Short: 4400 Product-Info files - 940319 Author:, et. al. Uploader: fnf fishpond cygnus com Type: fish/docs Architecture: generic This archive contains about 4400 Product-Info files, for material in my floppy library (disks 1-975). Of these 4400 files, approximately 500 were created by either myself, the authors of the material, or other interested parties. The remaining files were automatically generated from "Contents" files that exist on each floppy. These automatically generated files may contain both subtle and gross errors. Hopefully they will eventually be replaced with human generated description files that are more accurate and more complete. Part of the reason for making these files available is to encourage interested parties (and particularly the authors) to submit better replacements. ------------------ SUBMITTING CHANGES ------------------ If you want to help with the process of improving this database by adding information to the existing product info files (particularly the ones that were machine generated), fixing errors in the Product-Info files, etc, I suggest that you use the following technique: (1) Extract the tree of product info files from the archive. This will create a "pifiles" directory with many subdirectories, one for each floppy disk and one for each CD-ROM (if included). This is the reference tree from which diffs will be based. $ lha -mraxe x pifiles-XXXX.lha (2) Find the product info files that you wish to edit. Note that a grep of pifiles/FileList will tell you what pifiles are in the tree for a specific program. I.E. $ grep pifiles/FileList MuchMore d234/MuchMore/Product-Info d253/MuchMore/Product-Info d378/MuchMore/Product-Info ... (3) Make mirror copies in a sibling tree of the Product-Info files you wish to edit. For example: $ mkdir $ cd $ mkdir -p d234/MuchMore $ cp ../pifiles/d234/MuchMore/Product-Info d234/MuchMore/Product-Info $ mkdir -p d253/MuchMore $ cp ../pifiles/d253/MuchMore/Product-Info d253/MuchMore/Product-Info ... If you have the disk space you can just clone the pifiles tree as, and then just edit only those files in the tree you wish to change. However this will greatly increase the time required to do the diff of the two trees. (4) Edit the files you want to change: $ cd $ emacs d234/MuchMore/Product-Info $ emacs d253/MuchMore/Product-Info ... (5) Generate diffs for your files against the baseline pifiles tree, using GNU diff (or Unix diff): $ diff -rc pifiles >pifiles.diff (6) Edit the diff file to remove the several thousand lines that contain gripes from diff about files that are only in the original pifiles tree. There doesn't appear to be anyway to turn off this feature: $ emacs pifiles.diff (7) Mail these diffs to me: $ mail