Uhlek are bloodthirsty killers. 2. You mustTèWò­,ƒ collect the Crystal Orb to nullify the defenses of the Crystal Planet so you can land on it. The Crystal Orb is found at 132, 165. 3. You must collect the Crystal Cone to identify the control nexus of the planet. The Crystal Cone is found in the system at 20, 198 on the first planet. 4. You must collect a second black egg to use to blow up the Crystal Planet (192 x 152). Black eggs can be found: on the third planet at 238 x 189, on the first planet at TèXoïÀH 143 x 115, and on the second planet at 234 x 20. 5. Using the Red cylinder (found on the third planet of the system at 112 x 200 at coordinates 59n, 64w) can help you find the artifacts on the planets. Godspeed in finding the artifacts and saving the universe from destruction. Time is running out for the Starport and all the sentient creatures that will be destroyed on all the worlds that will be affected by solar flare. Details are left out to provide a little TèY†™gchallenge for you and your crews. This info courtesy of: Bob Seljan Games Conference Chairman Infoguide Bulletin Board 216-349-4515 T`Ê5\ Games Conference Chairman Infoguide Bulletin Board 216-349-4515 Z-[ýÍCq‡†…„ƒ‚€~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[TU 26pÿÿÿýZè\u= Walkthrough of STARFLIGHT II ============================ (compliments of GRAYBEARD) Part 1 ====== INTRODUCTION This walkthrough of STARFLIGHT II is divided into four parts: INTRODUCTION, CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET. The INTRODUCTION contains tips on game mechanics; if you've played STARFLIGHT, you can probably skip most of it. CONFIDENTIAL conveys useful playing informatiZè] åîon that is _not_ pertinent to the goal of the game, while SECRET contains hints that _are_ pertinent to the goal of the game. TOP SECRET includes explicit instructions for winning the game. The four sections are intended to be read in sequence as you play the game; each successive segment assumes that you're further along in the game. Outfitting the Ship The first thing to do when outfitting your ship is sell the weapons for extra funds. You want to make friends, not eneZè^†Å´hmies. The few races who are not friendly cannot be hurt by lowly class 1 weapons. Wait until you have enough money for at least class 3 weapons before buying any weapons. Missiles are better than lasers. Also if you are close enough to use lasers, you are close enough to take hits and will suffer expensive damage. In most cases you can move far enough away to use missiles, and the distance allows you to dodge enemy missiles. Jump pods and Blasto pods are of marginal use. Zè_A36Ñ One or two extra cargo pods in the beginning are useful. Be careful not to overload the ship. You want to maintain Excellent acceleration at all times. Top priority goes to upgrading your engine at least to class 3 before upgrading your armor or shield. Thereafter, upgrading to class 5 engines is still a high priority, but no longer top priority. Selecting the Crew Humans make good Science Officers. Veloxi make good Navigators and Engineers. Thrynns make good CommuniZè`¡‰PŸcations Officers. Elowans make good Communications Officers and Doctors. However Elowans have low Durability. They die all too easily and are not recommended for that reason. In the beginning, a human Doctor will suffice. Hint: If given the opportunity to trade crew members with Dweenle, trade the Doctor. Skills are of little use until they reach the maximum. For that reason, concentrate on training for one skill only until it has reached the maximum for the character. ZèaÆã­UYou will not have enough money to fully train everyone in the beginning. The important skills to train in are Science (for the Science Officer( and Communications (for the Communications Officer). Spend the leftover money to train the Navigator as much as possible. The Navigator does not need a high skill rating until you venture beyond the local cluster where Starport is located. You'll need the maximum use of the Navigator's and Communications Officer's skills immediately. BeZèbâÅœÎware of the flux point in the local cluster (33,70). If you accidentally go into it, you will become lost if the Navigator's skill is too low. Train the Doctor next, and the Engineer last. You only need the Engineer's skill to repair battle damage. In the beginning, you're most likely to be totally destroyed in any battle, so you shouldn't need the Engineer's skill until much later in the game, when you have to fight some battles. How to Succeed in Business Without ReallZèc}y Trying The best way to make money is to find colonizable planets. (Hint: Check the M class star in the Starport cluster.) Finding colonizable planets is a matter of luck and diligent searching. Check all Earth-type planets (brown, blue, and white in EGA/VGA displays) that are within the Ecosphere. Log all planets that meet the requirements, no matter how marginal they are; even the most marginal planet is worth a lot of money. The next best way to make money is to tradZ èd½ö,°e Specialty Trade Goods. Those are always in demand, although only at specific places. When the Specialty good is marked with an asterisk (*), the item is particularly special at that place. Do not sell your entire supply of goods marked with asterisks. They are more useful when sold in small quantities as bribes to make the locals friendly, and in certain cases they're needed to buy Very Important Products. Every planet wants some native and foreign life forms that are lackZ èeW¨7Úing. Importing foreign life forms is not very profitable unless you know ahead of time that you'll be going to that planet. It's very worthwhile to capture native life forms for sale on that planet. Trading in Standard goods is a gamble. Demand is random, so you have no assurance they can ever be sold. It makes good sense to buy Standard goods only if you can get them at an especially low price (e.g., 70% discount or more) -- and even then, just buy a little. Mining is Z èfiÙ ¿totally worthless, except for minerals needed to make repairs. It is worthwhile to mine 10 to 15 cubic meters of those minerals, just in case you need them later on to repair battle damage. The exception is cobalt, if you get the Shield Disabler. Trading is done at Trade Centers. When you find a Trade Center, note its location. On many planets, the centers are always in the same place. On others, the location moves around but the place where you found one the last time is sZ èg¡f{Gtill a good place to start searching for the new location. Shyneum can be bought at trade centers. How to Make Friends and Influence Enemies Throughout the game you'll have encounters in space with various races. Most will be friendly. Some will be hostile. A few hostile races can be made into friends. However, all friendly races can be made into enemies if you do the wrong thing. Talk to the friendly aliens. Ask questions until they cut off communications. The detailed Z èh¥—'s. However, the stunner is useful for quick getaways when dealing with hostile natives. By the way, the TV shield that Starport sells will not work with the more dangerous life forms, but it's still worthwhile. We found that the Dweenles are easier to trade with if we first sell them some Amusoballs. The Djaboon at 161,52 and Humna Humna at 237,41 are two sources of Amusoballs. The Dweenles are also great lovers of nid berries. Dweenle space captains will give large amounts ZèqSû5åof shyneum in exchange for paltry amounts of nid berries. They also become very talkative after such an exchange. Nid berries can only be found at 132,6. I recommend that all our ships carry some nid berries when going into Dweenle space. The Humna Humna all will offer better trade terms after being sold Livelong. Selling Livelong is the only way to buy a Flux Scanner from the Humna Humna at 216,45. Livelong can only be bought from the Teeelveee who especially want TandelouZèr/?±» Happy Juice. The Flux Scanner locates flux points in the Starmap. It is very useful for locating new flux points. I recommend that all ships be equipped with one. The Draffa Bustii at 242,165 has a Planetary Teleporter that they'll sell in exchange for Grow Goo from the Bga-Seng-Diul at 203,106. The Teleporter takes the terrain vehicle back to the ship from anywhere on the planet. It greatly expanded our ability to search planets for useful items. The Humna Humna at 237Zès5ù,88 has an Encounter Scanner. In the Starmap it pinpoints the location of nearby ships. It greatly facilitates avoiding unwanted encounters. It was also useful when we wanted an encounter. Unfortunately, the scanner does not indicate whether the encounter will be friendly or not. We found this scanner very useful when evading ships in the Big Nebula. We understand that there is a Mining Drone at 101,85. However, the planet was inhabited by very hostile Spemins. Since mining Zèt´ºÅ is such a low profit activity, we decided not to search for it. All ships should be warned that Gas Slugs are very dangerous cargo. The gas is a psychedelic drug that cannot be filtered out with our technology. It will get into the ship's air supply. It is very dangerous to keep onboard a ship, as it seriously degrades the crew's performance. From: Chee Lan To: Nicholas Van Rijn Subject: Trip Report Supplement I knew Adzel would not mention this. We ran into a racZèuú…¨7e called the G'nunk. They have a wonderful philosophy, even if it is a little extreme. They are hostile to all who have not shown themselves to be G'nasch. "G'nasch" is anyone who can defeat them in combat. Naturally Adzel found them to be very distasteful, and we could never establish full contact with them, as he would not fight them. Anyway, we learned from the Humna Humna that they have some sort of Shield Disabler: It disables an enemy ship shield for a short time. WhatZèv—'s more, they give you a Disabler when you become G'nasch! Think of what this means in combat! ***Personal Communique*** Chee, we are traders, not fighters. These G'nunks are not someone we want to deal with. They still burn Endurium. We will have nothing to do with them. Besides, I understand this disabler burns up cobalt for fuel, and the G'nunk will not tell anyone how to operate it. You have to have a G'nunk on the ship to operate one. How would you like to spend monZèw®þN8ths on a ship with a G'nunk? Think of poor Adzel.... -- Nicholas [Thanks to Jon Urban for telling me about the Shield Disabler.] Part 3 ====== SECRET From: Limmar Poynets To: Starport Foundation Subject: Big Nebula The next time you guys want someone for a suicide mission, don't call me! Based on Van Rijn's tip, I checked around the Big Nebula. There's some race called the Umanu living in there. They've Zèx^-¬Ogot some kind of really long-range lasers that can penetrate a class 5 shield like it wasn't there. They also have a cloaking device. I nearly got fried in my encounters with them. Fortunately, with class 5 engines and the psychic probe, I was able to run away from any encounters with them. The danger area seems to extend from about spin 180 downspin to the edge of the Big Nebula at spin 90. It's definitely only humans that are affected. If a human has not gone comatose, leZèy-M yaving that area immediately results in a complete recovery. I'm pretty sure the Umanus are connected in some way with this phenomenon. From: Limmar Poynets To: Starport Foundation Subject: Tandelou Civil War The Tandelou civil war is due to the loss of The Precious Thing that was stolen by the Spemin. I tracked the Thing to a Spemin planet at 158,183, but the Spemin sold it to the G'nunk. It was a Humna Humna who told me where to look on the G'nunk home planet. ReturZèzŽÄD?ning the Thing ended the civil war, although they still continue to spar over religious differences. Ending the civil war enabled me to finally get some information out of the Tandelou's Guardian Gorzek. The Lowar found it and set it up as the Tandelou's Guardian, but that's not what it was originally built to do. I have been unable to discover what it was built for, but I suspect it's Leghk in origin. Based on what it was able to tell me about the Past, plus the Leghk meZ è{@»¯ðssages at 105, 75 and the recordings from the abandoned Lowar ship at 198,154, I can make the following speculations: 1. *** CENSORED *** 2. *** CENSORED *** 3. *** CENSORED *** 4. The Spemin obviously also found the Hall, because their new technology is clearly Leghkian. However it now appears that they are a minor nuisance compared to the *** CENSORED ***. I strongly recommend we *** CENSORED *** find the Halls of Memory. From: Limmar Poynets To: StarpZ!è|“†uort Foundation Subject: Halls of Memory I located the Halls of Memory. I found information on the exact location of three Lowar worlds from a Dweenle. On one of them at 28N,45E, I found the ruins of a Lowar research institute. It gave me the coordinates of the Halls of Memory and other information, which allowed me to narrow down the location of the Hall world to just two small nebulas. The key was discovering from another Dweenle the old Leghk names of the local star clusZ"è}´+Éters. Unfortunately the Spemin have looted the place. It's totally empty. That's a dead end. The only thing left is to use the *** CENSORED ***. We know the Lowar did it, and according to some information I got from an Arla captain, I think class 5 shields are sufficient to survive the trip. If you approve the trip, I will need 75,000 SP to buy shyneum. (Handwritten note appears here: "Authorized -- Hari Seldon.") Part 4 Z#è~c?K ====== TOP SECRET From: Limmar Poynets To: Starport Foundation Subject: The Anomaly I don't like suicide missions, and to think I recommended this one myself! With class 5 shields up, we were able to enter the Anomaly at 244,149. On the other side, we were immediately jumped by hostile Leghks and barely got away. The Big Nebula was not there, so the time period is clearly in the past. We headed straight for the Halls of Memory at 132,219, using the Encounter Z$è-š»ÕScanner to avoid the Leghks. Unfortunately, in this time period, the Guardian satellite is still operating; we could not get past it. Remembering that the key had been left with the Dweenle, we went hunting for one. We got singed several times when the encounter turned out to be with Leghks. The nid berries were the key to getting the Dweenles to talk. The location was given in a riddle that the Dweenle in the past still remembered. We deciphered it. The key was located at Z%è€eþe105,17 at 0,0 on the planet. We entered the Halls (30S,134E) and got the full story from the 48 Leghks still unaffected by the UHL. The Leghk had developed a weapon against the UHL, but the first part was on a planet that had been overrun by possessed Leghks before it could be completed. The Leghks gave us the other half. It was then an uneventful trip back to the future. Coming back through the Anomaly, I played a hunch and visited Gorzek. I was correct: It's the other Z&èÄ^ãhalf of the UHL weapon. Anyway, this is my last report. I'm retiring. I'm getting too old to run around the galaxy getting shot at. From: Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Starport Command To: Captain Worf, ISS Enterprise Subject: UHL Your orders are to locate and neutralize the menace known as the UHL. Intelligence indicates the location of the UHL may be found at the former Lowar world at 139,135. ***Personal Communique*** Worf, I realize the sudden replacement of allZ'è‚T˜I human personnel on the Enterprise has greatly decreased the combat efficiency of the Enterprise, but it is necessary. I have the fullest confidence in your ability to bring the new crew to full fighting efficiency in the short time alloted you. The new shield and plasma torpedoes should help greatly. From the Leghk records, the UHL appears to be intelligent. You are the mission commander. The final decision rests with you. I can only ask you to consider a peaceful, negotiaZ(胎ïRted solution if it is at all possible. No matter what you decide, I want you to know that you have my complete support. Good luck old friend. -- Jean-Luc From: Lt. Cmdr. Wesley Crusher, Chief Engineering Officer To: Captain Worf, ISS Enterprise Subject: New Equipment Analysis The new class 7 shields can be blown down by 3 hits of the Umanu class 5 missiles. They provide little protection against the Umanu's long-range laser, which is primarily an anti-personnel weaZ)è„&t×pon. The Leghk battle jump appears to be our only defense against it. The Umanu must turn off their cloaking device to fire the laser. We can now determine when an Umanu ship is about to fire the laser from the energy buildup. Any ship that is about to fire will appear as a blinking dot on the battle screen. One caution about the battle jump: We do not fully understand how it works, and jumps are semi-random. It is possible for us to jump out of sensor range of the Umanu shZ*è…µî4ips. Their lasers have a longer range than our sensors, and we will suffer hits from them until we can move back into sensor range. The plasma torpedoes provide a partial solution to their cloaking device. Once locked on target, the plasma torpedoes will track an Umanu ship, even with the cloaking device on. However, we have been unable to integrate the tracking mechanism with our targeting computers. We can target an Umanu ship only when the cloaking device is off. The Z+è†ô!òEUHL Weapon remains a mystery. We only know how to launch it. From: Captain Worf, ISS Enterprise To: Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Starport Command Subject: UHL We proceeded to the former Lowar world at 139,135 and found a message indicating the location of the UHL. We proceeded there, whereupon a large Umanu fleet attacked us. After a hard fought battle, we defeated the Umanus. I commend the crew of the Enterprise. They performed admirably. After the battle, the UHL appearZ,è‡CÐed. The psychic probe glowed green. Pursuant to orders, I attempted to make friendly contact. After a brief message, the UHL attacked. I launched the UHL weapon, which attacked the UHL and severely wounded it before being destroyed. The UHL then sent a message that it would leave the sector if we would cease hostilities. I replied yes, and the UHL left. We then received a message from the planet below. The Umanu are the descendants of the lost Noah 6 colony ship and had been heZ-u’\7ld in thrall to the UHL. The departure of the UHL had freed them. Mission accomplished. Casualty list follows. the UHL attacked. I launched the UHL weapon, which attacked the UHL and severely wounded it before being destroyed. The UHL then sent a message that it would leave the sector if we would cease hostilities. I replied yes, and the UHL left. We then received a message from the planet below. The Umanu are the descendants of the lost Noah 6 colony ship and had been heˆ‰ýÍ]»§¦¥¤£¢¡ Ÿžœ›š™˜—–•”“’‘ŽŒ‹Š‰:2 27pÿÿÿýˆèŠj“Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity KOMPLETTLÖSUNG Man gibt Data den Befehl den Traktorstrahl zu durchfliegen, um die Passagiere des Scout-Schiffs an Bord beamen zu können. Pentara, Captain des Warbird, meldet sich daraufhin. Man klärt sie über den Verstoß, den sie begangen hat auf und gewährt den Passagieren politisches Asyl, da sie von Garid geflohen sind. Von den Flüchtlingen erfährt man von dem drohenden Bürgerkrieg auf Garid. Die einzige ˆè‹—ÑiaLösung den Konflikt zwischen Arm und Reich zu lösen, ist die "Fifth Scroll", ein Gesetzesblatt, das die Rechte der Armen beinhaltet. Deshalb nimmt man Kurs auf Horst III, in der Hoffnung Shonak, einen Forscher vom Planeten Vulkan, zu finden. Während des Flugs erhält man eine Nachricht von der Forschungsstation nahe Cymoke IV. Es soll sich um einen Angriff handeln und so ändert man schnell den Kurs. Cymoke IV Nachdem man die wichtigsten Information zu dem ˆ茛UyVorfall bekommen hat, beamt man sich auf die Station. Links vom Transporter findet man sich in einer großen Halle wieder. Am Boden entdeckt man eine Frau die von einem großen Kabel eingeklemmt ist. Hat man die Frau medizinisch untersucht, so trennt man das Kabel mit dem Phaser (Einstellung: schwach!) in der Mitte durch. Da das Kabel noch zu schwer ist, um es wegzubewegen, unterhält man sich mit La Forge über ein mögliches Wegbeamen des Kabels. Daraufhin bewegˆè]e¥¹t man sich zum Transporterraum, lokalisiert das Kabel und beamt es weg. Die Frau kann nun ärztlich versorgt werden. Von ihr erfährt man auch den Aktivierungscode für das Notfallsystem. Ein Stock höher befindet sich die Verwaltung und die Steueranlage (Administration). Hier kann man das Notfallsystem mit Hilfe des Computers aktivieren. Im Maschinenraum (Engineering) trifft man auf eine unbekannte Maschine. Nach zweimaligem scannen, kann man den Zweck dieser MasˆèŽíT{chine auch nicht richtig deuten. Im Raum auf der rechten Seite kann man mit Hilfe eines Computers die Maschine irgendwie in den Weltraum hinausbefördern. Links vom Maschinenraum spricht man mit dem Techniker und verlangt das Personal auf die Enterprise zu beamen. Da er der Bodencrew diesen Gefallen nicht gewährt, macht man sich am Computer links hinten in der Ecke zu schaffen. Das Personal ist gerettet. Für die Station kam aber jede Hilfe zu spät. Nach dieˆèÛmÖóser Mission nimmt man wieder Kurs auf Horst III. Dort angekommen, kann man dank des Comms mit Shanok sprechen, von dem wir einige nützliche Informationen über die "Fifth Scroll" erfahren. Er erzählt von den Ausgrabungen, und daß viele Stücke auf die Forschungsstation gebracht wurden. Man setzt ihn davon in Kenntnis, daß es die Station nun nicht mehr gibt. Während der Patrouille im Ruinore Sektor erreicht die Enterprise ein Funkspruch von Admiral Reddreck. Mˆè/B!an wird beauftragt Dr. Vi Hyunh-Foertsch zu suchen. Man nimmt Kurs auf Morassia, wo Dr. Vi das letzte Mal gesehen wurde. Morassia Bevor man auf den Planeten beamt unterhält man sich mit Constable Lliksze. Lliksze verbietet jegliche Waffen auf den Planeten mitzunehmen. Auf dem Planeten angekommen, unterhält man sich abermals mit Lliksze über die Einzelheiten des Vorfalls. Auf dem Weg zum Gebirgsbiotop entdeckt man eine Frucht, die man dem Affen gibt, der dˆè‘äÎ:Öamit dankbar verschwindet. In dem großen grauen Gebäude ( Dr. Vis Labor ) nimmt man die Biosonde, die Field Units und die Kadaver der Tiere. Beim untersuchen der Tiere auf dem Tisch und dem Schallapperat entdeckt man, daß es sich um ungewöhnliche Mutationen der Tiere handelt. Mit dem Tricorder öffnet man einen CommPort zu Melas und konfrontiert ihn mit den Neuigkeiten. Vom ihm erfährt man von diversen Schmuggelgeschäften. Schließlich informiert man Lliksze übˆ è’œþer den Befund. Um weitere Forschungen anzustellen, identifiziert man die "Field Units" für deren spezielle Einsatzgebiete. Von der Shuttle Station nimmt man den Mikrogenerator und begibt sich zu einem der drei Biotope. Mit dem Generator schaltet man den Computer ein und benutzt die richtige Unit auf markante Punkte im Gelände. Bei den beiden anderen Biotopen verfährt man genauso. Im Labor holt man mit der Sonde die Proben aus den Units und analysiert sie unter ˆ è“#C(Tdem Schallgerät. Nach den Untersuchungen öffnet man einen CommPort zu Consultant Ldyia. Man verlangt von ihm eine Stellungnahme zu den medizinischen Befunden der Tiere und Proben. Nachdem fast alle Fragen unfreundlich beantwortet wurden, begibt man sich zum Quarantine Shelter. Man scannt den Käfig, die Pyramide und die Generatoren. Im Labor kann man nun mit Healer ZZolis sprechen, um weiteren Aufschluß über die Vorgehensweise von Idyia und seinen Forschungen ˆ 蔈ÞÌzu bekommen. Beim Quarantine Shelter trifft man Tzudan an, einer der Aufseher mit dem man sich über alles unterhält. Man erfährt von einem großen, unbekannten Wesen, das Energie saugt, was auf die toten Tiere mit "Energieverlust" zurückzuführen ist. Nach der Konservierung begibt man sich zu Lliksze und berichtet ihr über alle Ergebnisse. Als Llliksze versucht Idyia zu holen stellt sie fest, daß er geflohen ist. Mit Hilfe des Computers wird Dr. Vis schnell gefuˆ 蕈^¼Ünden. Man bekommt den Auftrag das Wesen einzufangen. Dazu fliegt man mit dem Shuttle auf die andere Seite des Geländes zum Reaktor. Dort programmiert man kurz die Frequenz um und begibt sich zum Quarantine Shelter. Man benutzt Panel 2, wartet bis das Wesen im Kreis ist, benutzt Panel 1, Panel 3, Panel 2 und hat das Tier gefangen - die Mission ist erfolgreich beendet. Auf der Enterprise hat T'Bak von der Mission Wind bekommen und offenbart uns seine ganzen Infˆ è–T±Üormationen. Der Ferengi Aramut, der an der Schmuggelaktion beteiligt gewesen sein soll, wird verfolgt und schließlich im Nigold System mit dem Traktorstrahl gefangen. Man handelt mit ihm seine Freiheit gegen Idyias Aufenthaltsort aus. Als weiteren Anhaltspunkt erfährt man von ihm die Kolonie, wo sich die fünfte Rolle befinden könnte. Man nimmt Kurs auf Shonoisho Epsilon VI. Shonoisho Epsilon VI Man läßt T'Bak eine Nachricht senden, worauf sich Chancelloˆè—èŠjr Laraq meldet. Nach einem kurzen Gespräch beamt man auf den Planeten. Nach der Begrüßung geht man in die vordere Pyramide und befindet sich im Raum der Chanters Sekte wieder. Nachdem man Stamblyr ausgefragt hat, erhält man eine Melodie von ihm. Bei der Untersuchung der Orgel stellt man fest, daß diese defekt ist. Vom Ausgangsplatz geht man nach rechts in die Wüste zur Pyramide. Man spricht mit Nachyl und begibt sich danach zur Tür. Bevor man die durchschreitenˆ蘡»¿T darf, muß man aber erst vier Fragen beantworten: 1. Why are you here? Antwort: 2 2. How does a person reach enlightenment? Antwort: 2 3. Which of the sect has correctly interpreted the fifth scroll? Antwort: 4 4. Who was the lawgiver? Antwort: 4 5. By what right are you here? Antwort: 2 6. What is the central principle of the fifth scroll? Antwort: 5 7. Who are you? Antwort: 4 Nun kann man die Tür durchschreiten. Auf der andeˆ虹|=]ren Seite scannt man das Kraftfeld und die Beschreibung neben den Bedienelementen. Da man mit den Schriftzeichen nichts anfangen kann, geht man zu Laraq und bittet ihn um Hilfe. Er überträgt einen Code zum Entcodieren der Schrift in den Tricorder. Mit dem Tricorder entschlüsselt Data die Schrift und setzt danach das Kraftfeld zurück. Aleont erscheint, und Data spricht mit ihm. Als Dank erhält man zwei Amulette und einen Schlüssel sowie die Erlaubnis drei Gegeˆèšt8’¹nstände aus dem "Tresor" zu entfernen. Mit dem Schlüssel öffnet man den Tresor und entnimmt das "Device", den Ring und den Stab mit dem weißen Kopf. Ring und "Device" werden im Raum der Chanters Sekte benutzt, woraufhin man zwei weitere Melodien erhält. Den Stab gibt man dem Gnom auf der hinteren Pyramide, der uns daraufhin jeden Gefallen erweist. Nachdem das Kraftfeld verschwunden ist, benutzen wir die erste Melodie, um uns beamen zu lassen. Für das Lösen des Rˆè›k#fätsels benutzt man am besten die Karte. An der Tür angekommen setzt man den blauen Stein in die Fassung. Im Tunnel, der sich plötzlich öffnet, befindet sich die richtige fünfte Rolle. Man beamt an Bord der Enterprise und übergibt die Flüchtlinge und die Rolle Captain Pentara, die inzwischen aufgetaucht ist. Während man sich unten auf dem Planeten beschäftigt hatte wurde eine Outpost von romulanischen Schiffen zerstört. Nach mehreren Versuchen das Comm zu ˆèœÇu«benutzen kann man eine Verbindung erstellen. Man wird beauftragt, zu Outpost 543 zu fliegen und sich dort mit Commander Chan in Verbindung zu setzen. Durch die Bedrohung der Romulaner wird man angewiesen, zum Goldur System zu fliegen, um dort den Klingonen zu helfen. Nach einigen Kämpfen meldet sich Ky'Dra von der Bortas und berichtet von der Gefangennahme mehrerer Romulaner und deren Absicht eine Superwaffe im Z'Tarkis Nebula zu suchen. Von Chan erhält man wˆèª{õÀeitere Informationen über die Waffe. Weiter nimmt man Kurs auf Horst III. Wie sollte es anders sein - auch dieser Flug wird unterbrochen. Frigis wird von einem Warbird angegriffen, man hält sein Versprechen und hilft Laraq aus dieser Situation. Nach dem Kampf beamt man auf den Planeten und holt sich weitere Infos über die Chodak und deren Unity Device. Von ihm erhält man zwei Werkzeuge, um die Maschinen der Chodak in Gang zu setzen. Zusätzlich bekommt man auch eˆèžFõ<inen Data Crystal, der auf dem Schiff analysiert werden soll. Als man endlich Horst III erreicht hat, muß man feststellen, daß Shanok aufgrund der Romulaner den Planeten verlassen hatte. Nach dem Beamen auf den Planeten scannt man den Erdrutsch. Als man feststellt, daß sich dahinter Hohlräume befinden, schießt man den Eingang frei. In der Mitte befindet sich ein Bildschirm. Zusammen mit den "Rods" kann der Computer aktiviert werden. Man übernimmt alle Daten iˆèŸdëQVn den Tricorder. Links scannt man ebenfalls alle Sachen, um sie auf dem Schiff untersuchen zu können. Nachdem man hochgebeamt hat, nimmt man Kurs auf Allanor. Nach der Planetenanalyse beamt man auf den Planeten. Man scannt alles im ersten Raum. Mit dem Phaser schießt man die Halterung der Tür weg, so daß diese umfällt. Der Drone entwendet man den Störsensor und läuft nach rechts. Rechts oben befinden sich Computer, mit denen man brauchbare Informationen über dieˆè ™tšÍ Station abrufen kann. Läuft man nach rechts, so nimmt man dort Blech und Büroklammer mit und geht dann nach oben. Die Tür wird gescannt. Man steckt den Störsensor in die Schaltkreise der Tür und wartet bis ein Roboter kommt. Der Roboter wird mit dem Tricorder deaktiviert und der Störsensor entfernt. Nun kann man durch die Tür laufen. Links benutzt man den Computer und aktiviert das System sowie die Energiezufuhr. Man wartet bis der Roboter weggeflogen ist unˆè¡(TO LEVEL #2) | (becomes 2a) 3 G--@--X--D-^B^-G--D--S--B--Q | äèéF!TE : 4 | : P--X--X--G G--X--B--X--X--D--X--X--X: | : | | | | : 5 X--D--G--C--Q--D-^X--X--B--X--X--B--X--B--D--X--X--B--X--X--B--X--X--P: : | | | | : 6 X--B--X--X--D--X--X--X--B--X--D--G : SUGGESTED PATH FOR LEVEL #1: 3b,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3e,3d,3c,5c,5d,5e,5f,5g,äèêVú5h,5i,5j,5k,5l,6l,6m,6n,6o,6p 6q,6r,6s,6t,6u,6v,6w,6v,6u,5u,5v,5w,5x,5y,5z,5y,5x,5w,5v,5u,5t,5s,4s,4r,4s 5s,6s,6r,6q,6p,6o,5o,5n,5m,4m,4l,4m,4n,4o,4n,4m,5m,5l,5k,5j,5i,5h,5g,5f,5e 5d,5c,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,3i,3j,2j,2k,1k,1l,1m,2m,2n,2o,1o,1p,1q,1q,1q,0q,0r 0s,1s,1s,1s,0s,0r,0q,1q,2q,2r,2s,2t ------------------------------- MAP OF LEVEL #2 ------------------------------- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 äèëºàÌÉG--Q G--D # # 1 T--X--D--X D--D--D--X--T--D | # 2 E--Q--X--D--D--Q--D--X--X--D--D--X--D--S--Q--D--D--P--D--T--D--D--X--T | # 3 Q--X X--X äèì[w›b | 4 Q--Q--B--X SUGGESTED PATH FOR LEVEL #2: 2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,2f,2g,1g,1f,0f,0g,0f,1f,1g,1g,1h,2i,3i,3h,3i,2i,2j,2k,2l,2m 2n,2o,2p,2q,2r,2s,2t,2u,2v,2w,2x,3x,3w,4w,4v,4u,4t,4u,4v,4w,3w,3x,2x,2w,2v 2u,2t,1t,1u,0u,0v =============================================================================== TARGHAN -- SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR SOLUTION -- BY THE FiRM/SSäèíÄZÑ® =============================================================================== GENERAL NOTES: Save the game at all available save-locations (bow in front of the statue). Watch your power level - use power-potion as required ('large white bottle'). Don't use ANY 'small brown bottles' - they are poisonous potions. Bats rob power - either kill them, avoid them by ducking, or outrun them. Use varied sword techniques on the different types of demons and guards. Shuä èîÒ Š*rikens (ninja-stars) are most useful on archers and evil-wizards. Several rooms have multiple objects in them, so search carefully. Falling into pits is instant death in most cases (FiRMINSURANCE or not!). SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR SOLUTION: Ok, basically proceed down the suggested path for level #1, getting all the objects and reading all the scrolls. The shurikens (ninja-stars) are the least important and should be thrown as necessary to make room for other objects. Onä èïbuèce you return to the surface and reach the first save-point, at map-location "3h", discard (place on ground) everything except the 'golden goblet' (from location "4r") and any remaining shurikens and then save the game... Now continue the game until you reach location "1q". Here you must make some special jumps across the rope to the small "island-platform" and get all the objects there, then jump back. The same is true for map-location "1s", (if you should 'fall-through'ä èð±-E7, it's no big deal, just climb back up via the rope at location "2q" and try again). When you reach the second save-point at "2t", insure that you have the small 'red box' (from location "3j") and the 'golden goblet', and then save the game again... Moving to the level #2 map, the first thing you will encounter at "2a" is the friendly wizard "Athna-An". Bow to him and then place the 'golden goblet' on the ground. He will then leave the 'sparkling stone' for you to pick uä èñÆ©÷p. (This stone must remain with you at all times for you to be able to see and use the 'teleporters'.) Continue the route until you reach the 1st 'teleporter' at map-location "1f". Enter the 'teleporter', wait to be 'transported', then exit to the right at "0f". Get the 'small yellow bottle', then enter the workshop of the evil-wizard at "0g". Destroy the evil-wizard (and the bats), then get the two (yellow?) 'stone-tablets' one-at-a-time, use them (this will display theirä èò¤6”l messages), then drop them again (you don't need to carry them once they have been read). Get another 'small yellow bottle', and the 'small red-orange bottle', (use caution as there is also a 'small brown bottle', which contains poison). Exit the workshop (via 'teleporter') and continue to location "3h". Use a lot of caution here, as every breath of flame will damage you an amount equal to 1/2 of the maximum power. (The best procedure I found is to get as near as possiäèóûÊoNble, wait for a breath, use one of the 'small yellow bottles' (a shrinking potion) to travel under the flame until right-against the dragon, 'duck' through next breath (you will be large again), get the object, 'duck' again for another breath, then jump back quickly...) Do NOT use the second 'small yellow bottle' here as it is required below. Save game at "2n" with the following: 'red box', 'sparkling stone', 'small yellow bottle', 'small red-orange bottle', and the 'necklaceäèôRêŠ'... When you reach the 'teleporter' at "2t", quickly 'walk-through' it and continue to location "2x". Enter the 'teleporter' here and exit at "3x". Now use the small 'red-orange bottle' (see-in-the-dark potion) and travel to "4v". Use the remaining 'small yellow bottle' to enter the hole on the left of the screen into location "4u". Destroy the second evil-wizard and get the 'small yellow bottle' there for your exit via the same opening. Handle "4t" with a cautious 'jäèõbÖ$´ump-duck-get-duck-jump' technique, then travel to "0u". =============================================================================== TARGHAN -- THE FINAL BATTLE WITH THE EVIL ONE -- BY THE FiRM/SS =============================================================================== Now, you can ignore the shuriken at location "0u", because it's useless against the EVIL ONE himself... Best advice here is that when you enter "0v" for the final battle; 1) have fulläèö¾ ‘Ý power; 2) jump quickly to within striking distance; 3) use only the stand-up striking method; 4) strike a lot!!! (Or, do like I did and use the FiRMINSURANCE key... ) Like it *should* now say on the screen... THE END... ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ The Software Surgeon ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÙ -=ð³ THE FiRM ³ð=- äaÓ}w ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ quickly to within striking distance; 3) use only the stand-up striking method; 4) strike a lot!!! (Or, do like I did and use the FiRMINSURANCE key... ) Like it *should* now say on the screen... THE END... ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ The Software Surgeon ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÙ -=ð³ THE FiRM ³ð=- ÷!øýÌP6     ÿþýüûúùø=7 31pÿÿÿý÷èùkØQ | THE IMMORTAL GS by Will Harvey | | | | Step-by-Step Solve | | | | Use only if you are totally stuck! The game is more fun when you solve it | | yourself. There are also level codes at the end of the solve for those who| | are totall÷èúnW\±y stuck at a level. | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| - Notes about directions - The view of the game is psuedo-3d, its difficult to give exact directions. Basically its like this: _____________________ / up / / / / left÷èû¼ÔI right / / / /________down________/ Level 1 ===== = Well, this IS in the documentation! :) a) Kill the goblin who's around the dead guy. Search the dead guy, grab what he has. b) press BUTTON 2 and select FIREBALL. Hug the bottom wall and fireball the guy beating up on the "piratish" person. Go to the pirate-man (known as Ulindor from here on) and get the key from him. Open the chest, grab whats in it. c) go t÷èüûÁrño the door at the far TOP-RIGHT of the room and enter it. d) a goblin is guarding a pile of gold at the top of the room. Fireball him. Muhahaha! Search the guy and grab the stuff he holds. Also get the gold near him. e) enter the door that is opposite the door you came thru. Its the booby-trap room with the flying spears. f) walk this way: ______________________ / /|\==<======<==<==/ / / | / / / ____>___>____/ / ÷èýÍ]p— /______|______________/ so you hug the bottom wall, and then hug the right wall. Finally hug the top wall, and you'll spring a trap at the very left-edge of the top wall. Now run like hell towards the door around the corner, and get your butt inside! g) go left and then down, ie - stick around the LEFT hemisphere of the room with the patch of dirt. The right side has a trap door. h) now you're in a dark room with 1 fireball to spare. Hug the top wall until ÷èþJ¾P] you can see a unlit torch and you're aligned with it. Now FIRE, and the fireball will touch the unlit torch and light up the room! You will see the shadows of the shades. Avoid them, they're tuff. Hug the top wall, then the left, and get the stuff thats in the corner. Now work your way to the door, BE CAREFUL!!! There are traps in the room. You should sorta wind around the middle of the room until you're in the same vertical tile as the door and then head do÷èÿÄš:êwn. You can see where the traps are by pressing button 2 and looking at the map (red dots = traps). i) Take a nap, then go by the ray of light. Stand in front of it and press button 2. Select the AMULET, hold it up, but DO NOT READ THE RUNES! j) boogey down the trapdoor...write down the level code! Level 2 ===== = a) Head towards the top door, you can grab the gem on the way but you can do it next step also. Avoid the slime! b) Talk to the potion-dealer. You d÷èäC¶~on't have enough money to buy oil! Eek. Talk to him one more time. He'll reduce the price. Buy the oil, apply it to your boots, and jam back thru the door you just came thru. Get the gem and go to the bones. Get the sword, but don't search any furthur (more slime). c) return the the potion-dealer and keep walking up. Some green-wisps will appear. Press button 2 and select CHARM. Now the wisps are your friends! d) get the stone, and go to the door at the RIG÷ 胳˜HT (not top). Enter it, but don't press forward too much. Some of the wisps should follow you in. If not, go back thru the door, let the wisps gather around you, and then walk back thru the door. e) there are 2 goblins guarding the door. With a couple of wisps still around you, press button 2 and select CHARM one more time. Now the wisps go on the offensive and beat up the 2 goblins. let them do your work! f) search the dead goblins, get the dust. g) enter ÷ èëXÛthe door. BE VERY VERY CAREFUL! This is the first tricky part of the game. You need to slowly walk towards the dirt (hug the bottom wall), plant the spores, and RUN LIKE HELL TOWARDS THE DOOR! You must not fight the goblins, you will die if you do. You need to plant the spores, and get out. It takes a bit of practice, but its not impossible. h) wait a few seconds outside the door, and then enter back in. The goblins will be dead/dying. Go towards the king, an÷ èü”d talk to him. Give him the water you are carrying (answer YES). He will tell you the order of the gems. i) Go all the way back to the room where the 2 slime-thingies are running around. Now go towards the bones but enter the door by it. Take a nap. j) go to the dwarf and use the dust. Get the gem from him. k) Go to the door at the bottom by the straw, and walk in. More slime! Go towards the door, but before walking thru it drop your stone into a slime thi÷ èç{üngie. It will turn the stone into a gem! Get the gem and walk thru the door. l) You are faced with three pentagrams. You need to place the 3 gems you have in a special order. In the FIRST pentagram (first=leftmost), place a gem in the RIGHT hole. In the 2nd pentagram place a gem in the LEFT hole. In the 3d pentagram place a gem in the center hole. A trapdoor will open, haul your weary bones down it. Level 3 ===== = Ohh, big hole! The entrance to the next l÷ èÞ»î'evel is at the other side of the hole. Hmmm... a) Walk down the 2nd chute. You will see a goblin and troll fighting and a treasure chest. Walk to the chest (avoid the fireholes) and get the stuff inside. press button 2 and select fireball. b) walk behind the TROLL (brown guy, not green) and fireball him. EWW! Pretty dirty trick, shooting a troll in the back. Oh well. Search him and get his knife. c) walk back up the stairs and enter the other set of stairs. ÷èœ}«You will see 2 goblins fighting. HUH?!? I thought they were practicing at first, until I saw blood. Fireball the one at the top. He will turn into a troll and die! Wow. Search him, and grab his protean ring. Don't bother getting the slime-bottle. d) walk down the set of stairs and put on the protean ring. Go towards the goblin guarding the chest. DO NOT COME TOO CLOSE TO HIM! He can tell you're a faker if you come too close to him. Open the chest, get th÷è|Z·ˆe stuff inside, and skidaddle up the stairs. Go up the second set of stairs, and then back down the other set (so you're in the room with the opened chest and dead-troll-from-who-you-took-knife). Enter the door. e) wow! The goblin king! Heeee's aliiiive... let him ramble on, and go thru the door. Wow! A room of upcoming spikes. There is a pattern to the spikes, watch the spikes rise up and down and you will learn the zen of the room. You need to get the ge÷èánÒ‹m also! Basically the pattern is: ______________________ /========== / / = \ /\ / / % / / ! / / / / / / /_/ / /__________o _________/ You start out at "!", walk downwards (note the slime up-curve), get the gem, walk back up, watch the place to sneak past thru, and then hug the top wall. f) You'÷è ßn¶ll see a troll guarding a door. Throw the knife, and the trolls will fight each other. Wow! Walk thru the 1st door, and you'll see two hefty trolls. Wait until they come close and duck back thru the door. Go to the other door now and walk thru it. Run like hell towards the potion. You need to make sure the trolls are far enough from you, otherwise you won't make it. Get the potion, "quaff" it (neat word), and then beat up the trolls. g) walk thru the top do÷è Ÿ÷ior and beat up the 3d troll. Take a nap. h) Circle around the eternal flame, and come close to it from the TOP. Ie: | | /| |<--- \___/ You need to be standing right next to the flame and inside the circle. Its a bit difficult, precision is a must! i) Now wait until the flame is purple, and click button 2. Click on the GEM. You should disappear... and reappear soon. j) Walk down the stairs, write down the code. Level 4 ===== = a) duck the trol÷è I rïl's hits. Let ulindor kill him with a knife. b) Go to ulindor, get the carpet, and walk thru the door... c) Congrats! You're in one of the hardest areas of the game. You need to navigate on the carpet, avoid the firepits (if you hover over one you are TOAST!) and avoid the machine-gun fireballs. You also need to get a scrap of garment with a ring in it; its at the far left of the first room (ie, don't go thru the door right away!). After you get the cloth, go thr÷è sÎu the top door. d) YAH! Yet another Room of firepits! Just navigate slightly upwards and down between the last and 2nd-to-last firepits. Head towards the door (be careful of huggin the bottom wall, there are firepits there!). e) walk thru the door, get some shut-eye. f) walk down. Run towards the stairs! You will probably be attacked by at least 1 troll. Try to survive...its hard. The cheat helps. h) Go towards the girl. Give her her ring (answer YES). i÷è #³z) Walk down the stairs. Place the ring Ana gave you in the center hole, and walk around the entire pentacle THREE times. A stairs will appear, walk down. Thats it! Level 5 ===== = a) Get the egg, follow the goblin, talk to the chief, go thru the bottom door, buy the potion, walk towards the crack-in-the-wall in the room with the map/goblins, and quaff the potion. b) there are 2 ways to do this; you can stay in the 1st room and wait 15 seconds and run into t÷è5Ïhe top room and head towards the chest. Or you can enter the room right away and try to avoid being stepped on for 15 seconds. I've found the potion lasts exactly 17 seconds... c) Open the chest, grab everything. Write down the directions the worm sensor gives. Drink the water-potion. Use the fireball-spellbook. Try to fireball the trolls while heading towards the top door, you may have to fight one. d) Fireball the two lizards in the room, search one and grab÷è/»œ the key. e) enter the room with the stairs down. Turn on the worm sensor. Follow the directions you wrote down (LDRDLDRURD). Listen to the worm sensor. THIS IS VERY DIFFICULT, the only way to complete it is to practice. Sorry, but no easy way to give directions... f) Train the egg by placing worm-bait down in the pentacle. The stairs will open up. Thats it! Level 6 ===== = a) go thru the 2nd hole, when the spider-legs are in the 1st. You need to time thi÷趶žs well, just so that the spider-legs aren't in the 2nd hole when you enter! b) "Fake" the giant spider out, go psuedo-close to her but run back when she raises herself to web. As soon as she finishes her webbing, run towards her and attack! Beat her up, shouldn't be a problem. c) walk down the stairs, get the alcohol, avoid the eggs and don't open the chest. d) A semi-difficult area, the spiders will swarm you after a few seconds. You need to head forward and ÷è3g7ãthen spill the wine (keep moving forward). The spiders will swarm the wine and leave you alone for a few seconds. Reach the stairs and climb down. (may take a bit of practice to time things...) Level 7 ===== = Almost there! a) Run towards the man being tortured (eeww) and talk to him. Give Dunric his ring, get the spells. You can avoid fighting the troll if you wish, he carries nothing (run towards the stairs). b) fight ulindor. Kill him. sleep. Walk ÷ècÕÜ„down the stairs. c) You must practice barrel-riding now. You must become proficient at it so you can ride from the nordlac to the whirlpool in the least amount of time. Its possible, just difficult. Practice,practice! You need a good headstart on the nordlac, this can be achieved by floating backwards (slowly) near the nordlac, when he starts chasing you you don't have to turn around and have a large advantage. Don't loose the advantage! d) head towards the whi÷è)6–rlpool with the nordlac following you. Just run into the whirlpool, don't worry about where the nordlac is. Thats it for level 7. End Game === ==== a) Open the chest, get the stuff, walk down the stairs. b) Walk towards the center of the room. Oh no! A pit! c) Fall down the pit. Get ready for the battle of your life... - FIGHTING THE DRAGON - There is a specific pattern to the end-sequence. You must activate the blink spell, and ÷èÍ&9ßthen use it _6_ times. Each blink must be timed EXACTLY, as soon as the dragon breathes blink. The dragon will pause for a second now, it will appear to do a fake breath. Don't be faked out! The second before he exhales, click on button 2 and select FIRE PROTECTION. The dragon now begins to wheeze. Click button 2 and select the amulet. Hold it up but don't read it. Wait a few seconds, SUPRISE! Its mordamir. Get ready for a even more intense battle. As soon as he finishes ÷èÔÞ&talking mean to you, click on button two and ready BODY STATUE. He will have a blue-lightning effect come out of his hand and go upwards off the screen. The second the entire lightning bolt is off the screen, wait a fraction of a second and click the button (to activate body statue). This needs to be timed exactly, like the blink. He will attack you with this blue-lightning 3 times, time them carefully. THE SECOND after you body-statue the 3d lightning-bolt, click on SONIC. Mo÷è0,E rdamir will issue a sonic-boom, the sonic spell will protect you. He will also issue another blue-lightning (twice) while the sonic boom is going on, be prepared to press fire to activate the body-statue. Finally, he will call upon a grim-reaper to attack you. Body statue before the wraith attacks. Mordamir goes back to talking, get your hand ready on button number 2. As soon as you're back to the graphics screen, press button 2 and activate magnetic hands. Thats it! Ya tric÷èjqŸuked the old geezer. Congratulations, you have solved THE IMMORTAL GS by Will Harvey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Immortal Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --2--> CDDFF10006F70 --3--> CC5EE21000E10 --4--> B5FFF31001EB0 --5--> D630F43000EB0 --6--> 1BBEB53010A41 --7--> C250F63010AC1 --8--> E011F÷ è²?ý¨730178C1 These are "top notch" codes, except for level 6 I believe, which has a bit less than maximum energy. There is also a cheat which I wrote on America Online to help ya out if you're stuck. It gives you unlimited energy (doesn't help with traps however). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solve by Parik Rao thanks to: DangardAce (AFA Parik) Grn Barron ÷!7íM­ DanW190 l 6 I believe, which has a bit less than maximum energy. There is also a cheat which I wrote on America Online to help ya out if you're stuck. It gives you unlimited energy (doesn't help with traps however). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solve by Parik Rao thanks to: DangardAce (AFA Parik) Grn Barron )ýÌ0ÿBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! 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First make your dude, I chose the Knight. Then when the game is start go down the stairs and head for the man standing near the bar. Ask him questions about Kingdom, and then you will have more options to ask people. After this, go to the room to the left hand corner of the bar. Talk toƒè†Yü@à the Prior and he will ask you if you want to take a mission for him, answer yes. Now leave the city by exiting the inn and following the path toward the north If you keep following the path (keep close to the top of the path) you will meet a woodsman, talk to the dude and ask him of orcs, continue asking him questions.. go into his house and take the dagger. you can now attack from far away.. Now continue following the path, making sure you check every hole you can see goƒè‡–Y1¥ing into the forest toward the north. Once you find it, follow the forest path and soon you will reach the orcs clearing.. Don't be fool, just run toward the urn in the southwest corner of the screen and take the urn. Now head back and give the Prior what you found. (Save your game now by going to the inn and asking for lodging.) The Prior sould send you to the castle to the se of the city. Enter and look for the dude sitting on the throne.. talk to him, he will send yƒèˆ3«Àou on a quest for the 2nd object of power, The Tablet. exit the town toward the south and find you will find aa city ( it will take a while head toward the east and south paths when you can). This is not really a city but only an Inn, Save your game here. Continue east and north when you can, will take you to another city, talk to everyone and save your game. now head toward the south and follow the path (going east and south when possible) you will soon reach the town. ƒè‰{I#| (again save your game) talk to everyone and you will soon learn about a trap door under the cellar. Enter the cellar (behind the Bartender) and look for a thing on the wall (in the ne alcove) , this will allow access to the castle.. Look for the stair going up, be sure to stay away from the guards.. Once you are on the second stair look for the tablet, it is in a small room with no doors.. Now leave and save game Go back to the regeant and give him the tablet, (oh iƒèŠ V¹Bf you try talking with someone the stone will think you are talking to it, ask High King) Your next mission is to find the assassin of the high king.. Go south from the original city (don't follow paths) and you will soon hit water. follow the water toward the east and north and you will find a bridge.. Pass the bridge and head south, look for the assassin's hut - it is around here. Enter it and ask the assassin of High King - he will give you a scroll. Now exit his hut ƒè‹?/and head toward the water (don't pass bridge) Follow water east. Don't worry where it turns - just follow it.. soon you will reach the Tablet city again.. Enter the castle and go onto the 3rd floor. Give the scroll to the dude in the throne - the warden. He will tell you there is a spy. Exit the castle and talk to everyone and follow up on every tip. if you do you will have an obtion to ask about spying. Wait until nightfall (wait in castle) and go to the guard to yourƒèŒ=){ right. Ask him about spying he will attack you - kill him and take the scroll. Give the scroll to the warden, he will send you on a mission to save his son. Head toward the north and west when possible and you will soon find a city with a duke in one house - he will tell you the warden's son is near the mountains. go toward the east (forget the paths) until you hit mts. now head south, you will see a big building. Enter it, kill everyone and pick up the scroll on theƒ è RÛ4 table. go upstair with the key you'll find and free the son. He will tell you to see Arial - he is in a tower. Go find him.. Once you find him - he will tell you to go to the ruins. but first you need to go to the inn (the one that is only an inn - nothing else) and talk to the guy next to the bartender - he will tell you stuff, and soon you will have an obtion for holy water. Save game and experiment with the scroll you found. Go to every city and search out the Prior Kaƒ 莜ýî"ne, he will give you holy water. If you happen to find a man who offers to sell you an axe in your experiment GREAT! Now go back to the lone Inn. Save game and head to the middle of the inn (near it's south wall) Now walk straight south until you see ruins, you will find a door in the ruins. Enter it and search around making sure you press all those knobs on the ground. You will soon find the Evil Liche. Kill him by using holy water. Now go back to Arial. He wiƒ „›„¿ll send you the the Crater. Find the Crater and enter it. Again being sure you press all the knobs. Ok, now go find the monestary in the mountains, enter it with the key your found in the Crater. Now go searching around for an orb. Use the orb on the Evil Cleric and you have won the game (P.S I will try to scan the map for you guys soon !!) You will soon find the Evil Liche. Kill him by using holy water. Now go back to Arial. He wiý̚┓’‘¥ 34pÿÿÿýè‘ÔƒæÝSolution to: Tracers Sanction, submitted by Ton Kroon (ISAABK@HHEOUH50) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- talk to man,R,V,R,buy chart,L,look chart,buy oil,500,V,V,look cockpit, set pointer sonex,push button,A,get all,V,R,A,A,L,V,knock door, (next stop jubilex,A,R,A,R,V,sell gem,A,L,A.R,wait (4X)cut in line, (graaf verborgen schat bij mentors castle),L,V,V,buy oil,900,V,V, set pointer jubilex,push button,R,A,A,A,A,A,take shovel,R,R,V,yell,V, gè’`ßËet diamond,dig,L,enter,L,L,V,R,take battery,L,give spacesuit,V,L,A, take stick,V,V,talk to bartender,hit bartender,(niemand op aarde mag het zwaard uit de steen halen),buy drink,take drink,A,R,V,V,buy foil,800, (sonex),V,V,set pointer sonex,push button,diamand verkopen en terug naar schip,buy foil,1500V,V,set pointer brenon,push button,R,A,A,L,L,V,V, shake bridge,V,put battery into egnad,A,A,A,R,R,R,R,R,wear jetpack,turn dial, V,look bush,V,get all,A,turn dial,A,L,L,V,V,V,set pointerè“(©Í† earth,push buttton, A,drop chart,drop vodka,drop ace off spades,V,R,A,A,L,L,L,V,turn wheel, look drawbridge,L,A,get torch,V,R,V,R,look books,take worn book,turn dial, take sword,V,L,dig,get rope,A,R,look bridge,(steek zwaard in deur voor toegang tot Wing),R,R,R,V,buy fuel,900,V,V,set pointer jubilex,push button,R,A,A,A, L,light torch,R,V,V,buy fuel,700,V,V,set pointer koranth,push button,R,A, A,R,A,A,drop egnad,open grating,R,A,L,tie rope to pipe,L,L,L,R,R,R,untie rope, R,V,L,take eè”S©¿gnad,V,V,L,L,A,R,climb tree(banaan),L,V,R,V,buy fuel,800,V,V, set pointer metropolis,push button,A,drop all,get egnad,ace off spades,banana, vodka,V,R,A,A,L,L,L,L,L,A,R,give banana,get all,L,V,R,R,R,R,R,V,V,open account, A,L,deposit 560,R,A,L,A,A,A,A,(driesprong),R,R,A,withdraw 560,V,L,L,L,L, (casino)V,L,give vodka,talk to bartender,buy drink,buy info,de planeet is Valkyron,R,R,talk to dealer,,bet 545,cheat,L,A,drop banana,R,R,R,R,A,deposit 1635,V,L,L,V,V,V,V,R,V,L,withdraw 1635,R,A,Ÿ…êR,V,buy fuel,1600,V,V,set pointer koranth,push button,set pointer darten,push button,A,get sword,V,R,A,A,R, push button etc.. use key,insert sword,R,speak to egnad,follow egnad,drop egnad,L,L,L,L,speak wing,R,R,R,R,take egnad,speak egnad,follow egnad,A,A,A,L,V g),R,R,A,withdraw 560,V,L,L,L,L, (casino)V,L,give vodka,talk to bartender,buy drink,buy info,de planeet is Valkyron,R,R,talk to dealer,,bet 545,cheat,L,A,drop banana,R,R,R,R,A,deposit 1635,V,L,L,V,V,V,V,R,V,L,withdraw 1635,R,A,•C–ýË´ Ø×ÖÕÔÓÒÑÐÏÎÍÌËÊÉÈÇÆÅÄÃÂÁÀ¿¾½¼»º¹¸·¶µ´³²±°¯®­¬«ª©¨§¦¥¤£¢¡ Ÿžœ›š™˜—–~È 35]pÿÿÿý•è—`Šb, WALK-THROUGH for ULTIMA UNDERWORLD (Ver 1.6) -------------------------------------------- Mitch Aigner Yes folks, here it is. It starts with a run through of the highlights of each of the 8 levels, and goes on from there. * - indicates what you absolutely gotta have: % - indicates optional ventures, usually worth the reward Level 1 ------- * Recipe for Rotworm stew from Lanugo % Solve the puzzle of the 4 levers % Raid the t•è˜{ÿ€reasuries of the Green and Grey goblins Level 2 ------- * Kill the Gazer in the mines for Goldthirst and collect the reward * Have Shak repair the Sword of Justice (after you find the pieces later on) % Get the blueprints for Ironwit. Key is in small room in the same area that you must jump to, then follow the yellow brick road. Use Fly potion (green) to take you to yet another part of same area (when you see a gap far too far to jump). Do not fall off the elevated paths, mons•è™…Õ›ters await below. % Raid Goldthirst's treasury. Offer him a gift (anything GOLD!) , and he will give you the password. Use Fly, Levitate, or Gate Travel spell to get out. Level 3 ------- * Blade for Sword of Justice - secret door behind vines in SE corner * Taper of Sacrifice from Zak * Cup of Wonder - after learning flute tune, and how to use incense * Free the prisoner (Murgo) held by the lizardmen. Don't do this until the prisoner has translated the complete lizard language f•èš©ÈSor you. % Find the remains of Ossika (bring scroll back to Ishtass) % Give a red gem to Iss'leek % Kill all of the bandits, and find their treasury Level 4 ------- * Give gemcutter to Derek for code to Ring of Humility (used on level 5) * Kill Roderick and then collect Standard of Honor from Dorna Ironfist % Give Sethar the Rotworm Stew to get Dragon Scales % Join the knighthood (allows access to their Armory - great stuff!) % Find the Writ of Lorne (talk to Lakshi about Rawstag) % •è›èçäFind the Golden Plate behind secret door in Maze of Silas (door code is shown on the two knights tombstones) % Solve the puzzle of the Bullfrog and find the illusionary wall to secret area Level 5 ------- * Ring of Humility (using code mentioned above) * Talk to Eyesnack to learn a flute tune. * Hilt of Sword of Justice from tombs * Give Judy the picture of Tom (after you find it below) * Re-bury Garamons' bones (after you find them below) % Have Marrowsuck make Dragon-skin boots •èœ&K(Dragon scales and spider thread) % Offer to fetch "zanite" for Anjor % Get code for mine dispatch chamber from Kneenibble Level 6 ------- * Talk to Dr. Owl about location of Wine of Compassion (after freeing Murgo) * Get book from Bronus to deliver to Morlock * Talk to Morlock about Book of Honesty (after completing above errand) * Defeat Golem to obtain the Shield of Valor * Talk to Fyrgen and Louvnon to get some clues to the six-letter mantra * Talk to Illomo (both BEFORE and AFT•èc#À:ER you find his friend Gurstang below) % Talk to Gralwart about getting a "Vas" runestone % Get the book "Properties of Runestones" for Ranthru Level 7 ------- * Talk to Naruto about a key * Free the prisoners * Go down to level 8 (three places): Pick up a piece of Orb Rock in one of them Get the Crown from the Imp in another * Use the crown to master the maze and defeat Tyball, then free Arial * Return to the prison and: get the Picture of Tom f•èžn-rom Bolinard get the Key from Smonden talk to Gurstang (tell him Illomo sent you) * Use the Key on the door in the extreme NW corner. Proceed upward to get the Key of Courage. % Find the Medallion of Passage in the SW quadrant to get through all of the guard posts without having to do battle (though I preferred to battle :-) % Destroy Tyballs' orb by throwing the Orb Rock you collected at it. % Raid the imps' treasury by ki• èŸ×éI±lling the Golems. Make sure that you have a few Health potions handy, as some of the items are cursed. % Find the "Ring of Levitate" in the chasm of fire (real handy on level 8) % Visit the tombs (lots of secret doors, some good stuff, but must have the Crystal Splinter from Kallistan to get in) % Go back to the prisons and kill all of the &^#$%! guards (just for revenge) Level 8 ------- * Talk to Carasso about the location of Garamons' bones * Open the central door with the tr• è p’öi-partite key and do what Garamon told you to do when you re-buried his bones. % Find lots of really awesome weapons, armor, and magic stuff MoonGate Level -------------- * Just run like hell, that is all you CAN do! GAME OBJECTIVES: --------------- You have two goals in this game: 1) Survival 2) Find all 8 of the magic Talismans of Sir Cabrius You cannot finish the game until you have all 8 Talismans, and have re-buried the bones of the wizard Garamon. In addition, you will n• è¡QúxÉeed to assemble the Tripartite key. General tips: ------------ - Don't kill anyone who is not actively trying to kill you (no matter how rude they may be) - If anyone asks you to run an errand for them, do it (the reward is almost always worth it) - Trust the good guys (identified by the Banner of Cabrius at their door). They will never steer you wrong. - Save your game often. - Talk to people more than once. There are different threads to most of the conversations. Try d• 袛½/«ifferent responses each time. - Write down what people tell you. It may not make any sense now, but could do so in the future. Other useful stuff: ------------------ 1. When using Fly or Levitate: pressing "E" makes you go up, pressing "Q" makes you go down. 2. You can make a fishing pole with a Pole and Spider Thread (who says there's no such thing as a free lunch! Fresh fish are also great for payoffs and for bartering). 3. Make popcorn with corn and a torch. 4. You c• è£íæäan make a torch by pouring an oil flask onto a piece of wood. Undocumented spells: ------------------- AS - curse UP - long jump KM - summon monster VOG - sheet lightning ACM - smite undead IS - thick skin (medium shield) YP - walk on water VKC - armageddon (do not use, you won't like it) Documented spells (included primarily for the folks who just have the demo) ----------------- (the demo documentation wasn't so hot IMHO) To find out which spells you can cast: Take your ex•è¤3*perience level, divide by 2, and then round up. This number is the maximum circle of spells you can use. To find out how much Mana you need: Take the circle number and multiply by 3. 1st Circle: IMY - create food IL - light OJ - magic arrow BIS - resist blows (small shield) SH - stealth 2nd circle: QC - cause fear WM - detect monster IBM - lesser heal IJ - rune of warding RDP - slow fall 3rd circle: BSL - conceal (low level invisibility) OG - lightning QL - night vision R•è¥i†+ðTP - speed SJ - strengthen door (same as using spikes) 4th circle: IM - heal HP - levitate NM - poison AJ - remove trap SF - resist fire 5th circle: AN - cure poison PF - fireball GSP - missile protection OWY - name enchantment (identify) EY - open 6th circle: VIL - daylight VRP - gate travel (to moonstone) VIM - greater heal AEP - paralyze OPY - telekinesis 7th circle: IMR - ally VAW - confusion VHP - fly VSL - invisibility OAQ - reveal 8th circle: FH - flame wind AT •è¦xØ‡Þ - freeze time IVS - iron flesh (major shield) OPW - roaming sight VPY - tremor Mantra chants: ------------- I have included comments on the relative importance of each. NOTE: this is In My Humble Opinion (which is bound to be different from your opinion, or anyone elses). Chant Skill IMHO ----- ---------- ----------------------------------- FAL Acrobat Need a little to keep from getting hurt in falls/jumps HUNN Appraise worthless RA Attack Need LOTS! GAR•è§OÄ4Ñ Axe Need LOTS only if you are an Axe-man SOL Casting Need a little to keep from getting hurt when spells 'backfire' UN Charm worthless ANRA Defense Need LOTS! LAHN Lore Need LOTS! (to identify scrolls/potions/armor/wands/etc) KOH Mace Need LOTS only if you are a Mace-man IMU Mana Need LOTS! FAHM Missile Need LOTS only if you are a Missiles-man (bow/crossbow/sling) AAM Picklock Real handy on upper levels, not so handy •è¨\Žwåon the lower ones LON Repair worthless, as Shak works cheap (and as fast as you can) LU Search Need a little to help find secret doors MUL Sneak mostly worthless ONO Swimming mostly worthless AMO Sword Need LOTS only if you are a swordsman ROMM Traps beyond worthless ORA Unarmed Need LOTS if you prefer not to carry around a weapon ** ** - The game CAN be won without the use of weapons or armor. Character Creation: ------------------ •è©“sž Throw away all the characters in the beginning. For each character class there are a number of random skills assigned each time that you create a new character,... except that they aren't random! Let's say I want to be a fighter. I create a bunch of fighter characters and throw them all away, but not after writing down each ones' attributes. Now I quit the game, and re-start the game. I again create a character. The exact same sequence of characters will appear in the exa•èªIp›ct same order, but now I know exactly which one to keep!! Strength is the most important skill of all. Most of the rest can be im- proved later via shrine chants, but not Strength. Fighters, Druids, and Tinkers generally have high Strength factors. You will want to have a Strength factor of at least 25 in order to wear plate armor, and still be able to carry a fair amount of goodies. Your carry capacity (measured in units of "stones") is exactly twice your Strength •è«ýW‚rating. The three primary skills (Strength, Intel., Dexterity) are factored in with the other skill ratings. The final value used by the game seems to be proportional to the skill level multiplied by the primary skill level tied to it. These associations are as follows: Strength: Attack Defense Unarmed Sword Mace Missile Axe Intelligence: Mana Casting Lore Dexterity: Sneak Swim Search Lockpick Charm Acrobat Traps Repair Appraise For example: If you are trying to pick a lock•è¬Ìœ®, the game uses a number based on your Dexterity TIMES your Lockpick skill. Maximum Vitality and Mana Capacities: These seem to depend on several factors. The present theory is as follows: Vitality: Depends on Strength and Experience level Mana: Depends on Intelligence, Experience, and Mana skill rating The precise equations using these numbers remain a mystery. Fun things to do: ---------------- On Level 4, NW corner•è­€ì› (accessible only from level 7), there are two hostile mages. Kill one, and leave the other alive. Then get out of his way, as he will throw fireballs at you. Go find some safe corner in which to hide. The remaining mage will "summon" a wide variety of nasties for you to kill (hostile lizardmen, mountainmen, fighters, spiders, headlesses, etc), each with its usual assortment of goodies. This gives you the chance to sample battle with all of the various denizons of the abyss, as well •è®t¼þÌas cover the floors with loot. Every once in a while you may have to go back to the mage and push him around a bit, to keep him sufficiently pissed off. Drink lots of Ale and Port all at once - get drunk and pass out! (Just remember that you need to save at least 1 bottle of Port for rotworm stew.) Outright spoilers: ----------------- Level 1 levers puzzle - with 0 being top position, then clockwise: Turn the lever farthest from the door to 1, the next to•è¯ÄšÆ 2, next one 3, next one 4 (straight down). Level 2 Goldthirsts' password - "Deco morono" Level 3 Cup of Wonder - Flute tune is: 3 5 4 2 3 7 8 7 5 Mantra for triangulation: "insahn" Level 4 Maze of Silas - flip the levers in the following order: Silver - Gold - Gold - Silver - Silver - Gold Level 4 Bullfrog puzzle - The floor area is an 8 by 8 grid of movable tiles. The two levers se•è°U+׶lect the X and Y coordinates of the tile you wish to move. Pushing the upper button on- then-off raises the selected tile. Pushing the lower button on-then-off lowers the selected tile. The wand simply resets the floor to its original state for when you screw up too badly. Build two ramps to get to the two eastern-most corners. Ju•è±‹›mp through the wall to get into the secret area in the south. Level 5 Ring of Humility - hit NW lever, then SE, NE, SW. STAY OUT of the center of the room while doing this. Hug the walls. Level 5 Mine Control Code - with 0 being top position, then clockwise: Left to Right: 7 2 6 Level 5 Garamon - wants you to throw the "talismans" into the "volcano". You CA•è²›gU‹NNOT complete the game unless you have found his bones on level 8 (Garamon was the brother of Tyball, and one heck of a mage. You will find several runestones (one is "Vas") and a magic ring by the right bones). The bones must be buried in the grave in the tombs on level 5 ("use" the bones on the gravestone). After the ghost appears, you must answer the questions correctly. •è³ÓS¹ Another way to tell if you have the right set of bones is to try to stack them on top of another set of bones in your inventory. Like coins, bones will stack,.. leaving one "bones" icon with a number next to it to indicate how many are stacked. Garamon's bones will not stack this way. Talismans: --------- Taper of Sacrifice - Level 3, trade with Zak (food) Sword of Justice - Level 3, Blade•è´8fì is in secret room. Lever to operate is be- hind a vine-covered wall in the extreme SE corner (Note: you must attempt to "pick up" the vines to reveal the secret door, just "looking" won't work). Level 5, Hilt is in the tombs area, accesible from either the Bullfrog area of Level 4, or a secret door on Level 5. Level 2, Shak will make the repairs for 20 coins.•èµIs/] Cup of Wonder - Level 3, room where Gazer is (that you have to swim to). Stand on the little pedastal in the corner and play your flute. The flute tune is taught by Eyesnack on level 5. The clues to the three-part mantra (and use of incense) are taught by Fyrgen and Louvnon on level 6. Standard of Honor - Level 4, from Dorna Ironfist, after slaying the Chaos Knight (aka • è¶õ)©åSir Roderick). Ring of Humility - Level 5, room in NW quadrant with levers. Throw levers in following order: NW SE NE SW. Stay away from the center of the room when doing this. After last lever is thrown, ring will be on the central pedastal. This is told by Derek on level 4 after you give him the Gem-cutter you got from Goldthirst on level 2 after you slew the Gazer in the mi•!è·×n>óne. Shield of Valor - Level 6, after defeating the Golem Wine of Compassion - Level 6, in checkerboard room with 2 headlesses (NW quad- rant of level 6, off room with dozens of worms). Wine is hidden under a floor tile in the SE corner. Try to "pick up" or "use" the tile. Told by dr. Owl on level 6 after freeing his servant Murgo from the lizardmen on level 3. Book of Honest•"è¸Á×óîy - Level 6, is in the key behind the hourglass. There is an hour-glass shaped room (NW quadrant of level 6) with a secret door at the end of it. Go through the door and jump across the chasm to get to a key-shaped room. Told by Morlock on level 6 after you deliver the book from Bronus on level 6. Key of Love - Level 5, from Judy after giving her the Picture of Tom Key•#è¹Yo“ë of Truth - Level 6, after chanting "fanlo" at a shrine. Found in the title of a book in the Library on Level 6, after talking to Illomo (level 6) after finding Gurstang (level 7) after talking to Illomo the first time. Key of Courage - Level 3, NW corner (NW area accessible only from level 7) Key of Infinity (tri-partite key) - made by assembling the above three pieces. Jus•$èºkÔ˜+t drop them on top of each other in your inventory, and they will bind. Lizard Language --------------- bica - hello, goodbye 'click - no 'click-iriass - Sir Cabrius eppa - visit isili - me (also means I) kri'kla - lurker ossli - enough sel'a - give (also means trade) sor'click - stranger sorr - enemy sorra - steal sseth - yes s•%è»EçP?stresh - help Thepa - Lizardmen thes'click - hate thesh - like thit - need tosa - you Urgo - Murgo (the prisoner: Dr. Owls' light-fingered assistant) yeshor'click - friend yethe - kill zekka - food Assorted Notes: -------------- There are fountains of healing only on levels 1, 2, and 3 There is one shrine on every level (except level 3 which has three, and level 4 which has two) Mandolins appear to be •&輜`Acompletely useless. Pieces of wood can be used to improvise a torch,.. just douse it with oil. Spikes are for pinning doors shut. Once a door is spiked, only you can open it. You cannot defeat Level 7 without making a few trips down to Level 8 You cannot kill the "Slasher of Veils", no matter which side of the moongate you both happen to be on. (Even with Attack/Defense/and Sword ratings of 250+) (don't ask). You can get him to the "yellow" state, but not beyond. When you and th•'è½^>ae demon are sucked through the moongate, you must run down one of the three paths (red, green, blue) that go off the central area. That is all you can do. The Orb you found on Level 1 tells you which path to take. Maximum skill ratings depend upon the character-type selected (Example: Fighters can only go to 25 in Mana/Lore/Casting rating, while Druids can go to 30) Maximum Mana capacity also depends upon the type of character created. Druids and Mages rate very high. Trick to ge•(è¾$›#t past all the Fire Elementals in the Chasm of Fire on level 7: When you come up from the NE part of level 8, you will find a Golem and a Key. There is a secret door leading to the Chasm of Fire. Open the door and familiarize yourself with the route from the door to level 8 and the Chasm. Go back down to level 8 and kill some time while your Mana re-charges. When you are up to about 25 Mana points, fire up two "Sanct Flam" spells and cruise up to level 7 and the Chasm. The Fire Eleme•)è¿íòéntals will cease to be a problem. Trick to the prison area of level 7: Kill all of the guards ("medallion, I don't need no steenking medallion!"). The head guard has a key which will open all of the low-security prison cells,.. and all of the portcullises in the prison area, ... and all of the portcullises in the other guard areas of level 7. Real handy. The alternative is unpleasant. There are at least 8 magic rings There are at least 15 magic wands Lots of goodies are hidden un•*èÀ8f–der bones, debris, etc. If you see a pile of debris (of the variety that you can't pick up), look to make sure that every pixel is in its proper place. If not, carefully click on the offending pixel. Go swimming in the rivers in the mines of Level 2. Look carefully at any sewer pipes that you find. (he he he) (don't worry, it's not fatal). It is generally a bad idea to kill anyone who is not actively trying to kill you This is for 2 resons: 1) You may have needed to talk to them s•+èÁQÒ¤ome more. 2) Killing good guys gives you negligible exprience points and in some cases even REDUCES your experience points! There are more than enough hostile critters around to get you max. experience. There are a maximum of 16 experience levels. After the 16th level, that's it. There are a maximum of around 9600 experience points. After that the number will not increase. (Examples: 9646, 9714, 9688, etc.) There are 5 secret doors in•,èÂt/ê the tombs of Level 7. There are 3 secret doors in the Maze of Silas on Level 4. On levels 3, 4, 5, and 6, there are areas in the extreme NW corner that you cannot get to other than through the door on level 7. This door cannot be opened until you have defeated Tyball (i.e. finished all of level 7), and freed the prisoners in the high-security cells. Talk to the knights on Level 4 repeatedly. They know lots of mantras you can use to increase your fighting and weapons skills. They •-èÃ@ß4Þdo not neccessarily tell you these the first time that you talk to them. Using the Detail setting from the menu can really help if you have a slow machine. Cranking the detail down allows much faster/smoother motion. Settings are as follows: Very High - full detail High - no detail on ceilings Medium - no detail on ceilings or floors Low - no detail on ceilings, floors, or walls For critical jumps, it is very handy to cr•.èÄÂŒ¸½ank the detail to LOW, make the jump, and then crank it back up. Especially on slow machines. To make Rotworm Stew: Get the recipe from the green goblin Lanugo on level 1. Don't lose that recipe! Assemble the correct ingredients in a bowl Then "use" the recipe You will see the icon for the bowl change if succesful There are more bowls/ingredients on lower levels Moonstone: •/èÅX¸éãOnce you have the ability to cast a Gate Travel spell (via scroll or runestones) fire one up. This will teleport you to the moonstone area on Level 2. There is a secret wall to get out of this area. Pick up the moonstone and put it down where ever you want. Further Gate Travel spells will teleport you to the stone. Tombs on level 7: You need to get the Crystal Splinter from Kallistan (in the prison cells). Then leave the •0èÆ÷#Tßprison area through the main gate and head south, until you can't go south any more. There is a secret wall (not a door) that will shatter when you run into it. This will not happen unless you have the Crystal Splinter in your possesion, and there is no other way to get into the tombs. There are 5 secret doors in the tombs area. Three of these are located at gravesites that do •1èÇm–„not have headstones. The other two lead back out into the main areas of level 7. These two are one-way-only secret doors. They can be opened only from the tombs area. Silver Sapling: When you "pick up" the Silver Sapling on level 1, it turns into a seed. Find some "dirt" floors, and re-plant the seed. The Sapling will re-grow. This allows you to be re-incarnated if you die. Upon death, you will find yourself alive once more•2èÈúÏœI, at the location of the Sapling. The seed needs to be planted only once. Re-incarnations seem to be infinite. You can move the Sapling to a more convenient place by picking it up and re-planting (if you wish). Rawstag will only open the door if you give him a red gem (any type/condition) To free the prisoner (Murgo) from the Lizardmen, give Ssetharee lots of food (I used 10 fresh fish that I caught with my fishing pole). Give the giant gold nugget to Goldthirst. He will be really•3èÉDõñG impressed. To raid the Goblin treasuries on Level 1: Grey goblins: Throw up a couple of shield spells and just walk in. The guard will immediately attack, so be quick. DO NOT counter-attack. If you attack any one of the goblins, the rest will all come running to his aid (and you will be up against 7 at once). Once you have all of the goodies, leave the goblins' area. If you return later, only the guard will be upset. Green goblins: Don't let anyone see you. Push the guard int•4èÊeСro the next room and "spike" the door closed. Then wait until nobody else is looking. Open the door and close it behind you, as you will be in the treasure room for a while. Again, if attacked, DO NOT counter attack. To use incense: Wave a torch or candle over the block of incense. If done right, the block will change appearance to show that it is lit. Now "use" (left click) the block, and you will see a vision. Each vision gives you 2 letters of the 6- letter mantra. Once you have u•5èËÌ(>sed incense 3 times, you will have all 6 letters. The pairs must now be re-arranged to get a workable mantra that you can chant at a shrine (3 pairs of letters, three positions = 6 possible combinations). There is NO TIME LIMIT to complete the game. You can take as long as you want. Weapons come in the following calibers: (from worst to best) Swords - dagger / short sword / long sword / broad sword Maces - cudgel / light mace / mace Axes - hand axe / axe / battle axe Missiles - •6èÌ›¾·¤sling / bow / crossbow Shields - buckler / small shield / wooden shield / tower shield Armor - leather / mail / plate Weapons/Armor/etc come in the following grades: (from worst to best) badly worn / worn / servicable / excellent Runestones: ---------- Numbers indicate the levels upon which they may be found. There may be more than one of the same kind of runestone on a level (as for the "AN" stone), a "*" by the level number means that you have to get it from someone (usually by•7èÍÅ «÷ going off on some weird quest). A 4, 4, 4 (means that there are a total of 3 stones, all on Level 4) B 1, 3 C 4 D 3 E 6 (behind a barrel,... hard to spot) F 6, 6* G 3, 4, 5 H 2, 3 I 1, 4, 8 J 1, 4, 4, 5 K 6 L 1 M 1, 2, 4 N 5, 6 O 1, 3 P 2, 3 Q 4 R 3, 5 S 1, 3, 4, 8 T 5, 8 U 2 V 6, 8 W 3* Y 1, 2, 3 Secret doors ------------ WARNING: Some secret doors (especially on level 7) are ONE-WAY ONLY. This means that if you are on on the wrong side of the•8èÎåùv3 door, it will not open (or even appear to exist at all). Level 1: Door between Grey goblin area and room with levers/pedastals Door by Silver Sapling - leads to shrine area Door on north wall of hallway in extreme NW quadrant - leads to fountain Level 2: No secret doors Secret wall exposed after using Gate Travel to the Moonstone Level 3: Door along hallway in extreme SE quadrant, behind vines - leads to fountain Note: you must try to "pick up" the vines in order to expose t•9èÏr=Îhe secret door just "looking" won't work. Fortunately, this is the only place that this is neccessary. (Dirty trick IMHO) Door in store-room of thieves Door at end of hallway by lever in extreme NE quadrant Secret area behind waterfall in NE quadrant (swim to it) Level 4: 2 doors behind Roderick 3 doors in the Maze of Silas Door in room with skeletons/pedastals/switches Door behind chest in water area Secret area in SE corner of Bullfrog Maze (just jump THROUGH t•:èÐthe wall) Level 5: Door in tombs area at extreme East-Central edge of map Door in extreme NE corner of map - leads to Cabrius' tomb Level 6: Door in library Door at end of hourglass-shaped room Door in extreme SE corner (walk down lava channel) Secret area accessed by running through wall in East Central area (between the eyes). This place is just east of the stairway down from level 5. Level 7: Secret wall in cell of Dantes (allows escape from prison area) Doors to allow bypa•;èÑè»j”ehind him Level 5: Key from defeating black ghost - opens tomb and portcullis Level 6: No keys Level 7: Grey key by Naruto - opens door in Chasm of Fire Yellow key in NE corner by Golem - opens door between Tyballs Maze and Lava Pit Grey key from main prison guard - opens cell doors, portcullises, etc. (also can get this key from defeating Tyball). Skull key from defeating Tyball - opens Arial cell, and high-security prison cells. Yellow key from Smonden - opens door in extr•>èÔiDÝeme NW corner to special area There is no known key to open doors to the "Evil Undead" area Level 8: Skull key from Carasso - opens door off main hallway in East-Central area RINGS: ------ Level 3 - Ring of Resist Blows (obtained by killing one of the Bandits) Level 4 - Ring of Leap (by boulders in South-central room) Level 7 - Ring of Levitate (in short hallway off Chasm of Fire) Level 8 - Rings of Regeneration, Mana Regeneration, Invisibility, Poison Resistance, Ma•?èÕšáZØgic Protection Note: 2 of the rings on level 8 are in the small areas you get to from level 7. Unsolved Mysteries: ------------------ These are things that I just never figured out Level 3: There is a lever at the end of a long hallway in the NE qudrant. I never figured out what it does. (It doesn't have anything to do with the secret door nearby). Somewhere it is written that there is a secret way to Level 4. I never found it. Level 4: There is a pull-chain outside the entranc•@èÖ€¼×¿e to the Knights area in the SW quadrant that didn't seem to do anything. There is a Grey Lizardman running around, who claims that his leader is Iss'leek This is strange, because Iss'leek is the leader of the RED Lizardmen (Ishtass is the Grey leader). What is this lizardman doing on Level 4, and what do I say to him? BUGS ---- Unfortunately, there are several PROBLEM: Can't talk to anyone below level 1: This seems to occur only when someone has the Demo of Underworld,•Aè×dŠJî and then loads the real game into the same directory. Solution: backup your "SAVEx" files, delete everything, re-install, restore "SAVEx" files. PROBLEM: Inventory corruption. There is a patch available to "solve" this problem from Orirgin (and available from some FTP sites). It seems to help (but not entirely eliminate the problem). There has been some mention that reducing the number of items in a container (pack, bo•BèØ‚¿-rx, whatever) seems to help. There has also been mention that nesting containers (i.e. an item in a box, in a bag, in a pack) should be discouraged. PROBLEM: Game crashes when entering the NW corner areas (accessible only from level 7). Solution: try dropping some items. Take only the barest essentials. Also, if trapped in this area, you may be able to teleport out using a "Gate Travel" spell. PROBLEM: Screen very dark. There is a file ca•CøUnÑðlled "shades.dat" in the UW directory. Rename it to something else (like "shadez.dat") and delete "shades.dat". This should brighten things up a bit. NOTE: I have not tried this personally, so I can make no guarantees. . level 7). Solution: try dropping some items. Take only the barest essentials. Also, if trapped in this area, you may be able to teleport out using a "Gate Travel" spell. PROBLEM: Screen very dark. There is a file caÙ*ÚýÌ 'ÿþýüûúùø÷öõôóòñðïîíìëêéèçæåäãâáàßÞÝÜÛÚN` 36pÿÿÿýÙèÛJ)ªFrom: (Kwan-Yong Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: #### HERE'S UW2 WALK THRU !! ##### Date: 18 Feb 93 01:33:25 GMT Organization: Sophomore, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pit tsburgh, PA Lines: 404 Ok guys, I got this from a friend of mine so don't ask where I got this from. It's not perfect or answers every questions, but it should be enough to satisfy your WILDEST, uh, questions. *ahem* There were some missing hints, so IÙèÜ0 ˆ included it. I was going to mail it personally, but considering the amount of requests and other questions, I just decided to post it once and for all. Walk Thru follows!! . . Master Game Solver Pharoah Presents: Ultima Underworld II Solution ----------------------------- Let me just start off by making some comments on the game. While the game was reasonably easy, there were some parts which required some thought. TÙèÝÛ¢(hus, by reading this solve, it is assumed that you are a fairly good adventurer, since this is more of an overview designed to help you rather than coach you step by step. I am not responsible for ruining the storyline for you, so be warned before you read on. I was going to include the end game save but the file was a little huge so I didn't bother. Besides, I find people who just look at intros and endgames before deleting a game are severely retarded loosers. Anyway, enough chatteÙèÞ-ýe¢r, now let's journey into the Labyrinth of Worlds: Castle Britannia This is where you start off. There's a hidden door in your room, which if you haven't found that yet then do yourself a favour and do a del *.*. This secret door leads to the surrounding circumference of the castle which can be used as a shortcut, and the sewers are located at the NW corner. However, before venturing into the sewers, you should talk with everyone in the castle for clues. DÙèßP­ Áupre will hand you the key to enter the sewers. You will be coming back to the castle over and over to train and this is where major plot events occur. Sewers Some items of interest: On level 3 in the Eastern region, are 2 gazers. Defeat them, and you'll find a moonstone, which will be very helpful once you acquire the gatespell runes VAS,REL and POR. On level 4 is a reaper. Kill it and you'll find the key to the armory on level 2. Level 5 is where tÙèà^ây.he big blackrock gem is located. This is your portal to other worlds. You will need to find 8 blackrock gem keys, let Nystul treat them, and then use them on the big gem. Each time you use one, a face on the gem lights up, allowing you access to a different world. There are 8 worlds in all. Worlds The ideal order in which to visit the worlds are: 1) The Prison Tower (8 small levels) 2) Killorn Keep (2 medium levels) 3) Ice Caverns (2 hugÙèáåîÄe levels) 4) Talorus (2 large levels) 5) Pits of Carnage (3 huge levels) 6) Mage Academy (8 medium levels) 7) Ethereal Void (we're talking 4 dimensions!) 8) Loth's Tomb (4 large levels) You will be visiting and revisiting many of these worlds several times. It's not just a one shot affair. Prison Tower This world is very simple. Make your way to the top and find Bishop. On level 6 is the main goblin villain. Defeat him and eÙèâÝ‘å±arn a pair of franzium gloves used to pass through the forcefield on level 8. Another pair which you'll need to give to Bishop can be acquired by talking to the smithy on level 5. A troll on level 6 becomes your friend if you release him. Ask him to go to the lower levels and beat up all the goblins. The blackrock gem is found with the goblin villain on level 6. Bishop will tell you to see a lady sorceress in a castle in the sky. This castle is Killorn Keep. Ù èãlÀýe Killorn Keep Before talking to the mage Altara in the NW corner of level 1, you'll need to gather information from everyone and talk to Mystell. Mystell will then lead you to try to spy on Altara. However prove your virtue to Altara and she will help you till the end. First she will give you a jeweled dagger to kill the listener who resides in the lava in the castle sewers in the SE corner of level 4. Then she will ask you for a dread spider egg and an amethyst rod to create aÙ èä¦Ýa powerful staff. The egg can be found in the NE corner of the 4th level of the castle sewers. The rod is found in a glowing room on the first level of Talorus. After you give her these items, including the black pearl she gives you, you will get a staff which must be used at a certain place in each world to destroy the guardian's power there. For the prison tower, use the rod in the place where you found Bishop. On level 2 of this keep, you'll find the blackrock gem guarded by some hÙ èåáÄùLeadlesses. You will need to come back when you get the runes VAS,EX, and YLEM for the spell Portal. This will let you pass through to the blank space on your map on the SW corner of level 1. Use the Map Area spell Wis Ex to see your surroundings. By going to the second level, from the stairway you will find come upon a guard. Kill him and enter the room where you'll find some brain creatures. Use the pearl-tipped rod here, to rid the guardian's power of this realm. Ù èæLi÷¼ Ice Caverns Just slide your way to level two, the stairs are in the SW corner. On level 2 you'll find the blackrock gem in the southern region. It's on a brown patch surrounded by ice. Be careful not to slip into the river when you try to get it. You will also want to make your way to the dam control to access the lost city of Anonondus (sp?). You can talk to Beatrice the ghost here to learn more about this place. This is where you use the rod. She will tell you about filaÙ èçO2­nium deposits in the SE region. You will need this later. If you're having trouble getting to the dam control lever, then just remember that you'll need to change the maze twice, once to get the key, and once to get to the door. By only using the oppositely facing controls you can do this. It's not difficult to figure out the note that you'll find. If you want to make high jumps then cast UUS POR, which is leap. A side note: I don't have the manual. I found these spells out by trialÙèè0Œoô and error. There's a doc file out somewhere which gives the meanings to each rune. There is also a trainer for the game which includes some spells and rune definitions. Unfortunately the lamer who put those in there simply took it directly from the Underworld I doc file which came out a year ago. Needless to say, the list is far from complete and many don't even work for this game. Talorus This particular adventure reminds me of a classic Star Trek epiÙèé‹‘º©sode. What you'll need to do is help the Taloroids, by making some modifications in the Bliy Skup Chamber. To do this you will need the Information crystal on level 2 (the levels can be accessed by either purple pad on the E and W sides) with the signature E0Y2. You will also need the controller crystal found in the sub room with Futurian. There's also a note there which tells you which one to pick up. Lastly, you'll need the delgnizator on level 2 in the room with the Vorz Skup DuctÙèê¦ ª[sonore. With these three items go and kill Bliy Skup Ductsonore and the doors will open. Enter them and use the rod here. Now put the Information Crystal on the purple pad, the controller crystal on the yellow pad, and then put the delginizator on the center blue circle. Activate the machinery by pulling on the pullchain. Now go to Historian and collect your reward (the blackrock gem). Pits of Carnage This is a barbaric realm, where your might is what deteÙèë›-ˆ÷rmines your status. You can fight some battles in the arena to improve your reputation amongst the people. However the major item of interest on level 1 is the blackrock gem held by Dorstag, the ruler of the realm. He is the undefeated champion and has a damn good aim with a crossbow. Be sure you're ready for the fight before you challenge him to an arena match. After attaining the gem, go to the Northernmost room, where you'll find a trapdoor above you. This is where you use the rodÙèì¨K/. There are also some plants on the ground. Eating these before sleeping will allow you to see your dreams in the Ethereal Void. More on that later. On level 2 in the SE corner is the mage Zoranthus. He will ask you to trade a sceptre of deadly seeker for a djinn air bottle. The Sceptre belongs to a daemon in Red Hell accessed by the red moongate in the Ethereal Void (in the Dreamworld). Mage Academy This whole world is just one big fat test. There are eÙèí4‹LÕight sections to the test, one for each level. I honestly found it pretty straightforward, and so I don't think it warrants any major hints. On the 5th level is another moonstone. You should have 2 by now. By placing one anywhere then you can go there instantaneosly by placing the gate spell on the other stone. This will save you alot of time and trouble. On the eight level near the locked door to the secure vault, is a pentagram. You'll find many runes here including Hur and Wis. UÙèîÂ22use the rod here. Open the secure vault with the key found under a bed in a room on that level. You'll find a grey moongate which will let you enter a certain area of the Ethereal Void. Make your way through the water till you until you find the other end. However before passing teleporting go back and continue the path you were on even though there is no floor there. You will not fall since the floor is hidden. It's a good idea to cast Night Vision here. Anyway, you'll find a chest wÙè金_Óith basilisk oil and if you continue along the corner across the void and through the force field you'll come upon another room which looks empty. However there's a hidden panel on the center of floor which holds the VAS and TYM runes. With these you can cast the best spells such as Fly (VAS HUR POR), Freeze Time (AN TYM), Gate (VAS REL POR), and more. Do not drink the basilisk oil, you'll need to drop it in the muddy filanium deposits in the Ice Caverns. So go back there and do thatÙèð’TE÷ and take a mud bath. When you leave, it should say you're skin is oily. Now is a good time to go to the dreamworld on the Ethereal void. Ethereal Void If you arrive here by eating a plant then you will not be able to interact with anything since you will be asleep. Therefore you must either go through the blackrock portal or use a trick I figured out, which I will discuss later. Anyway what you have to do here is ultimately get to the shrine of spirituaÙèñó ¶lity. The way to do this is to pass through realms of 4 colors. Then you will be able to get to the shrine which holds the blackrock gem. Use the rod at the shrine to destroy the guardian's power in this realm. The red realm or the Red Hell as it is called is where you'll find the Sceptre of Deadly Seeker. You must cast Iron Flesh (IN VAS SANCT) when you immerse yourself in the lava there to bake and seal the oily mud on your skin. Trade the sceptre with Zoranthus (see pits of carnagÙèòÄ9e above) and take the bottle you get to the Sigil of Binding which is accessed by the white moongate. You'll know you're there when you see a big skull above a pentagram. Smash the bottle on the pentagram and the air daemon will enter you. If you want to finish this part fast which is not recommended since there is alot of fun stuff to see in this world, then you can use the trick of the moonstones. After eating a plant from the pits of carnage and sleeping you will often end up direÙèóÀǼctly in the shrine of spirituality. But since you can't access your inventory, you won't be able to take the gem. However, if you have both moonstones then keep one on the ground before sleeping, so you can get back. Now keep the other item active and ready to throw (it will take the place of the mouse cursor). Press F10 to sleep and in the shrine you can release the stone. When you wake up from the dream into the real world, then you can cast gate on the moonstone in front of you toÙèô‚ç¿ get back to the dream world fully conscious and take care of business. Just remember to use F10 to sleep rather than using the bedroll or you will not be able to throw the moonstone. I did this both ways, and it is worth it to do it the long way since you'll see things that I guarantee will amaze you. There's one cool maze using ancient wizardry graphics and stick figure monsters where you have to make your way to the guardian's head. Tomb of Praecor Loth ÙèõZ§ŠThe first level is where you'll find the blackrock gem. Use a pickaxe to make your way through the boulders till you get to it. It is also here where you must use Altara's rod. You might also want to pick up the bones that are lying there to give to the ghost Tryestro on the second floor. However, the hints he gives you are pretty much worthless. Anyway also on the first level are several map pieces of level 3. Collect them to make your life alot easier on that level. In the southernÙèöóåÞmost section of level 2 is Helena, Loth's wife who will ask you to go to level 4 and talk to Praecor Loth. Level 3 is a large labyrinth. However, if you got all the map pieces from level one there should be no problem figuring out what to do and where to go. Level 4 is the domain of Praecor Loth. To get to him you will need to pass three Liches. The first isn't too difficult to kill. Open the door with the key you found in the secret room on level 3 (near the water to the NE). The SeÙè÷¶pCÊcond liche can fly so watch out. After defeating him make your way to the orb on the eastern side of the room by casting Portal (VAS EX YLEM) to get to bypass all the teleportation areas. When you reach the orb on the pentagram, remove the candles and the way will be clear for you to go to the 3rd liche. After defeating it, go east and through the water fall and swamp and pull the chain you'll find. Now you can go to Praecor Loth. He will give you a horn which you'll need to blow to Ùèø4ˆ"¦shatter the gem. However if you don't have the air daemon inside you then you will not have enough power to blow the horn. What next? Go back to Killorn Keep and you'll find now that it is under the rule of Mors Gotha, one of the Guardian's main agents. She has a spellbook which you'll need to give to Nystul so he can cast the proper spell. You can either take the Spellbook and run away or kill Mors Gotha. It doesn't really make a difference though sÙèù¤]ª!ince she won't die, (the guardian will come to her rescue). After giving Nystul the spell book he will ask you a couple of questions. If you don't know what the answers are then this would be a good time to talk to Nell. When everything is all set and ready, then make your way to the throne room where everyone will be waiting. The finale will occur at this point. THE END Note: I purposely left out the parts when you revisit the castle since this Ù èú™â·² is where the major plot events occur, and so the fun would really be ruined. Besides there's no thinking to be done just talk to everyone every now and then, especially Miranda. For example everytime you finish a new world,it would be a good idea to go back and talk to everyone in the castle. Otherwise certain events will not occur until you do so, thereby preventing you from making progress. Good luck. Ù!èû2c·; -The Pharoah- Trouble Shootings: 1) How do I help the dire ghost in the third world? You need to assemble the magic staff made from the gem rod, black pearl, and spider egg at the magician in the second world. She will explain it's usage. Once you have it, you use it on the fountain (or the mud, I haven't figured it out) to remove the guardians grasp from the world. 2) Am I missing something!?! Where is the rod for the magic staff? The spider egg is in the sewers, it shÙ"èüìy†Eouldn't be too hard to find (in an alcove on either the 4th or 5th level)... The pearl is given to you... The rod is found in the 4th world lying in a room filled with odd stuff. 3) Where are the black stones!?! First world... it's at the top of the tower... Second world... it's in a pit filled with Headlesses past a magical trap... Third world... It's lying on a plateau past a river in the ice world. If you don't have the patience to go around when you first see it (I didn't) cÙ#èýO¤—ast water walk and jump to jump up to it. Fourth world... It's in the center of the lava pit where they dispose of things... Fifth world... It's somewhere past the final test (there are eight) (in one of the rooms that has pentagram on the floor. Sixth world... The top arena duelist has it. Seventh... It's within the altar at the Shrine Eighth... It's in the room behind Lord Loth. 4) I have the stone but am stuck as far as the puzzle for a world is concerned. Can I just take the stÙ$èþxJÁUone and run? No such luck. You need to locate the item or place that the Guardian has power or drains power from a world using the magical staff/sceptre that you assemble. At this point, it seems the stones only keep the passage open for you so you don't have to stand there waiting for the portal to open. (and makes the final solution possible). 5) How do I REALLY destroy the black rock cage? It seems that you need to remove the sources of power supporting it (ie: alternate worÙ%èÿý®lds) 6) Where do the cats from the second world come from? Ask the wisps floating around in the 7th workd (alternate dimension) 7) What "secret spells" are there? Turn Undead AKC Flame Reduction IAF Time Trap ITJ Locate BWE Others that I haven't found yet... 8) Where are there Flam, Hur, Vas, and Tym stones? The mages tower (5th world) has a few stones at the end. Flam, and Vas... and Hur and Tym... and... (You get the idea). 9) Where are those stupid stonÙ&è9±°Hes!?! I finished the final exam for the mages tower and I still can't find them... You need to enter the void and at some point, you can walk straight into the "darkness" the are your "walls". Save your game alot and run straight into "darkness" and make sure you have some franzium! There are force fields. The Flam is easy to find, it's in a chest. There is another wall to walk through in the secret room and past the force field in the second passageway is a empty room. Try sÙ'èbW½ earch the ground for some nice magic items as well as the Vas stone. 10) Did I miss anything blowing out those candles in the second world? Try it once if you think you're missing something... just save first... 11) The mages puzzles are driving me crazy, how do I get through them? Most of them a straightforward. Be sure to read any inscriptions on the walls. For the test where you jump from block to block, try not to touch any arrows, if you don't touch them, the block it poinÙ(è`Tvts at doesn't vanish. 12) How do I get the gem to let me into a new world!?! I'm tired of the ones I'm on... I think there is a time delay on them or something. Haven't figured it out yet myself, but it lets me into the all... eventually. 13) What is the best way to kill people in the arenas in world 6? There is no good arena of the fire/water/earth/air arenas. Fire has annoying fireballs that hit you (and your enemy). Water has ice and water. Earth is nice (basically a normÙ)èûÇïRal arena) and air has little floater things like on world 4 that send you flying upwards. The guy with the blackrock stone is easiest killed with a missile protection spell and a good weapon or a shockwave spell and frost wand (they don't miss!). Also, if you take the second approach, you can alternate back and fourth and blow away his comrades too (I killed all of his friends and him this way :). ) Oh well, enough spoilers for now... (and by the way, I don't play UW2 all the timÙ*8‡ÐÙƒe, only about 4 hours a day (still alot) ) -Howard Chen d 4 that send you flying upwards. The guy with the blackrock stone is easiest killed with a missile protection spell and a good weapon or a shockwave spell and frost wand (they don't miss!). Also, if you take the second approach, you can alternate back and fourth and blow away his comrades too (I killed all of his friends and him this way :). ) Oh well, enough spoilers for now... (and by the way, I don't play UW2 all the timýÌ`7     "@ 37pÿÿÿýèªös======================================================================== 157 Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 17:24:57 -0900 To: jford1@ua1vm Sender: "ACAD2A::AXMAC" Reply-To: "Big MAC..." From: "Big MAC..." Ultima ][ cheat sheet Compiled by Adric 1. The basic basics. The object of the game is to kill Minax, evil apprentice of Mondain who we met in the original Ultima. In the instè{‚gyuctions, it tells you about certain commands, but not which objects are necessary. These are: View (V): This gives you a bird's eye veiw of the village, town, castle, time zone, or planet you are on. To use this command, you must have a helm. Enemy fighters often carry helms. Board (B): There is no problem boarding a horse or a plane; however, this is not the case with frigates (boats). To board a frigate, you need a blue tassle. Once abord, you can use thefire (F) command, whichè­Ã is more effective then any weapon a charactercan carry. Launch (L): Firstly, to launch a plane ora rocket, you need to have boarded it first. On a plane, you need to be carrying a skull key and a brass button to launch. To land, press L again while over grass land. If you try to land on a mountain, you die. If you try to land over water of forest, it will ignore your command. To launch a rocket, you need two things. First, you need to be wearing power armor. Second, you need to beè ƒò‘± carrying tri-lithiums. One tri-lithium is needed for each launch and hyper. Rockets can be found in a village in the aftermath (2112) time zone, on an inlet in the area that is currently Russia. The village is called Pirate's Harbor. You can get there only through the use of time doors and frigates. Rules for landing are the same as with planes. Negate Time (N): This eliminates the enemy's ability to move, but not attack. You need a strange coin to negate. Each negate will eliminaè ¤µì te one coin. 2. What can I do so that I do not die so quickly? I keep on running out of food. Food can be bought at a variety of villages and towns. If you are a thief, You can steal (S) the food; however, should you do this, beware of guards! If they see you, they will pursue and attack. I get the crap beaten out of me, and run out of hit points. By time door and/or frigate, go to England in 300 BC or 1990. Enter the castle. On the North central area of the castle, there is a è &&wsign that says British. Under this sign, there is a king. This is Lord British. Transact with him, and he will take fifty gold, and raise your hit points by 300. Later in the game, he gives you 200, and then 100. You can have up to 9999 hit points. 3. Other problems. I work my rear end off to buy better armor and weapons, and when I buy them, the game tells me that I am either not agile enough to use the weapon, or not strong enough to wear the armor. What can I do? In North Amerè §Xwica in 1990, there is a town in the New Mexico area. On the Southwest corner of this town, there is a building called The Hotel California. In the South end of this building, there is a merchant. If you transact with this merchant, he will say "Welcome to the Hotel California". Offer him 100 gold. He will either reply "Thank you very much." or "Alakazam!". If he thanked you, nothing happened. If he said Alakazam, one of your atributes went up by four. The attribute is chosen by randoè ܬ4Xm. If strength is chosen, you will be able to wear better armor. If agility is chosen, you will be able to handle a better weapon, or achieve more hits with your current weapon. If intelect or wisdom is chosen, your spell casting ability will increase, if you are a magician or cleric. If your stamina was chosen, your ability to denfend from attack increases. If intelligence or charisma is chosen, your bargaining ability increases, causing prices to go down. I launched a rocket and  èUôçšexploded! You are not wearing power armor! I went through something that looked like arrows moving up, and the game said "Field takes 1000 hit points!" Ah, you have encountered the force field. To go through this unharmed, you need the ring. I will tell you how to get this later. What about that Quicksword you mentioned? Ok, this varies. First I will give in-structions for users of any version that does not allow diagnal movement. First, get 500 gold. Then go to New San Antonio ( 豶wthe town with the Hotel California) and go to the upper left hand corner. There is a building marked "Airport". To get in you need three keys. To get keys, kill guards in any village where it is not to deadly. I suggest Pirate's Harbor in the aftermath time zone in Northern Russia. Steal a ship from their port,and fire away! Now, after you get to the inside of the airport, you will need to kill the fighter who owns it. This will get the guards on your tail. Quickly, board the plane,  è' qŒand launch. Do not leave the town. Head East towards the prison. Land on the grass directly outside the prison, since cobblestone can not be landed on. Taxi to the door, and unlock it (need a key!), and kill the guard. X-it the plane at the doorway. It will serve to block additional guards. Go to the cells, and enter the one containing a fighter (another key!). Offer him your 500 gold, and he will give you the Quicksword. Try to ready it, if you can't, you will need to return for mor èWÀÃe atributes. Go back to your plane. There will be several guards lined up there. Board your plane, launch, and get the hell out of there! The reason that you should not go directly to the prison is that without the plane there, those guards would enter and kill you. Okay, now for those who can move diagonally. For you, you need atotal of two keys, and 500 gold. Go straight to the prison. Unlock the door and go past the guard peacefully.Go to the fighter, open his cell, give him 500 g èX[q old. You can then try to ready the Quicksword, leave the prison, and move around the town without anyone bothering you. The Quick sword is the only weapon that can kill Minax. 4. Venturing onward. Note: Do not do this until you have both power armor and the Quicksword. Also have at least fifteen tri-lithiums. Why should I leave the Earth? It is fun, and neccasary for attaining the ring. Ok, how do I leave? Find Pirate's Harbor. It is in Aftermath, in North Russia. In the town, thè hÎere is a boat dock that you might have used to raid this village. Steal a boat from there. Insted of going down and killing guards, go up. There is a building marked mission control, and many rockets. Board one. Launch it. After achieving Earth orbit, hyper to co-ordinates 9-9-9. You will either achieve orbit of planet X, or drift off course to deep space. If you drift, hyper again, if not, land. If you geta CMD: prompt, wait until you are over grass, then (L)and. If you get a prompt, again wait for grass and press any key. If you hit mountain, trees or water, you will die. If you land succesfully, X-it the rocket, and look for the castle. If you can't find it, try (V)iewing. Once you get there, you can go to the top and replace your hit points. Inside the left side maze, there is a cleric named Father Antos. To get to him you will have to go through swamp and avoid an attack. When you find him, (T)ransact with him. He will say "You have my blessè ù­ing. Now return home and claim the ring!" You can get the ring now. From here, you can go to any of the other planets, or back to Earth (6,6,6). Fine, I ventured and was blessed, now what? When you land on Earth, go to the AD time zone. Go to New San Antonio. Above the armory, there is a door to a forest. Open the door and go in. There is a sign that says "ATREE". There is an old man under atree. If you (T)ransactwith the response will be "An old man wispers 'I'm an old man.'". Givè#Á oe him 900 gold. He will give the ring. 5. Winning Here we go...First get as many hit points as you can, and get an airplane. Go by time door to the legends timezone. Launch, and go South. Land near the castle, and enter it. You will most likely be attacked by two devils. Do not attack them! The would let the guards loose on you. To get rid of them, I suggest (N)egating time. In the Northwest chamber, there is a maze of fields, which at the end of which is Minax!!! Attack her. WhØjÔ’;en she get'slow on hit points, she will teleport to the other chamber. As you walk to the other chamber, you will be attacked by several monsters. Go to the other chamber, and kill Minax. You have won!!! Adric Alzurian With help from: My once BBSing brother: Michael Stringer and my future BBSer friend: The Beckster ú MAILER ALASKA 2/20/90 §Big MAC... jford1@ua1vm 2/20/90 No subject ! Attack her. WhýÌI–.-,+*)('&%$#"! +„ 38pÿÿÿýè úƒµ======================================================================== 275 Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 17:25:17 -0900 To: jford1@ua1vm Sender: "ACAD2A::AXMAC" Reply-To: "Big MAC..." From: "Big MAC..." *************************************** * * * The Warlord presents * * * * EXODUS * * è¡ÕÈ Ultima III * * * * Copyright (c) 1983 * * by: The Mines of Moria * * * *************************************** Because of the structure of the exodus program, it fits into the catagory of action-adventure. It's not a true arcade game, nor is it a true adventure, more like a combo. Of both. The prvents us from writing this tutorial in the normal format. Instead, itèí³Ô will just have all of the clues needed to solve the game. Recommended Characters: Fighter ----- Dwarf Ranger ----- Dwarf, Human, Bobbit Wizard ----- Bobbit Barbarian ----- Dwarf, Human, Elf Cleric ----- Fuzzy Thief ----- Fuzzy, Elf Druid ----- Fuzzy, Bobbit name a few There is a hidden sex other than male or female, it's: other [type o] Now, on with the game... HINTS SECTION: Prophecies Gold Prophecy ---- -------- 100 Youè8ì5¹'ll learn of marks and playing cards and hidden holy shrines. 200 Of marks there are but four-- Fire, Force, Snake, King. 300 Learn their use in Devil Guard or death you'll surely bring. 400 Shrines there are but four to which you go and pray. 500 Their uses are innumerable and clues throughout I say. 600 Suits do number four, called Sol, Moons, Death, and Love. 700 Unto the Montors thou must go for guidance from above. 800 Too aid thee in thy cryptic search, to èùIdungeons thou must fare. 900 There seek out the Lord of Time to help you if he cares. Bartender Tips Gold Tip ---- --- 7-9 Thank you kindly. 10 Ambrosia, ever hear of it? 20 Dawn, the city of myths and magic. 30 The conjunction of the moons finds link. 40 Nasty creatures, nasty dark, sure thee ready fore thee embark. 50 None return, or so I'm told, from the pool dark and cold. 60 Shrines of knowledge, shrines of strength, are all but losèÏð:1t into the brink. 70 Fountains fair and fountains foul are all found in dungeons' bowel. 80 Exodus: Ultima III. Which is next? Now could be. 90 Seek ye out the Lord of Time and the one way is a sure find! Village Rumors & Misty Writings Cards are useful. for Shrines. The King favors a Mark. for Cards. Seek ye the Mark of Kings. carefully. You need a Mark to pass. up Exotics. Marks gaèÅ6°ined in dungeons. on Islands. Hot metal leaves a Mark. Baby Bob: Bring me bucks. Marks are useful. Seek the Jester in Castle Fire. A Mark helps invoke the Snake. Jester says: West-8, South-35 Invoke the Silver Snake. and await the Dawn. Conjunctions of the moons Lord of Time says: Love, Sol, find link. Moons, Death. Only Exotics will protect you è øÕKÍ All else fails. from great evil. Circle of Light: EVOCARE. Seek the Shrines of Truth. Exodus is four as one. Seek ye the Dungeon of Fire. Cards into Exodus. Beware the Fires of Hell. for the invocation. in the Circle of Light. Dawn lasts but a moment. Moon Doors: The Moon Doors take you to many places throughout Sorsaria. each door has 3 trajectories, or, takes you to 3 different places è!46Ý... When a Moon Door appears, note the positions of the 2 moons [2 #'s on the top of the screen] if you press space, these numbers will change 3 times, then the door will then disappear.... Depending on the position of the 2 moons, you will be transported to different areas: Conjunction From To ----------- ---- -- 0,0 North-East corner North-East corner 0,1 North-East corner Island w/ dungeon 0,2  è"sŸw North-East corner Three square area 1,3 On island w/ dungeon. South coast 1,4 On island w/ dungeon. Three square area 1,5 On island w/ dungeon. Exodus' castle 2,6 Three square area Devil Guard 2,7 Three square area Dungeon of time 2,0 Three square area North-East corner 3,1 South coast Island w/ dungeon 3,2 South coast Three square a è#Q¤"±rea 3,3 South coast South coast 4,4 Three square area Three square area 4,5 Three square area Exodus' castle 4,6 Three square area Devil Guard 5,7 Exodus' castle Dungeon of Time 5,0 Exodus' castle North-East corner 5,1 Exodus' castle Island w/ dungeon 6,2 Devil Guard Three square area 6,3 Devil Guard  è$:P_South Coast 6,4 Devil Guard Three square area 7,5 Dungeon of Time Castle 7,6 Dungeon of Time Devil Guard 7,7 Dungeon of Time Dungeon SOLVE SECTION: To find the city of Dawn, stand on top of Lord British's castle, and move west-8 and then south-35 and press until the two #'s on the top of the screen are both 0's... Then type 'E'nter. Ambrosia, the lost continent. Get a frigate, find t è%†e‘‰he whirlpool. run into it and wait a minute, it will say you died, but you don't!!! be sure to take at least 4 key into ambrosia as the only way to get out is to capture a boat, and sail to a lock and unlock it. The 4 shrines can be found in the land of ambrosia: strength in the south west; dexterity in the south-east; intelligence in the north-west; and wisdom in the north-east. When you are at the 4 shrines, be sure to type 'O'ther, then 'SEARCH' as you will find the cards of sè&6*ol, moons, death, and love there.... How to get a boat: When you see a pirate ship on the shore move up right next to it, if you can win the battle, the ship is yours! To get the marks of fire, force, snake, and king, go to the dungeon of fire it is surrounded on 3-sides by lava; to get there, go south-east along the coast from lord british's castle; the dungeon is hidden in a dark forest when you come across: there is hot spot on the wall. Who will touch? you have found 1 oè'NsHüf the marks. Here is what each of the marks let you do: Mark of Kings_____Lets you gain more levels + h.p. Mark of Fire______Walk through lava without taking any damage. Mark of Snake_____Lets you pass by the earth serpent. Mark of Force_____Walk throught a force-field w/o taking any damage. Exotics: the weapons of ultimate good The Exotic weapons can be found on one of the islands up near the city of fawn.... Just get on one and type 'o' [for other command] thenè(ýÇ 'dig'. if it says 'not here!' move on to the next or next island as the case may be.... The Exotic armour can be found on one of the islands in the bay which is located south-west of where you are now... Repeat the above commands. Now, we suggest that you just run around and gain levels and go get your h.p. From lord british until you have a fair amount of hit points [I suggest about 6-10 thousand; I promise, you'll need it..] Once you have become familiar with è)¨±dsorsaria, combat, fighting, and the like, remember: know thy enemy!! Be sure to always talk to the people in towns as they tell you a lot. The Quest: With exotic weapons and armour on all of your men, board your frigate and begin thy final quest.... Sail up to the earth serpent that is blocking the entrance to the port and 'y'ell [what?] 'evocare' you and your party will be transported on the other side of the snake. Now, move up to the castle and then exit your craftè*w«LË; 'e'nter Once inside the castle you should go straight up until you see a monster, from there go either left or right into the moving lava. [Note: do not go up to where you see a forcefield and a guard as that passage just loops around and comes back out at the entrance] as soon as you pass the lava you will be attacked by either: dragons or wyverns or griffon... Beware! These monsters can hurl a blast all the way across the arena!! after you dispose of them, go over andè+!f© up a ways, you will encounter another group of dragons, after killing them, keep going north and you will encounter some balrons [or devils of some sort]. Kill these and continue north.. Have you noticed that there are explosions all around you? Watch out! They can hit you and do great damage!! Also be aware: time cannot be stopped in the castle so do not bother using a powd or a altair spell as it will not work!!! now, keep going north, you should encounter another group oè,LB!f dragons [what's their deal with dragons??] anyway, kill these suckers and go east [if you went east from the monster at the entrance, go west] you will see some writing on the wall below you: death [pay no heed] now, go straight up into the lava... You will soon see a rectangular object with many moving colors... That is exodus! Exodus is a machine!! but! Before you step any closer, beware! The floors upon which he lies are alive and will attack you! There are 4 groups è- 6 |of them, you cannot see them so do this once in combat mode move all of your players to this position: p1 p2 p3 p4 and wait.. As soon as one of you gets hit, start attacking with your exotic weapons [you did remember to bring enough for all 4 of you didn't you?] after you kill all of the floors, move up to exodus, don't worry, he's only a machine and cannot attack you, yet.... exodus is four as is 1 [this is onlyè.áxõ text so don't expect a master piece] x x x x <- exodus you -> @ move up to the top left hand corner of him/it and type: 'o'ther [it will say what command] type: 'insert' [did you bring the cards?] then it will ask: s, m, l, d ? type: L [for love] **warning** If you hit anyother letter it will take away <> of your h.p. repeat the above, but this time you need to move over 1 space to the right and then: type: S [for sol] again move ove”ÇRgr to the right 1 space and insert the card of... type: M [for moons] at last, one move more to the right and insert: type: D [for death to exodus] ...And so it came to pass that on this day, Exodus, hell-born incarnate of evil was vanquished from Sorsaria. --------------------------------------- ú MAILER ALASKA 2/21/90 §Big MAC... jford1@ua1vm 2/20/90 No subject d to move over 1 space to the right and then: type: S [for sol] again move ove/0ýÌd5?>=<;:9876543210i 39pÿÿÿý/è1 ¢R[:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Courtesy--of--The--Dock-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[:] <->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<-> <-> <-> <-> Ultima V Solve <-> <-> Written by, The Blue Dragon <-> <-> Solved 2:38 pm (cst) 3/1/88 <-> <-> /è27?,~ <-> <->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<-> >=< >=< >=< Many thanks to Aaron, Erik, Mike, and Dan for the help and/or info >=< >=< in solving it. Well, this is for all of you amateurs (hehe) who >=< >=< haven't solved it yet.... >=< >=< /è3ò  >=< <->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<-> <-> <-> <-> Call this board: <-> <-> University of Piracy (20meg AE/CF) [415]/994-2758 <-> <-> <-> <->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<-/è4à LÑ>=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<->=<-> Ultima V has to be the most challenging game I have ever played, or will probably play for quite some time. My compliments go out to Richard Garret for this excellent game. There are a few dead giveaways in the game though. For example, I took notes of >EVERYTHING< everyone said (word for word). I could tell when someone was withholding information because I would only get about 2-4 lines out of them. Now, If a person told me 1/2 to a pag/è5™£e of text, I knew I was done with him. Ideas for the next one, right? Well, in order to solve U5, you must do the following: -Obtain all 3 shards from the underworld -Use the shards to destroy the Shadowlords -Retrieve the Scepter, Crown, Amulet, and Sandlewood Box -Become 8th level -Completed all of the shrines quests -Be 'Ordained' by Brittish when you sleep -Then enter the 'hole' to the center of the world, wind your way aro/è68Ÿ&und (up and down levels, of course) and free Lord Brittish Got it? Didn't think so... Here is a more in depth description of the above: 1) Obtain all 3 shards: These are found in 'obvious' places in the underworld. I remembered to write down only two of the coordinates, sorry I can't tell you the Third. (C0,50) and (B0,B8) are the only two I know. To obtain your coordinate hit -2 (on a //gs) or --2 (on a //e). This will spit out a long number. T/è7Ct,îhe last 4 digits are your current coordinates. Note: 0,0 is to your upper-left (as if you were in the 4th quadrant of a plane). 2) Use the Shards: Go into each of the castles (Empath Abbey, Serpents Hold, and Lyceum) and find the flames of Truth/Courage/Love. You then must position yourself directly below it. Next summon the Shadowlord who is opposite that flame (Truth summons Falsehood, Love summons Hatred, and Courage summons Cowardice). To do this shout out their names /è8åuÇJ(Falsehood: Faulinei, Hatred: Astaroth, Cowardice: Nosfentor). THe shadowlord should appear directly above the flame, pass a turn so that it walks onto the flame, then use the correct shard. It will give you this little song and dance then say ...doom has been wrought! And the shadowlord is gone forever! 3) Retrieve Lord Brittish's articles: The scepter is in Stonegate (94,4A) or is the reverse? well it is either (94,4A or 4A,94 I'm looking off of my maps and forgot which w/ è9à”ay is which). Well, you go in there and grab it. NOTE: you MUST have the flying carpet by now to get over the traps or you will instantly die upon touching the traps (nice, huh?). The Crown is on the top level of Blackthorns castle (behind the magically locked door). THe Amulet is in the underworld (lower left part of the world approximately 70,D0 give or take a dozen) and finally the sandlewood box is on the top level of Lord Brittish's castle (again behind magically locked door/ è:4|ÃSs). To get it you must play the following tune on the harpsichord (678-987-8767653) and that will cause a section of the wall to disappear so you can grab the box. 4) Level 8 Well, this is quite obvious. You need at least 6,400 experience to do this...Takes quite some time. 5) Quests You must go to each shrine, it will give you a quest to go to the codex (E9,E9) where it will tell you some pretty important info. The last time you go there (the eigth time) you will ge/ è;­ú# t some other info. This is the translation: Beyond shades egress in the centre of the underworld there is a place of darkness. Beyond this darkness lies the gate to the core of the world. When thou art ready thou must call forth Veramocor to unlock the gate and venture past ethereal words and stealers of souls. That which the world hath, dost awaits thy coming! 6) Once you have completed steps 1-5 (not necessarily in that order) Lord Brittish will come to you while you sleep / è<9?ì’and say something like: Thou art now armed and thy must now complete thy destiny! You are then off to #7! 7) Enter the hole (80,80 in the underworld) and get down to 8th level. Somewhere on the 8th level is a room which looks like a room in a town. You must go stand before the mirror. It will suck you in and your done! Here is some other important info: Virture/Mantra/Word of Power chart:(probably the most important chart there is) Virtue Mantra Word of Po/ è=ìpÅwer Dungeons Honesty Ahm Fallax Deceit Compassion Mu Vilis Despise Valor Ra Inopia Destard Justice Beh Malum Wrong Sacrifice Cah Avidus (unknown) Honor Summ Infama Shame Spirituality Om Ignavus (unknown) Humility Lumm Veramocor (unknown) Mystical weapons/arm/è>'•or are at (e9,e9) in the underworld The runes can be found in any ordinary encylopedia (to help you translate the encrypted text). _________________________________________ | | | Be it known that on | | the Third Day of | | the Ninth Month | | of the Year | | One /è?v&ñcHundred | | Thirty-Nine | | | | Drago the Avatar | | | | Save the life | | of our sovereign | | Lord Brittish, thereby | | saving our people | | and our/ÑÑ›ìT Land | |_________________________________________| I can't wait for U6! That ought to be REALLY challenging! [:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Happy---Sailing-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[:] | | Save the life | | of our sovereign | | Lord Brittish, thereby | | saving our people | | and our@HAýÊu#ˆ‡†…„ƒ‚€~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA‰Ì 40p‰ÿÿÿý@èBë5l¾courtesy of -- Ultima VI The False Prophet, IBM version 3.2 This "walkthru" by Wyvern ULTIMA VI from Origin and Lord British is the sixth game in the Ultima series. Great improvements to the graphics are to be enjoyed in this game, but it does not compensate for the buggy program, poor documentation of the commands and little improvement in the actual plot/game itself. Be certain to set you game up properly or it will run very slowly. @èCÞÚü The screen is divided into four sections: map, status display, message area and command icons. The map area is so small that until you have played the game for a while it is far to easy to get disoriented. I would prefer a larger map area. Do NOT use the mouse! Although the docs says that mouse is supported it simply does not work well. The keyboard works fine once you get used to it. Commands are NOT well explained. It took me a couple of hours to fi@èDgìÅgure out how to move items from one character to another, drop items, etc. Much attention was given to the compendium. I wish such attention had been given to the instructions. You begin the game with 3 other companions in Lord British's castle. You also begin IN a fight. This is not a nice way to start a game. Frankly at this point you are not familiar enough with the commands to handle a fight easily. My group managed to scrape through and Lord B did heal us completely@èEž|1p right afterwards, but I think it was a poor game choice. Your beginning group is: Yourself, Dupre, Shamino, and Iolo. Talk to them. Iolo can gather or split all the gold in the party for you . Later in the game you will find others who are willing to join your group. Everyone who is willing to join you is not necessarily worth having join you. Some of them @èF5ùÍare poorly equipped, others have poor stats, or both. Having extra people in your group can sometimes be an advantage even if they are not the best. To ask them to join or leave your party, talk to them. Another word of caution: Many BUGS have been reported on this game. I see little excuse, save greed, for a game to be released to the public with such obvious bugs. Unfortunately this practice seems to be becoming the rule rather than the exception these days. You can send@èG : in your disks for replacements. You should also make backups of your character files often or you may find yourself restarting the game. Don't just overwrite your past backups, make different copies. That way you will have a chance to save what playing time you have put in. Some bugs can be avoided by limiting your inventory and later in the game reducing your party to the original four . TEAM MEMBERS: NAME WHERE STR; DEX;INT Mag@èH™+Dic *Beh Lem - outside Hythloth 23;24 ; 26 0/0 Blain - with Gypsies 16 ; 21 ; 18 0/0 Cpt Leonna - Moonglow 15 ; 15 ; 18 0/0 Cpt Leodon - Moonglow 15 ; 19 ; 15 7/7 *Gorn - Under Sutek's *Gwenno - Minoc 18 ; 21 ; 17 9/9 Jaana - Yew Julia - Minoc 21 ; 18 ; 17 0/0 Katrina - New Magincia 19 ; 16 ; 16 0/0 *Seggallion - Serpents Hold 28 ; 21 ; 20 0/0 Sentri - Serpents Hold@èI/ñTø 26 ; 18 ; 16 0/0 Sherry - Lord B's castle * suggested best party to add to Avatar, Dupre, Shamino, Iolo EXPERIENCE needed to Advance: 0 - 100 Level 1 When one of your characters has enough 101 - 200 Level 2 experience to advance a level, TALK to 201 - 400 Level 3 a shrine and chant the mantra. You can 401 - @ èJLŸ© 800 Level 4 greatly improve the character's stats 801 - 1600 Level 5 with careful use of the chart below. 1601 - 3200 Level 6 3201 - 6400 Level 7 6401 + Level 8 CHARACTERISTIC IMPROVEMENTS BY SHRINE: Shrine Strength Dexterity Intelligence |-------------|-------------|------------|-------------| |Compassion - +3 - | |Honesty - - +3 | |Honor @ èK dyÓ - +1 +1 | |Humility - - - | |Justice +1 - +1 | |Sacrifice +1 +1 - | |Spirituality +1 +1 +1 | |Valor +3 - - | |-------------|-------------|------------|-------------| MANTRAS: Compassion mu Control un Diligence us Honesty ahm@ èLÕšÅO Honor summ Humility lum Justice beh Passion or Pride mul Sacrifice cah Singularity unorus Spritiuality om Valor ra RUNES: Location of and requirements to get: Compassion: Ariana, child, in the conservatory of Britannia. You will need her mother's permission. Her mother runs the tavern in Britannia Honesty: In the tomb of Beyvin in the c@ èMÝZ–atacombs of Moonglow. You will need to get the key from Manrel who lives south of the Blue Bottle Inn. Honor: On the pedestal in Trinsic. Talk to the mayor before taking it and return it afterwards. Humility: The mayor of New Magincia has the rune, you will need to answer a questions before he will give it to you. The answer is "Conor". Justice: Talking to the thief in the@ èN§LM´ Yew jail will tell you that the rune is hidden under a plant in Yew's tavern. Sacrifice: Selganor in the Minoc Artisians' Guild has the rune but you will need to join the Guild before he will give it to you. To join, you need to get a yew log from Ben and have it cut at the saw mill south east of Minoc. Take yew board to Julia to make into PanPipes and @èOÐŽ learn the notation of the tune STONES from Gwenno Stones 6789878767653 Spirituality In the chest in Marney's house in the north end of Skara Brae. MOONGATES: To use a moongate, stand in the center and USE the MOON ORB and point to one of the squares around you. Below is a list of where each square will take you: 214 you can teleport to these ar@èP™$ýõeas by listing the coordinates. 214 works ANYWHERE in the game at least through version 3.2. SEE BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION OF ALT COMMANDS> +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | MG of | Shrine of | MG of | Shrine of | MG of | | Honesty | Honesty | Compassion | Compassion | Valor | | MoonGlow | | Britannia | | Jhelom | | 383 1F3 0 | 3A7 106 0 | @èQèÁß1B3 18B 0 | 1F7 166 0 | 093 373 0 | +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | Shrine of | Shrine of | Lord B's | Shrine of | Shrine of | | Humility | Control | Castle | Passion | Valor | | | | Throne Room | | | | 398 3A7 0 | 044 02D 5 | 133 160 0 | 0BC 02D 5 | 09F 3AE 0 | +-------------+--------------+==============+--------------+---@èR¨úõ-----------+ | MG of | [[ MIDDLE ]] | MG of | | Humility | No Effect [[ YOU ARE ]] No Effect | Justice | | New Magincia| [[ HERE! ]] | Yew | | 2E3 2BB 0 | [[ ]] | 0E3 083 0 | +-------------+--------------+==============+--------------+--------------+ | Shrine of | Gargoyle | Shrine of | Temple of | Shrine of | | Spirituality| Alt@èSòwu¢ar | Diligence | Codex | Justice | | | | | | | | 017 016 1 | 080 056 5 | 066 0DD 5 | 39B 36C 0 | 129 027 0 | +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | MG of | Shrine of | MG of | Shrine of | MG of | | Spirituality| Honor | Honor | Sacrifice | Sacrifice | | Skara Brae | | Trinsic | @èTS&ƒ | Minoc | | 04B 1FB 0 | 147 336 0 | 183 313 0 | 340 0A7 0 | 29B 043 0 | +-------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ SPELLS:__REAGENTS:__MAGIC:__POTIONS:________________________________________ | * = spells you must have to complete the game! | | | | COVE: Ruduyom <20 gp/lvl> | | @èUÒ¸¡ Northwest corner of town Reagents | | 1st Create Food, Douse, Heal, Ignite Blood Moss 3g | | 2nd - Garlic 1g | | 3rd Mass Awaken Ginsing 2g | | 4th Great Heal* Nightshade 2g | | 5th Pickpocket*, Seance Spider Silk 2g | | 6th - @èV‚¤ Sul. Ash 1g | | 7th - | | | | LYCAEUM: Xaio <25gp/lvl> | | North, northeast of Library, Xiao | | 1st Detect Magic, Dispell Magic*, Light | | 2nd Infravision, Reappear, Telekinesis*, Vanish @èW粸3 | | 3rd Dispel Field*, Great Light, Peer | | 4th Animate, Fire Field, Locate, Mass Dispell*, Poison Field, Sleep | | Field, Wind Change* | | 5th Energy Field, Invisibility*, Reveal, X-Ray | | 6th Clone, Negate Magic, Replicate | | 7th Fear, Gate Travel, Wizard's Eye | | @èXcüß | | Reagents | | Black Pearl 4g | | Garlic 3g | | Ginsing 3g | | Mandrake 6g | | Nightshade 3g @èY±w˜È | | Spider Silk 3g | | Sul. Ash 3g | | | | NICKODEMUS: North of Britain between two rivers <20gp/lvl> | | 1st Detect Trap | | 2nd Sleep, Unlock Magic*, Untrap @èZ!’Š½ | | 3rd Magic Lock, Mass Sleep, Protection, Repell Undead | | 4th Conjure | | 5th Insect Swarm | | 6th Charm, Confuse, Mass Protect, Web | | 7th Enchant, Mass Invisibility* | | | | Re@è[vè(agents: | | Blood Moss 2gp | | Garlic 1gp | | Ginseng 1gp | | Spiders Silk 1gp | | Sul. Ash 2gp | | @è\ ²ç | | Staves: Nick sells these staffs which can be used with the ENCHANT | | Spell. Each staff can hold upto 10 spells. Anyone can use | | a staff so charged. | | | | SKARA BRAE: Horance Island, Horance <30gp/lvl> 03B 1D4 0 | | 1st Harm @è]—Þ%$ | | 2nd Magic Arrow, Poison, Trap, Unlock Magic* | | 3rd Curse, Fireball | | 4th Disable | | 5th Explosion*, Lightning, Paralyze | | 6th Flame Wind, Hail Storm, Poison Wind | | 7th Chain Bolt, Energy Wind, Kill, Mass Curse, Wing Strike | | @è^ÆÖ$; | | Reagents: | | Black Pearl 3gp | | Blood Moss 3gp | | Mandrake Root 5gp | | NightShade 2gp | | Spider Silk 1gp @è_=ÂB | | Sul Ash 2gp | | | | ZOLTAR - gypsy | | Reagents | | Blood Moss 3g | | Garlic 2g @è`µp¼ | | Ginseng 1g | | Nightshade 1g | | Spider Silk 2g | | Sul. Ash 1g | | | | POTIONS: | | Blac@ èa è8k Invisible | | Blue Awaken | | Green Poison | | Orange Sleep | | Purple Invisible | | Red Dispell Magic | | Yellow Heal @!èbF¿b | | White Xray vision | |__________________________________________________________________________| WEAPONS & ARMOR:____________________________________________________________ | | | Britannia: | | Weapons: dagger, spear, sword, 2-handed sword, MA@"ècÕU'GIC BOW, arrows | | bolts | | Armor: cloth armor, leather armor, chain mail, plate mail, | | heater shield, iron helm | | | | Buccaneer's Den: | | Weapons: club, dagger, oil flask, main gauche, throwing axe | | A@#èd¾­ /rmor: cloth armor, leather armor, leather helm | | | | Jhelom: | | Weapons: bow, club, crossbow, dagger, oil flask, spear, arrows | | bolts | | Armor: spiked shield | | @$èeÜ>õü | | Minoc: | | Weapons: dagger, mace, main gauche, morning star, sword | | Armor: chain coif, chain mail, ring mail, scale mail, | | winged helm | | | | Serpent's Hold: @%èfìí„ | | Weapons: halberd, hammer, morning star, throwing axe, | | 2-handed sword | | Armor: black shield, door shield, scale mail, spiked collar | | spiked shield, spiked helm, MAGIC SHIELD | | | | Trinsic: | | We@&ègÉM¬apons: mace, main gauche, sword, 2-handed axe, 2-handed hammer, | | 2-handed sword | | Armor: iron helm, kite shield, MAGIC ARMOR, MAGIC HELM, | | plate mail | | | | Yew: | | Weapons: club, dagger, sp@'èhjªMear, throwing axe, 2-handed axe | | Armor: brass helm, leather helm, leather armor, ring mail | | SWAMP BOOTS | |__________________________________________________________________________| ROUGH WORLD MAP: /( = WATER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( @(èiK‡– | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | | | | | shr | | | | | | | | | |----+-----+-----+---justice-+--dun|-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | /( | | | | wrong /( | MINOC | | | /( | /( | | | | | | | | | | dun | | | | | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|covet|-----+-shr-+-----+----| | /( | | |YEW | | | | /( |@)èj/†è | |sacri| | /( | | | | | | | | | | | | Ants| | | |----+-----+-----+-----|Nicko|-----+-----+-----+-----+---SinVraal|-----+----| | /( | cave|ABBEY| |demus| | | stone | | | shr | /( | | |spide| | | | | | gate | | |honesty | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | | | |BRITAIN | shr |COVE | dun | /( | /( | @*èkaáBž | /( | | | | | | | |compa| | | | | dun | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----deceit | /( | | dun | dun | | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( |Lycae| /( | | | |cyclo|shame| | | | | | | | um | | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | | | | | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | | /( | | |SKAR@+èlk:‰¤A| | | | | | | | | | MOON| | |----+-BRAE|-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-GLOW|----| | /( | /( | | | PAWS /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | | /( | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | /( | |dun | | /( |BUCCA| /( | NEW | /( | /( | /( | /( | | | | |destard |@,èm3%Q½ | DEN | |MAGIN| | | | | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | /( | | TRINSIC /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| | /( | /( | /( | /( | shr | | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( | | | | | |honor| | | isle@-èn7éTŸ | | | Isle| | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--of-+----| | /( | JHELOM | /( | /( | | /( | /( | /( | /( | /( |Avatar /( | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----dun--| | /( | /( |shr | /( | /( | /( | Serpent's | | Sutek's |shr hyth | | | |valor| | | | Hold | | Castle |humi@.èo@ðWòl | |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 STARTING OUT: You begin the game in Lord British's castle. Lord B will tell you how the shrines are under the control of the gargoyles and must be freed. There is equipment for your use in the castle, in your room and in others. Talk to everyone you meet. Ask their name and job to get clues as to further conversatio@/èp×2J›n. Talk to the mage in L. B's castle. He will tell you about Iolo's book and to consult Mariah . INVENTORY HINTS: Major BUGS are related to character's inventory so keep only what you need, food, reagents, and the like. Some items you will need to keep until they have been used. Once used, you can drop them To WIN the game you will need: Vortex Cube 2 Vortex Lens @0èqëäI It will be very useful to have a strong character in your party carry a skiff. There are areas you will want to reach that you will be unable to reach without a skiff. SEWERS: good for gold and experience In the potion laboratory in the castle, you will find a ladder to the sewers below the castle. This is the best place to start out your characters. It is larger than it looks. Use all ladders you find until you are familiar with where they lead. O@1èrÀ¬™Çn level 2 of the sewers you will find an underground lake. Phoenix lives to the north of the lake. When you have gotten the PICKPOCKET spell, seek out Phoenix and take her thieve's belt. SHRINES: After you have spent a little time in the sewers earning gold and experience, its time to visit the wide world. Your purpose at this point is to free the shrines from the hold of the gargoyles. The shrine of Compassion is the easiest to free early in the game havin@2èsT"Öwg fewer gargoyles guarding the shrine. At other shrines, you may find it easier to cast invisibiity upon your avatar and have him/her free the shrine alone thus avoiding a fight with the gargoyles. To free a shrine USE the rune on the shrine and chant the mantra. The force field upon the shrine will be broken. Take the MOONSTONE! EXPLORE and GAIN EXPERIENCE: Here is a list of some of the major areas of interest in the game. As noted, some contain important clues or items while other@3èt„ºs are primarily good for gaining experience. Many of the caves are connected. Ant Mounds - Map piece piece, reagents Bucaneer Cave - minor items Cyclops Cave - Powder Kegs, gold Dungeon Covertous - minor items Dungeon Deceit - minor items Dungeons Destard - Dragon Eggs, major treasures Dungeon Hyaloth - Gargoyle scroll, ENTRANCE TO GARGOYLE WORLD Dungeon Shame - Map piece, gold, gems Dungeon Wrong - Map piece@4èuÅ62 Heftimus Cave - near Jhelom, rings, potions Heros Cave - Near shrine of Honor, minor items Lycaceum Underground - Books * Moonglow Catacombs - Rune of Honesty, weapons, armor, staves Pirate's Cave - Tablet, storm cloak, magic fan Sewers - Thief Guild Belt, gold, minor items Shrine of Control - Mondain Statue Shrine of Diligence - Exodus Statue Shrine of Passion - Minax Statue Spider Cave - Spider Silk Stone@5èv˜8ågate - Vortex Cube Sutex Castle Catacombs - Balloon Plans Tomb of Kings - minor items * Books: The book of lost mantras if shown to Wisps will get you the 8th level spell of Armageddon The book Wizard of Oz when given to Lord British will get you some gems as reward. KARMA: Karma is important in this game. To maintain and increase Karma, do not steal, return the rune of honor to Trinsic, do good deeds PIRATES' MAP & TABLET: Talking to Mariah in Lycaeum will reveal that a second portion of the tablet will be needed to translate it fully. Mariah directs you to Zoltar the gypsy. Zoltar will tell you that pirates stole the other portion of the tablet. To locate this second piece of tablet you will need: Thieves Belt - sewers under LB's to join the Thieves Guild to be able to get any information fr@7èx¹5ÜØom HOMER on Bucaneer Den. Homer will tell you that there are 9 pieces to the map of Captain Hawkin's treasure . Homer has one of the nine pieces. The others are at: Shipwreck - 71S, 14E Ant Mound - 4th level Dungeon Shame Dungeon Wrong Giving Sandy, the cook in Trinsic, dragon eggs will tell you the other locations of map pieces: Serpent's Hold - A woman to the ea@8èyÒÌ÷st has a piece. You will need to give her a Magic Shield to get it. Dagger Isle - Hermits cellar Bad gypsies - Buy or pickpocket the piece Mayor of Trinsic - Confront mayor with name "GORDON" After collecting 8 pieces return to HOMER. He will give you the last piece and tell you how many paces to move before digging . Drop the map pieces and move them around unt@9èzíù³«il you get a clear map of the location of the treasure. TREASURE: Small island to southwest of Bucaneer's Den with 3 stones in northeast corner. Walk 3 steps south, 9 steps west, 12 steps south. DIG! This will reveal a hole that you can enter. Explore this area until you find the sign: "Drop to your Death", choose the hole that has a gold nugget next to it to find the TABLET. Return to Bucaneer's Den and give Storm Cloak to Homer. Return to Lycaeum w@:è{n09Ïith both parts of the tablet and talk to Mariah. GARGOYLES: Mariah will supply some additional information on why the gargoyles are causing so much trouble now. She will direct you to Sin Vraal who will tell you that you can enter the gargoyle world through Hythloth. Dungeon Hythloth is to be found near the Shrine of Humility . You will find Captain Johne on the bottom level. He will tell you about the gargoy@;è|Ÿåbžles and give you a scroll that will allow you to talk to gargoyles. Cpt. Johne will also tell you about Beh Lem a gargoyle who will help you get around the gargoyle city without being attacked. Beh Lem is to be found just outside of Dungeon Hythloth on the gargoyle plane. Talk to Beh Lem. He will tell you to see his father and give you instructions on how to find him. Beh's father will tell you that you need to visit the gargoyle Inquisitor and surrender as we@<è}>,èll as the need for you to make a sacrifice to help mend the two worlds, that of humans and gargoyles. Naxatilor is the gargoyle who will be able to explain sacrifice to you more clearly. Go see Lord Drax and surrender. Drax will ask that you submit to wearing an amulet of submission. Dupre will warn you that it is a magical trick, ignore him. Once you are wearing the amulet, you will be able to travel freely around the gargoyle world and talk with its inhabitants. @=è~¬kÕµ Now visit Nax è¾#L to read the Book of Rituals and to get the vortex lens . After doing these errands and returning to Nax where needed for additional instructions, you will be told that you need a concave vortex lens to represent humans and to read the Codex for instructions on what to do with the lenses and the vortex cube . The vortex CUBE is supposed to b@?è€;¦ye in the Hall of Knowledge but you will find it missing. Asking the gargoyle who cares for the Hall, you will learn that the Cube was stolen by humans who went to StoneGate. StoneGate is the castle that lies in the mountains south of Minoc. You will need to find secret passages as well as do a couple of errands for the Ogres that live there to get the vortex Cube. The mage that lives across the river near Lycaeum will be able to make you a concave vortex lens if you can give@@è­{Ì8 him a glass sword. Glass swords can be found on Phoenix in the sewers. You will not be able to enter the temple of the Codex unless you are on a quest. THere is only one way to be put on a quest and that is to visit the Shrine of Singularity . To visit the Shrine of Singularity you will need a balloon. Plans for making a balloon can be found on a dead body in the dungeon under Sutek's. Once you have the balloon plans you will need to visit: Minoc to hav@Aè‚äÇ&ñe the basket woven <300gp>, Paws to buy rope <5gp> to have silk thread spun <10gp> New Magincia to have the thread woven into cloth <20gp> Paws to have the cloth sewn into a large bag <75gp> You also need a cauldron and an anchor. USE the balloon plans to make a balloon. Have one of your strong characters carry the balloon. Use a moongate to get to the gargoyle altar . @BèƒUÕvGo north and a little to the right, drop the balloon and then use it. Use the FAN to change the wind to S so that you may travel north. Once past the mountains, land and enter the Shrine of Singularity. TALK to the altar. When asked what you want, answer "quest". You will be asked for whom you seek this quest of the Codex, answer "all". The shrine will tell you to visit the shrines representing the gargoyle virtues Control, Passion & Diligence. Each of these shrines contains a s@Cè„eQ1btatue with which you must talk to learn the mantra of that virtue. The three virtues combined equal the mantra for the Singularity. Use the balloon to return south of the mountains, back to near the gargoyle altar. The entrances to the shrines of Control, Passion and Diligence are found on the island of the gargoyle world . The catacombs of Diligence are the hardest to get through. There is a secret door leading to a ladder near the lower left corne@Dè…c |r of the catacombs. This secret door is NOT on an outer wall. After you have visited all three shrines and learned the mantras, return to the Shrine of Singularity. When asked if you have visited all three shrines answer yes and then chant the mantra UNORUS. You now have a quest and may enter the temple containing the Codex! Use the Moon Orb to get to the Temple of the Codex and read it . Follow the instructions to place the two lenses and the Cube loaded with a@Eè†Wê’Ðll eight moonstones then USE the Cube! You will see a series of pictures that culminate in the END GAME! CONGRATS! commands: There are 3 commands that work in this game . These are "debugging tools" that were left in the game. To use them press the alt key and then the three numbers before releasing the alt key. 213 - This command will give you the same over view that a gem would plus a string of numbers.@F臅…ó¬ The first 2 numbers are your character's karma, the next four are the time, the next three are the first coordinates, the three after that are the second coordinates and the last number is the "plane". Example: 7510260170161 75 = karma 1026 = time 017 = 1st coordinates } 016 = 2nd coordinates }====Shrine of Spirituality 1 = @Gèˆ1VÀplane } 214 - This command will allow you to teleport from where you are to another location. Example: To get to the Shrine of Spirituality, you would type: 017 016 1 and you will be teleported there! 215 - Causes an hour of game time to pass. Useful when you are waiting for someone to return to their place of @HèŠM¿´ business. Some other 214 coordinates: PAWS - 173 272 0 MINOC - 254 063 0 by the sundial SUTEX - 315 3D6 0 on the docks SEWERS - 062 07B 2 this is near the campfires PIRATES TR - 09B 0D8 4 this is the treasure room LYCAEUM - 376 1BB 0 SINGULARITY- 080 02E 5 altar of MONDAIN - 043 00C 4 statue of MINAX - 0BB 00B 4 statue of EXODUS - 053 0DC 3 statue of HYTHLOTH - 0DC 0DB 5 ‰ÿÿøŸŠ@ÿÿÿý@IŒS߈ entrance on gargoyle plane HYTHLOTH - 3B4 3A2 0 entrance on human plane LENS MAKER - 3BB 195 0 human lens maker near Lycaeum 315 3D6 0 on the docks SEWERS - 062 07B 2 this is near the campfires PIRATES TR - 09B 0D8 4 this is the treasure room LYCAEUM - 376 1BB 0 SINGULARITY- 080 02E 5 altar of MONDAIN - 043 00C 4 statue of MINAX - 0BB 00B 4 statue of EXODUS - 053 0DC 3 statue of HYTHLOTH - 0DC 0DB 5 ‹HŒýÊb¼ÓÒÑÐÏÎÍÌËÊÉÈÇÆÅÄÃÂÁÀ¿¾½¼»º¹¸·¶µ´³²±°¯®­¬«ª©¨§¦¥¤£¢¡ Ÿžœ›š™˜—–•”“’‘ŽŒˆ 41pÿÿÿý‹è]ÀK“Subject: U72: Solve. Spolier (How could it not) From: Date: 21 Apr 93 16:45:48 PST Game - U 7 Part 2: Serpent's Isle | Disply/Snd - VGA/SB/ROL Company - Origin | Rating - 11/10!! Solve By - Lord DCD | Release - Solve/Hints Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent's Isle This game was great! The graphics are the best you will see from an RPG and it was even slightly faster‹èŽÜ42I than the previous Ultima 7, not to mention much more challenging. I was unable to play the game for 9 days due to spring (working 65+ hours in one week!) or I would have had the solve out around the 10th. I completed everything without using hack mover or using F3 to teleport. I've noticed that many people used the built in cheat which screwed up their game. There really isn't any reason to cheat, but if you have a slow machine usi‹èv›ng F3 to move around (without entering places you are not supposed) might be a good choice. - Lord DCD Basic Hints for Playing the Game -------------------------------- 1) Max out your characters early in the game. Fight often and go train. Once the banes take over all the trainers, except one, will be killed. 2) DON'T CHEAT! You will miss out on some good parts of the gam‹è«Ùp+e and you might screw up your game completely. 3) Get the magebane as soon as possible, it has the ability to sap a mage's spellcasting ability. (The coordinates are 53N 33W) 4) Get a sextant as soon as possible since I have provided the coordinates for major points in the game. 5) Buy as much reagents as possible while in Moonshade before the banes are released from the Temple of Order, otherwise ‹è‘&”P you will find yourself running out quickly with nowhere to buy them. 6) Here is a map of the serpent gates: 4 6 | | | 5 | 3-------+ | +------ 7 \ | / \ | / 1 2 +-------+-------+ 8 ‹è’#»Ò\ 9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+-------+-------+------------+--------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 18 17 +-------+-------+ ‹è“{Ãû 11 10 / | \ / | \ 16-------+ | +-------12 | 14 | | | 15 13 (Map edit from Ansi to Ascii by Sindarin) 1) Teleporter (has a map of the serpent gates that is good for nothing!) 2) Dunge‹è”°Öžon to the east of Monitor 3) Temple of Emotion 4) Temple of Chaos 5) Temple of Balance (Sunrise Isle) 6) Temple of Order 7) Temple of Discipline 8) Monk Isle 9) Isle of the Dead 10) North Woods 11) Fawn 12) Temple of Logic 13) Temple of Ethicality 14) Monitor 15) Temple of Tolerance 16) Temple of Enthusiasm 17) Moonshade 18) Erstam's House S‹ è•‚Ÿ¨%tart ------- After you go south a little ways you will lose your magical items and companions. Continue south across the bridge and talk to Thoxa. One of the other monks will appear and a battle will ensue. After the battle and the doc check, continue south where you will find Shamino. Shamino will make a list of the new items you have. Keep all these items since you will need to trade some of them later in the game if ‹ è–·tzè you want your original equipment. Slightly to the souteast is a cave north of a red tree (the entrance is hidden). Open the chest after you get some lockpicks. Be sure to check the room to the north through the secret wall and search the body for a scroll and serpent scales. To the south of the cave entrance you will find Shamino's magic bow next to a pile of bones. Head southeast to Monitor. Monitor ------- Go to‹ è—Âë}„ the northwest part of town and enter the large building (crematory) from the east entrance. Open the curtains in the southwest part of the building (click twice on the curtains). Talk to Lord Martsen and ask permission to take the Test of Knighthood. You will also find Dupre so ask him to join again. Go to the Test of Knighthood (111 south 10 west) and talk to Schmed. He will lead you inside and the Test of Knighthood begins. The t‹ è˜C¸º[est is very simple so I will only go over the hard parts: Go north and then run past the explosions to the east, get any keys you find to open doors, there is a secret door to the east of the room with the four chests (click on the 'wall' until it says 'Wall', this is a easy way to find secret doors), use the stones to make stairs to get the key on top, use the claw on yourself to get some blood, there is a secret door to the ‹ è™[IOåfar west between two torches and this will get you to the final room. Use the blood on the goblin king ashes and kill the wolf. Bring back the meat and wolf. Schmed will attack you, and after killing him, read the note on his body. Get your equipment from his house. Talk to Cellia about the fur cap and give her the wolf after you take the meat out. Bring the meat to Lucilla in the pub. Pick up the cloak from Cellia after 24 hour‹èš3ûs. Talk to Lord Martsen and go to the banquet hall in the southeast corner of Monitor. After the feast a fight will break out while the knights argue about the traitor. Go to Lydia to get a tatoo. You will eventually get poisened and need to talk to Karna at her farm in the southwest corner of Monitor. She will tell you to get the Varo leaves from Delphynia in Fawn. Travel north along the brick road to Fawn (86 south 9 east) you wi‹è›BK_øll find Delphynia in the northeast section of town. Ask her about the Varo leaves and then return immediately to Monitor. Go back and talk to Lydia and you will find that she is the traitor. Go back to Karna's farm and you will find Cantra has been taken over by one of the banes and Batlin will kill her (after you look at the crystal ball). Talk to Lord Martsen about Iolo (after visiting Iolo in the jail to the north) and‹èœ5û€S ask him to release Iolo. Go to the jail and get Iolo to join you again. Go to the black monolith in the forest at coordinates (83 south 19 west). Get the bottle of liquor. Bring it back to the innkeeper and he will eventually confess and turn into a goblin. Get the key off of his body and go to the goblin entrance to the northeast of the monolith at (69 south 32 west). Use the key to open the door. This part is pretty simple so I‹è ÄœÄ will only tell you to continue north until you reach the exit to the goblin village. Kill all the goblins until you get to the goblin king. Kill the goblin king and get the key off of his body. Return to the dungeon and open the treasure room door with the goblin king's key. Read all the notes implicating the Lord Martsen and the treasurer. Get the helm of courage and return to the mayor's office around 12 noon. Talk to you capta‹èžkrðin and let him know about the traitors. Lord Martsen and the treasurer will be thrown in jail. Talk to Lucilla the barmaid and get the key to open the door in the secret passage in the mountains just to the south of the crematory. Get the letter off the body and return it to Karna. You will also need an exploding barrel later in the game. Fawn (86 south 9 east) ---------------------- Talk to Alyssand and help her wi‹èŸzA ‰th the Fawn conspiracy. Talk to the councellor and ask for an audience with Lady Yelinda. Talk to Jorvin and have Iolo sing for him. Eventually he will get you an audience with Lady Yelinda. While you are talking to her, Dupre will mention about Lord British. Lady Yelinda ends up locking Dupre away until the trial. During the trial the prosecutors will go on for a while and then there will be a break. Allysand will find you during‹è –… the break and give you a key to help you break in the temple. Go to the temple and use the key on the far left door. Go upstairs and kill the guard. Move the levers until the Oracle speaks. Tell the Oracle to reveal the true traitors and have Dupre set free. The next day the Oracle will reveal the conspiracy and Dupre will be free and the priestess will be thrown in jail. Talk to Lady Yelinda and she will give you the R‹è¡£‚¥Øose of Love (crystal rose). The Sleeping Bull (109 south 24 east) ------------------------------------- Talk to the people about Captain Hawk until you find out about him being locked up in the tower. Talk to the guards at the tower to the northwest of the town. Go back and talk to Selina (the pretty, devious looking blond) and she will tell you about the gold mine. Follow her to the north along the coast and stop at the Hous‹è¢]&:Èe of the Chaos Hierophant (71 south 52 east). Talk to the ghost of the Hierophant and he will tell you important clues for opening the Wall of Light in the Chaos Temple (he will also give you a scroll with the info) Continue on to the gold mine (also a haunted mansion) which is located at (77 south 81 east). Get some gold bars and leave, 5 guys will attack you and Selina will blink out. Read the note and get the Sword of Def‹è£Ý´Œ|ense from one of the fighters. Return back to the tower and give the guard a gold bar. Release Hawk and have him take you to Moonshade. Moonshade --------- After disembarking the ship, continue north and you will eventually reach Moonshade. Talk to Flindo about his connections. After a few hours have passed go back and ask him about his promise. After a few more hours you will be teleported to the banquest with the mages. ‹è¤(O¹| Go to Pothos' shop (the house on the lake, take the stairs) and ask about helping him with find the bloodmoss. Go to the bloodmoss by the swamps (123 south 147 east) and pick some up. Take it back to Pothos and he will tell you how to get to Erstam's house. After you leave his shop, Shamino will disappear. Talk to Fibercio and he will give you a key to take his boat to the small island in the center of the lake. Kill the re‹è¥cgXmd mage. Get the key off her body and release Shamino. Head to the northeast and follow the coast around to the west until you reach the dock. Ring the bell and board the turtle to go to Erstam's house. Erstam's House -------------- Tell him the password and keep talking until he will let you help him. After he teleports you to the island, follow the passage around until the exit and then go east to another entrance. ‹è¦b¼v5 When you get to the dead bird on the pedestal, pull the lever and the phoenix bird will be reborn. Get the phoenix egg from him and return back to Erstam's via the teleporter. Put two arms, two legs, a torso, a head, and the phoenix egg into the machine. Pull the lever and watch Frankenstein walk out! Talk to Erstam again and get the jawbone and serpent teeth. Open the door behind his house and check the barrel for more serpent ‹è§Ç0B teeth. Use the serpent gate to go to Monk Isle. Go to the north where the swamp is and get some fresh mandrake (15 north 155 east). Use the serpent gate to return to Moonshade. Moonshade --------- Go to Fedabiblio's house to the southeast of Moonshade in the mountains. Ask him about the spellbook and you will receive one. Now will be a good time to use transcribe to write all the scrolls you have picked up. ‹è¨Rv”Go to Frigadazzi's house to the northeast of town (the ice mage). Ask her about spell casting lesson's and then you will have to wake her up around midnight. She will then proceed to cast a spell on you and you will be forced to have sex with her (even avatars need some). The next day Fibercio will find you and then sentence you to the Freedom Mountains dungeon. This dungeon is pretty straight-forward so I will only give you some h‹è©ÞÏ7Oints: kill the automaton at the start and get his key, walk through the secret door to the north, get the blue thief to join you (what's his name kevin?), after you finally reach the mage at the end, release the demon from your black sword to kill him. After you exit, round up Dupre, Shamino, and Iolo. Talk to Gustacio about the problems with the storms. He will have you take an energy globe to a testing area to the north at (37 sou‹èªá™Ñth 142 east). After walking upstairs, put the globe to the south and turn the crank. Return to Gustacio and he will give you another energy globe. Return once again this time after putting the energy globe down and turning the crank, pull each lever and observe the lightning. Return once again to Gustacio and I think this is where he give you the mirror of truth. You will also have to talk to Fedabiblio about the sailor's lost ‹è« 6ãö brother. Gustacio will give you cage which you capture the parrot with and take back to the testing place. Put the cage in one of the slots behind a lever. Put the energy globe up there once again and turn the crank. Pull the lever and the parrot will change back into the sailor's brother. Talk to Captain Hawk in the bar and he will tell you about the dungeon to return to the mainland. Talk to Julia and she will give you the key‹ è¬7Ð;Ë (if you have the chill spell). Go to the house to the south of the island in the lake at (95 south 135 east) and take the stairs down. You might want to give Mosh a fish first to get the harp that will charm the ratmen, but they are easy prey. Anyway follow the passages until you reach a bridge where a gargoyle is. After crossing the bridge, go to the southeast and until you find a room with two serpent statues. Click twice on th‹!è­ì …[e one to the left and you will have to take a test. Go to the room to the left first and push the button that the girls tell you, NOT the button Shamino tells you to push. Next go north and talk to Iolo, but do not follow him through the gate. Go to the east and you will find Dupre, take the hammer and kill each snake that pops up into the floor. DO NOT follow Dupre to the north, there really isn't any treasure. When you get back, th‹"è®E®£²e gargoyle will give you the serpent staff. Go back to the bridge and go west. Be sure and pick up the Balance Blackrock Serpent which is just to the east of the exit to Monitor. Get the key off of one of the troll bodies. Sleep Swamp ----------- Go north to the swamps where your characters will fall asleep. This part is very straightforward also. You just need to find the main castle and use the Rose of Love, ‹#询²Helm of Courage, and Mirror of Truth at the proper area. After the guy is killed take the secret door and get the crystals. Return them to the lady to the northwest. The sleep spell will be removed and you are free to go north through the swamps. Goldmine Town (77 south 81 east) -------------------------------- Talk to the lady at the front of the town and she will tell you about the King's Savior. Go west to the Forest Mas‹$è°@Ò6Fter's (Morghrim) house and he will tell you to get the orb from the evil guy at the Goldmine Town. Go to the west and you will find the King's Savior at (34 south 40 west). Take it back to the lady and use it on some arrows. Give the arrows to the Shamino if he still has his magic bow. Kill the evil guy and give the orb to Morghrim. He will then give you the whistle for the Hound of Doskar. Use the whistle and show him Ca‹%è±+<¤Òntra's sword. You can find the secret entrance to Shamino's Castle at (2 north 79 east). After you reach the inside of the castle pull all the levers in the one room to the northeast. Now I don't know why but I left here and came back and the blue shield turned into fire for some reason which will allow you to enter the building. You will find the gargoyle, the pirate, and some fighters. Batlin will come out and teleport away. Go ‹&è²}GY|upstairs and find Cantra's body. A monk will come and take her body back to Monk Isle. Get Batlin's medallion to track him with the Hound of Doskar. Temple of Order --------------- Take one of the cave entrances to the west through the mountains until you can reach the exit to the north. The entrance to the Temple of Order is at (38 north 96 east). I didn't know the password for the automaton at the entrance (I'm no‹'è³âщWt sure if you can even find it), so I just cast telekenisis on the button and opened the gate and then killed the automaton. Continue to follow the passage around until you reach a larger section of the temple. You will need to go to each room of order and read the scrolls. One scroll will tell you what you need to get from each room. I remember that you need the abacus, serpent dagger, and I think a book of some kind. Take them to‹(è´½¡!… the altar in front of the library and put each one on the pedestal according to what the plaque says. Use the serpent item it gives you on the pedestal inside the library. You will then be teleported to the main library room. Read all of the scrolls and then go to the east room. You will now be able to answer the automatons question regarding the book. After you find the pirate, continue north and get the key off of the de‹)èµXˆad pirate's body. Go back south and then west. Open the door that is to the northeast of the library with it and push the button on the floor to make it rise up. Continue east and run north to get past the field that pops up on the floor. You will have a tough battle with Selina (unless if you have the Magebane). Get the dispel field scroll off of her body. Continue north into the Temple of Order and you will watch Batlin get kill‹*趇ìãÞed once and for all! Get the Blackrock Order Serpent in the ground. The Banes will take over Shamino, Dupre, and Iolo. Leave their stuff on the ground since you can come back for it later (you won't be able to carry it all anyway). Return to Moonshade and talk to the barkeep. He will give you the key to Captain Hawk's chest. Follow the map and the stash is located at (74 south 24 west), get the serpent crown. Talk to the thief ‹+è·?ÿ and ask him about the curse. Kill the knight that is after him and he will give you a key to get the Chaos Blackrock Serpent at (82 south 96 east). Search all the buildings of the mages and you will find gold chests that contain more serpent teeth. Gwani (23 north 3 east) ----------------------- You will need to kill a dragon and use a bucket on the dragon to get the blood for the dying little gwani girl. The dragon c‹,è¸Rèban be found at (88 north 18 west). Bring the blood back to the town leader and she will give you the password for the Temple of Chaos. Temple of Chaos (2 north 2 east) -------------------------------- Just match up the runes with correct symbol on the plaque. Push them until you find the proper pattern (very easy), it will turn purple each time you do it in the right order. After you recite the words you can go in. ‹-è¹S¯“ªNow is the time to kill the vampire to the northeast. Go into his room and read the scroll, when you try to leave he will attack. The magebane is very helpful here also. After killing him use dispel field to get the gwani horn. Pick up the flux modulator and Philanderer's Friend (green wand). Put the black sword on the ground and use the flux modulator on it. Pick the black sword up again. You can get Rudyom's wand to the southe‹.èºÖ[6êast but I don't know what purpose it serves in this game. Exit back out since you will not be ready to open the Wall of Light in the Chaos Temple yet. Gwenno (102 north 56 west) -------------------------- Go to Gwenno and use the Gwani Horn whenevery you encounter an ice barrier. You will know when you find Gwenno since it will play some different music. After releasing her from the ice take her back to Monk Isle‹/è»{ < and have her resurrected. Talk to Karnax about the cure. Go to Moonshade and use Philanderer's Friend on the statue of Fedabiblio in his house. He will appear and give you the serpent scroll. Return back to Monk Isle and Karnax will give you a scroll telling you which waters you will need from the temples. Temple of Discipline (43 north 86 east) --------------------------------------- Push all the buttons to unlock the doo‹0輋Iªrs, go upstairs and get the y-shaped obelisk. Put it in the panel to the south of the statue. Go downstairs and cast reveal when you are near the single coffin to the south to find the chest with the key. Go back upstairs to the east and open the secret door to the south and get the key. Open the door to the north and open the chest to the west to get the arrows of discipline (what are these used for????). Now you have to back to ‹1è½ÒN“/ Moonshade in the tavern and kill the girl automaton (just like the wall of visions shows you in Monk Isle). Take her body back to the Temple of Discipline and cast create automaton. She will come back to life and then go to the mind transference room. Tell her to get on the platform to the left. Push the button and you will switch bodies. It will be a good idea to have two buckets so you don't have to do this twice. Take t‹2è¾]ø®he stairs going down to the east and walk across the acid. Get the water of discipline and return to Monk Isle. Use the water of discipline on Gwenno. Return to Moonshade and talk to mage who now walk around in Fibercio's Castle. Give him the Philanderer's Friend and he will give you the soul prism scroll. Go to Ducio and have him make you some worm gems. Cast create soul prism on three of them. It is now time to find the waters' o‹3è¿@¦¾¦f chaos. Temple of Emotion (21 north 52 east) ---------------------------------------- Talk to the girl imprisoned in the green section of the wall. Smash the altar and get all four lodestones. Put them on the posts next to the eye of the moons. Use a bucket on the water to get the water of emotion. Temple of Enthusiasm (80 north 140 east) ---------------------------------------- Very simple, just use a buc‹4èÀ‡kèÊCB- the ground and push each button you pass. Eventually you will come to a room and open the secret door in the northwest corner. It will tell you to stand to continue and walk a little north to be teleported. Continue to the west and you will reach a room with an undead walking around. Kill him and get the scroll. Put the scroll on the pedestal next to the gold serpent in the previous room and you will be teleported. After reading ‹?èËãˆÇthe book in the center of the room you will be teleported once again to another room which contains the Eye of Chaos. Use dispel field to get the eye. There is a secret door to the north with a teleporter but I don't know what the room is for that is teleports you to. Return to Xenka. Ask her about the sacrifice. You will pull straws and it turns out that you will have to sacrifice your life. Go to the crematory at Monitor ‹@èÌ‹QA_and Dupre will decide that you must continue on and kill himself. Get the urn with his ashes. Temple of Chaos --------------- Get a barrel from Monitor in the secret entrance to the mountains to the west. Take it to the double doors in the skullcrusher mountains just to the north of the serpent gate. Let the barrel explode by clicking on it twice (make sure you aren't around it). Walk to the north after followin‹AèÍ´Db/g the passages around for a very long time you will find a large room with many serpent statues and a lake in the middle. Search the north wall for secret doors to find the Temple of Chaos. Put the Chaos Blackrock Serpent in the slot. Then put each prism on the proper altar. Finally put Dupre's ashes on the third altar and the task will be done. Collect the Chaos Blackrock Serpent. The Trapper (59 north 25 east) ------------‹BèÎ¥Ó” ------------------ Find the trapper and kill him, get the amulet off of his body and return it to the Gwani leader. She will give you another serpent tooth. Serpent Armor ------------- Get the comb from Columna's chest by taking the secret door on the north end of her house. The key will be a green one in case you picked it up earlier. Take the brush to Lady Yelinda who is hiding in the swamps to the northeast of Fa‹CèÏ•›.Éwn. Take the key she gives you and open the door in her throne room. Get the serpent armor and one of the best weapons you will find (an infinite bow!!!). Sunrise Isle ------------ Take the serpent gate to sunrise isle. Get one of each of the blue and red serpent small statues. Put them one blue and one red serpent on each side of the scale. Get the artifacts that appear. Take each artifact and find its opposite t‹DèÐ_éþemple (read the book that is to the west of the building you are in). Place the proper artifact on the pedestal in each temple. Once you have found all of them then get the book it gives you and return to the building with the serpent gate. Read the book after you cross over and read it once more (you need to be between the poles). Go north and open the big doors. Go to the west and get the key out of the bag and another in‹EèѧE¼finite bow. Go east and unlock the chest and get one candle. Go back to the west and put the candle in the ice pedestal. Go north and get the ice prism and put it on the fire altar to the east. Get the object to the north. Put the object of fire and ice in the center pedestal in front of the large double door. Continue north. This part is also pretty simple. Just use telekenisis on some of the buttons then go through the secret‹FèÒìG= door under the stairs to the northwest. Eventually you will make your way to the cubes of fire and ice. You will need approximately three of each. Go back to the center pedestal and alternately put a cube of fire and then ice on the pedestal. Stairs will appear one by one behind you, eventually allowing you to reach a teleporter. Walk to the north and place the serpent staff, armor, and crown on the altar to the north. The Blue ‹GèÓ´/xOrder Serpent Eye will appear. After you are teleported walk to the north and kill the order army. Put all three blackrock serpents in their proper slots. Put both the order and chaos eyes on the altar. Get the ophidian sword Xenka gave you and chop the serpent statue. Sit back and enjoy the ending! The work was well worth it! I sure hope Pagan doesn't come out during the school year, I had to sacrifice quite a bit to get this ‹H¶ /šp solve out... Thanks to Xavier X for helping out with the beginning part of the game. I was stuck at the end for so long I forgot some of the beginning part. both the order and chaos eyes on the altar. Get the ophidian sword Xenka gave you and chop the serpent statue. Sit back and enjoy the ending! The work was well worth it! I sure hope Pagan doesn't come out during the school year, I had to sacrifice quite a bit to get this Ô2Õýʺnÿþýüûúùø÷öõôóòñðïîíìëêéèçæåäãâáàßÞÝÜÛÚÙØ×ÖÕ]Ù 42pÿÿÿýÔèÖúæ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ULTIMA VII: THE BLACK GATE ::: ::: >> WALKTHROUGH << ::: ::: and other tips! ::: ::: ::: ::: by the Scourge ::: ::: adam @ ::: ::::::::Ôè×Õùï:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: WARNING!! ::: This file contains EXPLICIT instructions on how to finish Ultima VII: The Black Gate. It's full of spoilers, so don't read this if you aren't TOTALLY stumped! This file is divided into two parts, Helpful Stuff and the Walkthrough. The first part contains information on reagents, spells, and other stuff found in Britannia. The Walktrough section guides you step-by-step through what you need to finish the game. Sorry if this is formatÔèØÂ,]ðted funny, but hey, life's a bitch. ::::::>> HELPFUL STUFF <<:::::: :: MAGIC :: Here is a list of all reagents and spells and where to get them cheap. Thanks goes to Joe Himdickel who compiled the original list last month. Mage Location Reagents(price) --------- --------- ----------------------------------------------------- Wis-Sur Vesper Pearl(34), B.Moss(16), M.Root(32), Silk(20), S.Ash(25) Mariah Moonglow Pearl(8), Garlic(1ÔèÙ«‘o), Ginseng(2), M.Root(7), N.Shade(6) Rudyom Cove Pearl(5), B.Moss(3), Ginseng(2), M.Root(5), S.Ash(4) Nicodemus Yew B.Moss(3), Garlic(2), M.Root(5), N.Shade(5), Silk(3) Nystul Britain Pearl(10), B.Moss(6), Ginseng(4), M.Root(10), S.Ash(8) Sarpling* Terfin B.Moss(2), Garlic(1), Ginseng(1), S.Ash(3) * Note Sarpling does not sell spells. Following is a list of all the spells and where to find them listed from cheapest to most expensive: :: First CirÔèÚš fcle :: Awaken All Rudyom(25) Create Food Nystul(35), Mariah(60) Cure Nicod.(25), Rudyom(25), Mariah(80) Detect Trap Nicod.(25), Rudyom(25), Mariah(100) Great Douse Wis-Sur(30), Nystul(35) Great Ignite Nicod.(25), Wis-Sur(30) Light Rudyom(25), Wis-Sur(30), Nystul(35), Mariah(40) Locate Nicod.(25), Wis-Sur(30), Nystul(35) :: Second Circle :: Destroy Trap Nicod.(45), Rudyom(45), Wis-Sur(50), Mariah(100) EnchantÔèÛ¸Æö Nicod.(45), Wis-Sur(50), Nystul(55) Fire Blast Rudyom(45), Wis-Sur(50) Great Light Rudyom(45), Wis-Sur(50) Mass Cure Nystul(55) Protection Nicod.(45), Nystul(55), Mariah(80) Telekinesis Rudyom(45), Nystul(55), Mariah(60) Wizard Eye Mariah(40), Nicod.(45) :: Third Circle :: Curse Rudyom(65), Wis-Sur(70) Heal Rudyom(65), Mariah(40), Nystul(85) Paralyze Nicod.(65), Rudyom(65), Wis-Sur(70) Peer ÔèÜ@´½Ç Mariah(60), Nicod.(65) Poison Nicod.(65), Rudyom(65), Wis-Sur(70) Protect All Nystul(85), Mariah(100) Sleep Mariah(80), Nystul(85) Swarm Nicod(65), Wis-Sur(70), Nystul(85) :: Fourth Circle :: Conjure Wis-Sur(90), Nystul(95) Lightning Rudyom(85), Wis-Sur(90) Mark Mariah(40), Nicod.(85), Rudyom(85) Mass Curse Wis-Sur(90), Nystul(95) Recall Mariah(60), Nicod.(85), Rudyom(85) Reveal ÔèÝ‘BÈ Wis-Sur(90), Nystul(95) Seance Mariah(80), Rudyom(85) Unlock Magic Nicod.(85), Nystul(95), Mariah(100) :: Fifth Circle :: Charm Mariah(60), Rudyom(115) Dance Mariah(100), Rudyom(115) Dispel Field Nicod.(115), Wis-Sur(120), Nystul(125) Explosion Nicod.(115), Rudyom(115), Wis-Sur(120) Fire Field Mariah(80), Wis-Sur(120), Nystul(125) Great Heal Rudyom(115), Nystul(125) Invisibility Mariah(40), Nicod.(115Ô èÞg“”), Nystul(125) Mass Sleep Nicod.(115), Wis-Sur(120) :: Sixth Circle :: Cause Fear Mariah(80), Nystul(145) Clone Mariah(40), Rudyom(135), Wis-Sur(140) Fire Ring Nicod.(135), Wis-Sur(140), Nystul(145) Flame Strike Nicod.(135), Wis-Sur(140), Nystul(145) Magic Storm Mariah(100), Rudyom(135) Poison Field Nicod.(135), Rudyom(135) Sleep Field Mariah(60), Rudyom(135), Nystul(145) Tremor Nicod.(135), Wis-Sur(140) :: SeveÔ èß:Nwnth Circle :: Create Cold Rudyom(155) Death Bolt Nicod.(155), Nystul(165) Delayed Blast Nicod.(155), Rudyom(155) Energy Field Mariah(100), Nicod.(155), Nystul(165) Energy Mist Mariah(60), Nicod.(155), Nystul(165) Mass Charm Rudyom(155) Mass Might Mariah(40), Nystul(165) Restoration Mariah(80), Rudyom(155) :: Eighth Circle :: Armageddon Rudyom(185) Death Vortex Nicod.(185), Nystul(195) Invisibiliy All Mariah(100), NysÔ èàëIkÀtul(195) Mass Death Nicod.(185), Nystul(195) Resurrect Mariah(40), Rudyom(185) Summon Nicod.(185), Rudyom(185) Swordstrike Mariah(80), Nicod.(185), Rudyom(185) Time Stop Mariah(60), Nystul(195) :: TRAINERS :: Here is a list of all the trainers I found and what they specialize in. Some missing info came from other help files I found with respect to their authors! * marks trainers that give you more training for your buck. Place Ô èá&LÜ Name Specialization Cost --------- --------- ---------------------------- ---- Britain Sentri Dex 30 (free if in party) Denby Dex, Intel, Magic 75 Zella Dex, Combat 45 Buc. Den Lucky Intel, Luck (?) 35 Cove Rayburt Str, Dex, Combat 60 Jhelom De Snel Combat* 40 Minoc Karenna Dex, CombaÔ èâýN‹t 20 Jakher Str, Intel 20 Moonglow Jillian Magic, Intel 35 Chad Dex, Combat 45 Ser. Hold Menion Str, Combat 45 Terfin Inforlem Str, Dex, Combat, Intel*, Magic 50 Trinsic Markus Combat 20 Vesper Zaksam Combat*, Str 40 Yew Perrin Intel*, Magic ÔèãÍW˜ 45 Bradman Dex* 30 Penni Str, Combat 35 ::::::>> WALKTHROUGH <<:::::: Ok, since I've been getting TONS of netmail asking me to, I decided to write this to help all you stuck Ultima fans out there. I've seen a couple solves floating around already, but they were shaky at best, so here it goes... : Note : There are essentially two ways to go about this game. You can eÔèä'o'{ither follow Elizabeth and Abraham's trails and work on solving the murders, or you can cut to the chase and do the important stuff. I decided to tell you how to chase E&A, which takes a little longer, but gives you more enjoyment of the plot development. ::: TRINSIC ::: You appear in Trinsic. Search the stables and get the key. Use it on the chest in the dead guy's house (west side of town). The scroll is your first clue that the Fellowship is not what they claim to be. TalÔèå¬YÄk to the victim's son, Spark, and Gilberto in the healer's. Talk to the mayor and get permission to investigate outside of Trinsic. If any of you have "lost" your documentation, drop me some email and I'll send you a patch that will bypass the protection scheme in Trinsic. ::: BRITAIN ::: Skip Paws and go to Britain. Talk to Lord British, get the Orb of the Moons (VERY useful). He'll tell you to find Rudyom in Cove. Talk to Batlin at the Fellowship, and tell him you want to joÔèæe¦Ædin the Fellowship. Take the package to give to Elynor in Minoc. Also talk to the mayor, Millie, Gordon, and Clint, the shipwright. You will learn the Elizabeth and Abraham have gone to Minoc. Following this little goose chase is a good way to follow through on what you need to do to finish the game. Also visit the museum and acquire the moonstones (I like Iolo's little comments on this... :) I would also get the Mark and Recall spells as soon as you are able. ::: COVE ::: TalÔèçµ`6k to Rudyom, get the wand and 4 pieces of blackrock. Read his notebook. If you're a softie, talk to the girl at the shrine, she's a sure thing. :) ::: MINOC ::: Surprise, surprise, another murder... Go to the sawmill ASAP. Talk to everyone outside. Get the dagger from the murder scene. If you really wanna learn about the Fellowship, open the package before giving it to Elynor. You can still give it to her and Batlin will be a little miffed, but he'll still let you join. Talk tÔèèÝj_‘o Margareta, learn your fortune. Most of what follows will help you fulfill your destiny. You will also learn in Minoc that Elizabeth and Abraham have gone to Paws. NOTE : Solving all of the little town mysteries is not necessary to finish the game (a couple are, but most are just for kicks). If you're into maximum game enjoyment, then I recommend you take the time to solve them. :: PAWS :: Talk to Feridwyn. He'll say E&A (Eliz. and Abraham) have gone to Jhelom. You can staÔèé÷Ž «y and solve the little "missing venom" mystery if you like. It will give you practice on how to deal with people and get information from them. Head to Jhelom. If you can't afford a ship by now, go to the western entrance to the dungeon Despise (next the Lost Lake surrounded by mountains NW of Britain) and get the flying carpet. Follow north shore of the river that feeds the lake and it will be sitting there. Very useful item (and it's free!). While you're in Paws, buy the hourglÔèê>C _ass from Beverlea and keep it in a safe place. :: JHELOM :: Talk to Joseph the mayor. He says E&A have left for Britain (of course). While you are here, talk to DeSnel about the serpentine dagger you found in Minoc. You can solve the mystery with Sprellic and the banner of Honor, but it's not necessary. Keep in mind that killing townsfolk is ok ONLY if they attack you first. :: BRITAIN (again) :: Go to Britain again and talk to Batlin. He'll tell you to go to Destard and fÔèë#¿Ý{ind some Fellowship gold. Destard is located to the SW of paws on the west side of the mountains. You don't have to go in, just go near it. It's PACKED with treasure and gems and dragons, so be careful. (Invisibility is almost a MUST here). There are also some glass swords in there (save at least one for later...). Go back to Britain, and join the Fellowship at 9pm that night (don't listen to your friends). There is another documentation scheme here. Batlin will ask you 2 of 3Ôèì|)œ­ random questions I've seen. Ginseng must be boiled 40 times and Mandrake can be found in 2 places in Britannia. I think the answer to the picture question is 6. Trial and error will help if that's the wrong answer. Make sure you wear your Fellowship amulet, it will effect the way some characters treat you. Looks like E&A have headed towards Vesper. :: VESPER :: Find Auston the mayor. He's not a Fellowship branch leader, but he has talked to E&A. He will refer you to Cador,ÔèíÓl•. who tells you they went to Moonglow. This is an interesting town. Be careful what you say if you go into the gargoyle tavern... :: MOONGLOW :: Very important city... Talking to Rankin, the Fellowship branch leader, will reveal that E&A have moved on (surprise surprise) to Terfin, the island home of the Gargoyles. While you are here you need to awaken Penumbra who has been asleep since your last visit to Britannia. Next to the door of her house is a plaque. By reading it repeÔèîëÄÁÍatedly, you will learn how to open the door (by placing a hammer, gold ring, lockpick, spindle of thread, and some other form of gold next to the plaque). This will open the door. Once in side, awaken Penumbra with your Awaken cantrip or by using a potion. She will say she needs some blackrock to shield her room before she can continue to help you. Well, what do you know? If you've followed along closely, you should have 4 chunks of it with you. Put them on the pedestals in her Ôèï°üýûroom and talk to her again. She will tell you to find the Ethereal Ring. This would be a good place to cast a Mark spell so you can return when you've found the Ring. Terfin would be a good place to start. :: TERFIN :: Talk to everyone, especially Draxinusom and Quan. E&A have headed to the Meditation Retreat. You can solve the altar conspiracy here if you like, but it's not necessary. You will also learn that the Ethereal Ring is on the isle of Spektran (NW of Terfin). YouÔèðn_,O will get the ring later. :: MEDITATION RETREAT :: If you go to the Retreat (NOT necessary at this point, you will return later...) you will learn that Ian will only permit entrance to Fellowship members (which you are, I hope...). You will learn that E&A have gone to Buccaneer's Den. Before you pursue them any further you must find the omniscient Time Lord. The first step is to go to Empath Abbey west of Yew. :: EMPATH ABBEY :: Talk to Taylor the monk. He will tell you aboÔèñ8³ut the Emps that live in the woods. If you've seen them, you'll know they won't speak to you (unless you have some honey). Go to the Bee Cave and get two or three clumps of honey. The Bee Cave is no big deal. I found that you could basically run right through the bees and they won't really give a shit. Use the smoke bomb if you get in trouble. :: EMPS & WOODS :: With the honey, you are able to talk to Trellek the Emp about finding the Wisps. If you're having troubles findingÔèòD.|À the Emps, look for the giant white Silverleaf trees in the woods. Trellek will need permission from Saralek who needs permission from Solomon, the Emp leader. Solomon will give you a written agreement to have Ben the woodsman sign to stop the destruction of the Silverleaf trees. Ben's cabin is on the very western edge of the forest near the shore. When you've gotten the treaty signed, Solomon will grant you permission to take Trellek to the Wisps, but Saralek changes her mind. IÔèó+f<Ûnstead of going with you, Trellek will give you a whistle to call the Wisps with (that was easy, huh? :) Head to Spiritwood to find the Wisps (near Destard). They can also be found in the abandoned fortress they've inhabited somewhere near Yew woods. :: THE WISPS :: Blow the whistle when you're near a Wisp and it will talk to you. They will offer you information if you bring them Alagner's notebook. They will also give you valuable information on the Guardian. Off to New MaginÔèô/É/=cia! :: NEW MAGINCIA :: Alagner will agree to give you his notebook if you answer the questions of Life and Death. This must be done by asking the Tortured One in Skara Brae. It might save time if you Mark Alagner's house so you can return his notebook quickly later. If you haven't acquired a Seance spell yet, go get one and head towards Skara Brae on foot. :: SKARA BRAE :: Use the Seance spell and hitch a ride from the Ferryman. Destroyed by an accidental fire, Skara Brae isÔ èõœwÚ& home of the Dead. Talk to everyone (especially Mordra). Make sure you pick up the Mandrake Essence (the glowing potion), an empty vial, a curing potion, and potion of Invisibility at Mordra's pad. Go to the Smithy and talk to Trent. Take the music box and go to the Dark Tower in the NW edge of the isle. Use the music box near Rowena and take her ring to Trent. Take the finished cage and go to the Alchemist's. Caine won't answer the questions until you destroy the Liche. Plug Ô!èöÙz°Gthe three potions and the empty vial into the thingamajig and turn the burner on. If you did it right, a sparkling blue potion should fill up the vial. Take that and the cage to the Dark Tower. Go to the back of the Tower (through the fake wall by the stairs) and use the cage on the Well. Go to the throne room and wait for midnight. When Horance lies down, plop the cage over him and use the potion. Horance says you need to find someone to sacrifice. Talk to Forsythe the mayor. Ô"è÷^]hNow you get to find and talk to EVERYONE in the town, including those who you've talked to already. After everyone refuses to sacrifice themselves, Forsythe will agree. Take him to the Well and destroy it. Go to Caine and learn that there are NO answers to Life and Death (you MUST still do this). :: TIME LORD :: Go to New Magincia, and tell him there are no Answers. Get the key, find the notebook in his storeroom and take it to the Wisps. Use your Orb to beam to the Time Lord.Ô#èø» r² He will direct you to the dungeon Despise to destroy the ether-screwing generator. Before you can follow up on this, you need to destroy the generator found in Deceit. In order to do this, you need the aforementioned Ethereal Ring (ie Spektran!). If you go to Alagner's to return his notebook, you'll find him dead (very dead, actually). Use his crystal ball and you'll get your first glimpse at the much sought Elizabeth, Abraham, Hook, and Forskis... :: SPEKTRAN :: The door toÔ$èùU¡ma the Sultan's place should open when you approach it. As you will see, the Sultan is somewhat of a loony. You need to kill his harpy and take its key. The harpy can be easily killed using invisibility or a glass sword (make sure you still have at least one glass sword when you leave here. It's ok if you don't, but it will save you much heartache later...). To reach the room with the ring you need to stack the crates on the table (three high I think...). Now head to Moonglow and hÔ%èúä-Uave Penumbra enchant the ring. :: DECEIT :: This dungeon isn't too tough, but what's inside the generator IS. Follow all the hallways and find the false walls (try walking into the dark areas and you'll see what I mean). You can talk to the Cyclops if you want, but it's not necessary. Before you approach the generator, drop all your party members and put on the Ring. Inside the generator is the ugliest, toughest fucker in the whole game (he's the one you've been saving the glasÔ&èû„|`3s sword for). I didn't have any more glass swords by the time I got here and still killed him, so don't fret. By cornering him and using LOTS of healing and protection potions, you can do it with any magical weapon. Click on the box in the middle of the room and watch as the generator collapses. There should be a miniature tetrahedron sitting on the ground. GET IT and get out of Deceit. Now Nicodemus (in the "chessboard house" in Yew) is able to enchant your hourglass, which is Ô'èüN$k=needed to approach the next generator in Despise. :: DESPISE :: DON'T enter the northeastern entrance to Despise. It's good for experience, but not necessary. Use the entrance on the Lake (the one where you found the flying carpet). I won't get into the details of Despise, but you need to get around the teleporters and follow the tunnels east of the entrance. The tunnels will burrow around to the SW side of the lake and you'll find the Spherical Generator. You'll find a moongaÔ(èý6L\Xte puzzle inside. The correct sequence is RED, BLUE, BLUE, RED. Pick up the small Sphere and leave (via Recall if possible :) One more generator to go! :: MEDITATION RETREAT AGAIN :: This place is pretty much a bore, except for the cave that you're not allowed to enter (ooo! are you shaking??). By this point in the game you should have gotten a feel for what the Fellowship is about (nothing good, that's for sure...). In the cave is the Cube generator. You won't be able to apÔ)èþ_úproach it, but you should Mark it so you can beam back later. After reaching the Cube, contact the Time Lord by using the hourglass. He will tell you to find a mineral called Caddellite. This is found on the Isle of Ambrosia. :: AMBROSIA :: This island is kinda hidden. It's located in the NE sea of Britannia. If you've been using the map from the game package or the one found in the game itself, you won't be able to see Ambrosia because it's under the little compass icon in thÔ*èÿæVge upper right corner. It's a large island and shouldn't be too hard to find. Inside a cave on this island is where the Caddellite is found. It's guarded by a three headed Hydra. Surprisingly the Hydra is huge wimp and croaks quickly in combat. You'll need one chunk of Caddellite per party member (or just one if you plan on approaching the Cube alone. You can't take your party members inside anyway...). Take the Caddellite to Zorn in Minoc and he will fashion helmets for you. Ô+è„“PZ :: MEDITATION RETREAT again ::: Beam back to the Cube and go inside wearing your special helmet. The puzzle inside involves walking on certain spots of the walkway that trigger the bridges to other parts. Trouble is, some spots remove other bridges as well. I could go on for a page or two on how to solve it, but it would be easier just to tell you to save the game a lot and do it yourself. It's hard, but not impossible. Just look out for the fire fields and fireballs. Another hÔ,èâTint: you'll cover almost 100% of the walkways before you're able to get to the center. After the Cube crumbles, take the little cube and head to Buccaneer's Den. :: BUCCANEER'S DEN :: Now you're after the ever elusive E&A and the killer Hook. Possession of the little Cube forces the truth out of people who would normally lie to you (ie most people in Bucc. Den...). Talking to Danag at the Fellowship Branch will reveal much about Hook, Elizabeth, Abraham, and the fucked up FelloÔ-èã,EÎwship. Talk to Sintag at the House of Games and get the key from him. The door in the Games leads into the mountain passages where Hook's hideout is. In his hideout, you'll find the navigational plans for the ever elusive Crown Jewel, and the Black Gate key used to get past the barrier on the Isle of the Avatar. Also in his hideout is a list of people the Fellowship has eliminated (with you and ol' LB yet to go). There's nothing much else in those tunnels, except for a some tortÔ.è~žEure chambers used by the Fellowship and a couple worthless prisoners. Off to the Black Gate! :: ISLE OF THE AVATAR :: If you're not 8th level by this time and able to cast some major kickass spells, you might want to do some experience-collecting before going here. The key from Hook's place will allow you to pass the barrier on the south side of the island and get into the dungeon. This dungeon is rather long and hard. A couple tips: - It is not necessary to kill the drÔ/èñ Hagon. Lots of cool goodies though! (ie a Glass Sword that will be handy soon) - The Chair of Change teleports you to one of 3 places in the dungeon if you sit in it. At each location it takes you, examine all the walls for hidden passages. - Sitting in the Throne of Virtue (or whatever its called) will make the Chair of Change take you to a fourth place, necessary to get to the Gate. - In the "Fellowship Hall" try fiddÔ0èuÜ¥»ling with the medallion. - Watch out for the Paladin guarding one of the last doors, he's an asskicker (use a Glass Sword if you have one...). - Take the mage's spellbook from his room. It's fully loaded! - If you still can't find the Black Gate room, try looking for any keys you might have missed. Also poke on every wall you see, there's lots of illusionary walls. :: THE BLACK GATE :: Ah, the gang's all here!Ô1è˜gÆ After some little bickering, they will attack you. I had troubles winning this battle hand-to-hand until I found a useful little spell called Death Vortex. If you use it, DON'T cast it on an enemy. Cast it on YOURSELF. This spell is useful to say the least. After everyone croaks (except the little weasel Batlin) you'll be left with the choice of returning home, or using Rudyom's Wand (you still have it I hope!) on the Gate. The animated sequence at the end of the game is kindaÔ2q.]}ž short, but _completely_ amazing. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: nd a useful little spell called Death Vortex. If you use it, DON'T cast it on an enemy. Cast it on YOURSELF. This spell is useful to say the least. After everyone croaks (except the little weasel Batlin) you'll be left with the choice of returning home, or using Rudyom's Wand (you still have it I hope!) on the Gate. 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Wenn Ihr Wurm wieder einsatzbereit ist, k”nnen Sie mit den Tasten F1-F4 die Waffen Bazooka, Homing Missile, Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Uzi, Fire Punch und Dragonball beliebig oft benutzen. Johannes Fritsche  º09pÿÿÿýáè6/Ý0 M.W.B. DOXDISK #63 1996  ****************************************** SOME NEW SOLUTIONS + SOME OLDIES FOR THE FANS P 01 BATTLE ISLE III CODES P 25 STARFLIGHT SOLUTION1 P 02 BERMUDA SYNDROME SLV P 26 STARFLIGHT SOLUTION2 P 03 BIING HEX P 27 STARTREK NEXT GEN. SLV P 04 BIING SOLUTION P 28 STARTREK 25TH SOLUTION P 05 BUREAU 13 SOLUTION P 29 STONEKEEP SOLUTION P 06 CAPITALISM TIP P 30 TARGHAN SOLUTION P 07 CHARLIEáè7V¦6‹ J.COOL CODES P 31 the IMMORTAL SOLUTION P 08 CIRCUIT'S EDGE SLV P 32 the MAGIC CANDLE SLV P 09 COMMAND & C.MISSIONS P 33 TIMES OF LORES SOLUTION P 10 COMMAND & C.TIP P 34 TRACERS SANCTION SLV P 11 CRYPT OF MEDEA SOLUTION P 35 ULTIMA UNDERWORLD 1 SLV P 12 DIGITA ORGANISER SERIAL P 36 ULTIMA UNDERWORLD 2 SLV P 13 ELVIRA 1 SOLUTION P 37 ULTIMA 2 SOLUTION P 14 ELVIRA 2 SOLUTION P 38 ULTIMA 3 SOLUTION P 15 GABRIEL KNIGHT II SLV P 39 ULTIMA 5 SOLUáÎøÌ«8TION P 16 GEISHA SOLUTION P 40 ULTIMA 6 SOLUTION P 17 HI OCTANE TIP P 41 ULTIMA 7 SERPENTS ISLE SLV P 18 KNIGHT OF LEGENDS SLV P 42 ULTIMA 7 BLACKGATE SLV P 19 LOST EDEN HELP P 43 WARCRAFT II HUMANS P 20 MECH WARRIOR II MISS. P 44 WARCRAFT II SOLUTION P 21 ORION CONSPIRACY SLV P 45 WATCHTOWER MANUAL P 22 SEXVIXEN SOLUTION P 46 WOODRUFF SOLUTION P 23 SHADOWGATE SOLUTION P 47 WORMS TIP!! P 24 SLAM TILT CODESI SLV P 39 ULTIMA 5 SOLU5è9(îýœ5 GABRIEL KNIGHT II SLV P 39 ULTIMA 5 SOLUTION P 16 GEISHA SOLUTION P 40 ULTIMA 6 SOLUTION P 17 HI OCTANE TIP P 41 ULTIMA 7 SERPENTS ISLE SLV P 18 KNIGHT OF LEGENDS SLV P 42 ULTIMA 7 BLACKGATE SLV P 19 LOST EDEN HELP P 43 WARCRAFT II HUMANS P 20 MECH WARRIOR II MISS. P 44 WARCRAFT II SOLUTION P 21 ORION CONSPIRACY SLV P 45 WATCHTOWER MANUAL P 22 SEXVIXEN SOLUTION P 46 WOODRUFF S5L•lèÒOLUTION P 23 SHADOWGATE SOLUTION P 47 WORMS TIP!! P 24 SLAM TILT CODES6 GEISHA SOLUTION P 40 ULTIMA 6 SOLUTION P 17 HI OCTANE TIP P 41 ULTIMA 7 SERPENTS ISLE SLV P 18 KNIGHT OF LEGENDS SLV P 42 ULTIMA 7 BLACKGATE SLV P 19 LOST EDEN HELP P 43 WARCRAFT II HUMANS P 20 MECH WARRIOR II MISS. P 44 WARCRAFT II SOLUTION P 21 ORION CONSPIRACY SLV P 45 WATCHTOWER MANUAL P 22 SEXVIXEN SOLUTION P 46 WOODRUFF S .è;Æ…ôn, mit denen Sie die vernichteten Einheiten ersetzen. Schalten Sie rechtzeitig die Magier und den dazugeh”rigen "Turm der Magier" aus. Behindern Sie die Humans-Bauern durch Grunzer und Oger am Abbau der Goldmine in deren Basis und beseitigen Sie das Schloá. Nachdem der gr”áte Teil der Siedlung verschwunden ist, stellen Sie die Katapulte ans Ufer und versenken damit Schlachtschiffe, ™ltanker und Zerst”rer. Auch die kompletten Hafenanlagen sollten Sie bei diese /è<Õ!r Gelegenheit bercksichtigen. Da es keine Rolle spielt, welche der gestellten Aufgaben (u. a. Zerst”rung der Raffinerien) Sie zuerst erledigen, sollte zuerst die Beseitigung der feindlichen Basis in Angriff genommen werden. W„hrenddessen k”nnen Sie aber bereits einen Hafen, eine ™lraffinerie und eine Gieáerei an einer geschtzten Ufer-Stelle bauen. Mehrere ™ltanker transportieren nach dem Bau eines nahegelegenen Bohrturms (siehe Karte) das Roh”l zum Hafen.  0è=¿IX´Wenn Sie die Humans nicht provozieren, brauchen Sie keine See-Angriffe seitens des Feindes zu befrchten. In der Gieáerei werden Panzerung und Kanonen verst„rkt, und im Hafen entstehen vier Kampfp”tte, die nun ihren groáen Auftritt haben und die Humans- Plattformen im Meer innerhalb weniger Sekunden abfackeln. Mission 11: Die Untoten von Quel' Thalas Startbedingungen: Gold: 1.000 Holz: 1.000 ™l: 1.000 Die Karte wird durch einen Fluá in drei wichtige R 1è>Šegionen aufgesplittet, die durch drei eisbedeckte šberg„nge miteinander verbunden sind: Auf dem linken unteren Teil tummeln sich die Orcs, recht oben startet Ihr Clan und rechts unten gibt es noch ein kleineres Gebiet mit einer ergiebigen Goldmine. W„hrend die Humans insgesamt zwei Minen ausschlachten k”nnen, haben Sie Zugriff auf deren vier - das Bergwerk innerhalb der Basis beherbergt 37.500 Units, zwei weitere bieten 20.000 und die Mine in der rechten unte 2è?‹+œÃren Ecke liefert 25.000 Units. In dieser Mission bieten sich zwei grundlegende Strategien an: Die eine besteht darin, mit einer groáen Armee auf allen drei šberg„ngen gleichzeitig vorzurcken und den Gegner sukzessive zurckzudr„ngen. Das setzt aber voraus, daá Sie blitzschnell zwischen mehreren Schaupl„tzen hin- und herswitchen k”nnen und dabei die šbersicht behalten. Eleganter ist es, die groáe Humans-Goldmine (Inhalt: šber 80.000 Units!) im Sden unter Kon 3è@&¹¶etrolle zu bringen. Die Humans werden erst mit dem Abbau beginnen, wenn sie die Mine in der linken unteren Ecke ausgesch”pft haben, so daá fr Sie bei rechtzeitigem Vordringen gengend Gold brigbleibt. Wiederum spielt es eine groáe Rolle, den Beginn der Mission zu berleben, ohne sich von der šbermacht der Menschen schw„chen zu lassen. Einen Schwachpunkt stellt der obere linke Dorfeingang dar, der von den Humans stets als Angriffspunkt genutzt wird. Deshalb m 4èAï2hÖssen Sie diese Stelle von vornherein hermetisch abriegeln. Am sinnvollsten stellen Sie anfangs vier Kanonentrme auf, die Sie sp„ter noch durch weitere Trme (auch Wachtrme zum Abschuá der spionierenden Flugapparate) erg„nzen. Dieser Zugang muá unbedingt gehalten werden und darf auf keinen Fall den Humans zum Opfer fallen. Bedenken Sie, daá Ihre Gegner auch mit Ballistas anrcken, so daá Oger und Grunzer bereitstehen sollten, um diese Ger„te vor Ort zu z 5èBNŸerst”ren. Angeschlagene Trme mssen von Peons sofort repariert werden! In der Anfangs-Phase ben”tigen Sie nur eine Kaserne, da bereits S„gewerk, Schmiede, Haupthaus und ein Kobold-Alchimist (dort Zeppeline zur Erkundung der Karte bauen) vorhanden sind. Nutzen Sie alle angebotenen Updates (Schilde, Žxte, Katapulte etc.) und bilden Sie Grunzer und Axtwerfer aus, die das gesamte Festland von den menschlichen Bogenschtzen s„ubern. Dadurch haben Sie Zugriff auf a 6èC;1Vlle drei Goldminen in dieser Gegend; es lohnt sich, an der linken oberen Mine ein Haupthaus zu bauen, um die Wege fr die Peons zu verkrzen. Schicken Sie rechtzeitig einige Infanteristen am rechten Kartenrand entlang ber die „uáere Brcke, t”ten Sie alle Gegner auf dem kleinen Vorsprung rechts unten und lassen Sie dann in der N„he der Mine im Sdosten ein zweites Haupthaus errichten und beuten Sie das Bergwerk aus. Wenn in der Umgebung gengend Holz entfernt 7èDáíÌl wurde, k”nnen Sie dort zwei Kasernen installieren, die vorzugsweise Ballistas produzieren. Ihr ursprngliches Haupthaus in der Basis bauen Sie zur Hochburg und schlieálich zur Festung aus; vergessen Sie nicht die Konstruktion eines Oger-Maststalls sowie eines Tempels der Verdammten, um die starken Oger-Magier ausbilden zu k”nnen. Wenn Sie in der Filiale im Sdosten ca. fnf Katapulte und ebensoviele Oger-Magier beisammen haben, starten Sie einen vorsichtig 8èE„en Vorstoá nach links. Beseitigen Sie zuerst die Verteidigungs- Anlagen (Kanonen- und Wachtrme, Ballistas) und achten Sie unbedingt auf die Ritter bzw. Paladine, Bogenschtzen und gew”hnlichen Soldaten. Schlagen Sie sich am unteren Kartenrand entlang, lassen Sie das S„gewerk zerst”ren und postieren Sie dann Ihre Orcs in der N„he der Mine. Mit einem Zeppelin untersuchen Sie das Gebiet in der N„he der Goldmine. Schicken Sie drei Peons zu diesem Ort und lasse 9èF䚥n Sie rechts neben dem Bergwerk zwei Kanonentrme aufstellen; dadurch werden alle eventuell eintreffenden Bauern der Humans sofort get”tet und der Nachschub an Gold rigoros abgeschnitten. Gleichzeitig bauen Sie in der N„he noch ein Haupthaus sowie eine Kaserne; unter Umst„nden mssen Sie den Wald etwas lichten, um Platz fr die Bauwerke zu schaffen. Da die anderen Minen zwischenzeitlich ausgebeutet sein drften, konzentrieren sich Ihre Peons nun v”llig auf di :èGYù’Çe lukrative Humans-Mine - das drfte reichen, um Dutzende von Oger-Magiern und Katapulten herstellen zu k”nnen. Damit drfte es ein leichtes sein, die gesamte Humans-Siedlung dem Erdboden gleichzumachen. Dabei sollten Sie insbesondere auf die Magier achten und m”glichst schnell das Schloá, die Trme und den Turm der Magier eliminieren. Von der Mine ausgehend bauen Sie weitere Kanonentrme zur Absicherung nach links in die Humans-Basis hinein, die automatisch  ;èHW÷Ž®alle feindlichen Einheiten und Geb„ude zerst”ren. Schicken Sie von der Heimat-Basis weitere Trupps ber die gesamte Karte - dank des fast unersch”pflichen Gold- Vorrates und der groáen W„lder drfte es in Sachen Milit„r-Nachschub auch bei Rckschl„gen keine Probleme geben. Mission 12: Das Grabmal des Sargeras Startbedingungen: Gold: 2.500 Holz: 2.000 ™l: 1.000 Die Karte fordert einen geradezu dazu heraus, daá man nacheinander die beiden Inseln im unte <èI8!lren Teil besetzt, dort Holz und Gold organisiert und dann die Orc-Basis auf der gr”áeren Insel angreift. Groáer Fehler! Denn w„hrend die Annexion der L„ndereien noch kein Problem darstellt, werden Sie sp„testens beim Bau eines Hafens massiv von den Kampfp”tten und Zerst”rern der beiden Orc-Clans gest”rt. Diese vernichten die ™lbohrtrme, feuern vom Ufer auf Ihre Peons und versenken jedes neu konstruierte Schiff - eine ziemlich mhselige Angelegenheit, wenn ma =èJˆe®n auf diese Weise gewinnen m”chte (obwohl dies durchaus machbar ist). Es gibt eine cleverere L”sung: Markieren Sie innerhalb Ihrer bestehenden Armee (Startpunkt: Links unten) die beiden Zerst”rer, den Kampfpott und einen Zeppelin. Dann halten Sie sich im linken Bereich der Karte und bugsieren diese Gruppe auf H”he des Startpunktes in Richtung Norden, bis Sie auf ein ™lfeld stoáen. Dort warten Sie, bis auch der langsame Kampfpott diese Position erreicht hat. V >èK†^Súon dort steuern Sie im 45 -Winkel nach rechts oben und entdecken ein weiteres ™lfeld. Hier máte dann bereits der erste gegnerische Zerst”rer auftauchen; von dieser Sorte gibt es in dem Gebiet noch zwei andere plus einen Kampfpott und eine Riesenkr”te (deshalb der Zeppelin). W„hrend die beiden Zerst”rer nun die zwischenzeitlich errichtete Plattform bombardieren, kmmert sich der Kampfpott um den Hafen, der auf jeden Fall noch vor der Vernichtung von Raffineri ?èL âée und Gieáerei in Schutt und Asche liegen muá! Die "blauen" Orcs werden auf keinen Fall einen neuen Hafen bauen, so daá Sie vor deren See-Angriffen absolut sicher sind (abgesehen von den restlichen Zerst”rern und Riesenkr”ten, die noch ber die Karte verteilt sind). Belassen Sie Ihre berlebenden Schiffe in dieser Gegend - allerdings in sicherem Abstand zu Trmen. Es spielt bei dieser Strategie keine Rolle, wie viele (wenn berhaupt) Ihrer Boote diesen Angriff  @èM1'm) berstanden haben. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, sich eine eigene Basis zurechtzuzimmern. Dazu packen Sie alle Oger, Katapulte und die Arbeiter in die beiden F„hren und tuckern zur mittleren der drei Inseln (siehe Karte). Die wenigen Grunzer und Oger k”nnen ruckzuck berrumpelt werden - beste Voraussetzungen fr den Bau von Rathaus, S„gewerk, Schmiede, Kaserne usw. Vorerst ben”tigen Sie keine Bauernh”fe, da auf dem Vorsprung am Startpunkt bereits H”fe existierte AèNe1¶»n. Die Goldmine (55.000 Units) erlaubt die Konstruktion gr”áerer Bauwerke; jedoch sollten Sie sparsam mit dem Holz umgehen. Dringend ben”tigt wird eine Kaserne, in der vor allem Katapulte entstehen, mit denen anrckende Kampfp”tte und Zerst”rer der gegnerischen Orcs versenkt werden. Dabei n„hern sich die Schleudern immer nur so weit, daá die Schiffe getroffen werden k”nnen. Praktisch sind auch Kanonentrme, die Sie direkt ans Ufer stellen sollten. Wenn das BèOË[Ym West-Ufer sehr gut geschtzt ist, k”nnen Sie dort einen Hafen nebst Gieáerei und ™lraffinerie einrichten und einen ™ltanker anschaffen. Die šbersichtskarte zeigt den Standort des nahegelegenen ™lfeldes. Katapulte und Trme schtzen zwar nicht vor einer Orc-Attacke an sich, aber sie sind hervorragend dazu geeignet, diese Boote schnellstens den Fluten zu bergeben. Von den Aufwertungen der Gieáerei sollten Sie wie immer Gebrauch machen. Mit Hilfe einer Hochbur CèPC Ég entsteht eine Alchimisten-H”hle, die bei Bedarf Zeppeline und U-Boote bereitstellt. Was Sie jedoch im Moment am dringendsten brauchen, sind Kampfp”tte. Drei von dieser Gattung und ein Zeppelin bzw. eine Riesenkr”te steuern mit gr”áter Vorsicht die benachbarte Insel rechts von Ihrem Heimat-Sttzpunkt an. Zwei Zerst”rer und eine Riesenkr”te drften keine Kopfzerbrechen bereiten, ebensowenig der Kanonenturm. Infanteristen, die sich am Ufer herumtreiben, sind e DèQq,0in dankbares Opfer fr die Kanonen Ihrer Schiffe. Bestcken Sie zwei F„hren mit den verbliebenen Ogern und Grunzern und bringen Sie diese an die Front. Auf der Insel gibt es neben einer Goldmine (45.000 Units) und mehreren Bauernh”fen vor allem Axtwerfer, Oger und einen Todesritter, die aber in einer Blitz-Aktion das Zeitliche segnen. Mit nachgesandten Katapulten oder per Handarbeit durch Ihre Orcs werden alle Geb„ude vernichtet. Eine F„hre bringt Peons auf d EèRîzïie Insel, die ein zweites Haupthaus, eine Kaserne und einen Hafen - letzteren allerdings erst dann, wenn die Basis gut ausgebaut und durch Katapulte bzw. Trme geschtzt ist. Sind gengend Kampfp”tte und Riesenkr”ten vorhanden, beginnt man mit der Zerst”rung der Hafenanlagen, die die pinkfarbenen Orcs nutzen. Diese befinden sich zum Teil oberhalb Ihrer neuen Insel und werden von Zerst”rern und Riesenkr”ten umlagert. Bei entsprechender Menge k”nnen diese wun FèSú„derlichen Gesch”pfe schnell beseitigt werden, ebenso die Trme, Bogenschtzen und Katapulte. Nach der Bombardierung der H„fen widmet man sich den Geb„uden im Inneren der Insel. Vor allem Haupth„user, Bauernh”fe und essentielle Bauten wie Kasernen und Schmieden sind nebst der Zivilbev”lkerung optimale Ziele. Diese Aktionen sollten Sie aber erst dann einleiten, wenn alle feindlichen Orcs keine M”glichkeit zum Bau von ™ltankern, Plattformen und Schiffen mehr h GèTòEëraben. Wenn Sie das Ufer abgefahren und alle Anlagen vernichtet haben, brauchen Sie ein Dutzend bestm”glich ausgebildeter Berserker-Trolle. Diese verfrachten Sie zusammen mit Ogern und Katapulten in mehrere F„hren, w„hrend die von Anfang an vorhandenen Randalier-Kobolde in einer zweiten F„hre untergebracht werden. Legen Sie im Sden der Gegner-Insel an, laden Sie das quietschlebendige Gep„ck aus und sichern Sie diesen Vorgang durch Kampfp”tte, die am Ufer en HèVn[tlangschippern. Die Oger und Katapulte sorgen fr die fachgerechte Zerlegung der verbliebenen Siedlung. Gewarnt sei vor den Todesrittern, die zwar problemlos abgemurkst werden k”nnen, aber bei zu sp„tem Entdecken immer geh”rig Žrger machen. Die Randalier- Kobolde sprengen eine passierbare Lcke in den Gebirgs-Ring, der die D„monen umgibt. Auf diesem Weg gelangen die Oger ins Innere und k”nnen die gegnerischen Oger und den Todesritter auáer Gefecht setzen. Die Uÿÿ¤çnmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWV ÿÿÿý IèW¯“Berserker-Trolle wiederum kmmern sich um die D„monen, und die Katapulte zerst”ren den Tempel. Wenn Sie jetzt noch mit den Kampfp”tten verbliebene Bauernh”fe, Magier-Oger und Trme an den Ufern diverser Inselchen ausschalten, folgt bereits Mission 13! Mission 13: Die Belagerung von Dalaran Startbedingungen: Gold: 3.500 Holz: 1.500 ™l: 1.000 Zun„chst zum (zweifellos originellen) Karten-Design: An der linken und unteren Seite befinden sich schmale Stre JèX•\6Kifen, die das Festland darstellen. Im Sden gibt es einen šbergang zur Ortschaft Dalaran, die es zu vernichten gilt. Diese Insel- Siedlung hat die Form eines Kreuzes, ist nach allen Seiten mit Kanonen- und Wachtrmen abgesichert und enth„lt alles, was das Herz der Allianz begehrt - inklusive Greifenhorst, Magier- Trme, Schloá und einer Goldmine mit sechsstelligem Inhalt! Vergleichsweise bescheiden nimmt sich im Gegenzug Ihre Streitkraft aus, die aus einigen P KèYß.Heons, einem Todesritter, mehreren Axtwerfern, Ogern und Grunzern sowie einem Katapult besteht. Die vier Oger schicken Sie ausgehend von links oben in Richtung Sden, wobei diese auf einen Soldaten treffen. Leichtes Spiel hat man auch mit den drei Rekruten, die nur wenige Schritte weiter unten lauern. Jetzt k”nnen Sie den Rest der Gruppe nach unten entsenden. Die Oger beseitigen auch die bis auf weiteres letzte Anh„ufung von Menschlein, die Sie am unteren Kart LèZ/f5‹enrand in der linken H„lfte entdecken. Schnell ist die Goldmine (50.000 Units) entdeckt, in deren Nachbarschaft nun ein Haupthaus entsteht. Die beiden verbleibenden Peons errichten die zwei ersten Bauernh”fe. Gold und Holz gibt es in dieser Umgebung in ausreichendem Maáe, was die Voraussetzungen fr weitere Bauernh”fe, ein S„gewerk, eine Schmiede und eine Kaserne schafft. Vordringlich ist nun die Ausbildung von Axtwerfern, da in Krze mit dem Angriff eines G Mè[To>reifenreiters zu rechnen ist. Daher sollten Sie auch m”glichst schnell Ihre Kolonie mit Wachtrmen absichern; empfehlenswert sind Standorte in Ufern„he, da sich die Greifenreiter meist aus n”rdlicher Richtung n„hern. Dort stellt man auch die Axtwerfer auf, die ber verst„rkte Žxte (gibt's im S„gewerk) verfgen. Kampfst„rke und Panzerung verbessert man hingegen in der Schmiede. Sobald das Ufer abgeschirmt ist und Katapulte sowie Zeppeline vor herannahenden U-B Nè\.Pïqooten bewahren, kann ein Peon mit der Errichtung eines Hafens loslegen. Das Haupthaus máte dazu zur Hochburg und letztendlich zur Festung ausgebaut werden. Auf diese Weise werden Sie auch in die glckliche Lage versetzt, Ihre Basis mit einem Drachenhorst auszustatten. Im Hafen geben Sie einen ™ltanker in Auftrag; das dazugeh”rige ™lfeld entnehmen Sie bitte der abgebildeten Karte. Gieáerei (denken Sie an die Aufwertungen) und Raffinerie sind unentbehrliche  Oè]Ó“Ž— Komponenten fr eine funktionierende Marine. Mittelfristig werden Greifenreiter Ihre neue ™lplattform attackieren - das muá nicht sein: Zerst”rer und Drachen gew„hrleisten auch auf hoher See optimalen Schutz. Lohnenswert erscheint die Entwicklung mehrerer Katapulte, die sich nun den Zugang nach Dalaran freifeuern und dabei von Grunzern und Ogern geschtzt werden. Die Katapulte erweisen sich vor allem fr die Verwstung der Wachtrme als ntzlich. Axtwerfer k Pè^Ç_ø”nnen aus der Distanz die Bogenschtzen t”ten, Oger haben mit den Rittern bzw. Paladinen leichtes Spiel. Den šbergang sollten Sie aber erst zu einem sp„teren Zeitpunkt passieren. Vorerst gengt es, wenn Sie einen Peon in den Sdosten der Karte manv”rieren. Heiáa - eine zweite Goldmine! Die 60.000 Units k”nnen Sie jetzt gut gebrauchen. Zun„chst ben”tigen Sie in der Auáenstelle ein Haupthaus sowie einen zweiten Drachenhorst. Zus„tzliche ausgebildete Peons bern Qè_{%WÙehmen die Konstruktion von drei Wachtrmen, die die Abwehr von Greifenreitern sicherstellen. Sobald drei Drachen vorhanden sind (wahlweise k”nnen Sie auch einen Pulk Axtwerfer von der linken Seite aus nachschicken), beginnen Sie mit Hafen Nummer 2, der direkt am Ufer gebaut wird. Die weiteren Etappen: ™ltanker konstruieren, ™lfeld ausfindig machen, Bohrturm errichten, drei weitere ™ltanker chartern und sowohl Plattform als auch Hafen mit Drachen und Schiffen  Rè`ºß"iabschotten. W„hrend der ™lvorrat der beiden Humans-™lfelder bald zur Neige geht, k”nnen Sie jetzt aus dem vollen sch”pfen. Konzentrieren Sie sich nun auf die rechte H„lfte der Karte: Fnf Kampfp”tte, zwei Zerst”rer, zwei Riesenkr”ten und fnf Drachen fahren nun langsam das Ufer ab und zerst”ren alle erreichbaren Geb„ude und Menschen. Als Faustregel gilt: Wachtrme und Bogenschtzen grunds„tzlich mit den Kampfp”tten zerst”ren, Kanonentrme und Ballistas hinge SèaÂÙšgen mit Drachen angreifen. Hafenanlagen sind bevorzugtes Ziel der Riesenkr”ten, die diese Aufgabe allein bew„ltigen k”nnen, sobald andere Gefahren wie Trme, Bogenschtzen und Schleudern ausgeschaltet sind. Entscheidend ist nun vor allem, Zugang zum Greifenhorst zu bekommen. Dazu mssen Sie den rechten Ausl„ufer des "Insel-Kreuzes" von Trmen und Ballistas befreien, um mindestens (!) zehn Drachen von dieser Seite aus einfliegen zu lassen. Meist tummeln sich TèbîÑJª nur drei Greifenreiter um ihre Brutst„tte - keine ernstzunehmende Gefahr also. Sinnvoll ist es, noch vor der Zerst”rung des Hortes die beiden Wachtrme links daneben niederzubrennen - selbst dann, wenn man den Verlust einiger Drachen in Kauf nehmen muá. Anschlieáend k”nnen die Fabelwesen mit dem weiteren "Abbau" der Humans-Basis (sprich: S„gewerke, Kirchen usw.) fortfahren. Das gilt auch fr die Kampfp”tte, die nun sowohl von links als auch von rechts die Si UècÇŒPîedlung - vor allem die Trme und Ballistas - unter Beschuá nehmen. Vorsicht vor den U-Booten! Inzwischen machen sich mehrere Dutzend an Ogern, Katapulten und Axtwerfern fr die Landoffensive bereit. Geschickt ist es, wenn Sie auch die nunmehr freie Zone in der rechten Kreuz-H„lfte fr eine Landung per F„hre nutzen. Gleichzeitig rcken die Einheiten ber die "Brcke" vor und vernichten vorrangig die Wach- und Kanonentrme; die Oger bzw. Oger- Magier kn”pfen s VèdìcË×ich die Ritter, Magier und Paladine vor. Aufgrund der doch recht knappen Goldvorr„te lohnt sich die Anschaffung von Todesrittern NICHT. Statt eines Zauberspruchs sollten Sie lieber Katapulte kaufen, die mehr Schaden anrichten, stabiler und universeller einsetzbar sind. Wenn Sie diese Strategie in ihren Grundzgen nachvollziehen, drften bei der Eroberung von Dalaran keine gr”áeren Schwierigkeiten auftreten. Mission 14: Der Fall von Lordaeron Startbedingun WèeTí§gen: Gold: 3.000 Holz: 3.000 ™l: 3.000 Lordaeron liegt zum Greifen nahe - doch zuvor mssen Sie sich noch eine Armee zurechtzimmern, die diesem ultimativen Auftrag gewachsen ist. Diesmal beginnen Sie mit zwei kleinen Bataillonen, und zwar einem in der linken unteren Ecke (Haupthaus und Bauernh”fe sind vorhanden) sowie auf einer gr”áeren Insel in der Mitte der Karte. Lordaeron belegt das gesamte Festland im oberen Abschnitt. Jetzt ist wieder systematisches Xèf©âÕ Vorgehen gefragt, um die ersten Minuten m”glichst glimpflich zu berstehen; sobald Sie eine entsprechend groáe Armee zusammengestellt haben, ist der Abschluá der Mission nur noch reine Formsache. Links unten baut einer der Peons einen Bauernhof, der andere marschiert in die Goldmine (105.000 Units). Gruppe 2 baut in n„chster N„he zur Goldmine ein Haupthaus und ein S„gewerk. Die beiden verbleibenden Peons hacken einstweilen Holz; vor Greifenreitern werden sie Yèg<Á‘‡ durch die vorhandenen Axtwerfer geschtzt. Gleiches gilt fr die andere Basis, wo Sie die Axtwerfer hinter die Wachtrme verteilen und sich schon mal auf den ersten Angriff der Humans freuen k”nnen. W„hrend in beiden Sttzpunkten Gold und Holz abgebaut werden, erstellen die neu geschaffenen Peons links unten in H”he des Wachturms im Wald einen zweiten Wachturm, der nach dem Bau einer Schmiede durch viele (!) weitere Kanonentrme erg„nzt wird. Zwischendurch w Zèh‡¥P–erden Humans-F„hren immer wieder Ritter, Bogenschtzen und Ballistas abladen, die sich vor allem auf die Trme strzen (bei Besch„digung sofort von Peons reparieren lassen!). Um im Falle einer v”lligen Demontage dieser Anlagen nicht schutzlos dem Treiben der Humans ausgeliefert zu sein, braucht man in beiden Kolonien je eine Kaserne. Zun„chst produziert man Axtwerfer, da diese hervorragenden Schutz vor den sehr bald auftauchenden Greifenreitern bieten - vo [èiÂç+­rausgesetzt, man hat im S„gewerk entsprechend upgedatet (Axtst„rke, sp„ter Berserker-Trolle, leichtere Žxte usw.). Sukzessive sollten Sie die Kanonen- und Wachtrme auf die gesamte Halbinsel links unten (vor allem im oberen Teil, wo die F„hren fast immer anlegen) ausdehnen. In der Schmiede verbessert man Kampf- und Panzerungs-Werte und entwickelt st„rkere Katapulte. W„hrenddessen kann man bereits mit der Konstruktion der Schleudern beginnen und diese am ”stli \èjºÎNôchen Ufer postieren, denn dort wird gleich ein Peon einen Hafen nebst Gieáerei und ™lraffinerie installieren. Es ist durchaus denkbar, daá sich in dieser Gegend die l„stigen U-Boote tummeln, die von einem dort postierten Zeppelin entdeckt und von den Katapulten zerst”rt werden k”nnen. Dazu mssen Sie das Haupthaus zur Hochburg und schlieálich zur Festung ausbauen, was gleichzeitig auch die Schaffung von Drachenhorsten erm”glicht. Da Gold in diesem Level das g ]èkXrÉ,eringste Problem darstellt, k”nnen Sie zwischendurch immer mal wieder einen Drachen zchten. Ein ™ltanker erstellt einen Bohrturm auf dem nahegelegenen ™lfeld (siehe šbersichtskarte) und bef”rdert das ™l zusammen mit vier bis fnf weiteren Tankern zur Raffinerie. Damit k”nnen Sie nun allm„hlich die Kanonen und die Schiffspanzerung verst„rken. Dank einer Alchimisten-H”hle, die ja bereits die Zeppeline entwickelt hat, k”nnen Sie im Hafen inzwischen auch Riesenk ^èl·çr”ten vom Stapel lassen. Fr die n„chste Aktion brauchen Sie etwa zehn Kampfp”tte, fnf Schlachtschiffe und drei Riesenkr”ten - ein zweiter Hafen zur Verdoppelung der Baugeschwindigkeit w„re jetzt nicht das Verkehrteste. Dieses Marine-Korps tuckert nun am Ufer Ihres sdwestlichen Sttzpunkts entlang in Richtung Norden und paát dabei h”llisch auf eventuelle U-Boote auf. Die Karte zeigt die Position einer Plattform der Humans, die Sie nun unter Beschuá nehmen.  _èmÝ’¹$Seien Sie auf der Hut vor anrckenden Greifenreitern (ein Fall fr die Zerst”rer) und U-Booten; zur leichteren Ortung dieser Ger„te empfiehlt sich der Einsatz eines mitfliegenden Drachens. Stellen Sie nach der Zerst”rung des Bohrturms einen Kampfpott auf das ™lfeld und wehren Sie nachfolgende Attacken ab. Gegebenenfalls schicken Sie weitere Schiffe an diese Stelle zur Untersttzung ihrer Kollegen. Mittlerweile máten Sie gut zehn Drachen angesammelt haben, die `ènñ\ \ nun auf die groáe Insel flattern und dort die kleinen Filiale der Humans ein„schern. Zu beachten ist hier lediglich, daá Sie nicht bereits vorher mit eigenen Infanteristen diese Gegner angreifen, da dies nur unn”tige Verluste nach sich ziehen wrde. Deshalb sollten auch Ihre Holzhacker den feindlichen Linien nicht zu nahe kommen - deshalb zuvor mit Zeppelinen aufkl„ren und die Peons in sichere W„lder schicken. Gefahr fr die Drachen droht nur durch die Bogen aè? }schtzen, die aber mit einigen Feuersalven leicht zu beseitigen sind. Jetzt geh”rt dieses Eiland allein Ihnen und Sie k”nnen im Norden des Landes in H”he der Goldmine (90.000 Units) einen dritten Hafen bauen, den Sie aber unbedingt mit Katapulten und Drachen absichern mssen. Danach empfiehlt es sich, Kanonen- und Wachtrme zur Abwehr der Greifenreiter aufzustellen. Dort bauen Sie nun Kampfp”tte, Zerst”rer und Riesenkr”ten und besetzen in der weiter oben bescH´öÓ¨Û r`d›áà¦HîþPèd£¶"QTZˆ¨¿ä÷ƒ•Ù/@‹ÔºM}3ÿÿÿÿq ´ mwb dox 63 ´ w åq|Ê‚¸ÿÀÿÿÿÿ?ÿxÀ6XÐ6Xð mwb dox 63rþœ±\Þ|‘×s¨°Ò®ä c=pstþ¬±œ{zyxwvut< SrÿÿÿýsèuŸmjó@÷é÷#Èè#Àì,y"|¼N®þh#ÀÜ"|¨N®þh#Àà"|ÐN®þh#Àä,@N®ÿÄgþ#Àô ¹ìgè yèÑùì<"9è$<íN®ÿâg#À°"9°$<´&< N®ÿÖ |´ FORMf ¨ILBMf (Y€#ÀÈ"<,yN®ÿ:g&#ÀÀйÈ#ÀÄ,yä"9°$9À&9ÈN®ÿÖ"9°N®ÿÜN¹ŽJ¹ŒgJ¹gJ¹¤gü,yà |øN®ÿ:g#À"<N¹¤N¹*,yN®ÿ|,yà yN®ÿ#ü P L y L"N¹¤ y LÑü#È L±ü lfÿØ,yN®ÿv9¿àsèvvsSNg9¿àfÿê,yN®ÿ|,yà#ü l L y L"N¹¤ y LÑü#È L±ü ØfÿØ,yN®ÿv,yà yN®ÿ¾,y"yÀ 9ÈN®ÿ.,y"yàN®þb"yÜN®þb"yäN®þbB€Nu"9ô$9è&9ìS€N®ÿÐNu"9ô$<Ä&<N®ÿÐN¹p"9ô$<Ü&<N®ÿÐ`ÿŠ"9ô$<ì&< N®ÿÐN¹p"9ô$<ø&<N®ÿÐ"9°N®ÿÜ`ÿJ,yä"9ô$<&</N®ÿÐN¹p"9ô$<D&<N®ÿÐ"9°N®ÿÜ`ÿ"9ô$<H&<6N®ÿÐ`þê,yä"9ô$<€&<"N®ÿÐ`þ´Dr. Maybe from Huissense Computer Club!intusèwYE…µition.libraryÿÿgraphics.libraryÿÿÿdos.library@È€Sorry, ik kan de file 'ÿ' niet vinden! ÿDe file 'ÿÿÿ' is geen IFF-ILBM file! ÿÿÿSHIT!! Geen genoeg chip-geheugen voor de file 'ÿ' ! 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PLK47899-2504 CD-DENHAAG-NL mwb cls T H äcp¦§ãÔ§ý ³ @ FILE_ID.DIZâpÿÿÿý¦ýT¾X, _____ _______ __________ \__ ¬\/¬ _/_ \/\/¬ _/_ _ ¬\ /¬ / \ / / \ \/¬ Y _/ / _ \ _ \ \ _ ¬\ / \ /¬ \_¬\ \_Y \ /______\/____ /_/\____ /___ / \/ \/ \/ DOX DISK NR: 63 !! Ï 04pÿÿÿý¨©ýχ ÚÙ«ª© r 01pÿÿÿý¨èªBattle Isle III Level Levelcode 1. Die Pr„torianer --- 2. Der Vormarsch 6487674 3. Die Schiffe 1564386 4. Die Landung auf Kaar 9745642 5. Kampf um die Fabriken 3756838 6. Das Flugzeugkombinat 2957843 7. Die Spaltung der Kais 8844366 8. Das HQ der Drulls 2375411 9. Das Expeditionsheer 3854653 10. Urelis 5647332 11. Kol-Lorz in Gefahr 4092664 12. Die Nachschublinien 7564366 13. Skom 8264241 14. De¨è«õÑÿur Panzerkeil 3243554 15. Terdon 5487436 16. Entscheidung ber Skom 1353411 17. Der Hafen von Magalo 4524338 18. Vor Hallwa 6731244 19. In der Hauptstadt 1243371 20. Die Entscheidung 6245425 Auáerdem ein paar allgemeine Tips zur Vorgehensweise: Zurckhaltend und vorsichtig vorgehen. Blindes Anrennen bringt nur kurzfristige Gel„ndegewinne, da der Gegner regelm„áig schwere Einheiten in der Tiefe des Gel„ndes stehen hat, und fr Sie unsichtbar im¨èÙ•ÐW› Hintergrund agiert. Lieber erst den Gegner angreifen lassen und nach Abebben des Angriffes vorsichtig nachstoáen. l Einheiten mit groáer Reichweite schtzen, da sie den Angriff des Gegners weit vor den eigenen Linien stoppen k”nnen und beim Angriff die Befestigungen des Gegners knacken k”nnen. Wenn immer m”glich, sollten angeschlagene Einheiten repariert werden, da bei der Reparatur nur ein Erfahrungspunkt verlorengeht. Im Gegenzug sollten daher gegnerische Ein¬,­Ô?WØ×ÖÕÔÓÒÑÐÏÎÍÌËÊÉÈÇÆÅÄÃÂÁÀ¿¾½¼»º¹¸·¶µ´³²±°¯®­S¬1MWB FOR AMIGA PC C64 SNES SEGA AND OTHER FUCKINGS mwbpÿÿÿý¬è®oÜóâéâGùßð7|@š7|–Cù¿Ñ¼ý¼‡¼ýéNqNqAú"z($I0<ØQÈÿüAú$NÒ"z :ü‰±Ée4"ØY€fú`pM.W.B. 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Battle Isle III arbeitet mit einem Fahrzeugpool. Das heiát: Einheiten, die beim Erreichen des Missionszieles noch auf der Karte sind, wandern mit den erreichten Erfahrungspunkten in diesen Pool. Sollten diese Einheiten in sp„teren Leveln auf der Karte verfgbar sein, werden sie mit allen erreichten Erfahrungspunkten aus dem Pool entnommen und auf der ¨Ò(þÏ"Karte plaziert. So haben Sie von Anfang an volle Feuerkraft. Der Gegner kann dies auch nutzen. Also vor Erreichen des Missionszieles m”glichst viele gegnerische Einheiten zu vernichten. Dem Abspeichern von Spielst„nden kommt eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Battle Isle III verfgt nicht ber das Feature, die Karte bei Bedarf neu zu starten. Sie sollten daher eine Karte, ohne eine Aktion ausgefhrt zu haben, abspeichern. Hermann Berthold daher gegnerische EinÛ,ÜýÎxž    ÿþýüûúùø÷öõôóòñðïîíìëêéèçæåäãâÜS« 02pÿÿÿýÛèâ®4ÎBermuda Syndrome Komplettl”sung Nach der folgenschweren Kollision mit dem Dinosaurier findet sich Jack in einer ihm nicht ganz so vertrauten Gegend wieder. Mit unserer detaillierten Komplettl”sung sollte jedem, der in diesem ziemlich schweren Action-Adventure nicht weiterkommt, geholfen sein. Nachdem sich Jack mit dem Messer losgeschnitten und den Eingeborenen erledigt hat, folgt er dem kurz zuvor befreiten M„dchen. Im nun folgenden Gespr„ch (ReihenÝÞŠz=SàßÞž ­:HygnusEdTempA.912pÿÿÿýÝèß/Ý‹ M.W.B. DOXDISK #63 1996  ****************************************** SOME NEW SOLUTIONS + SOME OLDIES FOR THE FANS P 01 BATTLE ISLE III CODES P 25 STARFLIGHT SOLUTION1 P 02 BERMUDA SYNDROME SLV P 26 STARFLIGHT SOLUTION2 P 03 BIING HEX P 27 STARTREK NEXT GEN. SLV P 04 BIING SOLUTION P 28 STARTREK 25TH SOLUTION P 05 BUREAU 13 SOLUTION P 29 STONEKEEP SOLUTION P 06 CAPITALISM TIP P 30 TARGHAN SOLUTION P 07 CHARLIEÝèàV¦4ö J.COOL CODES P 31 the IMMORTAL SOLUTION P 08 CIRCUIT'S EDGE SLV P 32 the MAGIC CANDLE SLV P 09 COMMAND & C.MISSIONS P 33 TIMES OF LORES SOLUTION P 10 COMMAND & C.TIP P 34 TRACERS SANCTION SLV P 11 CRIPT OF MEDEA SOLUTION P 35 ULTIMA UNDERWORLD 1 SLV P 12 DIGITA ORGANISER SERIAL P 36 ULTIMA UNDERWORLD 2 SLV P 13 ELVIRA 1 SOLUTION P 37 ULTIMA 2 SOLUTION P 14 ELVIRA 2 SOLUTION P 38 ULTIMA 3 SOLUTION P 15 GABRIEL KNIGHT II SLV P 39 ULTIMA 5 SOLUÝÎøÌ«|­ Dort rennt man dann so weit nach links, bis das Podest mit dem Bild erscheint. Wenn Jack ungef„hr an der Sttze des Podestes steht, schieát er den n„chsten Widerling ab. Jetzt ber den Abgrund springen. Achtung! Die lose Platte muá dabei runterfallen. Aber unbedingt vorher abspeichern! Jetzt auf die Platte fallen lassen. Zweite M”glichkeit: weiter rechts runterspringen und unten auf der Platte warten. Ganz rechts befindet sich der Ausgang und der Teleporter.Ûèòmœõ‰ Dschungel 4 Als n„chstes bekommt man es mit einigen Veloceraptoren und vier Deinonychus zu tun, die man mit dem Gewehr bes„nftigt. Schlieálich ist man bei der anderen Flugsaurier-Gattung angekommen: drei Pterodactylus lauern auf Jack. Dann geht`s zwei Etagen tiefer, ein kurzer Sprung und schnell weiter nach unten, damit die Baumschlange Jack nicht erwischen kann. Unten setzt man sich schlieálich ins Nest und holt den Quetzalcoatlus, der Natalia geraubt hÛèó5}3Nat, vom Himmel. Wieder zwei Etagen tiefer, wird die Liane gekappt und damit gleichzeitig der Weg nach unten freigelegt. Dort benutzt man den Drillingshaken mit der Liane und l„át sich von Natalia mit dem Floá berschiffen. Bei Tauron bekommt man nach dem Gespr„ch eine Kugel im Tausch gegen den Diamanten. Natalia wird noch einmal angesprochen - und sie nimmt daraufhin die Fackel mit. Rechts oben geht`s in die H”hle! H”hle Im Dauerlauf rennt man an den H”hÛèô½ázlenwesen vorbei. Im folgenden Bild auf den Kopf der Statue springen und die beiden Verfolger erledigen. Natalia mitnehmen und dazu auffordern, die Fackel in die ™ffnung zu werfen. Zurck zu den Flederm„usen: hier muá man sich jetzt den Weg freischieáen! Weiter oben bitte genauso vorgehen. Dann wird die Kugel in den Drachenkopf gesteckt! Lebensenergie auftanken und zurck, die Kugel wieder mitnehmen; jetzt den Weg mit der Fackel hoch. Noch einmal das Spiel miÛèõƒ ât der Kugel, und es geht aufw„rts. Die H”hlenwesen versperren den Weg zum n„chsten Drachenkopf, den man am Podest berspringt. Weiter oben holt Jack sich die Kugel, geht nach unten, setzt sie ein. Jetzt links unter dem Felsen durchrollen, Energie auftanken und wieder zurck. Nun muá man Natalia nach oben locken und schnell nach unten laufen, ohne daá Natalia folgen kann: Kugel holen und ber das Podest schlieálich nach oben springen, wo man die Kugel einsetztÛèöfCã und nach drauáen gelangt. Vor der Stadt Der Stegosaurier wird verscheucht, indem man das Horn des Skeletts, auf dem der Pterodactylus sitzt, runterschieát. Den Stegosaurier im folgenden Bild kann Jack ebenfalls gewaltlos verjagen. Der Ast wird einfach nach unten gezogen - und... Mahlzeit! Anschlieáend gibt`s wieder Action, denn der auf dem Tsintaosaurus reitenden Merianer l„át sich nicht mit Worten berzeugen. Seinen Nachfolgern soll dasselbe blhen. AuÛè÷Þech die folgenden Stadtwachen eliminiert Jack, bis er zu dem Bild mit dem Oviraptor kommt. Diesen lockt man eine Etage tiefer und verpaát ihm ein ganzes Magazin. Weiter unten befindet sich ein Eingang in eine unterirdische Ebene. Ebene 1 Mit dem Hebel l„át sich das Gitter ”ffnen. Weiter unten kann man links die Energie auffrischen, indem man Natalia auf der Energieplatte stehen l„át und zur Quelle geht. Rechts unten wird Natalia entfhrt, nachdem Jack den Ûèø\¦KZAufzug benutzt. Weiter unten wird der erste Hebel gedrckt, dann der zweite, wieder der erste und noch einmal der zweite Hebel! Der nun unten freigelegte Weg l„át Jack den dritten Hebel bet„tigen. Jack berspringt den Merianer im rechten Bild und macht kurzen Prozeá mit ihm. Wieder den Hebel drcken und unten das gleiche noch einmal. Die Nagetiere sind befreit und verlassen das Bild, Jack geht runter und erledigt den Beiáer der briggeblieben ist. Die anderenÛèùÑô beiden wurden bereits vom Bogenschtzen weiter rechts erledigt. Wichtig! Es gengt nicht, nur zwei Nagetiere freizulassen, da der Merianer (Bogenschtze) den Angriff berleben wrde und Jack ihm zum Opfer f„llt! Der n„chste Merianer wird nach vorne gelockt und von unten auf`s Korn genommen. Jetzt den Hebel drcken. Unten ebenfalls und dann hoch zur ersten Zugbrcke. Links davon geht Jack zum Generator und bet„tigt die Hebel wie folgt: der erste rechts, dÛèúõ$óÞer zweite links. Jetzt zurck zur ersten Zugbrcke, darunter den Hebel drcken und wieder zum Generator, um den rechten Hebel zu drcken. Jetzt sollte die erste Zugbrcke unten sein. Den Merianer rechts unten muá man nicht beachten. Oben allerdings muá man ihn beseitigen. Weiter oben links springt zur zweiten Zugbrcke. Rollenderweise kommt Jack unter der Mauer zu einem weiteren Hebel, an dem man natrlich wieder zieht. An der Zugbrcke geht`s dann hoch zum nÛèû|°ã„chsten Hebel. Diesen drcken und noch einmal den ganzen Weg zurck zum Generator. Dort nur den linken Hebel drcken und wieder ganz nach oben, wo ein weiterer Merianer auf Jack wartet. Nun kann man schon oberhalb sehen, ob das Elektrofeld erloschen ist oder nicht. Im ersten Fall ist der Weg nach drauáen frei, im zweiten hingegen hat Jack wohl irgendeinen Hebel vergessen... Im Tempel 1 Oben wird rechts der Tempelw„chter um die Ecke gebracht und das InnereÛèü ˆð¦ des Tempels erforscht. Ein Merianer kreuzt Jacks Weg. Anschlieáend t„uscht Jack vor, nach oben zu klettern und lockt so zwei Bogenschtzen aus ihrem Versteck. Jetzt ist es Zeit, Energie zu tanken (links oben: grne Kugel). Rechts geht`s dann zum Ausgang. Im Tempel 2 Wichtig ist, daá man hier erst einmal abspeichert und anschlieáend ganz vorsichtig ber die Bretter geht. Nachdem die folgenden zwei Merianer das Zeitliche gesegnet haben, geht man rechtsÛèýbŒN runter, wo bereits ein Bogenschtze wartet. Weiter links geht`s dann abw„rts: die Merianer ausl”schen und den Schlssel mitnehmen. Nun zurck zu den Brettern. Mit einem Sprung bricht Jack durch diese eher wackelige Angelegenheit. Zwei Etagen tiefer bekommt man es wieder mit einem Merianer zu tun, jedoch kann im Anschluá daran Natalia befreit werden. Oben rechts wird der Hebel gedrckt, und die Zugbrcke bahnt einen Weg zum Ausgang rechts oben. Dort geht`s weÛèþàq Øiter nach rechts zum dritten Tempel! Im Tempel 3 Hier gibt es 2 Eing„nge, wo man erst den unteren benutzt. An der Zugbrcke gehtïs runter, Hebel schalten und Sprung ins khle Naá. HINWEIS: (Wer hier den Hebel nicht schaltet, muá sp„ter Natalia ein 2.Mal befreien, da der Hebel das Nagetier nicht freil„át, um die Merianer fernzuhalten! Natalia w„re dann im Gef„ngnis zu finden, wo man zuvor den Schlssel bekommen hat!!! Dasselbe gilt, wenn das Nagetier abgeÛèÿL‹6âschossen wird!!!) Nach dem Tauchgang wird der Hebel links gedrckt. Jetzt wird das Nagetier bersprungen und auáen der obere Eingang erforscht. Rechts vom Abgrund gehtïs nach unten, Merianer beseitigen und Hebel drcken. Rechts oben w„hlt man den unteren Gang, anschl. runter, Merianer eliminieren und Natalia holen. Zurck beim Abgrund w„hlt man dann den oberen Weg zum Ausgang und zum letzten Tempel! Im Tempel 4 Die erste Zugbrcke noch nicht ”ffnen, staÛè«ëªŸttdessen Merianer aus dem Weg r„umen und die zweite Zugbrcke mit Hilfe des Hebels ”ffnen. Noch einmal zwei Merianer erledigen und wieder in den unteren Eingang zur ge”ffneten Zugbrcke. Dort trifft man auf Tauron, nachdem man rechts ber das Podest gesprungen ist. Man antwortet mit jeweils der ersten m”glichen Antwort. Zwei Merianer werden beseitigt und die Gefangenen endlich freigelassen. Tauron l„át nun die linke Wand verschwinden, um weiter links an das Û è4÷ýŒ Schwert zu kommen. Natalia stellt sich auf die Platte und Jack eignet sich das Schwert bei der Cobra an. Nun geht man zurck zur ersten Zugbrcke, indem man die zweite schlieát und die erste ”ffnet: drauáen gelangt man dann in den Dungeon. Im Dungeon Mit dem Schwert wird das Spinnennetz zerst”rt. Anschlieáend werden vier Spinnen abgeschossen, die den Weg versperren. TIP: Mit geladener Waffe ins Bild rollen, die erste Spinne abschieáen, sofort wiedÛ!èJlIer aufstehen und die zweite Spinne im Netz erledigen. Wenn eine Spinne nach unten f„llt, weil sie nicht richtig getroffen wurde, wartet sie unten mit einem unvermeidlichen, giftigen Biá. Bei den Eiern der Skorpione sollte man jeden Schuá planen. Ei zerschieáen, Skorpion n„her kommen lassen und erledigen. Andernfalls wird bei wildem Herumgeballer jedes Ei zerst”rt und Jack h„tte alle Skorpione auf einmal am Hals! Danach folgt die wohl h„rteste Nuá mit der Û"èS„Ôq Riesengrille. Wichtig! Zuvor hatte Jack gerade die letzte M”glichkeit im Spiel, Energie aufzufrischen. Die Grille muá in einem Zug erledigt werden, da sie sich beim Verlassen des Bildes regeneriert! "Schuá, nachladen, Schuá, nachladen" ist wohl die beste Taktik! Hat man es geschafft, so folgen zwei Riesenhummer und ... VORSICHT ... zwei Skorpione an der H”hlendecke. Etwas weiter kommt Jack zu einer Art Seelilie, Natalia stellt sich drauf und Jack begibt sich Û#èzú‰q auf Tauchstation, um den Stiel der Seelilie abzutrennen. Links unter dem Felsen taucht er ins n„chste Bild, w„hrend Natalia davonschwebt. Bevor Jack nach dem Auftauchen weitergeht, sollte man das Gewehr trocknen lassen, da sich das bekannte Eier-Scorpion-Spiel noch zweimal wiederholt. Zwei Etagen tiefer, rechts runter, wieder links, findet man einen Stein, den man auf die Seelilie legt. Wieder tauchen, Stiel durchschneiden und gemeinsam mit Natalia in die LfÛ$èlÆ+te entschwinden, nachdem man den Stein ins Wasser geworfen hat. Beim goldenen Drachen bekommt Natalia noch ein Káchen... V”llig alleingelassen geht Jack ins Wasser. TIP: Mit gehaltener Cursortaste schwimmt Jack `ne Ecke schneller! Bei der Seelilie wird von links gesehen der zweite und dann der vierte Stiel durchtrennt. Falls n”tig, noch einmal tief Luft holen. Hinweis: drei Luftblasen werden mindestens gebraucht, um zurckzuschwimmen, und vier LuftblasÛ%è*’3en, um wieder aufzutauchen, nachdem man den dritten Stiel getrennt hat. Nach dem dritten Stiel an der Lilie entlang auftauchen und oben rechts den Ankylosaurus aus der H”hle locken. Am besten besteigt man die nebenstehende S„ule. Dann abwarten, bis der Ankylosarier mit seinem Keulenschwanz ausholt, um die S„ule links mit einem Sprung zu verlassen. Man nimmt die beiden Steine mit und legt sie auf die Seelilie. Dann tauchen, den letzten Stiel durchschneiden, hoÛ&èâØch auf die Seelilie, Steine ins Wasser werfen, und schon befindet man sich auf der schwebenden Insel. Auf der schwebenden Insel TIP: Grunds„tzlich sollte sich Jack in der Mitte der Insel aufhalten, da er st„ndig von Rhamphorhynchi und Pteranodonen attackiert wird. So entgeht er einem t”dlichen Sturz! Die Insel wird mit den Cursortasten gesteuert, und zwar solange, bis eine riesige Steins„ule am linken Bildschirmrand zu erkennen ist. Dort geht`s dann auÛ'èEpàdfw„rts. Mit gezogenem Schwert verteidigt sich Jack gegen die geflgelten amor„hnlichen Kreaturen, die gegen Bleikugeln immun sind. Dann links oben weiterschweben. Bei der L”wen-Statue springt Jack "an Land" und fhrt ein Gespr„ch mit Frst Torkiin. Nach seinem Ableben erh„lt Jack den goldenen Schlssel fr das Tor des Schlosses. Zurck auf der Insel nur noch nach unten lenken, bis die Insel steht. Ein gewagter Sprung berzeugt schlieálich auch Natalia! UÛ(è MSØFnterhalb der Schloágem„uer Zuerst wird das Tor mit dem Schlssel ge”ffnet. Rechts geht Jack oberhalb am Cocoon vorbei, legt den Hebel darunter um und geht links herum vier Etagen nach oben. Wichtig! Bevor man das n„chste Bild betritt, sollte man mit Anlauf springen, da sonst selbst beim kleinsten Schritt ein t”dlicher Absturz droht! Zurck beim Cocoon wird dieser kurzerhand angerollt. Wieder runter, den Hebel drcken und weiter nach links gehen. Mit einem SchuÛ)è º#±á wird der rechte Cocoon zerst”rt, der fr Natalia einen Teppich auslegt. Hinweis: von nun an wird das Gewehr nicht mehr gebraucht, da alle folgenden Gegner nur mit dem Schwert bek„mpft werden k”nnen. Jetzt mit Anlauf (Absprung am „uáersten Rand) den Riesensprung von oben wagen. Den linken Cocoon abschieáen und Natalia holen. Nun links am Podest hoch und die Wache mit dem Schwert besiegen. Weiter links zum Brunnen gehen, den man mit einem Hebel auf die niedÛ*è q]þrigste Stufe reguliert. Zurck zu Natalia, ins vorhergehende Bild, Anlauf, Sprung und oben weiter nach rechts gehen. Den Hebel umlegen und an der Zugbrcke herunterklettern. Den Hebel ziehen und wahlweise schwimmend oder oben entlang nach rechts zum unteren Weg bewegen. Hier mssen weitere Wachen erledigt werden, bevor man den n„chsten Hebel ziehen kann. Natalia wird geholt, und gemeinsam geht`s zurck zur Zugbrcke. Der rechte Hebel bewegt die Zugbrcke nÛ+è }Ï.úach unten. Links zwei Etagen nach oben, Natalia auf der Platte stehen lassen und unterdessen den unteren Hebel ziehen. Wieder oben bei Natalia geht`s dann zu den Eingangshallen. Im Schloá In den Eingangshallen begegnet man drei weiteren Wachen, die sich anschlieáend als Schlangenmenschen entpuppen. Jack zeigt seine Schwertknste und trifft danach auf seinen Erzfeind Telquad. Nach den ersten Kampfproben verschwindet Telquad! šber die Podeste erreicht Jack mÛ,³¯`‚³it einem Sprung die rechte Seite und gibt Telquad seine Klinge zu spren. Es kommt heraus, daá es sich ebenfalls um einen Schlangenmenschen handelt: Telquad glaubt wohl auch, daá Jack ein biáchen zu schwach ist... Aber: das stimmt nicht! Die Programmierer haben wohl bald den zweiten Teil von Bermuda Syndrome fertig. Oder sollte man dem K”nig von Ijagmar etwa keinen Glauben schenken? Michael Di Caprio schwindet Telquad! šber die Podeste erreicht Jack m ýÏ‘1  03pÿÿÿý èõRÑûBiing Bei diesem HEX-Cheat nehmen Sie entscheidende Çnderungen in der BIPRO.EXE vor. Machen Sie also vor der Anwedung unbedingt eine Sicherheitskopie dieser Datei, damit nichts schiefgehen kann! 00004420: 11 00 01 00 06 00 00 00 - 00 00 4B 6C 69 5F 6E 69 .......... KLI_NI 00004430: 6B 2D 41 75 66 5F 6E 61 - 68 5F 6D 65 2C 20 4C 75 K-AUF_NAH_ME, LU 00004440: 78 75 73 24 24 24 24 24 - 34 00 1C 02 00 00 00 00 XUS$$$$$4....... 00004450: 01 01 00 05 02 01 06 00 - 20 00 08  è Š00 13 00 02 00 ................ 00004550: 00 00 00 00 00 00 67 72 - 6F DF 5F 65 73 20 4C 61 ......GROß_ES LA 00004560: 5F 67 65 72 24 24 24 24 - 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 GER$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00004570: 24 24 24 24 4B 00 EE 02 - 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 78 $$$$K..........X 00004AB0: 20 00 5C 00 5A 00 00 00 - 00 00 4B FC 63 68 65 2C ./.Z.....KåCHE, 00004AC0: 20 4C 75 78 75 73 24 24 - 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 LUXUS$$$$$$$$$$ 00004AD0: 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 - 4B 00 C6 02 00 00 00 9!0 Î 00 $$$$$$$$K....... 00004AE0: 08 01 00 06 0D 01 11 00 - 19 00 00 00 00 00 5C 00 ............./. Direkt hinter den Dollarzeichen befindet sich der Mietpreis (setzen Sie die Zahlen auf 00). Neun Stellen nach dem Dollarzeichen befindet sich der Parzellenbedarf, setzen Sie diesen ebenfalls auf 00! 0 00 4B FC 63 68 65 2C ./.Z.....KåCHE, 00004AC0: 20 4C 75 78 75 73 24 24 - 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 LUXUS$$$$$$$$$$ 00004AD0: 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 - 4B 00 C6 02 00 00 00 ýÏJNÏ 04pÿÿÿý蹞”HErste Hilfe Kurs für BIING! Personal einstellen Zunächst einmal sollte man nur Personal einstellen, das nicht weniger als 6 Ausbildungspunkte hat. Wieviel Gehalt Sie ihm geben, bleibt Ihnen überlassen. Sie können sich auch an die vorgegebenen Werten halten. Bei Ärzten ist es sinnvoll darauf zu achten, daß deren IQ nicht unter 75 liegt. Sie sollten auch nicht zu alt sein, da sich dies auf die Dauer der Behandlung auswirkt. Auch das Golf - Handicap ist seèz÷}hr wichtig (am wichtigsten). Später ist es ratsam ein Golfraum einzurichten, aber dazu später Näheres. Bei Krankenschwestern ist die Oberweite sehr wichtig. Die Patienten werden es Ihnen danken. Man sollte auch darauf achten, daß man die Krankenschwester mit der größten Oberweite im Wartezimmer einstellt und die mit der nicht so großen z. B. in das Behandlungszimmer. Was nützt eine Krankenschwester die strippt, wenn sie keine große Oberweite hat. Die Zuverlè¥Krässigkeit der Lagerverwalter hängt von ihren Leberwerten ab. Diese sollten also nicht zu hoch sein. Die Gehälter der Lagerverwalter sollten nicht ganz so hoch sein wie die der Ärzte bzw. Krankenschwestern. Gebäudeeinheiten mieten Beim Mieten eines Gebäudes sollten sie eigentlich nur darauf achten, daß sie am Anfang ein nicht zu teures und platzbrauchendes mieten. Sie sollten im Laufe der Zeit die Gebäude ein wenig mit Dekorationen verschönern. Ein Fernsehèk=Ìer z. B. würde im Wartezimmer sehr nützlich sein. Er lenkt die Patienten von ihrem Frust ab. Geräusche erzeugende Geräte sind insofern sinnvoll, da die Patienten sie für wichtig und hochmodern halten, obwohl sie in Wirklichkeit nur Platz verbrauchen und unsinnig sind. Die Laune des Patienten steigt somit. Am Anfang kann man solange den Ratschlägen des Chefs folgen, bis die Lagerhalle steht. Nun sollte man sich zwei Räume mieten, ein Behandlungszimmer und eine è}_3LNeurologie. Die ersten und die darauf folgenden Behandlungen Kommen die ersten Patienten, schickt man sie ins Wartezimmer. Nun schaut man sich ihre Beschwerden an. Haben sie Bauchschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen etc. schickt man sie am besten in das Behandlungszimmer (falls vorhanden). Sollte man an Geldmangel leiden, schickt man sie in das andere Behandlungszimmer, in dem Fall die Neurologie. Dort werden sie von dem entsprechenden Arzt untersucht und der kommt danèh*;n zu dem Entschluß, sie wieder zurück in das Wartezimmer zu schicken. Das erscheint zunächst einmal etwas sinnlos, schaut man sich aber die Rechnung des Patienten an, bemerkt man, daß diese schon um ein paar Lümmel über der Grundgebühr steht. Das wiederholt man ein paar Mal, bis das Wohlbefinden des Patienten 0 % erreicht hat. Dann schickt man ihn zur eigentlichen Behandlung, die dann natürlich sehr teuer für den Patienten wird. Diese Aktion sollte man nicht è„°¯mzu aoft wiederholen, da sonst das Image der Klinik tief in den Abgrund sinkt. Die Einheiten pro Lümmel bei Arzt, Krankenschwester, Gerät und Material sollten auf 1 gestellt werden. Die Preise sind dann zwar um einiges höher als der Durchschnitt, die Patienten kommen aber trotzdem noch. Lehrgangspunkte Es ist immer sinnvoll, ihr Personal auf einen Lehrgang zu schicken, da es dadurch viele Lehrgangspunkte sammelt und so nach und nach selbständig arbeitet. DurcèÞxZØh diese Lehrgangspunkte wird Ihnen eine Menge Arbeit abgenommen und Sie können sich mehr Zeit für das Management nehmen. Da das Personal dann logischer Weise nicht mehr in der Klinik ist, sondern unter "Personal weit weg" zu finden ist, sollten Sie sich mehrere Ärzte und Krankenschwestern anschaffen. Schlägertypen Schlägertypen sollten Sie wirklich nur dann einsetzen, wenn sie an Patientenmangel leiden. Achten Sie sehr darauf, das die Schläger sehr  èzw3intelligent sind und viele Ausbildungspunkte haben, da sie einen sonst, wenn sie geschnappt werden, an die Polizei verraten. Solche finden sie nur dann, wenn sie das Honorar ziemlich in die Höhe ziehen. Bei starkem Patientenmangel sollte man an Schlägerinvestitionen nicht sparen, es aber auch nicht übertreiben. Zwei Schläger dürften genügen. Auch nachts kann man sie einsetzen, dann nämlich demolieren sie andere konkurrenzfähige Krankenhäuser und deren Personal.  è½¹‡YWird das Personal "verschlagen", kommt es am nächsten morgen nicht zur Arbeit und die Konkurrenz muß sich eine(n) neue(n) Ersatzmitarbeiter(in) suchen. Krankenzimmer / Neurologie-Krankenzimmer Wenn sie sich ein "paar" Lümmel mehr verdienen wollen, sollten Sie ein Krankenzimmer mieten. Nach der Untersuchung kann man die Patienten dann dorthin verlegen. Diese liegen dann den ganzen Tag über in ihren Betten und müssen gefüttert werden. Um zu vermeiden, daß Sie èÜ< jedem Essen kaufen müssen, ist es sinnvoll, eine Küche zu mieten. Ein Koch darf dabei natürlich nicht fehlen. Dieser kocht dann für Ihre Patienten das Essen, und eine dort {Krankenzimmer) angestellte Krankenschwester bringt ihnen das Essen. Sollte keine Krankenschwester in Ihrem Krankenzimmer vorhanden sein, sterben Ihnen die Patienten über Nacht weg. Intensivstation Geht es den Patienten im Krankenzimmer ziemlich schlecht (Gesundheit unter 50), werden sie è–q| in eine, falls vorhandene Intensivstation verlegt. Dort bezahlen sie dann wieder eine Menge Geld für ihren Aufenthalt. Geht es ihnen wieder besser (Gesundheit über 50), werden sie wieder in das Krankenzimmer verlegt. Dieses Hin und Her bringt Ihnen eine Menge Lümmel. Sind zu wenig Betten in den Zimmern erwerben Sie diese in der Verwaltung. Sollte Ihnen einer der Patienten wegsterben, können sie diesen im OP-Saal auseinandernehmen und seine Gedärme verkaufen. ï~BB­ Sie sehen also, die Investition in diese Gebäude ist nicht umsonst und macht sich sehr gut bezahlt. Durch diese Tips sollten Sie langsam aber sicher zu Geld kommen und die einzelnen Tage ohne weitere Probleme überleben. und Her bringt Ihnen eine Menge Lümmel. Sind zu wenig Betten in den Zimmern erwerben Sie diese in der Verwaltung. Sollte Ihnen einer der Patienten wegsterben, können sie diesen im OP-Saal auseinandernehmen und seine Gedärme verkaufen. ýÎÖÔ<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! 6 05pÿÿÿýè!u…»ÓDieser Lösungsweg wurde mit den Charakteren Alexander Keltin und Isaac Richards durchgeführt. Doch bis auf einige Einzelheiten (z. B. kann nur eine Frau durch die Umkleidekabine der Turnhalle zu den Spinds des Kurierdienstes gelangen, der Vampir hingegen schwebt in Nebelgestalt direkt am Nachtwächter vorbei zu den Spinds) ist der Lösungsweg mit anderen Charakteren der gleiche. Zu Beginn des Spiels befindet man sich bei einem Zeitungsautomaten. Sobald man diesen è"Ž2 untersucht, findet man ein Geldstück im Rückgabefach. Dieses wird mit dem Automat benutzt. Der Automat wird geöffnet und die Zeitung entnommen. Aus ihr geht hervor, daß sich einige Beweisstücke im Polizeigebäude befinden. Ab zur Polizeiwache und den Kleber auf dem Tresen nehmen. Damit verklebt man die Luke, hinter der sich der Feuerlöscher befindet. Jetzt wird der Aschenbecher des Polizisten "gedrückt" und er fällt in den Papierkorb. Dieser fängt an zu brennè#-ý(3en, und da die Luke zum Feuerlöscher verklebt ist, verschwindet der Polizist. Nun begibt man sich in das Büro des Sheriffs und holt aus der Schreibtischschublade den Schlüssel zum Beweismittelraum. Jetzt noch schnell den Sicherungskasten öffnen und den Hebel betätigen. Dadurch wird die +berwachungskamera im Beweismittelraum ausgeschaltet. Nachdem man eine Sicherung aus dem Kasten genommen hat, mit dem Schlüssel die Tür zu den Beweismitteln öffnen. Den Phoè$ÝUµ°toapparat und aus dem Regal die Beweisbox und den Polizeibericht nehmen. Danach begibt man sich zu Ricks Elektronikladen, untersucht die Mauer und wirft mit dem gefundenen Ziegelstein die Glastür ein. Im Laden nimmt man die Drahtschere (links unten, auf einem Regal). Die Anrufbeantworterkassetten auf dem Tresen nehmen und die 2. und die letzte (im Inventar von links aus gesehen) mit dem Anrufbeantworter anhören. Jetzt noch schnell den Aktenschrank (rechter è%hݬ´ Bildrand) öffnen, die Akte herausnehmen und lesen. Nun geht man hinters AI-Hauptquartier, öffnet den Container, und findet durch Untersuchen eine Kiste. Diese gibt man dem Pförtner des AI- Hauptquartiers, nachdem man die Klingel rechts neben der Tür benutzt hat. Er gewährt Einlaß. Den Kopierer öffnen und die Memo nehmen (= alle Angestellten sollen niemandem etwas von dem Einbruch erzählen, der vor kurzem verübt wurde). Den Zettel der Sekretärin auf dem Schreibtiè&ZÔÆsch nehmen. Jetzt geht man in Ted Simpsons Büro. Man öffnet das Gemälde und findet dahinter einen Tresor mit Spracherkennung (Ted Simpsons Stimme). Den Rauchmelderkasten öffnen und die Batterie entnehmen. Diese mit der Fernbedienung auf dem Schreibtisch verwenden. Zurück in die Rezeption, von dort ins Sicherheitsbüro. Da nimmt man die drei Videokassetten. Zurück in Simpsons Büro drückt man den Knopf auf dem Schreibtisch. Es erscheint ein Videorekorder und einè'Ç ü Fernseher. Die letzte Videokassette des Inventars mit dem Rekorder benutzen (Mr. Simpson beim Tresoröffnen). Durch Simpsons Stimme öffnet sich der Tresor. Wenn man die Videokassette, die man im Tresor findet anschaut, sieht man Withers mit einem RV flüchten. Daraufhin geht man vor das Gebäude des Kurierdienstes. Alexander benutzt die Nebelgestalt um unbemerkt im Kurierdienstbüro an dem Nachtwächter vorbei, zu den Spinds zu gelangen. Dort verwandelt man iè(H1ý$hn zurück, öffnet den Sicherungskasten und entnimmt die kaputte Sicherung. Dann setzt man die unversehrte Sicherung aus dem Polizeigebäude ein, woraufhin das Licht angeht. Alexander muß den Spind am rechten unteren Bildrand untersuchen. Er findet ein Paar Handschuhe, die er gleich anzieht. Jetzt öffnet man den Spind links oben (er gehörte Withers) und nimmt die Jacke. Wenn man sie untersucht, findet man ein Schlüsselpaar. Nachdem man wieder raus zu seinem Pa è)‹Lrrtner gegangen ist, geht man zum AZL-Gebäude. Man gibt dem Punk, der drinnen sitzt, den Schlüsselbund aus der Kurierjacke, woraufhin dieser eine Kiste Wither`s bringt. Wenn man sie untersucht, findet man eine Scankarte und verschiedene Bombenteile. Isaac "tüftelt" daraus eine Brandbombe. Nachdem man zum RV-Parkplatz gegangen ist, benutzt man die Scankarte mit der Tür des linken RVs. Man kann jetzt in den RV gehen. Esc drücken, und wenn man wieder aus dem è*%CxÔ RV draußen ist, berichtet ein Agent, daß er Withers Tagebuch gefunden hat (Withers will den Sheriff im Krankenhaus töten). Daraufhin begibt man sich schnell zum Krankenhaus, wo eine kleine Filmsequenz auf einen wartet (Man erhält von Tucker eine Sicherheitkarte für die AI-Fabrik). Mit dem RV fährt man nun in den Wald. Von dort aus geht man zur Rodung und nimmt den großen Ast. Diesen benutzt man auf dem Waldweg mit der Straße. Der AI-Lkw wird aufgehalten, u è+·´©nd man kann unbemerkt einsteigen. Auf dem Fabrikgelände angekommen, die Ladebereichtür öffnen, reingehen und die Holzsäge vom Boden aufheben. Die Treppe hoch, den Kasten öffnen und den Knopf drücken. Dadurch wird die Energiezufuhr eingeschaltet. Jetzt auf das Gerüst außerhalb des Lagebereichs steigen. Man gelangt in einen Korridor. Mit der Sicherheitskarte die linke Tür öffnen, und im Raum dahinter zum Schaltpult gehen und den Code, den man dem Zettel der Se è,iÊ{kretärin entnimmt (2112) eingeben. Mit dem nun funktionsfähigen Aufzug gelangt man in den Keller. Unter dem Schild an der Decke befindet sich ein fast durchsichtiger Stolperdraht. Diesen mit der Drahtschere durchschneiden, und schon ist das Sicherheitssystem lahmgelegt. Ins Labor gehen, wo man das gelbe Buch vom OP-Tisch nimmt. Aus ihm geht hervor, daß 4 Personen, u. a. Sheriff Tucker, ein Chip implantiert wurde, der einen zum Drohnen macht (Veronica Cotton, Edd è-"Ji Houston, Dennis Sterling, Sawbuck = Mr. Carver) Man begibt sich wieder zum Waldweg, wo man die Säge mit dem 2. großen Baum von links benutzt. Von dem abgesägten Hornstrauchast sägt man noch eine Scheibe herunter. Zurück beim RV holt man sich mit dem Bordcomputer Informationen über die manipulierten Personen. Dann fährt man mit dem RV zu dem 2. RV-Parkplatz (Straßenecke + Wald). Jetzt so lange nach links, bis man zum Parkplatz der Bibliothek gelangt. Dort öfè.cÎzýέ)_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>@R 06pÿÿÿý=è?¿Q ìKaum ist Capitalism auf dem Markt (siehe Review in dieser Ausgabe), schon liefern wir die ersten praxiserprobten Hilfestellungen für diese bislang einmalige Wirtschaftssimulation. Zusätzlich zu den Informationen in den Tutorials und im Handbuch haben wir ausgelotet, welche Produkte man unbedingt fabrizieren sollte und wie man die günstigsten Angebote findet. Tips für den Einstieg Zu Übungszwecken empfiehlt es sich, die Rahmenbedingungen von Anfang an extrem =è@ÛøpUzu vereinfachen. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Strategien auf einem eingeschränkten Markt ausprobieren und können die Auswirkungen schneller nachvollziehen. Dazu stellen Sie im Options-Menü folgende Funktionen ein: Environment Maximum No. Of Cities at the Beginning: Höchstens 2 New Cities Emerge During the Game: No Competence of Local Competitors: Low bzw. Moderate No. Of Seaports Importing Consumer Goods: Höchstens 3 No. Of Seaports Importing Industrial G=èA­»™»oods: Höchstens 3 New Seaports Emerge During the Game: No Constant Import Supply: Yes Import Quality: High Allow Stock Investment: No Competitors No. Of Competitors: Höchstens 2-3 Competitor Character: Conservative Competitor Capital: Low bzw. Moderate Show Competitor Trade Secrets: Yes Random Competitor Personality: Yrs Random Competitor Strategy: Yes Reduzieren Sie die Zeitungs-Meldungen möglichst auf die Aspekte, die Ihr eigenes Unternehmen betre=èBþú;¡ffen. Während des Spiels ist es äußerst lästig, auf jede noch so unwesentliche Aktion Ihrer Konkurrenten hingewiesen zu werden. Alternativ beschränken Sie sich als Fabrik- und Kaufhaus- Besitzer auf die "Business News" aller Firmen. Falls Sie sich besonders intensiv am Aktien- und Finanzmarkt betätigen und gegebenenfalls bei einem anderen Marktteilnehmer Einfluß nehmen wollen, aktivieren Sie die "Financial News". Im Bereich Urproduktion (Förderung von Kohle, .l u=èC6Œ,—sw. sowie Landwirtschaft) sollten Sie von den "Special News" Gebrauch machen. Sie können auch alle Nachrichten ausschalten und regelmäßig den "News Log" im "Reports"- Menü konsultieren, denn dort werden alle wichtigen Angaben für Sie gesammelt. NEWSLOG.GIF Nutzen Sie die Szenarien, um Erfahrung mit bestimmten Markt-Konstellationen zu sammeln. Da die Aufgaben meistens stark begrenzt sind, können Sie sich auf die Lösung bestimmter Probleme beschränken und müss=èD LšØen keinen Business-Krieg nach mehreren Seiten führen. Für alle Szenarien gilt: Schalten Sie SOFORT nach dem Spielstart in den Pause- Modus (Menü Speed: "Frozen") und informieren Sie sich über das Angebot in den einzelnen Städten Grundsätzlich gilt: Wenn Sie nach den niedrigsten Einkaufspreisen und ähnlichen Details forschen, sollten Sie den Zeittakt "einfrieren" (Einstellung im Menü Speed: "Frozen"). Denn während Sie beispielsweise die Offerten eines Seehafens =èE>ÁD½unter die Lupe nehmen, können Ihre Konkurrenten bereits anderweitige Aktionen planen und sich so einen Zeitvorteil verschaffen. Rohstoffe Wenn Sie .l, Kohle, Holz oder Chemikalien fördern, sollten Sie auch einen weiterverarbeitenden Betrieb errichten, der aus den Rohstoffen Zwischen- oder gar Endprodukte macht. Damit können Sie auch noch die im fabrizierendem Gewerbe meist sehr hohe Gewinn- Marge mitnehmen. Folgende Rohstoffe lohnen sich zur Förderu=èFï) þng: Chemical Minerals Erforderlich für: Perfume Toothpaste Shampoo Eye-Shadow Detergent Electronic Component Oil Erforderlich für: Plastic Steel (entsteht aus Iron Ores + Coal) Erforderlich für: Wheel & Tire Electronic Component Desktop Computer Video-Recorder Air Conditioner Hi-fi Motor-Cycle Car Car Body Watch Toy Train Engine Obwohl Sie mit .l nur einen einzigen Werkstoff (Plastic) produzieren können, lohnt sich = èGŸþHJdie Investition, da es sich bei Kunststoff um ein sehr vielseitiges Material handelt. Gut verzichten können Sie auf den Abbau von Gold, denn damit können Sie lediglich Uhren (Watch) und Schmuck (Jewelry) herstellen. Das schränkt nicht nur Ihre Möglichkeiten stark ein, sondern birgt auch große Gefahren: Oft werden derartige Teile wesentlich billiger und/oder in besserer Qualität über die Seehäfen importiert. Außerdem ist der Grund-Bedarf für diese Luxus-Artikel= èH7xn erschreckend gering. Landwirtschaft Die am universellsten einsetzbare Nutzpflanze ist Baumwolle (Cotton). Diesen Rohstoff brauchen Sie für Sport Shoes, Sofa, Textiles, Diaper und Toy Doll. Versäumen Sie nicht, mit Hilfe von Schweinen, Kühen und Schafen Leder zu erzeugen. Wenn Sie es an die Fabriken liefern, fertigen diese daraus Sport Shoes, Sofa, Leather Shoes, Leather Jacket und Leather Briefcase. Dank dieser Flexibilität kann man in einer einzigen = èIE~Ö Fabrik überdurchschnittlich viele Endprodukte herstellen. Das Beste: Sie brauchen meist nur eine einzige Purchasing-Unit für "Leather". Gefrorenes Fleisch kann direkt an die Kaufhäuser weiterverhökert werden und ist aufgrund des hohen Bedarfs ein sicheres Geschäft - und zwar unabhängig von der Tierart. Frozen Mutton Frozen Chicken Frozen Beef Leder, Milch und Wolle müssen vor dem Verkauf an den Endkunden in Fabriken weiterverarbeitet werden. Wenn Sie= èJ_’¼Ù diese Produkte direkt an eines Ihrer Kaufhäuser liefern, können die Verbraucher wenig damit anfangen. Das gilt auch für alle Nutzpflanzen: Am Tabak- Gewächs in seiner ursprünglichen Form wird selbst der stärkste Kettenraucher nicht viel Freude haben. Auch Milch verkauft sich in abgefüllter Form (sprich: in Flaschen) wesentlich besser als lose. Hingegen können Sie Eier unmittelbar an die Käufer weiterliefern. Aufgrund vergleichbarer Anforderungen an Klima, N= èKpæÞiederschlag und Bodenqualität können Sie auf einem einzigen Bauernhof sowohl Hopfen (Barley) als auch Weizen (Wheat) anbauen. Ebenfalls fast identische Ansprüche stellen Baumwolle (Cotton) und Zuckerrüben (Sugar Cane). Gleiches gilt für Takak (Tobacco) und Weintrauben (Grape) sowie für Kakao (Cocoa) und Gummibäume (Rubber Plant). Versäumen Sie nicht, die teuren Farmen entsprechend auszulasten: Leere Unit-Felder sind ein Unding. Für den Anbau einer bestimmten Pfl=èLÁBÙ°anzenart plus eine Sales- Abteilung ist fast immer noch ein Plätzchen frei. Als sehr lohnenswert hat es sich herausgestellt, gleich mehrere Einheiten einer Nutzpflanze anzubauen. Wenn Sie z. B. Kakao für die Schokoladen-Herstellung oder Tabak für Zigaretten benötigen, sollten Sie wegen der oft schwierigen Beschaffung und dem Nachschubmangel in Nicht-Erntezeiten ein Lager (Inventory) einrichten, das den produzierten Überschuß aufnimmt. Dadurch können Sie langfristi=èM eþìg vom Output Ihrer Farm zehren. Bei knappem Angebot sollte man die Produkte nur intern weiterverkaufen. Mit Hilfe der Layout Plan-Funktion kopieren Sie Fabriken, die erwiesenermaßen Gewinn abwerfen. Vor allem für die Produktion großer Mengen benötigt man des öfteren mehrere gleich organisierte Betriebe. Eine fertige Schablone spart viel Zeit und erleichtert den Ausbau Ihres Firmen-Imperiums. Kaufhäuser Bevor Sie ein teures Kaufhaus in die Landschaft se=èNþW•–tzen, sollten Sie sich die konsumenten-stärkste Region aussuchen. Egal ob Sie bei den Spiel-Einstellungen kontinuierlich wachsende Städte eingestellt haben oder nicht: In den meisten Reports sehen Sie in der rechten oberen Ecke die aktuelle Einwohnerzahl. Je mehr potentielle Kunden, desto besser. Informieren Sie sich anhand der Product Summarys, welche Artikel in welchem Ort bereits angeboten werden. Besetzen Sie gezielt Marktnischen und bauen Sie Ihre Positio=èO ŽÎn aus, solange noch keine anderen Anbieter in den Wettbewerb eintreten. Oft kommt es vor, daß ein Konkurrent von Ihnen Waren bezieht und eventuelle Standort-Vorteile (z. B. geringere Frachtkosten durch örtliche Nähe zum Vertrieb) gnadenlos ausnutzt. Dies können Sie im Normalfall verhindern, wenn Sie in Ihrer Fabrik den Button "Internal Sale" aktivieren. Logischerweise funktioniert das aber nicht, wenn der clevere Bursche bereits munter bei Ihnen einkauft. Hier h=èP8«/Rilft ein einfacher Trick: Erhöhen Sie einfach den Abgabe-Preis des Produkts in der Fabrik und senken Sie den Verkaufs-Preis im Department Store. Meist gibt der Gegner schon nach kurzer Zeit auf, der "Internal Sale"-Button wird aktivierbar und Sie vertreiben Ihr eigenes Sortiment exklusiv. Wenn Sie nun auch noch verstärkt Marketing betreiben, wird sich der Bekanntheitsgrad rasch steigern. Übrigens bietet dieser Button noch eine Menge anderer Vorteile: Sie könne=èQCºˆ¶n als Monopolist unbehelligt den Ausbau Ihrer Marktanteile vorantreiben und bei entsprechender Macht auch die Nebenbuhler zum entsprechenden Preis schröpfen. Wenn bei einem Mitbewerber so plötzlich eine wichtige Einkaufsquelle ausfällt, muß er entweder Farmen und Fabriken bauen bzw. komplett umorganisieren oder die Ware von weitentfernten Seehäfen bzw. Produktionsstätten zum Einsatzort transportieren. All dies kostet viel Geld und vor allem Zeit - zu Ihrem Nutz=èRä »Èen! Die Nachfrage können Sie relativ schnell steigern, indem Sie Reklame bei lokalen Fernsehsendern oder Zeitungs-Verlagen schalten. Langfristig sorgen nur ein günstiger Preis, eine starke Marke und vor allem Top-Qualität für den gewünschten Absatz. Letzteres erfordert hohe Investitionen in den Forschungsbereich und in die Optimierung der Produktion durch Mitarbeiter-Schulung. Die "Private Labeling"-Unit lohnt sich nur dann, wenn Sie einen Aritkel gleichzeitig =èSïànmit anderen Anbietern an einem bestimmten Ort einkaufen. Wegen der identischen Qualität wird bald der Preis entscheiden. Setzen Sie Präferenzen, indem Sie Ihrem Sortiment einen individuellen Stempel aufdrücken. Nutzen Sie in diesem Zusammenhang auch die Möglichkeiten des Marketing, indem Sie das Kaufhaus gezielt bewerben. Der "Event Track"-Button am unteren Ende der vertikalen Icon-Leiste in der Bildschirm-Mitte setzt Sie in Kenntnis, wenn der Nachschub an ei=èT:Tµônem Seehafen oder in einer Fabrik stockt. Der gleiche Button erscheint, sobald neue Technologien erforscht wurden. In beiden Fällen sollten Sie ihn sofort anklicken, um gegebenenfalls geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Falls Sie von einem anderen Anbieter preislich unterboten werden, sollten Sie zumindest bis zum Einstandspreis (= Einkaufspreis + Transportkosten) den anstehenden "Kampf der Giganten" mitmachen. Anschließend müssen Sie aufgrund Ihrer aktuellen fi=èU¾±HInanziellen Situation ausloten, ob Sie es sich leisten können, auch mittelfristig Verluste in Kauf zu nehmen. Stellen Sie fest, ob der Anbieter zu besseren Konditionen einkauft und analysieren Sie mit dem entsprechenden Filter, wo er seine Waren bezieht. Dazu klicken Sie zunächst das betreffende Kaufhaus und anschließend den sogenannten "Firm Linkage Button". Dadurch können Sie leicht feststellen, aus welchen Gegenden er beliefert wird. Auf die gleiche Weise =èV4^ãKermitteln Sie, zu welchen Firmen einzelne Produktionsanlagen und Seehäfen ihre Güter schicken. Wenn Sie "dahinterkommen", daß er in einer Ihrer Fabriken einkauft, wenden Sie das oben beschriebene Verfahren an, um ihn vorübergehend zu vergraulen. Wenn viele Städte relativ nahe beieinander liegen, sollten Sie möglichst viele Ihrer Kaufhäuser mit eigenproduzierten Waren bestücken. Dies hilft Ihnen auf lange Sicht, den Bekanntheitsgrad Ihres Angebots zu steigern und=èWËYð das Image zu verbessern. Fabrik (Factory) Wenn Sie ein komplett neues Spiel starten, sollten Sie sich als Fabrikbesitzer in den Seehäfen unbedingt nach folgenden Produkten umsehen: Plastic Erforderlich für: Air Conditioner Camera Car-Body Detergent Eye Shadow Hi-fi Shampoo Television Toothpaste Toy Train Video-Camera Video-Recorder Glass Erforderlich für: Bottled Milk Wine Perfume Television Camera Video-Camera C=èX︊°ar Body Watch Leather Erforderlich für: Sport Shoes Sofa Leather Shoes Leather Jacket Leather Briefcase Electronic Component Erforderlich für Desktop Computer Television Camera Video-Camera Video-Recorder Air Conditioner Hifi Cotton Erforderlich für: Sport Shoes Sofa Textiles Diaper Toy Doll Chemical Minerals Erforderlich für: Perfume Toothpaste Eye-Shadow Detergent Electronic Component Steel Erforderlic=èY¤?ôh für: Wheel & Tire Electronic Component Video Recorder Air Conditioner Hifi Motor-Cycle Car Car-Body Watch Toy Train Engine Mit diesen Rohstoffen haben Sie eine gute Ausgangsposition und können im Notfall schnell auf die Produktion einer anderen Ware umsteigen. Konzentrieren Sie sich zumindest anfangs auf eine Branche und nutzen Sie die daraus entstehenden Synergie-Effekte. Als Sparten können beispielsweise gelten: Unterhaltungs-Elektr=èZ©Ü‹onik Schon mit elektronischen Komponenten, Glas und Plastik können Sie folgende Produkte herstellen: Television, Camera und Video-Camera. Wenn Sie statt dem Glas Stahl verwenden, stehen folgende Artikel zur Verfügung: Video-Recorder, Air Condioner, Hi-fi. Automobil-Industrie Die zwei möglichen Erzeugnisse in diesem Bereich sind natürlich das Auto und das Motorrad. Beide bieten den Vorteil, daß nach einer gewissen Anlaufzeit ein überdurchschnittlich hoher Um=è[8Ï/7satz erzielt wird. Wenn Sie etwas mit Werbung nachhelfen, sollten bald ansehnliche Verkaufszahlen möglich sein. Die Nachfrage können Sie durch einen niedrigen Einstiegspreis oder verstärkte Werbung pushen, denn zu Beginn hält sich die Begeisterung der Bewohner in spürbaren Grenzen. Getränke Als Verpackung dienen Aluminium (für Cola- und Bierdosen) und Glas (für Wein- und Milchflaschen). Den Inhalt der Behälter beziehen Sie preisgünstig von umliegenden Höfen=è\á2ÿ. Da Sie ohnehin Zucker und Milch bestellen, sollten Sie bei dieser Gelegenheit auch noch Ice- Cream zubereiten. Gebäck Wichtigste Zutat ist Flour, das Sie ganz einfach aus Wheat (Weizen) herstellen. In einer einzigen Fabrik können Sie Cookies (Kekse) und Bread (Brot) mit geringem Aufwand produzieren. Der Bedarf (repräsentiert durch den Necessity-Index) für diese Artikel ist in jeder Stadt überdurchschnittlich hoch. Folgende Vorteile ergeben sich durch die=è]mŠ ß Konzentrierung auf eine Branche: Sie müssen nur in wenigen, konkreten Bereichen forschen Sie können leichter und schneller auf Preisduelle reagieren Ihre Einkaufsquellen reduzieren sich auf Ihr Sortiment wird vergleichsweise flott im ganzen Land bekannt Durch die sich abzeichnende lange Erfahrung erzielen Sie ein positives Image für Ihre Produktpalette Erkenntnisse auf einem bestimmten Gebiet kommen mehreren Fabriken, Produkten und Kaufhäusern zugute. Fall= è^.Œ`s Sie z. B. die Technik der Engine (Motor) verbessern, steigert dies die Qualität sowohl von Autos als auch von Motorrädern. Produzieren und verkaufen Sie Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs, die jede Familie benötigt und die in gigantischen Stückzahlen über den Ladentisch gehen. Dazu gehören sämtliche Nahrungs- und Genußmittel im weitesten Sinne (Cola, Brot, Zigaretten, gefrorenes Fleisch, usw.), Bekleidung (Jeans, Schuhe) und Hygiene-Produkte (z. B. Windeln = Diape=!è_ÉW_ r, Shampoo, Waschmittel). Investieren Sie von Anfang an in die Forschung, um sich frühzeitig gegen hochklassige Importware wehren zu können. Bilden Sie Ihre Arbeiter aus, indem Sie im entsprechenden Feld Barmittel zuweisen. Informieren Sie sich regelmäßig, ob es nicht inzwischen günstigere Einkaufsquellen für Ihre Fabriken gibt. Und so funktioniert´s: 1. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Button "Product". 2. Aus der Liste wählen Sie das gesuchte ="j|pŠErzeugnis. 3. Die durch farbige Punkte symbolisierten Häfen, Fabriken und Farmen werden auf die Orte reduziert, an denen das Produkt zu finden ist. Damit ist es ein leichtes, die Kosten für einzelne Güter zu ermitteln. 4. Mit dem "Break Linkage"-Button können Sie zusätzlich herausfinden, welche Mitstreiter bereits damit verbunden sind. tioniert´s: 1. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Button "Product". 2. Aus der Liste wählen Sie das gesuchte `aýÏ‹ÆcbaÕ 07pÿÿÿý`èb°Ù‚ CHARLIE J COOL! **AGA** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WORLD 1 WORLD 2 WORLD 3 ------- ------- ------- STAGE 1: -------- STAGE 1: G982FA6B STAGE 1: 21421525 STAGE 2: Z594AMB2 STAGE 2: R6H324CT STAGE 2: 54CGE98R STAGE 3: C3KFS695 STAGE 3: V813WNMQ STAGE 3: 3BN3LMQR STAGE 4: 2L3I4E4N`ècÖX— STAGE 4: 184423AJ STAGE 4: 423N6ELR WORLD 4 WORLD 5 WORLD 6 ------- ------- ------- STAGE 1: F38AQ69Z STAGE 1: 7CI3J49K STAGE 1: M239QA4E STAGE 2: XB984M69 STAGE 2: E56BA978 STAGE 2: 16C6ZSU9 STAGE 3: 1TL74NRC STAGE 3: RLN8QB44 STAGE 3: WAE6Q773 STAGE 4: FH38HJL7 STAGE 4: PBL613HR STAGE 4: AX63D489 WORLD 7 `¬®{ ------- STAGE 1: F5543EQL STAGE 2: 9B6394VA STAGE 3: WLM3X4B9 STAGE 4: J4R97B3T -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GE 2: E56BA978 STAGE 2: 16C6ZSU9 STAGE 3: 1TL74NRC STAGE 3: RLN8QB44 STAGE 3: WAE6Q773 STAGE 4: FH38HJL7 STAGE 4: PBL613HR STAGE 4: AX63D489 WORLD 7 d6eýÎ7š™˜—–•”“’‘ŽŒ‹Š‰ˆ‡†…„ƒ‚€~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfefj 08pÿÿÿýdèfù¢ýd Circuit's Edge Awesome Walk Thru. CIRCUIT'S EDGE Part 1 INTRODUCTION CIRCUIT'S EDGE is a graphic adventure whose story is set (roughly) in 2702 A.D., in a city called Budayeen, somewhere in the Islamic world. You are Marid Audran, a private detective. Budayeen is a seedy place full of unsavory characters, and you're not exactly pure as new-driven snow either. Drug use, sex, and drinking are favorite pastimes, and some inhabitants are really into insdèg3ÅŒerting chips in themselves to acquire various skills and personalities. (Players of NEUROMANCER may detect some similarities here.) And you, being a carefree, try-anything-once kind of guy, are into everything! This game is in real time -- that is, the game clock keeps ticking away even if you're just staring at the screen. Be sure to pause the game when you have to leave for a short time. Certain game elements are sensitive to game time and must be accomplished without breaks. Thdèh¥fªÚese will be so indicated in the walkthru. Saving the game is only allowed when you are in your own apartment; there is only one save-game slot. When you are on a time-limited task, don't waste time by returning to your apartment to save the game. All commands for the game are chosen from menu bars at the top of the screen. Although this type of interface is common to a variety of games, there are some unusual features unique to this game. These features will be pointed out at the dèiU31Êappropriate spots in the walkthru. You need the street map (north is at the top of the page) and the business directory in the manual to travel. There is a small map window in the lower right corner of the screen showing your immediate surroundings, to help you orient yourself while traveling. Movement is done by using the arrow keys or by clicking either on the main screen or on the small map window (I prefered using the arrow keys). In the walkthru, commands that you select fdèjet;Ôrom the menus are in capital letters. From time to time, you will need to TALK to someone ABOUT certain things. These are noted in capital letters and quotation marks. While in the game, punks randomly ambush you on city streets. Early in this walkthru, we'll equip you with the KUNG-FU MASTER chip; this should make you almost invincible to these punks. After each fight, get all the money and a stiletto or switchblade (if you don't already have one); leave other things behind. If ydèkÖ]ëou find your life meter bar has fallen to less than half, go to the Medical Clinic, and TALK to the NURSE to BUY NUCLEAR HEALING. Because of their random natures, fights and healing are not included in the walkthru. YOUR APARTMENT Read the description to find out what a dump you live in! Select GAME and TURN BRIEF MODE ON: Now the game will only give you a description of an area when you first enter it. This helps save a lot of time and unnecessary scrolling. Select ACTION, thedèl*áúˆn CHIP-IN your BIO-SCANNER. Let's take a look at your vital signs. Good, you're in fine health. Better leave that chip in all the time so we can monitor your health continuously. Hang around here and wait till.... Hey, your belt phone is ringing! TALK. It's your friend Saird. He wants you to go to Cafe De La Fee Blanche to pick up a package from Fuad. (Remember his new commcode.) EXIT. To help you get your bearings, you're outside the Five Pillars Apartments on North 12th Streedèmå?mõt, facing west. Turn left and go to the large intersection. Turn left and go east three blocks. Turn left again and go down North 9th Street. The cafe is on your left. From now on, follow the map in your manual to travel. TALK to GARGOTIER ABOUT "FUAD." Hm, that rascal probably went to Chiriga's. EXIT and go there. TALK to FUAD ABOUT "PACKAGE." Now, type INVENTORY. USE BELT PHONE. Dial Saird's new commcode: 131AEP69. He wants you to meet him at Frenchy's Nightclub. EXIT and go thed ènoãˆáre. TALK to SAIRD. INVENTORY. GIVE Saird the COLOGNE PACKAGE. (Note: The GIVE option is only available when you take an object from INVENTORY while TALKing to someone.) Saird is ecstatic over the cologne. He gives you a new chip to play with. ACTION. CHIP-IN CHRONO-2000. Ah, now you can tell time. INVENTORY. DROP your WRIST WATCH (you don't need that old watch anymore). Hang around here and absorb the atmosphere. Hey, there goes your phone again! TALK. Someone wants you to go to Bd èoL7`9ougainvillea Apartments to pick up a note book. EXIT and go there. After you get a description of the lobby, another LOOK will take you to Carter's room. Someone knocks you over the head and everything turns to black. When you wake up, you learn that Carter has been murdered. Note the writing on the wall. ACTION. GET the HOLODISK or the ANSWERING MACHINE. Now, you get arrested by the police. Luckily, your influential uncle Friedlander Bey (nicknamed Papa) talks Sgt. Hajjar into red èpõ:leasing you. Papa is waiting to see you in his home. EXIT and go to the east corner of South 1st and The Streets. There is a bank machine here. INVENTORY. USE your BANK DISK. Type in your bankcode (found in the manual) and withdraw all your money (628 Kiams). INVENTORY. DROP your BANK DISK and go to Laila's Mod Shop. TALK to LAILA. BUY KUNG-FU MASTER chip. ACTION. CHIP-IN KUNG-FU MASTER. Now you're ready for any punks that may show up. EXIT and go to Friedlander Bey's home. d èqŸc&ŒTo get here, exit Budayeen by going through the East Gate at the eastern end of The Street. TALK to BILL (the taxi driver) and tell him: I WANT TO GO TO FRIEDLANDER BEY. EXIT and TALK to PAPA. He tells you he wants you to find the murderer of Kenji Carter and recover the notebook. Great; now you have a purpose in life! EXIT and go to the Police Station. TALK to BILL to take you to the Police Station. TALK to SGT. HAJJAR ABOUT "KENJI." If he ignores you, keep trying until he resd èrLõ| ponds. He gives you the answering chip from Kenji's answering machine. TALK to him ABOUT "MORGUE." He gives you a morgue pass so you can look at Kenji's effects. ACTION. Notice that there is a new option only available here: "U." To get to the Morgue, TALK to BILL to take you to BUDAYEEN. When you exit the taxi, you will find yourself just inside East Gate facing west. Go to the morgue and TALK to the ATTENDANT. Select INVENTORY and SHOW him the MORGUE PASS. ACTION. SEE EFFECTS. Adèsõø3CTION. GET ITEMS: HOLODISK and LEATHER WALLET. INVENTORY. LOOK AT WALLET. There is a tag from Mustafa's Pawn Shop. EXIT and go there. What's going on? The Pawn Shop is out of business. May be you can find out something at The Leather Goddesses. Go there and TALK to MADAME ABOUT "MUSTAFA." So the merchandise has been bought out by another merchant. EXIT and go to Friendly's Pawn Shop. TALK to FRIENDLY. INVENTORY. SHOW him MUSTAFA'S TAG. INVENTORY. GIVE him 20 KIAMS. He gives youdètØ÷m half a brass ring. INVENTORY. LOOK AT HALF A BRASS RING. Notice the inscription on the ring. While you are here, BUY an ANSWERING MACHINE from him. EXIT. INVENTORY. DROP MUSTAFA'S TAG. USE the ANSWERING MACHINE. To understand the full message, you will need Laila's language chip and more Kiams to buy it. Maybe Papa can help with the Kiams. INVENTORY. USE BELT PHONE. Dial Papa's commcode which is listed in the manual. Well, hope he gets the message. Now, return to Laila's Mod Shop, adèu×É;önd TALK to LAILA about "ORIENTAL." Now, TALK to LAILA about "JAPANESE." You learn she sold the language chip to a jewelry dealer. Go to the Jewels of Morocco and TALK to JEWELER about "JAPANESE." It looks like you will need to solve the burglary of the star sapphire to get the language chip. Better go find out something more about the serpent tattoos. EXIT. Papa got your message! He sent his two body guards to deliver 600 Kiams to you. Go to Franco's Tattoo Parlor and TALK to FRANdèvÖœ¶/CO about "SERPENT." You learn there are two suspects: Marco and Manny. Marco works in one of the shops and sold him a holoviewer. (Manny works for sharks?) It's been a long night. Return to your apartment and SLEEP until around 6:00 p.m. You may save the game here if you like. CIRCUIT'S EDGE Part 2 BACK ON THE STREETS It's around 6:00 p.m., and you just woke up. You're feeling a little hungry, too. So EXIT, and go to the Cafe Solace. TALK to OLD IBRAHIM and BUY anydèw{ø meal from him until you are grossly full. Now you are ready to continue tracking down the burglary suspects. EXIT. Let's see, Manny works for sharks...Loan Sharks! Go to AAA Secured Loans and TALK to GUIDO about "MANNY." He gives you a matchbook. INVENTORY. LOOK AT MATCHBOOK. The initials are "S.P." Could it stand for The Silver Palm Nightclub? Yes! INVENTORY. DROP MATCHBOOK. EXIT and go to The Silver Palm. TALK to HEIDI about "MANNY." Hm, a subtle clue: He has unnaturally blue edèxK£Â÷yes. EXIT and go to The Eyes Of Texas. TALK to SHOPKEEPER about "MANNY." Manny might have been involved in a card-counting scheme. Oh, I know just the place! EXIT and go to The Gambling Den. (Note: It's on South 4th Street, not 5th.) TALK to KARIM about "MANNY." He tells you Manny shacks up with some dancer who has red hair and green eyes. Gee, this guy sure gets around. Go to the Red Light Lounge and TALK to FANYA about "MANNY." Finally! This guy lives at the Ad Dur House. (Note:dèyy£p ring in his mouth; this wasn't a totally wasted trip. INVENTORY. LOOK AT the second HALF OF BRASS RING. Note the inscription. Putting both inscriptions together, you get: "Shimaal Mosque, 1 AM." Sounds like a rendezvous. INVENTORY. DROP both HALVES OF BRASS RING, EXIT, and go to the Shimaal Mosque. It can only be reached by taxi. To be safe, you should be in Bill's Taxi no later than 12:40 a.m. Follow the sequence below, but keep an eye on the time. Skip over to Shimaal Mosque, if ndè|Öjêÿecessary, then resume the sequence afterwards. ELECTRONIQUES Well, Manny is a dead end (pun intended). So, we will try to follow up on Marco, the other suspect. He sold holosystems; therefore, the electronic shop is a logical place to visit. TALK to SAMPSON about "MARCO." All you get is his full name: Marco Herrera. Maybe the police computer can help if you can just get to use it. EXIT and go to Shoukri's Adult Video Holos. You still have the holodisk to contend with, but yodè}F‘1u haven't found a machine on which to view it. Answer YES when asked if you want to check out the latest adult holographic film disk. Answer YES again to slide in the holodisk you obtained from the morgue. There's a girl on that holodisk who might just be Kenji's daughter; she hinted that she was going to have cosmetic surgery. EXIT and go to Franco's Tattoo Parlor. TALK to STREET DEALER. BUY POLICE BADGE. This may just fool those cops into letting you use their computer. (Note: Tdè~‡.àPhe Street Dealer only appears in Franco's shop after 10:00 p.m.) A hint that he has a badge to sell is mentioned in a conversation you overhear in either Chiriga's or The Silver Palm. Unfortunately, this conversation seems to appear in random clubs. EXIT and return to Laila's Mod Shop. Now that you are rolling in Kiams, let's stock up in chips. TALK to LAILA and BUY the following chips: RAD HACKER, ALPINE JACK, SUPER SPY, and PHANTOM. EXIT and get back in the taxi. TALK to BILLdè:8^ to take you to POLICE STATION. EXIT. ACTION. USE COMPUTER. The badge worked! Let's see what it has on "KENJI CARTER." So, he did have a daughter named Tamara. Things are clearer now. Next, look up "TAMARA CARTER" to get an address: The Red Dune Apartment. Okay, now we will try "MARCO HERRERA." Not much luck here, but he does have a brother, Alejandro Herrera: Try that one. Suddenly, a cop notices you're an impostor and kicks you out! But at least you noticed the commcode for remote d而*Ðaccess to the computer: Maybe a remote link-up is possible. EXIT and go back to the Shimaal Mosque. All you have to do here is wait till 1:00 a.m. Someone sneaks out from the shadows and gives you the code to the police computer. EXIT, TALK to BILL to take you back to BUDAYEEN, then return to Electroniques. TALK to SAMPSON to BUY DATA LINK TERMINAL. EXIT and go to Friendly's Pawn Shop. TALK to FRIENDLY to BUY UPLINK CABLES. ACTION. CHIP-OUT KUNG-FU MASTER. CHIP-IN RAD HACKER. IdèÍWñ—NVENTORY. USE DATA LINK TERMINAL. Dial the remote commcode for the police computer: 054AJR86. Enter the logon code: "GRAVITY." Now, let's try "ALEJANDRO HERRERA" again. Bingo! He lives in The Medinah Apartments. Push the RETURN or ENTER key to disconnect from the police computer. ACTION. CHIP-OUT RAD HACKER. CHIP-IN KUNG-FU MASTER. EXIT and go to The Medinah Apartments. After the description of the lobby, LOOK will take you to just outside the Herreras' room, but it's locked. ACTId肶îæŽON. CHIP-OUT KUNG-FU MASTER. CHIP-IN SUPER SPY. INVENTORY. Select CHIP RACK. USE the CHIP SKILL of SUPER SPY. The lock was no match for Super Spy: You are in! Read the description: Marco is dead, too. LOOK again until you find the bullet and the star sapphire. ACTION. GET BULLET. GET STAR SAPPHIRE. CHIP-OUT SUPER SPY. CHIP-IN KUNG-FU MASTER. EXIT and go back to the Jewels of Morocco Jewelry Shop. TALK to JEWELER. INVENTORY. GIVE him STAR SAPPHIRE. He is grateful and gives you 300 d胪>ã¹Kiams as well as the Japan-easy chip. ACTION. CHIP-IN JAPAN-EASY. INVENTORY. USE ANSWERING MACHINE. You finally get to understand the whole message. Tamara, Kenji's daughter, has the notebook; unless you are good, she will turn up as another victim. INVENTORY. DROP ANSWERING MACHINE and ANSWERING CHIP. EXIT and go to the Medical Clinic. You are here to follow up on the lead that Tamara may have had cosmetic surgery. TALK to NURSE about "TAMARA." She needs to see Tamara's picture, dè„óõB:but you do not have a portable holoviewer to play your disk for her. EXIT and go home. You have had another long night. Time to get some rest. Save the game, and SLEEP. Darn that belt phone: It's ringing again. TALK. Why would Mahmoud call you at 6:00 a.m. and ask you to come to Hassan right away? Get up and go to Hassan's Tourist Paradise. TALK to Mahmoud about "HASSAN." Hassan has been kidnaped! INVENTORY. LOOK AT RANSOM NOTE. You only have till 12:00 a.m. tomorrow night to fd è…(&¦ind him. Did you notice the floral scent on the note? Let's get cracking. EXIT and go to The Scarlet Orchid. TALK to SHOPKEEPER. INVENTORY. SHOW RANSOM NOTE. The scent is made from tiger orchid and is probably a woman's perfume made only by Heavenly Fragrances. EXIT and go there. TALK to SHOPKEEPER. INVENTORY. SHOW RANSOM NOTE. A very odd woman orders this perfume from time to time. You are told to get some tiger orchid for the shopkeeper to make a new batch. Well, may be you can d!è†['ébuy some from The Scarlet Orchid. Go back there and TALK to SHOPKEEPER about "TIGER." You find out that you may be able to steal some at The Ad Dur Docks. EXIT and go there. You get here by riding in Bill's taxi. LOOK. You will need help to climb up to that second story window. ACTION. CHIP-OUT JAPAN EASY. CHIP-IN ALPINE JACK. INVENTORY. CHIP-RACK. USE CHIP SKILL of ALPINE JACK. Okay, you are outside the window. You need to bypass the security system to get inside. ACTION. CHIP-OUd"è‡Ô °tT KUNG-FU MASTER. CHIP-IN PHANTOM. INVENTORY. CHIP RACK. USE CHIP SKILL of PHANTOM. You get in and pick up two packages: the tiger orchid and a Cuban cigar box. ACTION. CHIP-OUT PHANTOM. CHIP-IN KUNG-FU MASTER. EXIT. TALK to BILL to take you back to BUDAYEEN. EXIT and return to Heavenly Fragrances. TALK to SHOPKEEPER. INVENTORY. GIVE TIGER ORCHID. It's done. All you can do now is wait for the shopkeeper to call you when the odd woman shows up at the shop. EXIT and go back home. SLd#èˆûÎÎtEEP. The belt phone interrupts your sleep again. It's a call from Heavenly Fragrances. The odd woman has picked up her cologne and there is a phone number on the bill: 774TFF60. INVENTORY. USE BELT PHONE. Dial the commcode: 774TFF60. That phone belongs to Mohammad's Glass. Well, you better get some rest before you continue your investigation; you need it. SLEEP until 6:00 p.m. Save the game if you want to. CIRCUIT'S EDGE Part 3 BACK TO THE CHASE You are awake and feelind$艑©KÊg hungry, and you have to save Hassan real soon. EXIT and go to Cafe Solace. TALK to OLD IBRAHIM. BUY a meal from him until you are grossly full. EXIT and go to Mohammad's Glass. TALK to MOHAMMAD about "ODD WOMAN." She ordered a crystal ball and it's ready to be delivered to her. TALK. INVENTORY. GIVE Mohammad 150 KIAMS to get the crystal ball. He tells you the odd woman is Madame Mimi in the Tarot Den. EXIT and go there. TALK to MADAME MIMI. INVENTORY. GIVE her the CRYSTAL BALL. d%芬߼She pays you back the kiams you spent for it. TALK about "COLOGNE." The nervous Madame tells you that you have to come very close to death to find what you are looking for. I know just the place. EXIT and go to the Cemetery. You get here by exiting the West Gate at the west end of The Street. It is mentioned only once at the very bottom of page 10 in your manual. LOOK. You see the man who jumped you in Kenji's apartment! You have to fight him here. Hit him three times, and he runsd&苼ól¡ away, but he drops his radio direction finder. It is broken but it is set for frequency 6229. EXIT and go back to Electroniques. TALK to SAMPSON. BUY RADIO DIRECTION FINDER. BUY WIRES, too; they will come in handy later. EXIT, INVENTORY, and USE RADIO DIRECTION FINDER. You see a red arrow at the top of the screen. The red arrow points at compass directions (north is at the top). Use the arrow to home in on the warehouse between North 14th and North 15th Streets; then go there. Yod'茾¢k„u can't get in; set off a small explosion to blow the door. Now what? Well, there's still that Cuban cigar box that we have not dealt with. INVENTORY. DROP. RADIO DIRECTION FINDER, and go to the Smoke Shop. TALK to SHOPKEEPER. INVENTORY. SHOW CIGAR PACKAGE. Whoa! The box really contains explosives. He also tells you about a terrorist who has been in the news lately. EXIT and go to Maq'-allah's News. TALK to MAQ'-ALLAH about "TERRORIST." LOOK. The newspaper says this terrorist, Luid(è6ƒ[>gi, was recently gunned down and killed by police. I wonder if his body is still in the morgue? EXIT and go there. ACTION. GET MORGUE PASS that you dropped the first time you were here. TALK to ATTENDANT about "TERRORIST." ACTION. GET DEMOLITIONIST chip. INVENTORY. DROP MORGUE PASS. ACTION. CHIP-OUT KUNG-FU MASTER. CHIP-IN DEMOLITIONIST. INVENTORY. CHIP RACK. USE CHIP SKILL of DEMOLITIONIST. You realize you need to buy a detonator; Crazy Abdul must have one to sell. ACTION. CHIP-Od)èŽT§l‡UT DEMOLITIONIST. CHIP-IN KUNG-FU MASTER. EXIT and go to Crazy Abdul's. (Note: If necessary, stop by the Medical Clinic now to buy Nuclear Healing.) TALK to CRAZY ABDUL about DETONATOR. INVENTORY. GIVE him 100 KIAMS. EXIT and go to Friendly's Pawn Shop. TALK to FRIENDLY. BUY COUNTDOWN TIMER. EXIT and return to outside the warehouse. ACTION. CHIP-OUT KUNG-FU MASTER. CHIP-IN DEMOLITIONIST. INVENTORY. USE EXPLOSIVES. Boom! The door is blown open. ACTION. CHIP-OUT DEMOLITIONIST. CHIP-d*èfüÂ|IN KUNG-FU MASTER. Go inside the warehouse. You have to fight Alejandro Herrera to the death, but with the Kung-fu Master chip, this should be easy. His last confession tells you that he did kidnap Hassan and that he has a big boss behind him. LOOK. Hassan is freed by you. EXIT and go to Hassan's Tourist Paradise. TALK to MAHMOUD. He is very grateful to you and gives you a static pistol and a holodisk viewer! EXIT and go to the Medical Clinic. TALK to NURSE. INVENTORY. USE HOLOd+胿ÖVVIEWER. The nurse sees the picture of Tamara and recognizes her, but she will not give you any more clues unless you give her a pair of emerald earrings. (Does this game ever end?) EXIT, return to Jewels of Morocco, and TALK to JEWELER about "EMERALD." He sold the last pair to a street dealer in one of the clubs. It figures. Go back to Chiriga's and TALK to STREET DEALER about "EMERALD." This is the guy that bought the earrings from the jeweler, but he will not cooperate. TALK to himd,葤Xø again. INVENTORY. GIVE him 50 KIAMS to learn he sold it to some blond dancer. Well, by sheer trial and error, the blond dancer is Kandy. When you TALK to KANDY about "EMERALD," she will tell you that Lily has it. When you TALK to LILY about "EMERALD," she will tell you to get her something green with which to replace it, and call you a "pet." Unfortunately, these dancers move from place to place and often disappear altogether only to return the following night. I suggest you try d-è’Ì!ôHChiriga's, The Red Light Lounge, Frenchy's Nightclub, and Big Al's Old Chicago. If you can't find her/them, try again the following night starting at 7:00 p.m. Meanwhile, back at Chiriga's.... After talking to the Street Dealer and/or Kandy/Lily, EXIT. As you exit, a hooker will come up to you and ask for your commcode. She says she has something special for you. Say YES to give her your commcode. The hooker will call shortly afterwards, probably while you are still searching for d.è“=ôÕ¤Kandy/Lily. You deduce that she lives in 247 Salah Ad-Din Apartments. I said "deduce" because the call was cut short very abruptly. Go to the Salah Ad-Din Apartments, and after the description of the lobby, LOOK will take you to the hooker's room. You are not surprised to see another murder, are you? LOOK again to discover the Samurai tattoo on her body. EXIT and go to Franco's Tattoo Parlor. TALK to FRANCO about "SAMURAI." He gives you some information obviously linking Kenji to d/è”,˜the hooker, but it serves no other purpose in the game. EXIT. We now pick up the story after you have talked to Lily. She wants something green in exchange for the emerald earrings and she calls you a pet. Now what can that be? HOUSE OF SNAKES TALK to SHOPKEEPER. BUY GREEN SNAKE. EXIT and get back to Lily, wherever you last found her. TALK to LILY. INVENTORY. GIVE her GREEN SNAKE. She faints at the sight of the snake and that makes it easy for you to grab the earrings and rud0è•ÉÙ­Én! EXIT and go back to the Medical Clinic. TALK to NURSE. INVENTORY. GIVE her EMERALD EARRINGS. Finally, the nurse tells you that Tamara has changed completely, and is now Arissa. You have probably run into her a few times in the clubs. Arissa is frequently in Chiriga's, but you may have to search in the other clubs too. When you find her, TALK to ARISSA, and you learn a lot about the murder cases. Arissa promises to call you after she retrieves the notebook from her apartment. Shd1è–¿<ortly afterward, Arissa calls and tells you to go to 1744, the Gray House. After the description of the lobby, LOOK will take you to Tamara/Arissa's room. Well, at least she has not been murdered like the others...yet. You learn she has been taken to the warehouse on South 1st Street by Abu Salah. Wait a minute: You've seen his name. He is the owner of Abu Salah's Rug Shop. Better get over to the warehouse fast! ENDGAME LOOK. Here it is at last: the final confrontation. You d2è—{9\²have to fight Abu Salah to the death. Again, with Kung-fu Master chipped in, that's not much of a challenge. ACTION. GET NOTEBOOK. Wait, Abu is not quite dead yet. He starts the torturing machine. Tamara will die soon if you cannot stop it. What and where is this black key that Tamara is talking about? From now on, you have 60 minutes of game time to get the black key and bring it back to save Tamara. The black key is in Abu Salah's Rug shop. Enter the shop, and LOOK will get you d3蘺^ë!the key. Bring it back to the warehouse. INVENTORY. USE BLACK KEY. Tamara is saved. EXIT. Just one last thing to do now. Have Bill take you to Friedlander Bey. TALK to PAPA. That's it; another long drawn-out murder case solved. Just sit back and watch the ending. Some additional info not included in the walkthru: 1. You can also SHOW the RANSOM NOTE to SAIRD to elicit some interesting responses. Use the belt phone to call him to find out where he is. You can only reach him ad4è™ žSÜfter 6 or 7 in the evening. 2. The clue you get by typing "Tamara Carter" into the police computer -- that she lives in the Red Dunes Apartments -- leads to nowhere. By talking to other landlords, you will find that the Red Dunes Apartments has been renamed The Saharah's Apartments. Going there does not lead you to Tamara. Talking to the landlord there yields no further clues either. 3. Try typing in Friedlander Bey and your own name (Marid Audran) into the police computer for d5èšM„ †some interesting reading. Typing in the terrorist's name does not accomplish anything, which is odd, since he was killed by the police during a shootout. 4. You can play blackjack or baccarat in The Gambling Den. It is very hard to win and gambling has no bearing on the outcome of the game. 5. The writing on the wall "MCDIX" turns out to be a number in Roman numerals. That seems to be such a tantalizing clue all throughout the game, but you don't even need to guess it. Buying ad6bç«1nd chipping-in the Julius Caesar chip tells you the true nature of "MCDIX." It serves no purpose in finishing the game. 6. To successfully set off the explosion, you need the explosives (naturally!), wires, countdown timer, and detonator. You must also chip-in the demolitionist chip. Another awesome walk-thru brought to you by THE AWESOME DUDE! ber in Roman numerals. That seems to be such a tantalizing clue all throughout the game, but you don't even need to guess it. 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Level der GDI-Missionen als erstes das Flugfeld sprengen, berspringen Sie die nervige 7. Mission, in der Sie den 6. Level noch einmal bew„ltigen máten. . ¥Gästartup-sequence£ÿÿÿýâãýÎhòêéèçæåäã ’ 11pÿÿÿýâèäÚŸÒàSpoiler: CRYPT OF MEDEA Written by Douglas Cameron 12/1/90 This is a step by step solution to CRYPT OF MEDEA by SIR-TECH, an old Apple adventure but well done. I hope that it will take you through the game to a successful conclusion. Words with capital letters can be abbreviated by the capital letters. The parser looks for four letter words which can save some typing. Save the game often because a wrong step will kill you. For example, you will die when you swing on the rope if âèåÚ_Ôºyou are carrying too. Going East from the lab with the table without the rod will also kill you. Also there are things you can do which I don't mention in the solution which will get you killed. They are fun to try but not without a save game. When you go down through the trap door, you must have the flask, candle, matches, shovel, and gloves. get candle, look crypt, look tombstone, pull stone, get matches, light candle, move case, Down, North, burn hand with candle, get shovel, Soâèæ²[³ruth, Up, dig, pull knob, East, get knife, East, get flask, South, look head, get id, search corpse, get vial, drop shovel, drop matches, drop vial, South, get player, East, open vial, throw vial at web, East, get tape, West, North, North, put tape in player, play tape, drop player, put id in slot, get diamond, West, West, cut glass case with diamond, drop diamond, get mask, get glass, East, East, South, push button, drop candle, wear mask, West, push violet button, East, get rod, pusâèçÃò¼h yellow button, push orange button, West, push blue button, East, drop mask, drop knife (you must keep the candle and the glass), North, North, cut rope with glass, get rope, South, East, East, throw rope, swing (if you are carrying too much you die), East, throw glass at mutant, North, get magnet, South, West, swing, West, West, North, use magnet, drop magnet, get key, South, East, East, swing, East, unlock door, South, West, get gloves, wear gloves, East, North, West, swing, West,âèèÿ—è West, South, South, get dog, North, North, East, East, swing, East, South, South, East, North, throw dog at scum, look moss, turn valve, South, East, North, look vat, Down, East, get needle, West, Up, North, West, swing, West, West, South, get matches, shovel, flask, knife, South, East, East, inject mass, drop needle, Down, East, East, dig, drop shovel, get torch, light torch, West, pull switch, West, West, West, get fuse, push button, East, East, East, South, West, cut lard with knâèé;ïÆife, get slice, put slice in flask, East, North, West, get burner, light burner, melt slice with burner, drop burner, West, get timbers, East, East, South, West, oil dial, drop flask, West, West, Up, West, South, make bridge with timbers, South, East, East, get earplugs (there is a mole here which you can get but it doesn't appear to have any use), wear earplugs, West, West, North, North East, Down, East, East, East, North, East, Down, East, North, get barrel (don't read the sign), SâèêiN¡outh, West, Up, West, South, West, West, West, Up, West, West, make bomb (you must have the barrel and the fuse), get axe, North. At this point, save the game and turn the sound off with control s. Timing is crucial. You must be prepared to enter the next three commands quickly. The timing is crucial and regular Apple II speed necessary - normal speed on a GS and will work. Light bomb, drop bomb, South, North, North, use axe, North, Up. You are done - the game records 70 experienâ:ÁÄá×ce points here. I don't think that there are any more. est, make bomb (you must have the barrel and the fuse), get axe, North. At this point, save the game and turn the sound off with control s. Timing is crucial. You must be prepared to enter the next three commands quickly. The timing is crucial and regular Apple II speed necessary - normal speed on a GS and will work. Light bomb, drop bomb, South, North, North, use axe, North, Up. You are done - the game records 70 experienëìýΕ-íì¦ 12pÿÿÿýëèí=ë9 Digita Organizer v2.0 - Serial Number ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I've just downloaded Digita Organizer from my local board. Really nice to see it out. But there was'nt any serial number so how could I use it ?! Well why don't use the serial number from v1.0 (released by LSD), and it actually worked. So to use Digita Organizer v2.0, use theë¾Miê following serial number: - - -------------------- - - 1 5 0 3 2 8 - - -------------------- - - or for PowerSnap users: - - -------------------- - - 150328 - - -------------------- - - ANOTHER CODE = 3435703 ta Organizer v2.0, use theîïýÎ.ýüûúùø÷öõôóòñðï( 13pÿÿÿýîèðJœhÔ Solution to Elvira - Mistress of the Dark Combat tips In this game, healing spells is very rare. So if possible try to win all combats without injuring yourself. This may sounds difficult but it is possible. I did! The best weapon is the crusader's sword, followed by the longsword. So, when you started playing, get the longsword as soon as possible, it is in the armoury. The armoury has lots of weapons and armours but don't take the armor unless you are carryiîèñíàlng very little items, get the shield instead, choose the one which give the best protection. Weapons skill improve through practice, so stick to the longsword at the beginning. Don't waste your spells on the guards, save them for the gremlins that are inside the garden maze. Fight at the in until you reach the monster's lair. Cast two spells into the cave to finish the monsters inside. Once the monsters in the lair is destroyed, none will appear anymore. îèòs6Š`Get Elvira's ring and then use it to get the crusader's sword. Make a save before any fight. When in combat, try to guess which direction the enemy is attacking, prepare to block when they did. If you are injured, carry on the fight but load in the saved game and try again until you have defeated the enemy without any injury. At first it might be difficult, but once you have a weapon skill of 60 and above, combat is easy. So in the mean time, endure! Remember one tîèóUTº hing though, monsters get lesser and lesser as you finish them off. So after a time, you don't have to worry about combat anymore. To block an enemy attack correctly, all you need is to block/parry at the correct timing, after a few fights, you should be able to judge when to block/parry. As for attacking, you can try any manner of attacking, but once in a while change your combat style a bit to confuse the enemy. Spell Ingredients Ingredients are very limited. So try to îèô1òîRcollect them when you came across them. Click on anything you see in the screen. Click on trees to get herb, click on plants to get flowers, leaves, etc. Click on hole to look inside them. Click on skull to get the bottle inside. So, you can see that almost anything that is visible is worth clicking. Try not to avoid those area you have been to, they might contains some useful items. Six gold keys must be found to open the chest. 1. Look for bolts in the drawers orîèõgÖâÙ cupboard upstairs. Find a silver crucifix. Go to the blacksmith place. Get the crucible in the box and place it in the fire. Place the silver cross inside the crucible to melt it. Then put a bolt in the crucible to make a silver tipped crossbolt. Go to stable. Look at man, when he transform into a wolf, use the silver bolt to kill it. Now go inside and check out the stable closely. One of the iron ring can be removed, behind it is a gold key. 2. Go to kitchen. Mix theîèö¿„o light spell. Turn left and click on the dumb waiter. When Elvira opens it, drag the glowing pride to the tunnel to light it up. Elvira will then enter it and give you a gold key. 3. You will need to practice your crossbow skill with the wooden target some where in the garden, just opposite the locked door. Practice a few time until you have master it. Now go to the falconer, when he release the falcon, use the crossbow to kill the falcon. There is a gold key on the îè÷èG.dead falcom. 4. Fight you way in the jail until you reach the torturer chamber. You should see a fireplace with a pair of tongs. Click on the iron ring on the floor and drag it to your inventory, This will reveal a skeleton and a gold key. Bring the skeleton to the catacomb to one of the empty coffin and let it rest in peace. 5. Kill the captain in the guardroom. Get the notice. There is a gold key behind it. 6. Go to the knight which cannot be killed in close fight. î èøZ³ When he is approaching, use the crossbow. He will fall down the castle. You will need to find his body in order to get the gold key. His body lies beyond the gate under the well. You will need a iron key to open it. The key is guarded by the weretiger at the catacombs. You will need the crusader's sword to kill it. Before you get the sword, you will need to find Elvira's ring. The ring is in the monster's lair in the garden maze. Fight you way in until you reî èùníƒach the cave. Cast a few spell into the cave to kill all the monsters that are hiding inside. Go in and get the ring. Go to the church. Go infront and click at the cross. Now drag the ring to the hollow in the cross. A passage will be revealed. Go inside and get the crown, go forward to see the painting. Use your prayer scroll to open up the painting. Place the crown on the king head and get the crusader's sword. Now go and look for the weretiger. TIming is criticlî èú<Æ£He, only hacking at the right moment will you destroy it (one good hit will kill it). Go to the chamber it is guarding and you will find a iron key in the coffin. Go under the well, unlock the gate and look for the knight's body. It is laying in the middle area, i.e. between the wall and the vegetation. Remember, when you see the message saying that you don't have enough air, surface immediately. The chest Get the pair of tongs in the torturer chamber. Remember, it can î èû45±ªonly be place in a container or the torturer will get you. Go to the kitchen. Move tongs out of the container, click on burning coal and drag it to the inventory. The tongs will automatically grabs the coal. If you enter water later on, the coal will when off, and you can ignite it by coming back to the kitchen and dropping it into the oven. Now go and find the cannon. Use the tongs with the lit coal to light the cannon. This will blow part of the tower off. The chesî èü³3bt is in the blown off area. Go find it. Remember, you will need 6 gold keys to open the locks. Take only the scroll, leave the dagger alone first. Now drag the dagger outside the chest, so that it is not on the screen but in the room. Now click on the red 'R' to exit from the close up view. Now drop your backpack, click on the room icon and drag the dagger into the backpack. Then drag the backpack into your inventory. You might get killed if you try other îèý®ñíÓways. So be really careful. Emelda She is hidding inside the catacombs. At exactly the middle of the catacombs is a small little hole in the floor. Click on it to see a close up view. Drag the rune stone to the hole, this will make the hole bigger. Make sure you have the following before proceeding: ceremonial dagger, scroll of spiritual mastery, and the crusader's sword. Go down the hole and you will find Emelda draining your life force, so better act fast. First îx½/å¥you must drag the crusader's sword to the pentagram to weaken Emelda. Then use the scroll of spiritual mastery to weaken her further. Then use the ceremonial dagger to go for the kill. With this you have completed the game. Congratulation ! Solution by : VOLUME Date : 4/6/91 Time : 2355 Thanks to TANGPENG, eet.holden rusader's sword. Go down the hole and you will find Emelda draining your life force, so better act fast. First þÿýÍÍw     ÿ1² 14pÿÿÿýþèGLî Elvira II : The Jaws of Cerberus Important Note This game will not give any warning when you did something wrong and this could easily make it necessary for you to restore from some earlier saved games. So, keep many copies of your saved game and don't lose the following items: silver crucifix - needed to keep the vampire away 10 black candles - needed to place in pentagram at endgame box of matches - needed to light the candles wirecutters - needed to cut the wires of þèqMvÜfrankenstein bible addressed to the priest - needed to mix the resurrect spell chalice in altar room - it contained human blood. Mixing of Spells The manual did not give full detail as to what ingredient you need to use to mix spell, so you might just lose some crucial items this way. However some ingredients can be used in various spell, so you still need to make some decision. As a word of advice, try to mix spell when you are at higher level or under influence of the brþèð–qain boost spell, this way you'll get more spells per mixing. The following ingredients are safe: Level 1 bless - holy water, crucifix(it is needed but you can still get it back) healing hand - no ingredients. ice dart - no ingredients. unseen shield - no ingredients. Level 2 breath underwater - mushroom, bread, food glue - glue luck - horse shoe, porcelain lucky cat. protection - metal headbend Level 3 antidote - yellow flask, red mushroom (inocybe asterosþè4¨ëÿn) brainboost - computer diskettes courage - wine, gin detect trap - glass vase, glass pitcher, wine glasses turn undead - a brain unholy barrier - book of prayer Level 4 buoyancy - fish bones fireball - papers, memo, calendar, newspaper, etc. telekinesis - radio revive - cheese Level 5 herbal healing - mushroom (lepiota leucothites) holy blast - holy water, golden cross, silk from church, prayer book, candlestick. resist fire - fire extinguisher magic muscleþè2gs - silver candlestick, plate setting, pen, knife, wrench. Level 6 detect magic - yellow crystal, quartz fear - eye from a witch mindlock - padlock, book Level 7 lightning bolt - blue gem, wrench, candelabrum, plate setting. summon storm - barometer Level 8 absorb magick - sponge, red crystal, towel illusion - mirror Level 9 bind demon - scroll of binding, coil of rope nova - gin, bourlon cure wounds - holy water Level 10 resurrect - basket of eggs, bible adþèqýhÇdressed to the priest, heart, brain Walk through Your initial mission was to rescue Elvira from the 3 studio. Each studio will have a Elvira hidden somewhere. The first two Elvira you find will always attack you. The real one will follow you. After finding each Elvira, you will get a certain item which is crucial at the end game. After that, you'll need to get the 3 items enchanted by the Indian janitor at the basement. But first you need to get his pipe first. Next, þèãÀriyou need to find a holy man to draw a pentagram. Then you'll need to summon the Cerberus and use the sacred items to destroy it. Outside Studio Pick up the rock by the road side. Throw it at the door to break the window. Enter the guard room. Open the closet and get the security key from the dead body. Click on the keyboard, drag the security key to the key hole. Enter security code to open the main gate. Car Park Open the back of Elvira's car. Open the tool box and gþè„»ïAet the tools. The wirecutter is inside. Level 1 There is a lift here where you can access the basement and level 2. The 3 studio can be access from this level. Basement There is an Indian janitor here. Talk to him for some information. Don't mention the fire water until later on. The room behind him is cold, and there is a spirit guarding the copper rod. Cast a fireball to warm up the room before attempting to take the copper rod. Level 2 There are many rooms hereþ èþï. Explore the place and try to find the radio and the diskette. There is a witch inside the custom room, kill it to get its eye. Wear Sir Raleigh's costume. This will give you a rapier, the best weapon you can get until you find the sword in the catacombs. Get the 2 bottles of wine in the director's room. Save them for the courage spell. Studio 1 There a 4 level in the catacombs interconnected by passages going up and down. The lift cannot be accessed until you hþ è ôpvave reach level 4. Turn on the lift when you are at level 1, otherwise you won't be able to use the lift later on. A scorpion is guarding the scroll of binding inside a cave. There is a pool in a certain cave. Cast breath underwater to go down. Drop everything before you go down the water. Kill the creature in the water and get the coil of rope at the bottom. It's weight will not allow you to surface if you carry too much items with you. Alternatively, you can cast buoyþ è x‡Dõancy if you have found the fish bones in Studio 3. Somewhere in level 3 you will find a dead end with 2 vines which you can cut. Cut the longer vine to swing across the gap. You will not be able to swing back from there onwards. So, check your inventory before you attempt this, if you don't have the radio or telekinesis spell with you. Go back to the building and get it first. Swing across and explore the place until you find the dead body. Cast telekinesis to get theþ è ë->Œ wallet from the web. Open the wallet to get the lift key. You can see a large spider across the gap. Walk to the rim and cast an ice dart at it, this will make it cross over to this side. When it appears. move back all the way and get out of this place. Find the lift on this level. Open it and go to the other side. Close the lift door otherwise you can't use the lift later on. If you did not lure the spider across the gap, it will appear here and attack you. And yoþ è ‡^1¥u will probably get killed in the process. Follow the passage and descend the web. There is an Elvira here. Get the tomahawk. Go down and take the lift to level 1. If you did not close the door, you must walk all the way out. Studio 2 There are many rooms in the haunted house. Get the barometer in the living room, but don't enter the passage where you see a lady figure. You need the turn undead to kill the undead that is inside. Enter the dinning room. Check to make þè 2NjŠsure you have at least one fireball spell with you before you open the cupboard on the wall. You will faint and get carried to a room full of dead bodies. Get the boot and wear it. There are some wine and food here. Cast a fireball to sound the alarm, a guy will appear and attack you. Kill him and open the door. The kitchen is infront and have many items which you can use. The stairs lead down to the labs. Don't talk to the scientist unless you have disguise yourselfþèq(þ. Go to the other lab. There is a frankenstein here, don't click on it. If you have cut the wires from his head, you will need to restore a saved game or the game cannot be completed. Get the brain on the shelf and the test tubes. Use the brain to mix a turn undead spell. Go back to the kitchen, take the passage out. Cast the turn undead spell on the undead that appears. Cast courage if you always faint at the sight of it but remember that quite a number of courþ莒a˜age spells is needed through out the game. Go upstair. There is a room fill with fire. If you enter without the resist fire spell, you'll be killed. There is nothing in the room though. In a bed room, you'll fall asleep and a succubi will kill you. Cast courage before entering. Get the tunning fork on the bed. In the kid's room, get the toy cubes. In the room with a dead body on the bed. Pull the bedsheet aside, get the wallet and then kill the ghost that appears. Geþè¯î$Ôt the wallet and take a look at the script. A set of photographs will fall out which you can use to disguise yourself. Shift the bedsheet to reveal a hidden button under the bed. Press it to access the secret passage. There you can get the 10 black candles and chalice with human blood. If you don't have the silver crucifix, the vampires will kill you when you take the candles. In the room with 2 wooden boxes. Look inside them to get the box of matches. Get the ladder. Gþ芣o upstair. A vampire will run towards you. Use the tunning fork to kill it. Use the ladder to go up the roof. Place the copper rod at the roof. When you have reach high enough level, cast summon storm here to animate frankenstein. Go to lab, set right switch to maximum and then pull the left switch. The monster will walk towards you. You'll need to click its head to cut the wires. There is a door behind it, so you need to kill it when it have move enough distance from the doþèµmå]or. Click on the door to open it, if you can't restore and try again. Behind the door is Elvira. The magic bag is also here. In the room where you find a ghost guarding the door. Stand one square infront of it and drop a toy cube. The ghost will move forward. Move forward, open the door and enter the library. You might want to keep a saved game here so as to read the books when you need them. There is a paper containing the way to mix a strong poison in the book. In the roþè(aPïom with the fish tank. There are two ways to get the key inside the fish tank. 1. Cast telekinesis to get the key inside. 2. Another more interesting way to get the key is to disguise yourself as the lab assistant and talking to the scientist. To dress up as the lab assistant you need the lab coat and the fuzzy wig and the makeup box which you can find in Level 2. Look for the scientist inside the room oppposite the frankenstein room and ask him to mix a strong poison. Tþèuç§hen use the poison in the meat in the kitchen and throw the meat into the fish tank and get the key. After getting the key. Turn and face the picture of the duck. Drag it to your inventory. Click on the wall behind the picture to reveal a wall safe. Use the key from the fish tank to open it. Get the peace pipe. Studio 3 Somebody encounter a vampire here, but i didn't. Maybe I am carrying the crucifix or I am lucky? Go to level 2 and dress up like a wizard. You neeþè3úód the wizard's cap and gown. This allows you to deal with the wizard at the bottom of the catacombs. There is a dead priest here. Cast the resurrect spell to resurrect him. Get the holy water from the basin. Move the cupboard to reveal a trap door. The graveyards have 6 levels. There are many traps along the way. You can avoid spike pit trap by clicking on the button and avoid it. Cut wire before crossing. Most of the chest you find here are trapped, cast detect trap toþèü—l determine the type of trap present. Carry enough ingredient to mix at least 6 holy blast spells before attempting to rescue Elvira. You might need to cast brain boost to increase the number of spells you can mixed. Prepare a fair amount of courage spells. There are 2 levels where you need to explore under the protection of the spell. The bright red potion will increase your spell point. I have not figure out the use for the rest of the potions. Lets call the surface leþèŠÒm,vel 0. So you need to go to level -6 to find Elvira. At level -4 and -5, there is a ghost that is flying around. You can't really kill it, but it can't do any harm to you if courage spell is active. At level -6. there is magician that will attack you if you are not dress up like a wizard. You can pysche out the wizard if you disguise yourself as a wizard. Otherwise, cast fireball or nova to kill him. Elvira can be found here together with the war lance. An angle of deatþè`ºuÎh might appears after you reached the surface. Cast 5-6 holy blast to kill it. A blow from it is sufficient to kill you so save before you go up to the church. Basement Talk to the janitor. Mention fire water. Give him the peace pipe, war lance, magic bag and the tomahawk. Talk to him and he'll make the 3 items sacred. Studio 3 - Church Resurrect the priest if you have not done so. Talk to him and ask him to draw a perfect pentagram from human blood. Give him the blood þ蟱 °from the chalice you found in the altar room. He will agree and draw the pentagram at the car park. Car Park Walk to the pentagram, but not into it. Place the 10 black candles on the pentagram. Light the candles with the box of matches. Use the magic bag. Wait for Cerberus to appear. Cast bind demon to hold it. Throw war lance at it. Hack out the heart with the tomahack. Done! The game is completed. VOLUME 14/1/92 Special thanks to: terencþ"'Ûnúe - altar room. He will agree and draw the pentagram at the car park. Car Park Walk to the pentagram, but not into it. Place the 10 black candles on the pentagram. Light the candles with the box of matches. Use the magic bag. Wait for Cerberus to appear. Cast bind demon to hold it. Throw war lance at it. Hack out the heart with the tomahack. Done! The game is completed. VOLUME 14/1/92 Special thanks to: terenc5ýÌôèONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! c: 15pÿÿÿýèkG¬Gabriel Knight 2 Komplettl”sung Von Gabriel Knight 2 sind zwei verschiedene Versionen erh„ltlich - eine deutsche und eine englischsprachige. Da die komplett deutsche Version erst nach Ver”ffentlichung der amerikanischen erscheint, beziehen wir uns hier auf die englische Version. Eventuelle Namens„nderungen „ndern allerdings nichts an der L”sung des Adventures. Kapitel 1 Im Inneren des Huber-Anwesens 1. Lesen Sie die Zeitung auf dem Tisch (Artè¼vžcikel ber die W”lfe). 2. Nehmen Sie die Autoschlssel vom Schlsselbrett. 3. Betrachten Sie das unfertige Manuskript im Inventory. 4. Lesen Sie den Zettel an der Wand beim Hauseingang. 5. ™ffnen Sie die Reisetasche und entnehmen Sie die Briefe, Gabriels Brieftasche und den Dolch. 6. Lesen Sie die beiden Briefe aus der Reisetasche (Grace an Gabriel, Rechtsanwalt an Gabriel). 7. Klicken Sie auf den Stapel Papier auf dem Tisch, um eiè©Ñ«Snen Brief an Grace aufzusetzen. 8. Verlassen Sie das Haus. Vor dem Haus der Familie Huber 1. Verlassen Sie das Bild nach rechts, klicken Sie auf den toten Baumstamm, klicken Sie auf die zerwhlte Gras- fl„che links unterhalb des Stammes. Betrachten Sie die Spur des Wolfes. 2. Weiter rechts am Waldrand finden Sie am Boden ein Bschel Wolfshaare, das Gabriel vom Boden aufhebt. 3. In der Werkstatt links vom Hauseingang klicken Sie auf è2m¯ die Packung Zement. Gieáen Sie die fertige Mischung in den Fuáabdruck. Heben Sie den Fuáabdruck auf. 4. Wenden Sie den Autoschlssel auf den VW an und fahren Sie zum Zoo in Thalkirchen. Im Zoo - Wolfgehege 1. Lesen Sie die Lehrtafel ber W”lfe durch. 2. Klicken Sie auf einen der W”lfe im Gehege. 3. Sprechen Sie den W„rter an. 4. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge, um mehr ber die entflohenen W”lfe zu erfahren. 5. Verlassen Siè Ö mje das Bild nach links und betreten Sie Dr. Klingmanns Bro. Im Zoo - Dr. Klingmanns Bro 1. Sprechen Sie mit Dr. Klingmann. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch s„mtliche Gespr„chsthemen. 3. Fahren Sie zurck zum Huber-Anwesen. Im Inneren des Huber-Anwesens 1. Im Men Ihres Kassettenrecorders w„hlen Sie das Band von Dr. Klingmann (Deck A) und eine Leerkassette (Deck B). 2. Schneiden Sie aus dem Gespr„ch mit Dr. Klingmann eine Nachricht zè![‘âÍusammen, die den W„rter Thomas anweist, Gabriel die W”lfe im Gehege zu zeigen. 3. Fahren Sie zurck zum Zoo. Im Zoo - Dr. Klingmanns Bro 1. Durchsuchen Sie Dr. Klingmanns Mantel. 2. Senden Sie Gabriels gef„lschten Funkspruch ber das Walkie-Talkie (Schreibtisch) an den Zoow„rter. Im Zoo - Wolfgehege 1. Klicken Sie auf das Schild am Hals des Wolfes. 2. Streicheln Sie den Wolf und nehmen Sie einen Bschel Haare mit. 3. Fahren Sè"?ïÊie zurck zum Huber-Anwesen. Im Inneren des Huber-Anwesens 1. Betrachten Sie Dr. Klingmanns Jagdschein n„her. Drehen Sie ihn um. 2. Halten Sie den Jagdschein vor den Wandspiegel, um die Schrift zu entziffern. 3. Fahren Sie zur Rechtsanwaltskanzlei am Marienplatz. Marienplatz - Anwaltskanzlei šbergrau 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Anwalt ber alle Themen, die im Auswahlmen angeboten werden. 2. Machen Sie sich auf zur Universit„t. In è#Ôò`)der Universit„t 1. Geben Sie Michael das Haarbschel vom Huber- Bauernhof. 2. Geben Sie Michael das Haarbschel vom Wolf aus dem Zoo. 3. Geben Sie Michael den Gipsabdruck. 4. Michael berreicht Ihnen dafr ein Dokument mit der Analyse. 5. Fahren Sie zum Marienplatz. Marienplatz - Dienerstraáe 1. Wenn Sie am Marienplatz ganz nach rechts gehen, kommen Sie zur Dienerstraáe. Im ersten Bild der Diener- straáe befindet sich auf der rec è$×æXhten Straáenseite ein Postgeb„ude. Geben Sie dort den Brief an Grace ab. 2. Im zweiten Bild finden Sie auf der rechten Straáenseite den Eingang zum Jagdclub. Erz„hlen Sie dem Portier dort, daá Sie ein leidenschaftlicher J„ger sind. Wenn Sie sich durch alle Themen klicken, wird er Sie irgendwann zur Tr weisen. Marienplatz - Anwaltskanzlei šbergrau 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Anwalt. 2. Fragen Sie šbergrau nach den Familiendokumenten d è%ˆ.*ëer Familie Ritter. Er wird Ihnen eine Kopie Ihres Stamm- baumes aush„ndigen. Marienplatz - Dienerstraáe 1. Erz„hlen Sie dem Portier im Jagdclub, daá Sie von einer traditionsreichen deutschen Familie abstammen. Zum Beweis zeigen Sie ihm Ihren Stammbaum. Kapitel 2 Schloá Ritter - Gabriels Schlafzimmer 1. Untersuchen Sie die verschlossene Tr an der Rckwand. Schloá Ritter - Eingangshalle 1. Sprechen Sie die Haush„lterin an. 2 è&?{V½. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Gasthof Goldener L”we 1. Sprechen Sie den Wirt Werner Huber an. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Schloá Ritter - Gabriels Schlafzimmer 1. Wenn der Handwerker den Raum verlassen hat, unter- suchen Sie den Kamin n„her. 2. Nehmen Sie den Schraubenzieher aus dem Werkzeug- kasten. 3. Untersuchen Sie die Mulde im Kamin. 4. Bohren Sie mit dem Schraubenzieher in der Mulde. 5. Gehen Sie durc è'á-Dh den Geheimgang im Schrank. 6. Gehen Sie nach rechts in das Zimmer der Haush„lterin. Schloá Ritter - Zimmer der Haush„lterin 1. ™ffnen Sie den Wandschrank. 2. Nehmen Sie den Schlssel der Schattenj„ger- Bibliothek. Schloá Ritter - Schattenj„ger-Bibliothek 1. In Gabriels Zimmer: Sperren Sie die verschlossene Tr mit dem Schlssel auf. 2. Wenn Sie die Regale an der Wand anklicken, bekommen Sie mehrere Schriftstcke: Ein Buch ber Wer è(@µ8Âw”lfe, ein Tagebuch von Viktor Ritter, ein Tagebuch von Christian Ritter, einen Brief (adressiert an K”nig Ludwig II.). 3. Lesen Sie alle Dokumente sorgf„ltig durch. 4. Rufen Sie Dr. Barclay an (die Visitenkarte auf das Telefon anwenden). Stadt Rittersberg - Rathaus 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Brgermeister. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Stadt Rittersberg - Verlies 1. Untersuchen Sie das Gef„ngnisfenster. 2. Klicken Sie auè)vÚ~Zf die Kirche im Fenster. Stadt Rittersberg - Rathaus 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Brgermeister. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge (bezglich der Kirche). Stadt Rittersberg - Kirche 1. Geben Sie dem Priester die Notiz des Brgermeisters. Stadt Rittersberg - Rathaus 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Brgermeister. 2. šberreichen Sie ihm die Kirchenakte. Gasthof Goldener L”we 1. Sprechen Sie Herrn Huber an. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle è*;$ñDialoge. 3. Betrachten Sie das Wandportrait von K”nig Ludwig. Schloá Ritter 1. Schreiben Sie einen Brief an Gabriel (Schreibmaschine in der Schattenj„ger-Bibliothek). 2. Geben Sie der Haush„lterin den unadressierten Umschlag. 3. Geben Sie den Brief an der Postfiliale (links neben dem Gasthaus) ab. 4. Bezahlen Sie das Porto aus Ihrer Geldb”rse. Kapitel 3 Im Inneren des Huber-Anwesens 1. Lesen Sie die Tageszeitung. Marieè+¯áhnplatz - Anwaltskanzlei šbergrau 1. Lesen Sie den Brief von Grace. 2. Sprechen Sie mit dem Anwalt. 3. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Marienplatz - Uhrengesch„ft 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Uhrenverk„ufer. 2. Betrachten Sie die Kuckucksuhr auf dem Ladentisch. 3. Kaufen Sie die Uhr (Geldb”rse auf Verk„ufer anwenden). Dienerstraáe - Schauplatz des Verbrechens 1. Betreten Sie den Tatort. 2. Versuchen Sie, Kommissar Lebers Aufmerksè,UB[ýamkeit auf sich zu lenken (Zeigen Sie ihm Ihre Visitenkarte oder „hnliches). 3. Zeigen Sie dem Fernsehteam den Analyse- Bericht aus der Universit„t. Dienerstraáe - Im Jagdclub 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Portier. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 3. Betreten Sie den Salon und gehen Sie weiter zum Hinterzimmer. 4. Verstecken Sie die Kuckucksuhr in der Zimmerpflanze und gehen Sie direkt zurck zur Eingangshalle. 5. Warten Sie,è-˜% bis der Portier den Raum verl„át. 6. Untersuchen Sie den Schreibtisch des Portiers. 7. ™ffnen Sie die Schublade. 8. Nehmen Sie den Schlsselbund. 9. Gehen Sie zurck ins Hinterzimmer. 10. Sperren Sie die Kellertr links neben dem Hintereingang auf. 11. Nehmen Sie die Uhr aus der Pflanze und legen Sie diese ein zweites Mal in den Blumentopf und gehen Sie direkt zurck zur Eingangshalle. 12. Warten Sie, bis der Portier den Raum verl„át. è.ŒbÛ13. Legen Sie den Schlsselbund zurck in die Schublade. 14. Betreten Sie den Keller. 15. Untersuchen Sie die Fotografien an der rechten Keller- wand. 16. Untersuchen Sie die Tierk”pfe. 17. Untersuchen Sie den Totensch„del. 18. Untersuchen Sie die Waffen. 19. Nehmen Sie das Notizbuch auf und lesen Sie darin (bis Baron von Zell Sie wieder nach oben schickt). 20. Sprechen Sie mit Baron von Zell. 21. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 22. Fahreè/¬ÂFwn Sie zu Herrn von Glower. Von Glowers Haus 1. Sprechen Sie mit von Glower. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 3. Untersuchen Sie die Maske an der rechten Wand. 4. Verlassen Sie das Haus. Prinzregentenstraáe - Polizeipr„sidium 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Kommissar. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 3. Untersuchen Sie den Stadtplan an der Wand. 4. Notieren Sie sich die Anschrift des Mordopfers (Notiz- buch auf Adresszettel è0 €&šanwenden). Im Inneren des Huber-Anwesens 1. Rufen Sie im Haus des Opfers an (Notiz auf Telefon anwenden). 2. Schreiben Sie den zweiten Brief an Grace. Marienplatz - Anwaltskanzlei šbergrau 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Anwalt. 2. Klicken Sie sich auch hier wieder einmal durch alle Dialoge. Dienerstraáe 1. Geben Sie den Brief an Grace in der Postfiliale ab. Dienerstraáe - Im Jagdclub 1. Sprechen Sie der Reihe nach mit allen Anwesendè1#en und w„hlen Sie alle angebotenen Themen an. 2. Fragen Sie von Zell und Klingmann nach dem Magazin. 3. Verstecken Sie Ihren Kassettenrecorder in dem Magazin. 4. Sprechen Sie noch einmal mit von Zell und Klingmann und legen Sie das Magazin zurck. Kapitel 4 Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Holen Sie den Brief von Gabriel bei der Post ab. 2. Lesen Sie den Brief. 3. Sprechen Sie im Gasthof mit den Smiths. 4. Klicken Sie sich dè2ìBurch alle Dialoge. 5. Gehen Sie in die Kirche und beobachten Sie die Haus- h„lterin am Sarg von Wolfgang. Schloá Ritter 1. Gehen Sie durch den Geheimgang zum Hinterhof (Die Treppe nach unten gehen). 2. Pflcken Sie einen Strauá von den Wildrosen. Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Legen Sie den Rosenstrauá auf Wolfgangs Sarg. 2. Die Haush„lterin berreicht Ihnen den Autoschlssel. 3. Benutzen Sie den Autoschlssel mit dem BMW vor è3ñí@U Schloá Ritter (Eine Reisekarte erscheint). Schloá Neuschwanstein 1. Besuchen Sie alle R„ume, untersuchen Sie alle Gegen- st„nde, betrachten Sie alle Gem„lde und rufen Sie in je- dem Bild die Museums-Tour auf. Obwohl der Besuch hier etwas langweilig ist, ist es wichtig, wirklich alles zu untersuchen und jeden Brief und jede Tafel zu lesen. Herrenchiemsee 1. Reden Sie mit Frau Mller. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 3. Auch è4Ø›îhier ist es wichtig, wieder alle R„ume zu besuchen, und dort alle Gegenst„nde, Bilder und Schautafeln zu untersuchen. 4. Sprechen Sie noch einmal mit Frau Mller. 5. Klicken Sie sich erneut durch alle Dialoge (Danach erscheint Wahnfried auf der Reisekarte). Schloá Ritter - Bibliothek 1. Klicken Sie auf das linke Bcherregal. Sie finden eine Biographie ber Ludwig. 2. Lesen Sie alle Seiten der Biographie durch. 3. Rufen Sie Barcley an (è5|ÐP0Visitenkarte mit Telefon benutzen). 4. Rufen Sie Herrn Dallmeier an und verabreden Sie sich. Starnberger See 1. Am linken Bildrand finden Sie ein Gel„nder. Wenn Sie dieses anklicken, erscheint Dallmeier. 2. Sprechen Sie mit Dallmeier. 3. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Wagner-Museum Wahnfried 1. Untersuchen Sie in allen R„umen jeden Gegenstand, lesen Sie alle Dokumente und untersuchen Sie alle Schauk„sten und M”belstcke. è6¿Y¤ 2. Untersuchen Sie das Buch auf Georgs Schreibtisch. 3. Sprechen Sie mit Georg. 4. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Schloá Ritter 1. Reden Sie mit der Haush„lterin ber Gabriel. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Sprechen Sie im Gasthof mit Herrn Huber. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 3. Sprechen Sie mit Familie Smith. 4. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Schloá Ritter è7´ÝK 1. Gehen Sie in die Bibliothek und rufen Sie den Verfasser der Ludwig-Biographie an (Buch auf Telefon anwenden) - Sie erhalten eine zweite Telefonnummer. 2. Rufen Sie Herrn Chaphill an. Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Pflcken Sie einige Lilien aus den Beeten gleich rechts von der Kirche ab. Starnberger See 1. Gehen Sie erneut zum linken Bildrand und klicken Sie auf das Gel„nder. 2. Untersuchen Sie das Seeufer n„her. 3. è8ä4 In der Nahaufnahme des Ufers legen Sie die Lilien in das Wasser. Schloá Ritter 1. Schreiben Sie einen Brief an Gabriel. Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Geben Sie den Brief zur Post. 2. Gehen Sie zurck zum Schloá, um zu erfahren, daá ein Fax fr Sie angekommen ist. 3. Holen Sie das Fax bei der Post ab. 4. Lesen Sie jede Seite des Fax genau durch. Wagner-Museum Wahnfried 1. Zeigen Sie das Fax dem Museumsw„rter Georg. è9W*n…Kapitel 5 Marienplatz - Metzgerei 1. Kaufen Sie Weiáwurst am Metzgerei-Stand. Dienerstraáe - Im Jagdclub 1. Nehmen Sie das Magazin aus Kapitel 3, um Ihren Kassettenrecorder wieder zu bekommen. Marienplatz - Anwaltskanzlei šbergrau 1. Lesen Sie den Brief von Grace. 2. Sprechen Sie mit šbergrau. 3. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 4. Geben Sie dem Anwalt das Tonband aus dem Jagdclub. Prinzregentenstraáe - Polizeipr„sidium 1. è:¶nf Sprechen Sie mit dem Kommissar. 2. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 3. Spielen Sie dem Kommissar das Band aus dem Jagdclub vor. 4. Untersuchen Sie das Grossberg-Buch und reiáen Sie eine Seite darin heraus (von nun an erscheint auch Buchenau auf dem Stadtplan). Buchenau 1. Klopfen Sie an der Tr. 2. Dorn verlangt Geld von Gabriel. Marienplatz - Anwaltskanzlei šbergrau 1. Sprechen Sie mit šbergrau und fragen Sie ihn nach d è;ñSyem Geld. Vor dem Haus der Familie Huber 1. Hier finden Sie ein neues Bschel Wolfshaare. Buchenau 1. Klopfen Sie an Dorns Tr. 2. šberreichen Sie ihm das Geld. 3. Sprechen Sie mit Dorn. 4. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 5. Untersuchen Sie die K„figanlagen. 6. Untersuchen Sie das Stroh. 7. Geben Sie der Raubkatze Ihre Weiáwurst. 8. Untersuchen Sie das Stroh erneut. 9. Nehmen Sie die Erkennungsmarken der Zoow”lfe a!è<"·6uf. Dienerstraáe - Im Jagdclub 1. Betreten Sie den Jagdclub und verfolgen Sie das Ge- schehen. In der Jagdhtte 1. Verlassen Sie Gabriels Schlafzimmer. 2. Beobachten Sie Herrn von Zell. 3. Klopfen Sie an von Aigners Zimmertr. 4. Sprechen Sie mit Herrn von Aigner. 5. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 6. Betreten Sie das Zimmer von Preiss (die dritte Tr rechts). 7. Untersuchen Sie den Schrank. 8. Stecken Sie das Seil ein"è=6ã¤Ñ. 9. Gehen Sie zum Fenstersims und benutzen Sie das Seil. 10. Verlassen Sie den Raum nach drauáen und steigen Sie durch das mittlere Fenster in von Zells Zimmer ein. 11. Untersuchen Sie das Notizbuch. 12. Untersuchen und lesen Sie den Brief darin. 13. Im Badezimmer finden Sie auf dem Teppich eine Spur. Untersuchen Sie diese genau. 14. Kehren Sie durch das Fenster in Preissï Raum zurck. 15. Gehen Sie durch die Tr nach unten in den Saal. 16. #è>‰•“JUntersuchen Sie den Schrank. 17. Nehmen Sie die Laterne. 18. Sprechen Sie mit Herrn Hennemann. 19. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. 20. Nehmen Sie die Streichh”lzer vom Kaminsims an sich. 21. Gehen Sie in Klingmanns Zimmer. 22. Zeigen Sie dem Zoodirektor die Erkennungsmarken der W”lfe. 23. Gehen Sie in den Stall und nehmen Sie die Heckenschere. 24. Gehen Sie weiter in den Wald. Dort finden Sie nur zwei interessante Pl„tze. In diesen beiden $è?s¤]—Bildern sind am Boden Pfotenabdrcke im Lehm zu finden. 25. In einem der Waldscreens finden Sie ein auff„llige Hecke. Benutzen Sie die Heckenschere mit der Hecke. 26. Betreten Sie die H”hle hinter der Hecke. 27. Benutzen Sie die Streichh”lzer mit Ihrer Laterne und erkunden Sie die H”hle. 28. Nach dem Videoclip gehen Sie unverzglich zurck zur Jagdhtte und betreten Sie von Glowers Zimmer (die erste Tr rechts). 29. Nach einige Videoeinble%è@3$Ãndungen finden Sie sich im Wald wieder. 30. Wenden Sie den Talisman mehrmals auf den Werwolf an, bis Sie zum Bild mit der Schlucht gelangen. 31. Wenn von Glower Ihnen schlieálich die Pistole zuwirft, schieáen Sie sofort auf den Werwolf. Kapitel 6 - Teil 1 Stadt Rittersberg 1. Klicken Sie im Verlies Gabriel Knight an. 2. Holen Sie von Glowers Brief bei der Post ab. 3. Lesen Sie den Brief durch. 4. Im Gasthaus nehmen Sie ein Stck&èA‚ÿB Geb„ck auf dem Tisch von Mrs. Smith an sich. 5. Sprechen Sie mit Mrs. Smith. 6. Klicken Sie sich durch alle Dialoge. Schloá Ritter 1. Nehmen Sie einen Bettbezug aus dem Schlafzimmer und gehen Sie zurck zum Marktplatz. Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Im Verlies wenden Sie das Br”tchen auf die Taube an. 2. Fangen Sie den Taube mit dem Bettbezug. Alt”tting 1. In der Vorhalle betrachten Sie die silbernen Gegenst„nde. 2.'èBê7æ Im Bro des Priesters kaufen Sie eine Flasche mit Wasser. Schloá Neuschwanstein 1. Betreten Sie das Wohnzimmer. 2. Untersuchen Sie den Tisch. 3. Wenn der Museumsw„chter den Raum verl„át, kippen Sie etwas Wasser auf den Stuhl. 4. Gehen Sie weiter in das Schlafzimmer und klicken Sie dort, wenn der W„chter den Raum verlassen hat, auf das Geheimversteck in der Mitte des Raumes. 5. Nehmen Sie den Opernakt aus seinem Geheimversteck. (èC)U¦ú 6. Gehen Sie weiter in die Grotte und klicken Sie dort eben- falls auf das geheime Versteck (wenn kein W„rter im Raum ist). 7. Nehmen Sie den Opernakt aus seinem Geheimversteck. 8. Gehen Sie weiter in die groáe Halle. Lassen Sie dort die Taube aus dem Fenster fliegen. 9. ™ffnen Sie auch hier das Geheimversteck und ent- nehmen Sie den dritten Akt der Wagner-Oper. Stadt Rittersberg - Marktplatz 1. Gehen Sie in die Kirche und untersuche)èD¨ÏX;n Sie das kleine silberne Herz auf Wolfgangs Sarg. 2. Gehen Sie kurz ins Schloá und sprechen Sie mit der Haush„lterin ber das silberne Herz. 3. In der Kirche nehmen Sie das Herz an sich. Alt”tting 1. Sprechen Sie mit dem Priester und zeigen Sie ihm anschlieáend das silberne Herz. 2. Nachdem der Priester Sie in den Reliquienschrein vorge- lassen hat, wenden Sie das Herz auf den Opferstock an. 3. ™ffnen Sie die Tr nach drauáen (gan*èEÿ8Á5z rechts im Bild). 4. Klicken Sie den Stuhl an. 5. Klicken Sie auf die Urne, um in den Besitz des Diagramms zu kommen. Kapitel 6 - Teil 2 Im Theater - Foyer/Bro 1. Nehmen Sie ein Theaterprogramm vom Tisch im Foyer. 2. Gehen Sie ins Bro. 3. Nehmen Sie die Karte mit der Sitzverteilung von der Wand und betrachten Sie diese. 4. Nehmen Sie das Opernglas und die Liste mit Besorgun- gen vom Tisch. 5. Lesen Sie den Zettel. +èF£÷Jâ 6. Sprechen Sie mit Gabriel. Im Theater - Auditorium 1. Sprechen Sie mit Georg, um ihn zu warnen. 2. Sprechen Sie mit dem Elektriker ber die Kronleuchter. 3. Jetzt kombinieren Sie Wagners Diagramm (aus Alt- ”tting) mit dem Sitzplan. Wenden Sie im Inventory das Diagramm auf die šbersichtskarte an und richten Sie diese so lange gegeneinander aus, bis beide exakt auf- einander passen. Im Theater - Obergeschoá 1. ™ffnen Sie die ,èG·½9IDoppeltr in der Mitte. 2. Gehen Sie weiter nach rechts und ”ffnen Sie die Tr am Ende der Halle. 3. ™ffnen Sie die Tr zum Auditorium. 4. Schalten Sie den Scheinwerfer an (Scheinwerfer anklicken, Schalter bet„tigen). 5. Zielen Sie mit dem Lichtstrahl auf die Loge, in der Sie von Glower erwarten (Klicken Sie auf den Griff. Die Ausrichtung geschieht hierbei in der Auditoriums- Ansicht). Im Theater - Foyer 1. Erz„hlen Sie dem Platz-èHõ&ç¥anweiser, wo er von Glower und den Kommissar hinsetzen soll (Karte auf Platzanweiser anwenden). Im Theater - Hinter der Bhne 1. Klicken Sie auf den Flaschenzug und nehmen Sie ein Seil an sich. Im Theater - Kellergeschoá 1. Machen Sie sich mit den ™rtlichkeiten im Kellergeschoá vertraut. 2. Nachdem Sie die Treppe hinuntergegangen sind, gehen Sie einen Raum weiter nach Osten und ”ffnen Sie dort den Sicherungskasten. Nehmen S.èIêFÒie den Schlssel. 3. Gehen Sie weiter zum Raum mit den Requisiten und nehmen Sie das Schild. Wenden Sie im selben Raum die Schlssel auf die Tr an. 4. Gehen Sie in den Heizungsraum. ™ffnen Sie den Heizungsschacht und geben Sie etwas Kohle hinein. 5. Gehen Sie in die Nahansicht der Heizungssteuerung. Drcken Sie den Zndknopf. Erh”hen Sie die Temperatur, bis die Kohle brennt. 6. Gehen Sie wieder nach oben. Im Theater - Erdgesch/èJ¶ŒÛeoá 1. Der Platzanweiser warnt Grace, daá die Zeit knapp wird. Gehen Sie weiter ins Bro, wo Gabriel wartet. 2. Klicken Sie auf Gabriel. 3. Nachdem die Overtre begonnen hat, begeben Sie sich in das Bro, um Graces Kleidung zu wechseln. An- schlieáend sprechen Sie mit Leber. Im Theater - Obergeschoá 1. Mit Hilfe des Opernglasses berprfen Sie, ob von Glower in der Loge Platz genommen hat. 2. Gehen Sie weiter zu von Glowers Logentr und 0èKpt‰ƒ klicken Sie die Tr an. 3. In der Nahansicht der Tr wenden Sie zun„chst das Seil und anschlieáend das Schild auf die Tr an. (Sie lenken von jetzt an Gabriel) 1. Im linken Teil des Raumes mssen Sie die groáe Kiste beiseite schieben - dahinter befindet sich eine Wand- ”ffnung. 2. Entfernen Sie die Abdeckung mit Ihrem Dolch. Betreten Sie den Schacht. Im Theater - Hinter der Bhne 1. Klicken Sie - wie vorher bei Grace - auf de1èLhVm In der nun folgenden Sequenz mssen Sie verschiedene Tren verschlieáen, um den Schwarzen Wolf an der Flucht zu hindern. Wenn Sie sich an die untenstehende Reihenfolge halten (vergleiche Karte), treiben Sie den Wolf in den Heizungsraum. Da es auf das richtige Timing ankommt, werden Sie eventuell mehrere Anl„ufe brauchen. Sichern Sie also Ihr Spiel rechtzeitig. Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit dem Schwarzen Wolf so lange, bis er im Heizungsraum ist. Mit 3èN§ÑG¬der neu hinzugekommenen Riech-Option k”nnen Sie seine Position bestimmen. Raum Tr 9 Nordtr 10 Westtr 2 Westtr 5 Nordtr 6 Westtr 6 Nordtr 7 Nordtr 8 Nordtr 12 Westtr 11 Nordtr * * Schlieáen Sie die Nordtr in Raum 11 erst, wenn Ihr Gegner sich in Raum 6 befindet. Er wird dann in Raum 7, 8, 12 und schlieálich in den Heizungsraum fliehen. Im Theater - Heizungsraum 1. Wenn sich von Glower im Heizungsraum befindet, 4èO¹Ío betreten Sie ebenfalls dieses Zimmer. Wenn Grace und Leber den Raum betreten, geben Sie die Kontrolle an Grace ab (Grace anklicken). 2. ™ffnen Sie die Heizungsklappe. Geben Sie die Kontrolle an Gabriel, den Wolf, zurck. 3. Warten Sie, bis von Glower ausholt, um Leber anzugrei- fen. Klicken Sie zum richtigen Zeitpunkt auf von Glower, w„hrend er sich in der Luft befindet. Nun k”nnen Sie sich zurcklehnen und das Ende des Spiels genieáe5Ÿ4”ûn. Thomas Borovskis dieses Zimmer. Wenn Grace und Leber den Raum betreten, geben Sie die Kontrolle an Grace ab (Grace anklicken). 2. ™ffnen Sie die Heizungsklappe. Geben Sie die Kontrolle an Gabriel, den Wolf, zurck. 3. Warten Sie, bis von Glower ausholt, um Leber anzugrei- fen. Klicken Sie zum richtigen Zeitpunkt auf von Glower, w„hrend er sich in der Luft befindet. Nun k”nnen Sie sich zurcklehnen und das Ende des Spiels genieáePQýÎïa`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQû 16pÿÿÿýPèRb3X0 Solution to Geisha Do not continue reading this if you want through Tomahawk's GEISHA all by yourself. It took me some 15-20 hours to get right to the end. Maybe the fun is in the discovery (in fact the exact goal of this kind of game). Geisha is smaller than Leisure Suit Larry but is more fun especially since there are naked women (animated photo even), and dirty talk. GEISHA is French and it would be fabulous if I could obtain the French version. After getting thPèSÅímrough the introduction you will come to your hotel room. First thing you do, before clicking at anything in the picture, is to save the scene into slot #1. Pick up the bottle of oil (with a click) at the lower right of the picture. Next click at the bottom drawer of the closet to open the drawer. There should be an empty box -- take it. Now choose F2 to use Hinoki oil that you have collected followed by the empty box. While the picture of the box is still on the screen, move youPèTàÚ?r cusor to the base of the bonsai stem. Click it when it says "female criket". Never let the criket run away. Now press F3 and choose "ADS". Press the right arrow button until you get to the last page of the ad, "Tsuki Pastilles", and select it. Then choose F4 "SHEERS" to enable you to go to the next scene. Save this situation over the #1 slot. Choose F1 "Mr O". CHAPTER 1: SEDUCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press ESC to get rid of the talkative Mr O. Pick up the cocktail aPèUW'”ònd position over the back of the girl. Move the glass to and fro and it should tilt over and pour its contents on the girl's back. She should then swear at you and it so doing reveal an access pass. If this doesn't happen, then you got it wrong and have to restart slot #1. You should now have the five items in your inventory to complete the game. Even before proceeding, you should save right now into slot #2. CHAPTER 2: CARESS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of the most diPèV'[fficult part of the game. It is a variation of MasterMind in which you will have to guess five correct numbers in their correct sequence. Taking about MasterMind, you should try to get hold of MM.EXE, MasterMind for Windows. Concentrate on guessing the correct numbers first. Once five numbers are correctly picked, juggle the numbers around each time noting the length of movement made by the girl. The more the girl moves, the closer you are. If the girl doesn't move at allPèWZïÑJ, it is really a very good sign meaning that all five numbers are in their wrong position. It is probable that you will have to redo this caressing stage many times before you are able to proceed into the card game (The Erotic Fight) stage. Unfortunately you are unable to save before the fight. You are given five cards and you should logically choose the trump sign of which you have the most because trump cards win any non-trumps. Know that Actors > Samurai > Empresses PèXü¿D> Sumotori > Geisha. There is no sure way of winning but maybe you could practice when you were in the hotel room with F3 "Games". Some hints I think helped me is to place a low trump or an Actor card first to exude his trumps. If he wins this set, it is likely to be his highest card. If he loses then he doesn't have trumps. You really have the edge over him by being able to choose the trump signs. Once you win this stage, you should save immediately into slot #3. While iPèY܈±;n the hotel room, click at the left door of the closet which should open. Double click at the advertisements and look for the species "OSTREADAE". Note the number. Press F2 and move into "At Oko". CHAPTER 3: SUBMIT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oko will speak to you and ask you whether you have information for her. Say "Yes" and give her the number for OSTREADAE. This is so that she know the region of the sea that abounds with black pearls. There is no need to save since you alreadyP èZ€ªZ) have in slot #3. Shoot the white fishes that comes for Oko. When white sparkling pearls drift across, dive for it by continuously pressing space bars. White pearls are useless, but at random, some of these pearls are black ones. All you have to do is collect two. If you don't give Oko the zone number, then you can continue collecting pearls but never finding any black ones. I find that a good way, while Oko is still filled with air, is to destroy any fish at level twP è[Å?- o and three while letting them swim at level one while Oko swims at two. This is because the fishes will thus never touch Oko. Becareful the if Oko's lungs are half exhausted, she will want to surface. When this happens, destroy the top level fishes and press "E" hurry her to re-surface. Incidentally Oko is allowed to be bitten four times. When done with this stage and back in the hotel room, save this into slot #4. Choose F3 "White Willow". CHAPTER 4: UNDRESS ~~~~~~~P è\”7˜~~~~~~~~~~~ Know that SWORD > FAN > STATUS > SWORD. You pick the top batch and click the mouse to stop the spin. Everytime you win you click at her clothes. You must be able to win seven times. When you have undressed the girl, click at her crotch to proceed to the next stage. Save this into slot #5. CHAPTER 5: PENETRATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First choose F2 and use "Access pass" and then "Tsuki Lozenge". When you press go into the maze, move right one step P è]1qÑ(with keypad arrow) and then diagonally top-right through the walls into trap door -- forget about the door on the lower left. You must shoot any of the robots that drains your energy with spacebar. At the second level, move down some six steps and then turn right. Move right and diagonal into the next level. At the final level, move down one step and diagnally lower-right to pick up the shield. Notice a trap door to the top-right. You get to this by moving diagonallyP è^x*ªp through the wall somewhere at the kissing lips, then over the biting lips, and then into the trap door. The next stage is the hardest. You must be very quick, and even on my 8MHz PC, it is too fast. You need all the help you can get to slow down your PC. The object is to arrange 15 panels into a picture of a dragon. It is difficult to tell you how the picture looks like in ASCII there are some characteristics I can explain: 1. The dragon has a kangaroo-like body. 2Pè_ù©Gi. There are five panels without the image of a dragon -- all four panels on the left and the top right. 3. The bottom left of the picture has no panel A drawing of the picture may be obtained from me. See below for order details. CHAPTER 6: CUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you get into the last stage, the temple's gate, save into slot #6. There is one thing that you should have done at the very beginning of the programme. When you first start off, you remember that therPè`V5¹e is a part where you can move your view-finder around in a room to take a snapshot with a click of the mouse. You should have moved you view-finder to the top-left where the code letter is printed. Nevermind, if you have not done this, you can quit the game now and restart again. The code letter changes for every session of GEISHA. Before you can position the pot of bonsai on the square, you must get rid of a male cricket living in it. First use the Hinoki oil and then thePèaÇYE box with the female cricket. While the picture of the box is still on the screen, move your cursor to the male cricket and click. The two insect will run off. Now, bring the pot onto the square with the code that appeared in the photograph. The door will open and you will see Napadmi. You must quickly position your cursor at his crotch and click it. The scene freezes and the clothes of his crotch uncovers. Keep clicking at all parts of his body until his clothes andP{©ÞR“ mask are fully uncovered. Thus done, you have ended the adventure and is treated to the last animated film. --------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The above file is extracted from a certain BBS in a certain University. I do not know who the original poster is. VOLUME --------------------------------------------------------------- freezes and the clothes of his crotch uncovers. Keep clicking at all parts of his body until his clothes andbcýΖÌc 17pÿÿÿýb¶‚åHi Octane Folgende Tastenkombinationen helfen Ihnen bei Bullfrogs SciFi-Actionspiel: ALT + F2 Gegner werden zerstört ALT + F3 unendlich viel Sprit ALT + F4 maximale Bewaffnung ALT + F5 maximale Schieldleistung ALT + F6 letzte Runde einläuten ALT + Y Autopilot einschalten ALT + C Autopilot ausschalten . Ød03pÿÿÿýdAeýÌ{…¥¤£¢¡ Ÿžœ›š™˜—–•”“’‘ŽŒ‹Š‰ˆ‡†…„ƒ‚€~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfez1 18pÿÿÿýdèf¥Uêˆ Solution to Knights of Legend Introduction In this game, you can form up a party of up to six characters. There are many classes you can choose your character from. The most important statistics in this game is foresight, strength, endurance and body points. Good foresight will allow your characters to foresee the opponents moves and respond to it. Balance represents your character's courage when faced with terrifying creatures. Speed is also not very crucial dèg´ØtÓas speed boot can be found in the game. In this game you will find lots of quests to complete. The main aim is to rescue Seggallion the knight from Pildar. To complete the game, you will need to complete all 24 quests in the game. General tips and combat The map is rather big and you will need to explore it thoroughly. Every towns/areas have an entry point, and if you did not position yourself at the right place, you won't be able to get inside there. Whendèh”)n you are creating your party, make sure that you have a good mix of characters from the different races. There are certain location where certain races are not welcome, ie the person there won't talk to a certain race. Make sure you have at least two characters from difference races with charisma above 80 so that you can obtain quests from people of all kind. Have one or more archer with very good foresight. Get at least one kelder as they are the strongest fighter. AsdèiûMΪ for spell caster, make sure they have at least intelligence of 70 so that they can join magical order. You will need at least two spell caster for those tough battle against giants. Tips on how to gain money and extra items: In this game, money is very important, because you need cash to save your party to the inn, buy weapons and armours. And if you lose a combat battle, there is a high chance for you to be robbed. But, there is no option for you to transfer money frodèj'!•9m one character to another in this game. You can only trade items between characters. So it is very important to learn how to gain extra money. To gain extra money is a tedious but rewarding job. You must first create a few dummy characters, preferably Brettle Regular because they start off with 3000 GC. Have them bought as much plate armour as possible. Then, trade the armour to a single one of them, said dummy A. Now, save dummy A to to the disk by going to thedèk«Ã~ inn, do not save the rest of the dummies. At this point, quit the game by pressing ctrl-q when you are outside the inn. Load the game again, this time bring in your own party. Leave an extra room for the dummy, Have him trade all his armours to your party. Do not save the dummy afterwards. After that sell the armours to the armour shop for extra cash. Repeat this as many time as you like until you are satisfied with your money. You should give the dummy the most dèl¸…+k expensive item possible so that the number of time you need to repeat this is lesser. With this in mind, you can also give the dummy any useful items you may want to duplicate, eg Truth Sword, courage coat, etc. Make sure you keep at least one copy of these items in your dummy, because you might lost your weapons when you flee from any battle. Combat: The combat sequence in this game is extremely long. When in combat, let your archer check through all the opponedèmÑ*ints action by aiming at all possible enemy. Take note of the oppenents move and their direction of attack. Your archer must have high foresight in order to see their moves. Have your characters respond to the attack using the information you have gathered. Jump is very effective against attack to the lower part of the body. Duck is very effective against high attack. As for attack to the middle, backup is useful though it sometimes depend on your weapon defensd èng Y·ive skill. With higher skill level, you can parry the opponent attack even when you move straight into their blade. To kill opponents fast, attack their chest (berserk) until it is all red, then with another attack to the chest, you can kill them instantly. Attack to the arms will disable their arms so that they cannot fight anymore. Attack to the legs will make them impossible to jump. So, the usual option for attack is : thrust to the area the opponent is moving.d èo´ž_' Jump, duck if you know that your opponent is attacking in that area. Backup and thrust to the middle if your don't know what your opponent actions are. When you find the truth sword, you can kill most of the opponent easily. The sword is powerful and light weight. However, you will almost certainly get wounded during the battle because you can't improve your skill for it. However, if you greatsword skill is high, you hit slightly better. Before your characters fod èpTŽ¬Þund courage coat, you may find your characters frozen in terror when face with creatures like trolls, giants, etc. This is because your characters courage is not high enough and the only way to overcome it is to wear a courage coat. If you encounter creatures your party cannot due with, don't be afraid to flee the battle. But before you flee from the battle, put your weapon back to your belt first, otherwise you might lost your weapons in the process. However, this doesd èq,O“ not apply to missile weapons like bow, crossbow, etc. ie you may still have them in hand when you flee. When your party is on horseback, there is a option for you to attempt to run away. Learn how to recognise which message represent what kinds of creatures. If you think that you can win them, don't run away, whack them for more experience points and items. Also, don't run away from travelling healer, otherwise you will have to pay for healing in town. Magic : d èr~ÀÍYour characters can only join one magic order at one time. And they cannot quit the order they are in. It is best to learn as many difference kinds of spells from all the difference order before you try to join any order. Though you can only learn the basic spells if you don't join any order, when you join an order later, you will be able to modify those spells you have already learned but the only thing you cannot change is the race. For example, if you have joindèsé’±v the white pearl order, you can only select spells for human and elves, but if you have already learn some spells for dwarf and kelder before joining the order, you will be allowed to modify the spell for dwarf and kelder provided you don't change the race, ie you may also heal a kelder greatly though you are in the white pearl order. You will be allowed to modify spells only if you have join a certain magic order. To modify the spell, you will need enough experidètÈPeence point to do the modification. The more powerful the spell, the more expensive it will be. When you are in the modify spell menu, use the arrow keys to select and modify the parts of the spell. As for races in which subclass need to be specified, try to learn a spell that is higher in the subclass list, ie at the bottom of the list. If your spell can effect a certain subclass, than all other subclass below it will also be effected. For example, if your spells effedèu4‘ÜGct the subclass 'walbar', than it can effect the rest of the subclasses because it is the highest subclass. Magic Order : Order Location Races ============================================ White Pearl Brettle Human,Elf Blue Gem Tegal Forest Kelder,Dwarf Black Onyx Shellernoon Elemental Secret Storm Poitle Lock Giant Red Mist Thimblewald Legendary Dark Stone Olanthen Undead Gaining Levels and Skills: In this game, you might not advance in certain skill ldèv=Qaevel because this game is opened for expansion and there is a option to harbour masters from other scenerio. So, do not be disappointed when you cannot find the appropriate masters to advance your skills. I have list below a list of all the weapon master I have found and what level they will teach. You can use it to choose the skill you would like to learn. If you intend to carry on with the next scenerio, you may try to pick those better skill like greatsword, greadèwVîóXt axe, etc. But if you just want to play this scenerio only, you might choose those skills in which you can gain higher skill level. But you have to remember one thing, you may only learn up to four skills. The number of skill point you can have is dependent on your rank. The formula is as follows : total skill points = 20 * level where peasant = level 1 serf = level 2 .... etc So, if you manage to reach level 25 which is Knight - Baronet, you dèxã¾7ílearn up to 25*20 = 500 skill points. Since most weapon have a offense and defense skill, said 100 skill point each, then you may learn up to two hand weapons and a missile weapon. For the hand weapons, you may choose a one hand weapon followed by a two handed one. At higher level, you foresight will improved, and will hence hit more often. But in long run, a higher skill level is crucial to your success in the game. When you train with a weapon master, you can trdèyǤAain at most 5 skills level per session and you need the corresponding amount of experience. A raw estimate is about 100 experience points to 1 skill level. You may gain experience by winning battles or completing quests. When you have used up the amount of skill points you can have for your current level, you will be asked to fight in the arena. If you refuse, you will never be promoted to a higher rank. The arena is located somewhere north of Brettle. Just follow thdèzéøoe north road, after passing a 3 ways junction, head north for about 2 days and you will see a building by the side of the road. This is the arena, where you will fight a monster randomly chosen. If you lose the battle, you will be kick out of it and you will have to try again. If you win, you will gain a level. So, prepare yourself carefully before entering the arena because you will have to fight the monster alone without the help from the rest of the party. Learn dè{ø‹»‘ the weak points every kind of creatures and react to it. A Truth Sword is very effective against man sized creatures but if the opponent skill is high, try to use your skill against it. The masters and their skills : Fortress of Brettle, Hvrad Myth Longsword 0 - 30 Broadsword 0 - 30 Short Spear 0 - 30 Battle Axe 0 - 30 Tower at 3-way junction north of Brettle, Fistan Stockhard Broad Axe 0 - 45 Hand Axe 0 - 45 Hvy Crossbow 0 - 45 Great Axe 0 - 45dè|:´+ Htron, a residence, Zachary Bladeshure Scimitar 46 - 95 Greatsword 0 - 30 Shortsword 0 - 55 Bastard Swd 0 - 45 Htron, Training Grounds, Mornag the Merciless (kelder not welcomed) Scimitar 0 - 50 Mace 0 - 60 Lt Crossbow 0 - 55 War Hammer 0 - 50 Tegal Forest, The Portal, Monvin the Elder Halberd > 45 Morningstar > 55 Flail 0 - ?? Broadsword > 30 Building along Krell Way near the Hobe, Weapon Master, Nigel Gulliam Club 0 - 45 Halberd 0 dè}S;S- 45 Great Hammer 0 - 45 Quarterstaff 0 - 45 Shellernoon, Weapon Trainer, Kelmore Stratsmoth Long Spear 0 - 25 Morningstar 0 - 55 War Maul 0 - 25 Heavy Maul 0 - 45 Olanthen, Rhun Manor, Rhunholland Longsword > 30 Broadsword > 30 Bastard Swd > 45 Greatsword > 30 Klvar Wood, Klvar Tree House, Tyrolliar Cellana Self Bow 0 - 55 Elf Bow 15 - 70 Long Bow 12 - 35 Dagger 0 - 60 Weapon and Armor : Two handed weapons are effective but your charactersdè~XÝxæ must be strong enough to wield them. If they are not strong enough, they will get tired very fast thus increasing fatigue. When using one handed weapon, you can equip a shield to increase protection. If you want archer, it is best to let them use elf bow but since the master only train you if your skill is at least 15, it is only possible if you choose characters who have it as their basic skill. You can buy elf bow from Htron if you need them. Magic ingot can be fdèUV5½orge into a weapon. You will be allow to give it a name. However, changing the name to some common weapons do not make them behave as one. If you name it as 'longsword', it don't look like one or behave as one, since when you see a two handed longsword? So, even if you have longsword skill, there is really not much effect. You may called them Dragon Slayer, Soul Stealer, etc if you want you character to process something special. Use them just like the Truth Sword you dè€ËÜ´ have found. The armour for the your character have to depend on their size, strength and the weapon they used. Smaller size means smaller armour hence lesser weight. Strength determines how much weight your characters can take. And if they are using heavy weapons, they can't fight well if their armour is too heavy. Quests : There are 24 quests in this game. You will need to obtain these quests from differece people you find in the game. In order for them to givdèfzɘhat you party movement speed is equal to that of the slowest character. So be sure to find good horse for everyone in the party. You can find stables in many towns, but some stable don't welcome certain races. In that case, try another one in another town. Now, with good horses, you will travel faster and reach the quest location in fewer days. When you come to a quest location, you will find a long message being displayed on the screen ending with the question " Wid脘Œ=ll you partake ?" Answer yes and you will be entering the quest location. There you will find certain creatures guarding the item you are looking for. There are two ways to complete the quest. Firstly, you can kill all the monsters in the location and you will automatically exit from the location, you may then get the quest item after the battle. So, be sure to take note of the number of creatures at the start of the quest as that is the number of creatures yod è…HUW±u will need to kill. Secondly, you may fight your way in and let one of your character get hold of the quest item, then that particular character with the item must run to the exit (the place you enter the location, so make sure you know the way out!). At the exit, you will be asked if you want to flee, answer yes you will exit from the quest. This method has some drawbacks because you will lost all the experiences for killing these creatures. Completing quest offed!è†Bp#Urs slightly more experience points than normal encounters. There is one thing you must remember if you attempt to run to the exit, do not attempt to flee the battle before reaching the exit, otherwise the quest is not completed and you have to do it one more time though you can have the quest item. Also, put your quest item in your backpack after the quest. Otherwise the next time you flee a battle, you might lose the item. Going back without the quest item after cd"臑nÚòompleting the quest will not do you any good as you need to go for the quest again. After completing the quest, go back to the person who give you the quest, when you step into their house, a message will be displayed telling you that the quest is completed and you might be given rewards or clues in return. At the same time. a medal will be given to you, check your medal to see how many more quest you have to complete. You have to be careful when you enter their d#èˆ54ø¨house, if you miss the message being displayed, you will never get it back unless you complete the quest another time. The message may contain useful information, so it is wise to save the game before you go to the quest personnel just in case you want to read it again. The 24 quests : There is no need to complete the quest in the order being stated, they just happen to come in my mind in that order. If you cannot complete a certain quest, simply skip to the next oned$è‰4(f| and come back to them when you are stronger. Do not be afraid to flee when you find the creatures too tough. Go back to town to customize a spell to counter the creatures if possible and try again. It is necessary to complete all the quests in the game. Otherwise, the last quest to save Seggallion will not be given. 1. Find Stephanie in Brettle. Talk to her about 'gavel' and she will give you a quest. She will ask you to retrieve the gavel from the Ruffians that had%èŠÆ¢,Gve stolen it and escape into the Tantowyn. Just go out of Brettle and move along the River Passing. At a point where the river just enter the Great Wood which is roughly one day journey from Brettle, you will find the creatures you are seeking. The Ruffians aren't very tough so the fight shouldn't be a problem. When you have find the gavel, return it to Stephanie and she will tell you a code word 'Kydar'. Note down the first letter, you will need it later on. 2.d&苉ñJ Find Stephen in Brettle. Talk to him about 'standard' and he will give you a quest. The standard of Stephen's guild is stolen by a bunch of bandits and have escaped to the north. Go outside Brettle and follow the road north, at a three ways junction with a broken tower. Turn left into Krell Way, just move along the path and you will find the bandits. The bandits are not very strong but slightly difficult to get hit. If your characters foresight is good, you will d'èŒ*VƒÚ have a higher chance to hit them. After finding the standard which is a flag, return it to Stephen. He will tell you another code word 'Aklom', note down the first letter too. 3. Find Hegissa in Brettle. Talk to her about 'knight' and she will give you a quest. This time you will need to find the quill which is stolen. The thieves have entered the Klvar Wood. So, head for the wood which is to the south east of Brettle. Just walk along the Sheller Road for one day, d(èñ7:tthe head south until you are in Klvar Wood. This time you will encounter some ghouls who are guarding the quill. When you return the quill to Hegissa, she will tell you the third code word 'Moram', similarly note down the first letter. 4. Now go to see the mayor of Brettle, Benjamin. Combine the three letters you have found and then tell him. He will ask you to look for the sword of truth which was stolen by the goblins. This time, you'll need to head south to the d)莦ÅZûsouth coast. At the coastal area wear of Usip Wood, you will find the creatures you are seeking. When you have found the Truth Sword, bring it to the mayor and he will give it to your party as a reward. The Truth Sword is a very powerful weapon and it will help you in the other quest. It can do a demage of 4-32 and it is very light. So using it enable your character to do great demage to his/her oppenents without losing lots of energy. However, there is one drawbd*è>·ack of using it. The fact that it is special sword, indicate that there is no place for you to train the skill for using it which means that you will not hit creatures with very high skill level. However it is very effective when used in the arena against most creatures. 5. Find Biblik the Sage in Htron. Talk to him to get the quest. Go to the Tegal River and move along it. At somewhere near the middle of the river, you will find the creatures guarding the crown. Rd+èO ›'eturn it to the Sage and you will be rewarded with a flying cloak. Wearing it allow your characters to fly. 6. Talk to Sam in Htron about 'stod' and he will ask you to find parth oil for him. This time you'll need to go all the way to Berthand's Bay in the southern part of Ashtalarea. Walk along the coastal area of the bay and you will find the creatures guarding the quest item. Give the oil to Sam and he will tell you to mention 'Nobjor' to pirates. 7. The pid,è‘ÍsßÌrates lives in a small house to the west of Stone Island. When you reach there, talk to Pegleg about 'Nobjor'. He will ask you to look for his shipwheel. Go to Erwenwald just to the north of the pirates' house. You will find some hobgoblins guarding the shipwheel. In return for the shipwheel, the pirate will give you a map. 8. Bring the map to Scotty next door of Pegleg and ask him about 'map'. He will then ask you to look for his pirate hat. Go all the way to Prazd-è’ÒA}en Point and you will encounter some slyphs. Make use of the terrain there to shoot arrows or cast spells at the slyphs when they cannot reach you. In this way, you will kill most of them. Afterall, slyphs are water elements which ones should carefully deal with. Upon retreiving the hat. Scotty will ask you to look for someone with initials T.D. 9. Go to Htron to look for T.D. You should have guess it by now, the person you are looking for is Tulliana Daverland. Ask d.è“m³Êher about 'map' and she will ask you to find her iron chest. Go to Ebbwater and you will find minotaurs guarding the chest. Minotaurs are creatures that should not be underestimated. They are slow in combat but they do lots of demage when they hit. It is best to throw spells at them before fighting. Truth Sword will help you little because this only make you easier to be hitted unless you can kill the minotaur first before he can hit you. Bring the chest to Tullid/è”ô{G5ana, she will open the chest and give you a red ring. 10. Talk to Belinda in Olanthen. She will ask you to look for a golden necklace. Go to the Mountain of Lorr to the east. You will find orcs guarding the necklace. Belinda will give you a magic ingot as a reward. Use it to make a weapon for your character or sell it for cash. 11. Talk to Orofin in Poitle Lock. He will ask you to find the wand for him. Go outside town and you will find two rivers. Walk along the d0è•sÙ southern river towards Pauper Valley. After a short journey, you will find skeletons guarding the wand. The skeletons are very easy opponnents, they will collapsed into pieces if they move too much. When you have complete the quest, Orofin will tell you to say 'gold' to Sedfrey. 12 Talk to Sedfrey in Poitle Lock. You will be ask to search for the coat of arms in the heart of the Tegal Forest. At the centre of Tegal Forest, you will find the thugs who have stolen td1è–—ü–Ùhe coat. Return it to Sedfrey and he will reward you with the courage coat. The courage coat will give you courage to face terrible creatures, without it you can't complete certain quest. 13. Talk to Milinya in Thimberwald. She will ask you to look for the oil of changeling in the downing swamp. The swamp is to the east to the town. The swamp is not very big so there should not be any problems finding the quest location. You will enter some muck things there. Theyd2è—È̃ are not very tough though they might look horrible. In return for the oil, Milinya will tell you the name of the spy, Delmor. 14. Find Trimrose at Thimberwald and mention the name of the spy to him. He will ask you to look for a cloak in the Karg Hill. You will find the quest location at Northwald. Return the cloak to Trimrose, and he will tell you to say 'follies' to Yardley. Saying that to Yardley and he will tell you to talk to the Kelder. 15. Talk to the Keldinad3è˜É»rr in Thimblewald about 'vial'. He will then ask you to look for it. You can find the quest location at Windy Run. Return the vial to him and he will tell you to say 'scalfeth' to the warrior soul. 16. Talk to Ballaster (the warrior soul) at Krag Keep. He'll ask you to help him find his millet. You can find the quest location at Wesswald. There you'll find mist giants guarding the item. In that place you will need to move along corridor will is only a person widd4è™T0q$th. So you will need to fight with the mist giant one to one. So it is best to put your strongest character at the front followed by archer and spell caster. Here you'll need to have very high weapon skill so that you will avoid being hit by the mist giants. A spell or two that increased the skill level with help a lot. After that very tough battle to recover the millet. Ballaster will give you his deathblade will can do a demage of 5-27. He will also tell you to d5èšï³£Ìtalk to the Fostering about 'rhording'. 17. The Fostering is at the northern part of the Tegal Forest. Talk to Dunnigen. She will ask you to look for something in the Wood of Dream. Go to The Darkwood south of Krell Swamp. You'll find some orges guarding the quest item. If you have defeated the mist giants, the orges shouldn't be a problem as you will need to use the same tactics here. Returning the golden chalice to Dunnigen and she will tell you to say 'inthos' td6蛪!o the Hobe. 18. Talk to Lord Stiveron in the Hobean Keep. You'll be ask to look for the hidden staff in the Downing Mountains. The quest location is at the southeastern end of the mountains. You will find stone ogres there. The stone ogres are tough in nature, hence the name. You can defeat them with spells or when your skill is high enough. You will get a pair of speed boot when you return the staff to Lord Stiveron. Wearing the boots will allow your character to d7èœfjoø move faster. 19. Talk to Rodrigard at the Sheller Bridge. Tell him 'bryor' and he will ask you to find a wristband. Go to the Sheller Ridge and you will find ettins there. After getting the item, Rodrigard will tell you to talk to Aurin about 'grey'. 20. Talk to Aurin (next door to Rodrigard). He will ask to look for something at the Thanakesh Hills. Fight the djinns there to get the quest item. Return it to Aurin and he will tell you to mention his name to thed8èòj€# main guard. 21. Tell the Sheller Elite Guard that Aurin sent you. He will ask you to find the shade ring in Westwash. The ring is heavily guarded by cliff trolls. You will need courage coat in order to face them. Return the ring to the main guard and he will tell you to say 'silver knot' to Norgan. 22. Talk to the Lord of Shellernoon, Norgan. He will ask you to recover the ward from Sodden Hills. The ward is guarded by sledge. Beware of this area, when you enter the d9èžÉôquest location, your party will be split into six groups which mean that your characters must fight their own battle before they can group themselves together again. The sledge main weakness is at their head. But you have to be tall enough to hit the head. Return the ward to Norgan and he will give you the shade ring and tell you to see Dundle. 23. Talk to Denswurth in Olanthen. He will ask you to find the statuette. Go to the Missip Valley south of the Mytrone Hills. d:èŸ7l® You'll find trolls guarding the statuette. The troll are terrible creatures which will make your characters freeze in terror if their courage is not high enough. Make sure you have the courage coat before you come to this place. Return the statuette to Denswurth, and he will give you a great shield. The shield offers a great amount of protection and weighs little and you can change the pattern of the shield with the edit shield option in the openning menu if youd;è .Ic want fancy shields. 24. You must complete the above 23 quests before Dundle give you the last quest. You can find him at the Assembly Building in the Olanthen Barrier outside the Mountains of Lorr. Talk to him about 'Seggallion' and he will give you the quest. Go to the Ghor Hills to find the quest location. You will find cyclops guarding the area. The final battle is quite tough and requires the same tactics when you are fighting storm giants. After defeating the cyclod<è¡ØŽ›ps, you will be rewarded with a mini slide show. After rescueing Seggallion, he will give you his shuckles as an evident. Go back to see the black dwarf, and he will reward you with a black ingot which can do a demage of 3-36. At this stage, you have cleared all the quests in this scenerio, so watch out for the next one. Do not read this part unless you are desperate ! Tips on hacking the game I will only touch on the first character. The rest of the characters d=è¢_2Ÿwill simply begin at difference offsets. This part is illustrated using Norton Utilities, you may want to use other programs to do the same job. Type in 'path:nu chardata' to start editing the character file. I do not want to spoil the fun by revealing the exact details for the characters attributes, so I will simply touch on how to get the quest from people if you cannot find the right word to say. I careful player should have no problem in finding the right word, so d>裺‘this portion is for those with some difficulty. Between file offsets 482, hex 1E2 to 487, hex 1E7 is 6 bytes containing the status of your quests. The six bytes have a total of 12 hexidecimal digits, so each corresponds to two quests as there are a total of twenty four. The meaning of the binary code used is as follows : 00 quest not yet given 01 quest given but not yet complete 10 quest complete but medal not yet given 11 medal given to quest So what they actd?è¤GœRually do is to combine two of these to form a hexidecimal digit. Here are the conversion from hexidecimal to binary : 0000 0 1000 8 0001 1 1001 9 0010 2 1010 A 0011 3 1011 B 0100 4 1100 C 0101 5 1101 D 0110 6 1110 E 0111 7 1111 F The position of the quests in the code correspond to that you see in the medal display. So just locate the appropriate quest and do the changes. Warnings : Do not attempt to set the quest to 10, ie completed, because in thad@è¥!؈‘t case the person who give you the quest won't reward you since you did not return with the quest item. So, at most set it to 01 and go for the quest, completing it will reward you will useful items or clues. If you set them to FFFFFF, then you in fact have completed the game without fighting a single battle, but then you will miss the end game slide show completely. And you won't have all the useful items when the next scenerio is added. VOLUME bdA1þ7ž" isslbh@nusvm.bitnet ward you since you did not return with the quest item. So, at most set it to 01 and go for the quest, completing it will reward you will useful items or clues. If you set them to FFFFFF, then you in fact have completed the game without fighting a single battle, but then you will miss the end game slide show completely. And you won't have all the useful items when the next scenerio is added. VOLUME b¦§ýÎ?µ´³²±°¯®­¬«ª©¨§¸ 19pÿÿÿý¦è¨8wFLOST EDEN Vorbemerkung: Das Spiel ist im wesentlichen so leicht, da es sich fast von selbst löst. Meist wird man durch das, was die Charaktere so zu sagen haben, wirklich mit der Nase auf die Lösung gestoßen. Dennoch gibt es einige Rätsel, die nicht ganz so offensichtlich zu knacken sind. Hier nun meine Tips, mit deren Hilfe jeder in der Lage sein sollte, den Fiesling Moorkus Rex in die ewigen Jagdgründe zu schicken. Wichtiger Hinweis: es kann imme¦è©g|fr mal wieder passieren, daß man eines mehr oder weniger grausamen Todes stirbt; daher ist es unbedingt nötig, regelmäßig und häufig den Spielstand abzuspeichern. Zwar stehen dafür nur drei Speicherplätze zur Verfügung, aber das ist auch nicht weiter schlimm. Bei mir hat es sich bewährt, die Plätze in der Reihenfolge 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 zu belegen, denn dann hat man immer drei aufeinanderfolgende aktuelle Spielstände und kommt auch in ganz verfahreren Situatio¦èª«mªnen locker weiter. Noch etwas: Dies ist keine lückenlose Komplettlösung; ich habe mich hier darauf beschränkt, Probleme und Rätsel anzusprechen, die ich für besonders knifflig oder zumindest bedenkenswert halte. Alles andere dürfte für jeden leicht selbst zu lösen sein. Aber im Notfall nicht gleich verzweifeln: es gibt ja noch Taus Muschel, die Adam weiterhilft... Tips & Lösungen: Die Zitadelle von Mo: ------------------------------- Dina wird Adam erst¦è«_¨ô dann in die Kammer des zungenlosen (und deshalb so schwer verständlichen) Henkers Jabber begleiten, wenn man ihr den mutverleihenden Talisman gibt. Jabbers Geschenk, ein uralter Zahn, öffnet den Geheimgang zum Gewölbe unter Mo, wenn man den Zahn in das Gebiß der Mumie in Monks Arbeitszimmer einsetzt. Unten gelangt man zu einem Skelett, bei dem man genauso verfährt. Auf dem Boden des Gewölbes liegt ein Glasprisma, das unbedingt benötigt wird: es muß zusammen ¦è¬ÕF"_mit der weißen Platte in Monks Zimmer eingesetzt werden. In den diversen Tälern: ---------------------------------- Jedes Tal muß Bildschirm für Bildschirm erforscht werden. Allgemein erfordert der Zitadellenbau dabei folgende Schritte: 1) Der humanoide Siedlerstamm muß gefunden werden. 2) Brontosaurier müsseb mit einem Pilz und Flötenmusik zum Zitadellenbau überredet werden. 3) Der Wassersaurier muß gefragt werden, welcher Gegenstand die Tyrannosaurier vert¦è­MzÏ5reibt. 4) Dieser magische Gegenstand muß beschafft werden. 5) Die Velociraptoren müssen für den Kampf gegen die Tyrannosaurier engagiert werden. 6) Die Triceratopse müssen irgendwann dazu bewegt werden, beim Bau mitzuhelfen. - Beim Durchstreifen der Täler: oft speichern! Immer wieder trifft man auf eine Horde Tyrannosaurier, und dann heißt es nur noch: Abhauen, solange es noch geht - wenn man nicht ohnehin sofort gefressen wird! - Pilze und Vogelneste¦è®Ž—Or befinden sich in Waldgebieten (grüne Flächen auf der Übersichtskarte). Am besten immer einen Vorrat an beidem bereithalten. Zur Beachtung: nur die großen, dicken Pilze sind genießbar, die schmalen sind giftig und sollten weder weitergegeben noch verzehrt werden. - Die Äpfel für die Wassersaurier bekommt man von Thugg, sobald man ihn anspricht! - Bevor man einen Apfel ins Wasser wirft, erst nachsehen, ob sich in diesem Bildschirm überhaupt ein Wassersaur¦è¯­Ó†ier befindet, sonst ist das schöne Obst sinnlos vergeudet. - Gold für die Velociraptoren gibt es am Wasser zu finden - man muß allerdings erst mit seinen Begleitern darüber reden. - Die magischen Artefakte bekommt man erst im Tal von Uluru, und zwar von den Einwohnern, den Ulele; aber auch nur im Austausch gegen deren verlorengegangene Kultmasken. - Diese Masken wiederum sind leicht zu bekommen: man findet sie entweder beim Durchsuchen der Täler ode¦ è°ZŽr erhält sie von den Stämmen der anderen Täler als Dank für die in ihrem Tal errichtete Zitadelle. - Sobald man den Velociraptoren Gold und den magischen Gegenstand gegeben hat, werden diese die Tyrannosaurier für immer aus dem jeweiligen Tal vertreiben. - Wenn Dina sich auf die Suche nach dem verschwundenen Mungo gemacht hat, man sie aber braucht, um Eve aus der Geiselnahme der Castra auszulösen, findet man sie im jeweiligen Tal an einem Ufer des Sees¦ è±@u•~. Sie kann nur zum Mitkommen bewegt werden, wenn man mit ihr in die weiße Tafel blickt. - Leider können die Triceratopse erst relativ spät zur Mitarbeit überredet werden. Überhaupt sind diese ziemlich schwierige Zeitgenossen. Zwar fressen sie für ihr Leben gerne Vogelnester, aber sie damit zu ködern reicht nicht aus. Helfen kann hier nur noch Eve mit einem Lied, das sie während ihrer "Geiselhaft" bei den Castra gelernt hat. - Zwischenzeitlich wird A¦ 貉>mdams Vater, König Gregor, das Zeitliche segen; also ab nach Mo, sobald uns Eloi darauf hinweist. Es ist unumgänglich, Gregors Leichnam für die Ewigkeit zu konservieren. Dazu muß Adam mit seiner Gruppe zum Stamm der Einbalsamierer reisen, um dort zu erfahren, daß noch jemand gefunden werden muß, der den grauenhaftesten Teil der Zeremonie vollzieht: Jabber ist die Lösung unseres Problems. Er wird sich auch (gerne?) bereit erklären, zu helfen, wenn wir ihm dafür¦ è³gg×Ï Gregors Jagdhorn geben. - Erinnern wir uns: Die Tyrannosaurier im Tal von Shandovra konnten mit dem Zauberamulett nicht besiegt werden. Nun, für diesen Fall halten die Einbalsamierer ganz besonders mächtige Musikinstrumente (Trommel, Glocke, Horn) für denjenigen bereit, der ihnen das goldene Schwert von Mashaar präsentiert. An dieses Schwert kommt Adam, sobald er die Brontosaurier in Shandovra überredet hat, mit dem Bau der Zitadelle zu beginnen. - Nun ¦ è´áÞ|kommt es darauf an, die Musikinstrumente vor ihrem Einsatz auf die richtigen Personen zu verteilen. Auch wenn Monk einen anderen Vorschlag macht, so ist doch die einzige Kombination, die funktioniert, die folgende: Trommel -> Thugg Glocke -> Monk Horn -> Adam WARNUNG! Fast jeder Versuch, die Instrumente anders verteilt zu spielen, führt zum Tod durch Verspeisen. Daher vor dem "Konzert" abspeichern! - Irgendwann später wird sich die Gruppe in einem sc¦èµîÄùhaurig-düsteren Labyrinth in der Zitadelle von Mo wiederfinden. Hier hindurch zu gehen, ist überhaupt kein Problem. Ganz nach Lust und Laune frage man entweder Adams Schwester oder Monk; beide werden den richtigen Weg weisen. - Nachdem das Ei zur weißen Burg der Flugsaurier gebracht worden ist, dürfte Adam im Besitz von fünf weißen Tafeln sein. Jetzt auf zum Finale, auf zu Moorkus Rex' Unterschlupf. Dort zuerst nach rechts gehen und die letzte Tafel aufnehmen¦Dn©$. Dann noch die Treppe hinauf zum Obertyrann... ...und Adam hat es geschafft! Er hat Moorkus Rex besiegt und ist nun souveräner Herrscher von Mashaar! Abschließend folgt noch der mit vielen Gesprächen garnierte Ausklang des Adventures. Ralf Bohne ißen Burg der Flugsaurier gebracht worden ist, dürfte Adam im Besitz von fünf weißen Tafeln sein. Jetzt auf zum Finale, auf zu Moorkus Rex' Unterschlupf. Dort zuerst nach rechts gehen und die letzte Tafel aufnehmen¶-·ýÌ:HßÞÝÜÛÚÙØ×ÖÕÔÓÒÑÐÏÎÍÌËÊÉÈÇÆÅÄÃÂÁÀ¿¾½¼»º¹¸·T 20pÿÿÿý¶è¸Vö~MechWarrior 2 - Die Missionen ----------------------------- Die folgende Liste enthält eine Übersicht aller Missionen, die Sie in MechWarrior 2 auf dem Weg zum Khan erfolgreich bestehen müssen, mit Hinweisen zu den besonders kritischen Punkten: Missionen Clan Jadefalken Mission 1: Silent Thunder Planet: Colmar Terrain: Rocky Plains Tageszeit: Tag Missionsziele: Primär: Zerstören des Hyperpulsgenerators bei Nav Alpha Primär: Zerstören der Ko¶è¹©Y_¥mmunikationseinrichtung bei Nav Beta Sekundär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Mech Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 65t Gleich zu Beginn warten zwei gegnerische Kitfoxes auf Sie. LRM's sind gegen diese schnellen Mechs fast wirkungslos, da sie diese meist ausmanöverieren. Am besten einige Laser einbauen, die Strukturen halten einigen Beschuß aus ! ------------------------------------------¶èºÇô ------------------------ Mission 2: Arkham Bridge Planet: Bodegba Terrain: Pasture Land Tageszeit: Dämmerung Missionsziele: Primär: Verteidigen der Industrieanlagen bei Nav Kappa Primär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Einheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 75t Sofort mit Maximalgeschwindigkeit nach links über den Paß laufen und, sobald die Fabrik in Sicht kommt, die gegnerisch¶è»ãDMen Mechs am besten mit LRM's beschießen. Im weiteren Verlauf darauf achten, nicht selbst die Fabrik durch Fehlschüsse zu beschädigen ! ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 3: Mirror Cage Planet: Silvisfer Terrain: Low Hills Tageszeit: Morgendämmerung Primär: Zerstören des feindlichen Landungsschiffes bei Nav Zeta Sekundär: Zerstören aller Verteidigungseinheiten Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht¶è¼ébz, pro Mech: 70t Die Aufgabe mag zwar sehr schwierig erscheinen, aber da das Landungsschiff ausser Gefecht ist, müssen lediglich die gegnerischen Mechs ausgeschaltet werden, bevor man sich in aller Ruhe dem Landungsschiff widmen kann. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 4: Bone Machine Planet: Baker 3 Terrain: Rocky Hills Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Verteidigen der Basis bei Nav Gamma Sekundär: Zerstören aller an¶è½G<6greifenden Einheiten Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 60t Die Temperatur in diesem Szenario ist angenehm kühl, sodaß auf einige Wärmetauscher verzichtet werden kann. Ausserdem sollten einige LRM's auf der Waffenliste stehen, um die angreifenden Mechs schon aus großer Entfernung bekämpfen zu können. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 5: Trial 1 Eigener Mech: Storm Crow Gegneris¶è¾qp[che Mechs: Hellbringer Timber Wolf Ein zugegebenermaßen etwas unfairer Kampf - aber bei den folgenden Trials kommt es noch dicker ! ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 6: Bouk Obelisk Planet: Mond McDuff Terrain: Cratered / Vacuum Tageszeit: Morgendämmerung Primär: Zerstören jeglichen Widerstands Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 60t Schon nach kurzem kommt ein Hilfegesuch ei¶è¿·Ines Jadefalkenmechs, aber sobald man sich ihm genügend genähert hat, stellt sich das ganze als eine Falle heraus und es wimmelt geradezu von gegnerischen Maschinen. An dieser Stelle sollte der Rückzug zum Isotopenlabor angetreten werden, da die Gegner auch die Kuppel angreifen ! Auf McDuff liegt die Temperatur bei 127 Grad minus, also geradezu ideal für Laser ! ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 7: Umber Wall Pl¶ èÀ01anet: Evciler Terrain: Iron Oxygene Rift Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Eskortieren eines Hovertank zur Fabrik bei Nav Omikron Sekundär: Zerstören aller angreifenden Einheiten Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 75t Gegen die zu Beginn ankommenden Flugzeuge haben sich vier ER Large Laser, auf Gruppenfeuer geschaltet, bewährt - ein Treffer damit und schon gibt es ein "Enemy aircraft destroyed" zu hören. Anschließend schnell um den Berg h¶ èÁ-/nžerum, da auf der anderen Seite des Tunnels bereits zwei besonders dicke Gegner auf unseren Schützling warten ! ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 8: Rouge Chariot Planet: Troychron Terrain: Canyon Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Zerstören des Kernwärmetauschers bei Nav Sigma Sekundär: Zerstören aller Verteidigungseinheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pr¶ èÂ4:®o Mech: 65t Auf der Brücke über den Canyon laufen zwei Mechs umher, die man sehr leiche ausschalten kann, indem man ihnen einfach die Brücke unter den Beinen wegschießt. Auch die wartenden Panzer sollten kein großes Hinderniß sein. Ist der Wärmetauscher erst einmal vernichtet, bleibt nicht viel Zeit, um aus dem Blastradius der Explosion zu gelangen, also schnell zurück zum eigenen Landungsschiff ! ------------------------------------------ ----------------¶ èóMB-------- Mission 9: Trial 2 Eigener Mech: Nova Gegnerische Mechs: Warhammer Gargoyle Der eigene Mech wird immer kleiner und die Gegner immer größer. Der einzige Vorteil bleibt die größere Beweglichkeit. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 10: Plum Wine Planet: Wotan Terrain: Farmland Tageszeit: Dämmerung Primär: Zerstören aller Fahrzeuge mit hochrangigem Kommandopersonal Primär: Inspizie¶ èÄr£¦ren von Gebäuden, die gegnerische Munitionslager enthalten könnten Tertiär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Einheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 85t In diesem Szenario kommt es auf Geschwindigkeit an, damit nicht der eine Konvoy verschwindet, während man sich um den anderen kümmert. Die anschließend noch zu findende Munition befindet sich in drei Lagerhäusern (Warehouses). ----------¶èÅlZž-------------------------------- ------------------------ Mission 11: Rust Heart Planet: Wotan Terrain: Crystalline Forms Tageszeit: Dämmerung Primär: Eskortieren eines Konvoys zur Basis bei Nav Epsilon Sekundär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Einheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 85t Entgegen der Information im Briefing lauern natürlich Feinde auf den Konvoy. Werden diese jed¶èÆŸ¸\¬och genügend beschäftigt, kommt der Konvoy problemlos ans Ziel. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 12: Trial 3 Eigener Mech: Kit Fox Gegnerische Mechs: Summoner Warhawk Das Hauptproblem hier ist die relativ schwache Bewaffnung des Kit Fox. Dennoch: die beste Taktik bleibt es, den Gegnermechs die Beine wegzuschießen. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 13¶èÇdÞœ: Armor Veil Planet: Morges Terrain: Ice Desert Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Verteidigen des Flughafens Sekundär: Zerstören aller angreifenden Mechs Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 3 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 100t Die anrückenden Mechs greifen bereits auf große Distanz den Kontrollturm an, also sollten die anderen Sternmitglieder den Gegnern entgegengeschickt werden, während man selbst die aus der anderen Richtung kommenden Mechs übernimmt. ------------¶èÈ“Ëj------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 14: Iron Piston Planet: Morges Terrain: Stadtgebiet Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Mechs in der Stadt Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 100t Der gewählte Mech muß in dieser Mission nicht schnell sein. Also lieber mehr Wert auf gute Panzerung und Bewaffnung legen. Eine Sprungdüse ist ebenfalls empfehlenswert, da sich der Mech dann sehr schn¶èÉm û›ell wenden läßt, wenn man plötzlich ein Gegner im Rücken entdeckt. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 15: Bronze Anvil Planet: Morges Terrain: Ice Rift Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Identifizieren und Zerstören von Radick's Mech Primär: Identifizieren und Zerstören der Stabsfahrzeuge Sekundär: Zerstören aller Verteidigungseinheiten Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 3 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 100t Bei der letzten Mi¶èʾ÷ssion vor dem Kampf um den Titel des Khan ist es wichtig, den Mech von Radick (der zurückweichende Dire Wolf) zu identifizieren, bevor man ihn ausschaltet - also vorsicht mit LRM-Feuer, da hier allzuleicht Cockpit-Treffer die Mission zum Scheitern bringen können. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 16: Trial 4 Eigener Mech: Fire Moth Gegnerische Mechs: Marauder Dire Wolf Ein harter Brocken, mit dem leic¶èË­‚htesten Omnimech gegen zwei der schwersten anzutreten. Allerdings sind die Beine des Marauder verhältnißmäßig verwundbar, und gegen den Dire Wolf danach hilft nur beten und die Hoffnung auf einen kritischen Treffer ! ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Missionen Clan Wolf Mission 1: Pyre Light Planet: Colmar Terrain: Rolling Hills Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Zerstören der Chemiefabrik Primär: Inspizieren der Reste e¶èÌJ§iner gegnerischen Basis Sekundär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Mechs Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 60t Den ersten anrückenden Jenner schnell mit LRM's erledigen, da er sonst ziemlich stören kann. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 2: Flame Tongue Planet: Sudeten Terrain: Prairie Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Zerstören der Punpstation bei Nav A¶èÍöÛ®lpha Primär: Zerstören des befestigten Hauptquartiers bei Nav Beta Sekundär: Zerstören aller Verteidigereinheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 60t Insbesondere das Hauptquartier ist ein harter Brocken, der eine ganze Menge von Treffern aushält. Nur mit munitionsbezogenen Waffen ist ein Erfolg hier schier unmöglich. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ ¶èÎC4¸Ê Mission 3: Blade Splint Planet: Zoetermeer Terrain: Sparse Urban Tageszeit: Morgendämmerung Primär: Aufspüren des Energiewandlers Primär: Vernichten des Energiewandlers Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 75t Einfach die Navigationspunkte ablaufen, in der Nähe eines der letzten Nav-Punkte findet sich der blau leuchtende Plasmakonverter. Die kurz vorher auftauchenden drei Summoner umgeht man am besten, wenn man sich im Cockp¶èÏ0òþit noch nicht ganz sicher fühlt. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 4: Temper Edge Planet: Baker 3 Terrain: Snowy Pass Tageszeit: Dämmerung Primär: Verteidigen der T5 Aufklärungseinheit und Eskorte zu Nav Sigma Primär: Verteidigen des Reparaturfahrzeuges bis zum Abschluß der Reparaturen Sekundär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Einheiten Sekundär: Eskortieren des Reparaturfahrzeuges zum Abholpunkt Maximale A¶èÐÅnzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 65t Die anrückenden Mechs müssen beschäftigt bleiben, da sie sonst die reparaturbedürftige Tarantula gänzlich auseinandernehmen. Ist der Mech erst einmal repariert, bleibt das Eskortieren leicht. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 5: Trial 1 Eigener Mech: Storm Crow Gegnerische Mechs: 1.Welle: 2 Fire Moth 2.Welle: Storm Crow Gargoyle Die ersten¶èÑ™Ÿ‘ zwei Fire Moth sollten keine großen Probleme bereiten, erst die letzte Gargoyle wird etwas härter. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 6: Sable Flame Planet: McDuff Terrain: Cratered / Vacuum Tageszeit: Nacht Primär: Erobern und Sichern der Sensorenkuppel Sekundär: Zerstören der die Kuppel bewachenden Mechs Sekundär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech¶èÒA‡0m: 85t Der Schlüssel zu dieser Mission liegt zum einen darin, beim Beseitigen der ersten drei Wach-Mechs die Kuppel nicht zu beschädigen und danach die angreifenden Mechs schnell genug zu besiegen, daß sie nicht dazukommen, die Kuppel zu sprengen. Der Mond McDuff ist extrem kalt, sodaß auch eine Vierfachsalve ER-PPC's recht schnell wieder abgekühlt ist. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 7: Burning Chrome Plan¶èÓ¦âet: Evciler Terrain: Ice Rift Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Zerstören der Solarzellenbatterie bei Nav Tau Sekundär: Zerstören aller Verteidiger Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 65t Auf der anderen Seite des Bergvorsprungs warten zwei Mechs auf Sie, rechts hinter dem Tafelberg lauert ein Mad Dog und sobald der erste Turm ausgeschaltet ist, taucht auch noch ein Summoner mit einem Gaussgeschütz¶èÔ2ç¾È auf, also vorsicht ! Die Türme lassen sich am leichtesten mit einer Salve LRM erledigen, also auf jeden Fall mindestens eine LRM 5 einbauen. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 8: Scorching Sand Planet: Twycross Terrain: Mesa Desert Tageszeit: Dämmerung Primär: Erobern und Sichern des mobilen Hauptquartiers Sekundär: Zerstören aller Verteidigereinheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale An¶èÕìQ‰ðzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 70t Auch hier empfehlen sich LRM's, um die Lasertürme zu vernichten. Hierzu stellt man sich einfach so nahe an die Felswand, daß man die Türme zwar noch nicht sieht, aber seitlich an der Wand vorbeizielen kann und mit den Raketen immer noch ein Lock erhält. Dann einfach aus sicherer Deckung einen Turm nach dem anderen auseinandernehmen. Sind die zwei Wachfahrzeuge zerstört, kommt von einem der Plateaus ein Riflem¶èÖÄŸçNan herabgesprungen. Auch gegen ihn empfehlen sich einige massive LRM-Batterien. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 9: Trial 2 Eigener Mech: Mad Dog Gegnerische Mechs: 1.Welle: 2 Jenners 2.Welle: Rifleman Jenner Für die zweite Welle einige LRM übriglassen und damit den Jenner ausschalten/beschädigen. Ansonsten auf den Rifleman konzentrieren, da dieser eine enorme Feuerkraft besitzt ! ------¶ è×¼n´è------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 10: Silver Staff Planet: Wotan Terrain: Industrial Urban Tageszeit: Dämmerung Primär: Zerstören der Chemiefabrik bei Nav Phi Primär: Zerstören des Flugfeldes bei Nav Chi Sekundär: Inspizieren von Gebäuden, die Munition enthalten Tertiär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Einheiten in der Stadt Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 80t Zu dieser Mission gibt es ei¶!èئP×ßgentlich nicht allzuviel zu sagen, außer daß etliche überschwere Omnimechs als Gegner fungieren. LRM's und SRM's bieten beim Kampf gegen diese Monster den Vorteil, häufiger Cockpittreffer zu erzielen als andere Waffen. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 11: Aquiline Fire Planet: Wotan Terrain: Crystalline Anomalies Tageszeit: Dämmerung Primär: Inspizieren des Landungsschiffswracks und Abziehen der gespeicherte¶"è٠Ѐ[n Daten Primär: Zerstören des Wracks nach erfolgter Übertragung Sekundär: Zerstören aller Gegnereinheiten Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 2 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 80t Die größte Schwierigkeit besteht hier darin, das Wrack erst einmal zu finden: Es liegt südöstlich von Nav Theta. Hat man es einmal gefunden, muß es nur noch identifiziert werden. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 12: Trial 3 Eigener Mech:¶#èÚøÂñK Summoner Gegnerische Mechs: 1.Welle: Mad Dog Storm Crow 2.Welle: 2 Gargoyles Wie bei den meisten Trials of Position sollten auch hier vornehmlich die Beine der gegnerischen Mechs ins Visier genommen werden. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 13: Cold Crescent Planet: Karetah, Morges Mond Terrain: Steppe Tageszeit: Tag Primär: Zerstören des gegnerischen Patroullienmechs Primär: Zerstören ¶$èÛ×{ Œdes Terraformerkerns Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 60t Beim Ausschalten des Patroullien - Mad Dog muß man sich beeilen, da dessen MechKrieger sonst um Hilfe funkt und damit die gesamte Mission gescheitert ist. Danach lassen uns die gegnerischen Mechs ungehindert passieren, solange, bis man durch das Tor im Zaun gekommen ist. Nun sollte man schnell um den Berg herumlaufen und auf dessen Rückseite den Eingang zur Höhle freischieße¶%èÜ3ã[Ûn. Nachdem der Terraformer im Inneren vernichtet ist, muß man sich sehr beeilen, um noch aus dem Explosionsradius zu gelangen. Also nicht mit den Wach-Mechs anlegen, sondern schnell weg. Eine hochgepanzerte und extrem schnelle Nova hat sich hier bewährt. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 14: Velvet Hammer Planet: Morges Terrain: Dense Urban Tageszeit: Nacht Primär: Rendezvous mit Hoverlimousine bei Nav Xi ¶&èÝ•R›Ü Primär: Eskortieren der Limousine zur Oper Sekundär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Einheiten Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 1 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 100t Ein kleiner Trick: Kümmert man sich zuerst um die gegnerischen Einheiten und steuert dann erst Nav Xi an, dann wartet die Hoverlimousine brav an ihrem Ausgangsort, bis keine Gefahr mehr besteht. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 15: Golden Spade Planet: Mor¶'èÞ!AÃ\ges Terrain: Sparse Urban Tageszeit: Nacht Primär: Inspizieren des Palastkomplexes Primär: Zerstören des Palastkomplexes falls er als Kommunikationsstation dient Primär: Zerstören der Straßensperren und Geschütztürme bei Nav Omega Sekundär: Zerstören aller gegnerischen Sekundäreinheiten Tertiär: Zerstören von Gelegenheitszielen Maximale Anzahl von Mechs: 3 Maximales Gewicht pro Mech: 90t Der Palast wird von einer Energiemauer geschützt, die mit no¶(èßÆú}°rmalen Waffen nicht zu durchbrechen ist. Allerdings befindet sich im Nordwesten des Palastes der Schildgenerator (flache Struktur am Boden, nicht gerade leicht zu finden), der das Kraftfeld speist. Ist erst einmal der Generator zerstört, ist der Palast auch kein Problem mehr. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mission 16: Trial 4 Eigener Mech: Timber Wolf Gegnerische Mechs: 1.Welle: Warhammer Dire Wolf 2.Wel¶)èdÇ3le: Rifleman 2 Marauders Der Schlüssel zum Titel des Khan bei Clan Wolf liegt wohl darin, einen der Mechs der ersten Welle mit einem abgeschossenen Bein stehenzulassen und sich dann die Mechs der zweiten Welle einen nach dem anderen vorzunehmen. Diese bewegen sich nämlich erst dann, wenn sie beschossen werden, und dann auch nur die getroffenen Mechs (vorsicht bei Waffen, die Streuschaden anrichten (Raketen, ER- PPC's). ------------------------