Short: Better anim display, screen centering Author: (Steve Tiffany) Uploader: stiffany isd net (Steve Tiffany) Type: dev/amos Version: 1.1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos AnimFlipper demonstrates three procedures that make it easy to create good-looking full-screen animated presentations in AMOS Professional. EXHIBITANIM[] is a replacement for Amos Pro's `Iff Anim' command. Unlike Iff Anim, its screens can be centered by Screen Display, and it stops on the anim's LAST frame (not Frame 2) while the next one loads. It gives you several options for triggering the anim, including waiting for a mouse click, plus lets you control the anim's speed. EXHIBIT[] is a similar procedure that displays IFFs. Even if you don't need to show anims, take a look at the SCRNCENTER[] procedure. It can prevent your programs from looking off-center on other people's systems.