Short: Incomplete $VERsion list of Amiga prgs Author: (Marcus Cai Degler) Uploader: MCDegler mcd infoserv de (Marcus Cai Degler) Type: docs/lists Replaces: text/misc/Version245.lha Architecture: generic $VER: Amiga-Versionen-Liste 2.58 (27.04.98) © 1994-98 by M. C. Degler Eine Amiga-Applikation-Versionen-Liste von zweifelhaftem "GebrauchsWert" (Fuer alle User, die sich schon immer gefragt haben: "Ist dies die neueste Version von dem Programm xx?") Sorry, the text is partly in german but the main information, the list of 1383 version numbers for various amiga-programms, is kind of multi-lingual anyways...