Short: "Dpaint" that writes AMOS graphics code Author: (Steve Tiffany) Uploader: stiffany isd net (Steve Tiffany) Type: dev/amos Architecture: m68k-amigaos AMOS Art Coder is a program which simplifies the use of the graphics commands Polygon, Polyline, Draw, Box, Bar, Ellipse, Paint, Palette, Set Pattern and Text. It works like a paint program, but instead of saving a picture as an IFF file, it writes an Ascii file in RAM that contains the code to re-create the drawing. You simply merge this code into your own program where you want the picture to draw. The chief advantage of this approach is compactness. Assuming a drawing of limited complexity, the art code tends to be much smaller than an IFF file of the same image. Say you've got a title screen that's currently a 35k IFF file. Trace it with the Art Coder and it may add 3k to your code, but you can get rid of the IFF file, for a net savings of 32k. Or say you're writing an adventure game. Using art code, your program could have 150 screens of unique imagery and still fit onto a single floppy disk. Art Coder is also ideal for designing interface screens because you can refer to the X,Y coordinates of Box and Bar commands in your art code when you're writing the routines that check for mouse clicks. Also, there are times when you can't use bobs and IFF files. Say you're writing a short program for a magazine, and people will be typing in the listing themselves. How do you handle the bobs? Now your program can draw them with art code and grab them with "Get Bob." The archive also includes Collage Coder, which lets you draw objects to different parts of the screen, and a slide show of 22 pictures created with Art Coder.