Short:        Sorts Amos or HiSoft programs.(v1.1)
Uploader:     Braneloc mirex demon co uk
Type:         dev/amos
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Ok.  Whats all this about sorting programs ?

Simply, if you have all your procedures/functions/sub's all in jumbled up,
it can be really, really hard to find the one you are looking for. 

Solution: Put them in alphabetical order.

How ?: Run this program.

 _   _   _        _     _   _     |  
|_> |_| |_| |\ | |_ |  | | /   |  |  "Ok dipswitches, prepare to meet
|_> | \ | | | \| |_ |_ |_| \_  .  |   your programmer"