Short:        Various documents on the Amiga hardware.
Author:       Many, some by me Ian Stedman
Uploader:     ICStedman techie com  (Ian Stedman)
Type:         docs/hard
Architecture: generic

This archive contains numerous documents on the Amiga hardware.
They have come from numerous sources on my internet surfing.
Quick summary,

500 hacks.txt		A list of old A500 hacks
A1200-ccresetfix.txt	A fix for the A1200 CC_RESET (PCMCIA port reset)
amigafix.txt		A largelist of Amiga hardware fixes
Audio.txt		How the Amiga's Audio system works.
Autoconf.txt		How the Amiga's Autoconfig system works
Blitter.txt		How the blitter works
Cia.txt			Info on the 8520 CIAs		An Amigaguide version of the above.
control.txt		Info on the system control hardware of the Amiga
Copper.txt		How the copper works
Intro.txt		Intro to the Amiga hardware.
Memory.txt		A500 Memory map.
Playfild.txt		How the Playfield stuff works
Ports.txt		Pinouts and operation of the Par, Ser and Joy ports
Register.txt		Summary of the Amiga's registers
Reg2.txt		More info on the Amiga's registers
Sprite.txt		How the sprite engine works and how to use it.