Short: Battery backed-up clock/cal project Author: (Adriano De Minicis) Uploader: adriadm netanday it (Adriano De Minicis) Type: docs/hard Version: 2.1f Architecture: generic Freeware release of my old project MouseClock: Hardware project of a low cost, very small external battery backed up clock calendar for all Amigas (especially for A1200, A500, A600). It is connected to the mouse port #2. Freeware, includes source. WARNING: THIS IS AN OLD PROJECT, I DON'T KNOW IF IT STILL WORKS WITH NEW AMIGAS/ACCELERATORS/OS. I DO NOT SUPPORT ANYMORE THIS PROJECT, SO I HAVE RELEASED ALL DOCS HERE. BUILD AT YOUR OWN RISK. Changes from v2.0 to v2.1f: - New version of SetMClock. - Added all schematics and mounting plans. - No more support.