Short: MakeADTFilter for AmiTradeCenter Author: (Ingo "Ingo^AZ" Musquinier) Uploader: Ingo night de (Ingo "Ingo^AZ" Musquinier) Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos Small utility to create a new ".adtfilter" for ATC. You need to download the file "TREE" from AmiNet (rootdirectory) first. Don`t touch this file except you want to fix typos e.g. mosd/blasa which should certainly read mods/blasa ;^) Copy the file TREE to the AmiTradeCenter path (where you should also copy this small utility btw) Then just write in your shell: makeadtfilter tree After this you`ll find a new filter in that directory named .newadtfilter I guess you all know how to rename files, do you? This small utility keeps track of your old settings and outputs the new areas, which were found during examination, to STDOUT (i.e. shell). Have phun - Ingo^AZ