Short: First try of Macintosh BOOPSI gadgets.. Author: (Daniel Balster) Uploader: dbalster uni-paderborn de (Daniel Balster) Type: dev/gui Architecture: m68k-amigaos *** NONSENSE WARNING *** This is a quick and funny hack I wrote some days ago during the examination of some GUI designs. It just opens a window, adds a ZOOM, SIZE, CLOSE and a DRAGBAR gadget and fills it white.. but all gadgets have the Macintosh(TM) look :-) Feel free to use this source in your own applications (applications ?? for real programs, please, DO NOT USE IT!). Have a look at these Functions: struct Window *win = OpenWindoid ("Workbench",tags, ...); CloseWindoid(struct Window *win); init() and kill() are only used to initialize the BOOPSI classes.