Short: E-sources mostly classes Author: Uploader: leif_salomonsson swipnet se Type: dev/e Architecture: m68k-amigaos Lots of modules and classes, some finnished som not. only the sources included, compile yourself :) not very much documentation. hope you can figure out whats what. There is a lot of array/list stuff. For example the files nm.e, nm#?List is nice classes for handling nodes and lists with methods. very handy. *works* uses the rootclass 'object'. other versions of the above but for nodes without methods, + array interface, + list <> list funcions + whatever :) checkout xl, xli, xliv .. smartList, collection#?X... *most things work* Check also out dbmapX.e . An fast and neat dynamic bitmap, also comes in 2d and 3d versions! :) *works* lotsa other snifsnuff also.. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF DATA OR OTHER NOT SO PLEASENT THINGS! use at your own risk! IT'S FREEWARE! my email : 991106