Short: Fast XRef-System using AmigaGuide(DNode,ADoc) Author: Uploader: ruppert vs3 informatik fh-wiesbaden de Type: dev/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | XRef-System 1.1 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | by | | | | Stefan Ruppert | | | | Copyright © 1994,1995 | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The XRef-System is a collection of tools, which uses the xref.library to manage cross-reference lists. The main purpose is, that you can search, parse these xref-lists with patterns or just with normal strings. To manage different aspects of documentations you can categorize the xref-files. In this distribution there are some xref-files included, which contain all V40.15 AutoDoc and Includes entries (such as structures,defines or functions). You can also convert C-Header- ,AutoDoc- and Unix-ManualPage files to AmigaGuide files. It provides a little ARexx interface and more ... . See the tools or library documentation for more information. Permission is hereby granted to distribute the program's archive containing the executable's and documentation for non-commercial purposes as long as the archive and its contents are not modified in any way. You can modify the given tools for your own use, but don't distribute such files !!! You can send me these changes,so that I can coordinate the distribution of the XRef-System !!! It's strictly forbidden to include this archive in any kind of software collection except Fred Fish's AmigaLibrary, Aminet , Aminet CD's and BBS Fileareas ! These files and programs may not be distributed for a profit and are Shareware. See help/english/ or doc/english/XRef-System.doc for more detail. Please send all comments,ideas,suggestions,bug-reports and Shareware-fee to : Stefan Ruppert Windthorststraße 5 65439 Flörsheim GERMANY EMail: Actual versions of the tools : aguidexrefv37 1.10 (22.09.94) aguidexrefv39 1.12 (02.11.94) expungexref 1.7 (24.09.94) loadxref 1.6 (22.09.94) makeaguideindex 1.3 (13.09.94) makexref 1.20 (19.11.94) parsexref 1.6 (03.09.94) statxref 1.5 (24.09.94) XRefAPI 1.4 (16.09.94) xrefattrs 1.1 (16.07.94) xrefconvert 1.14 (03.11.94) Actual version of the library : xref.library 1.20 (08.01.95)