Short: Encrypt/compress mail/attachments w/YAM Author: (Roberto Ragusa) Uploader: roragusa freenet hut fi (Roberto Ragusa) Type: util/rexx Version: 1.1 Requires: YAM 1.3.5, PGP 2.6.3(i) Architecture: m68k-amigaos These freeware rexx scripts allows you to easily send/receive encrypted mail with YAM, featuring attachment management (completely hidden) and data compression (several archivers, so you can exchange mail with PC/Unix users too). -------------------- HISTORY 1.0 -> 1.1 - Added history section :-) . - Added sign only option. - Added bzip2 support (.tar.bz2), a new powerful packer (expecially on texts). - Added NetSupport.library (sorry, I forgot it in 1.0). - Changed doc to be more clear (thanks to Kipling+). - Fixed small typos. - Tested with YAM2 beta: it works, but I found a couple of bugs in YAM2. Marcel Beck is discouraging using ARexx on preview releases of YAM2, because it's not finished and tested yet (on 12/03/98).