Short: TCP/IP utils to set/check time from USNO Author: Port by Rick O'Sullivan, original by USNO timekeepers. Uploader: rosully aww com (Rick O\\'Sullivan) Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos US Naval Observatory Time Utilites for AmigaDOS ----------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------- This is an Amiga port of routines from the US Naval Observatory. UTILITIY FUNCTION POST ADDRESS -------- ------------------------------- --------------------------- timec check time from remote service; "time" on port 37/tcp time_chk check time from remote service; "timesrv" on port 22375/tcp time_set set time from remote service; "timesrv" on port 22375/tcp timesrvd serve time to remote client ; "timesrv" on port 22375/tcp REQUIREMENTS ------------ These routines were compiled and tested on an A3000 with AmigaDOS V2.1 and AmiTCP V4.2 (commercial). The source is provided and should be easily adapted for AS225. INSTALLATION ------------ 1 Copy the utilities in usno/bin to AmiTCP:bin. 2 Copy the daemon in usno/serv to AmiTCP:serv, if you wish to serve time. 3 Add the following line to AmiTCP:db/services: timesrv 22375/tcp ; time server process EXAMPLES -------- Set local time to USNO time using "timesrv" & port 22375/tcp: > time_set ; sets local time to USNO time Check local time with USNO time using "timesrv" & port 22375/tcp: > time_chk Local Time.....: Sat Nov 04 00:36:42 1995 at Remote Time....: Sat Nov 04 00:36:42 1995 at Local - Server.: 0 secs Check local time with USNO time using "time" & port 37/tcp: > time_chk ; checks local time with USNO time Local Time.....: Sat Nov 04 00:38:41 1995 at Remote Time....: Sat Nov 04 00:38:42 1995 at Local - Server.: -1 secs BUGS ---- I had to _reset_ my GMT offset in the Locale Preference. If you receive funny times try changing highligt on Locale's map back and forth. DEVELOPERS ---------- The makefiles and source for these utilities is included. They were compiled with SAS/C V6.55. The makefiles assume the AmiTCP development files are organized as follows: AmiTCP: | ---> AmiTCP:dev | ---> AmiTCP:dev/include | ---> AmiTCP:dev/lib | ---> AmiTCP:dev/src | ---> AmiTCP:dev/src/usno Note: I've moved the default location of AmiTCP:include, AmiTCP:lib and AmiTCP:src to AmiTCP:dev as a personal preference. These files were obtained from Mia culpa, I changed the names a bit and restructured the code to suit my tastes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Altofirma Web Works Richard P. O'Sullivan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tick-Tock :-)