Short: Card deck gfx,code,large cards(SAS,Manx) Author: Uploader: Todd_Lewis unc edu Type: dev/c Architecture: m68k-amigaos Todd M. Lewis 2601 Piedmont Drive (919) 776-7386 Sanford, NC 27330-9437 USA The "card package" contains C source code for incorporating playing card images into Intuition programs. Three complete sets of card images are provided. One set has horizontal cards, the others have vertical cards. Though some are small (they were designed so that 52 cards could be shown at the same time on a Workbench screen), attention to detail has not been spared. All the face cards are unique. The Jack of Spades, the Jack of Hearts, and the King of Diamonds are all "one-eyed" like they are supposed to be. A joker image is included, as well as the images of the back of a card, a blank card, and black card image. The programming interface is straight-forward. No initialization is necessary (except for opening the intuition.library and the graphics.library). A blind type is defined (CardID_t) for representing cards. Four suits are defined for "normal" cards (SUIT_SPADES, SUIT_HEARTS, SUIT_CLUBS, and SUIT_DIAMONDS) plus an additional suit for the special images (SUIT_SPECIAL). Functions are provided for translating a (suit,rank) pair to a CardID (CardID()) and back (CardSuit() and CardRank()). These functions provide error checking for invalid CardIDs and impossible (suit,rank) combinations. Functions are provided to initialize (CardRange()) and shuffle (Shuffle()) an array of CardIDs. Cards are displayed by calling ShowVCard(), ShowVBigCard(), or ShowHCard(). Defined constants give the width and height of both the horizontal and vertical card images.