Short:        Lamer Protection
Author:       Legionary / OldSk00l Crackers
Uploader:     Legionary / OldSk00l Crackers <legionary3 gmail com>
Type:         dev/asm
Version:      1.10
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Lamer Protection v1.10 "WAS" a relative nice tool to keep
people away from decrunching my tools/intros. The program
(LP110) works 100% best with Stonecracker v4.10.3, but
other crunchers like CrunchMania may works, but might be
unstable. I noticed the bug after some time, but i had
lost the source and i didn't feel like deprotect it,
decrunch and resource it to fix the bug, so i just stayed
with stonecracker.

How it worked
LP110 checks the hunk, move hunkdata 128 bytes down ($ver string)
plus a few bytes for the extra code. I removes the "S404" sign to
some garbage, adds 1 or 2 lines of code (i my memory serves me right)
just to confuse and finally recalculates the hunk size before saving.

I just gave this tool to a VERY FEW people as it was for my own private
use, but today i give it away as freeware, although there's tools today
which removes the protection and decrunches it.

I just release it on Aminet as nice piece of the past.

Coded back in 1995 by Legionary / OldSk00l Crackers

Have Phun!