Short: Solves for many old adventure games Author: Unknown Uploader: bspwrb bath ac uk Type: game/hint Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a collection of over 100 solves, walkthrus and hints for a bunch of old adventure games - text adventures, graphic adventures and a few odds and sods, such as Dungeon Master. It includes most of the Infocom games and others such as Level 9 and Magnetic Scrolls adventures. If you're still stuck on that hoary old adventure from 1986, this is the archive for you!! The files are of uncertain provenance, so if the solution doesn't work: a) It's not my fault. b) E-mail me and let me know (espeically if you've got a correct solution) and I'll modify the relevant files. Bill Bennett These are the games: AdventureQuest AmazonAdventure AMindForeverVoyaging Ballyhoo BardsTale1 Battletech BeyondZork BlackCauldron BlackscarMount BorderZone BorrowedTime Breakers Brimstone Bureaucracy ChronoQuest ColossalCave Corruption CrimsonCrown Cutthroats Deadline DejaVu1 DejaVu2 DemonsTomb DreamZone DungeonAdventure DungeonMaster Emanuelle Enchanter Essex Fahrenheit451 Fish! FutureWars Gateway GnomeRanger GoldRush GrailQuest Grimmold Grimoire GuildOfThieves HerosQuest Hillsfar HitchikersGuide HollywoodHiJinx IndianaJonesAndLastCrusade Infidel IngridsBack Invasion JadeStone Jinxter KingsQuest1 KingsQuest2 KingsQuest3 KingsQuest4 KnightOrc Kristal Kult Lancelot LeatherGoddesses LegendOfTheSword LeisureSuitLarry LeisureSuitLarry2 LeisureSuitLarry3 LetSleepingGodsLie LordsOfTime LurkingHorror Manhunter2 ManhunterNY ManiacMansion Mindshadow Mindwheel Moonmist Mutant Myth OO-Topos Pawn PersonalNightmare Phantasie Planetfall PlunderedHearts PoliceQuest PoliceQuest2 Questron Questron2 ReturnToEden RingsOfZilfin Roadwar2000 ScapeGhost1 Scapeghost2 Scapeghost3 Seastalker Shadowgate ShardsOfTime Sherlock Snowball Sorcerer SpaceQuest SpaceQuest2 SpaceQuest3 SpaceRogue Spellbreaker Starcross Stationfall Suspect Suspended TassTimes Transylvania TreasureIsland Trinity Ultima3 Ultima5 UltimaI UltimaII UltimaIV Uninvited WarInMiddleEarth Whiplash Wishbringer Witness WizardsTower WormInParadise ZakMcKracken ZorkI ZorkII ZorkIII