Short: p2p client, MorphOS port Author: Kenny Dahlroth Uploader: Kenny Dahlroth Type: comm/tcp Version: 3.1.0 Architecture: ppc-morphos MLDonkey 3.1.0 ported for MorphOS 2011/12/03 by dake You should follow this steps: 1. Download tokai's old archive of MLDonkey "", this contains startscript and some other useful informations. 2. Extract it to your disc (anywhere you want) 3. Put the files from my archive to the same place (this will overwrite some files, this is ok) 4. Double click the "MLDonkey" icon, wait until it says something about "Core started", (If this is the first time you start MLDonkey all needed directories and *.ini files are created) 5. Download all your torrent files and put them in /torrents/incoming/ 6. Open this link "http://localhost:4080/" in your browser and press the button "Transfers", this will show you the progress of the download 7. The downloaded files can be found in /incoming/files/ or /incoming/directories/ 8. If you want to quit MLDonkey, just double click the "Kill_MLDonkey" icon or press CTRL-C in the shell window After this, just repeat step 4 to 8 to download more files. If you already use MLDonkey you can simply drop the files from my archive in your old MLDonkey installation. But if you encounter problems, you should do a clean install, like above. There is also useful informations in tokai's archive. News: Support of DHT. Selection of files to download from a torrent. My intention was never to make a release, I just wanted a newer MLDonkey, but what the heck, here you are. There is some untested stuff in the Tools drawer, use it at your own risk. This port has no support for large files. Problems: If MLDonkey refuses to start, simply delete all files ended with ".tmp", when you start MLDonkey you can read about which file is causing the trouble before it shuts down.