Short: Cheats for the game Labyrinth 2. Author: (Ventzislav Tzvetkov) Uploader: drHirudo Amigascne org (Ventzislav Tzvetkov) Type: game/hint Version: 1.0 Requires: game/misc/Labyrinth2.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos This archive have save game just before completion and a map for the game Labyrinth 2. The green dot on the map represents the treasure. The red dots are the traps. White lines are walls, black lines are the corridors. The game begins from x=1, y=2; (Upper left corner), and you are heading EAST. To use the save file, copy Labyrinth2.sav in your Labyrinth2 drawer and after starting, press Amiga+L to load it. Enjoy. --