Short: Hotway Daemon, the POP3 gateway to Hotmail Author: see the docs Uploader: Diego Casorran Type: comm/tcp Version: 0.5.3 Requires: ixemul.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos Hotway Daemon, the POP3 gateway to Hotmail ------------------------------------------ This document last modified 20-April-2003 NOTE: for the most up-to-date information please check the web site which can be found at CONTENTS -------- 1) INTRODUCTION 2) IMPLEMENTATION 3) TESTED MAIL READERS & CONFIGURATIONS 4) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS a) INETD SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS b) XINETD SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS 5) GETTING THE LATEST VERSION 6) WHAT ABOUT A WINDOWS VERSION? 7) SOME WORDS FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR 8) COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/SUGGESTIONS/IMPROVEMENTS? 9) DISCLAIMER 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- Ever wanted to access your hotmail emails using linux (or another unix variant) without having to go through the web interface? Well now it is possible using your favourite standard-POP implementing mail reader. Hotwayd uses the same protocol that Outlook Express uses to access the hotmail servers, HTTPMail. Hotwayd acts as a proxy between your POP mail reader and the HTTPMail hotmail servers. Simply set it up as a service on your machine or another machine on your network and enjoy using POP to collect your hotmail emails. Included in this file are some tips getting particular configurations working. If your configuration is not listed here then feel free to mail me with instructions and I will add them to the list. 2. IMPLEMENTATION ----------------- libghttp is used to control request headers and libxml2 is used to parse the xml responses. A modified version of libghttp is included with hotwayd which supports multiple header responses and Digest Authentication (take a look of RFC-2617) Christopher Blizzard, creator of libghttp, was informed about these changes, but he is not responsible for possible bugs introduced to his code. 3. TESTED MAIL READERS & CONFIGURATIONS --------------------------------------- hotwayd has been tested using Mozilla Mail, KMail, Outlook Express and many more POP-3 compliant mail readers. 4. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------------- Note that the installation directory has been changed in this version compared to previous versions so you may want to delete your old copy of hotwayd once you have finished step 1 (i.e. once you have a new copy of hotwayd compiled). Previous versions installed to the /usr/sbin directory. This versions will install to your default sbin directory or user-defined directory according to the configure file. *** (0) Uncompress tarball with: $ tar xvzf hotwayd-x.x.tar.gz $ cd hotwayd-x.x *** (1) Compile daemon with: $ ./configure $ make *** (2) Install hotwayd into sbin directory (/usr/local/sbin in redhat linux) You need to become the superuser, usually done by typing su, then: $ make install Now you should be able to load up hotwayd by just typing hotwayd on the command line. If not then you will need to put absolute path in to your config files below. 4a) INETD SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------- *** (3) Next step is to add the following line to the file called /etc/inetd.conf pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd hotwayd or if you prefer to have hotwayd listen on a different port then add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf hotwayd stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd hotwayd This tells inetd what to load when it receives a connection to either the port "pop-3" or "hotwayd". The paths to the files may differ on your system so modify them accordingly. Now we need to define what ports "pop-3" or "hotwayd" are mapped to as described in step 4. *** (4) Make sure you have the following line in /etc/services, if it's missing you need to add it. pop-3 110/tcp or the following line, if you prefer make hotwayd listen to another port than standard POP3 (i.e. you chose to add the "hotwayd stream tcp..." line to your /etc/inetd.conf): hotwayd nnnn/tcp (where nnnn is the port-number, say 110 for example) *** (5) Now you need to find out the pid number for inetd and restart the daemon. To get the pid number (on linux) type the following line: $ ps -eo "%p %c" | grep inetd If it doesn't report any process inetd then you need to start up inetd. Optimally it should be started during bootup in your rc.d scripts. Refer to your operating system notes for further details. Now that you have the PID number, issue the command: $ kill -HUP pidnumber This will load the new config file into inetd. *** (6) Check your security settings You need to ensure that connections to the pop-3 server are not blocked. To do this add the following line to your /etc/hosts.allow file hotwayd : (or if you are setting up hotwayd to run on another computer than your mail client, replace with the address of the computer which you will use your mail client from) always refers to your computer. You should now be able to telnet into your hotwayd service. Type the command $ telnet e.g. telnet 110 if you setup hotwayd on your own machine using port 110. If you can't connect then go back and review the instruction steps. *** (7) Setup your favourite mail client to use your newly installed server. You should give the server name as either "" or "localhost" or the name of your machine. The port number depends on what you entered in the /etc/services file. Use the username and password that you normally use when accessing hotmail. *** Done! Now enjoy your newly installed POP3-HTTPMail gateway! 4b) XINETD SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------- *** (3) Next step is to add a file called hotwayd to your /etc/xinetd.d/ directory which contains the following: # default: off service hotwayd { type = unlisted socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = root server = /usr/local/sbin/hotwayd port = 110 } If you prefer to have hotwayd listen on a different port then replace the 110 with whichever port you would like to use. Note that the directory where hotwayd was installed may be different as well, so change that accordingly. This tells xinetd what to load when it receives a connection to the port that you specified here. *** (4) Now you need to find out the pid number for xinetd and restart the daemon. To get the pid number (on linux) type the following line: $ ps -eo "%p %c" | grep xinetd If it doesn't report any process xinetd then you need to start up xinetd. Optimally it should be started during bootup in your rc.d scripts. Refer to your operating system notes for further details. Now that you have the PID number, issue the command: $ kill -HUP pidnumber This will load the new config file into xinetd. *** (5) Check your security settings You need to ensure that connections to the pop-3 server are not blocked. To do this add the following line to your /etc/hosts.allow file hotwayd : (or if you are setting up hotwayd to run on another computer than your mail client, replace with the address of the computer which you will use your mail client from) always refers to your computer. You should now be able to telnet into your hotwayd service. Type the command telnet e.g. telnet 110 if you setup hotwayd on your own machine using port 110. If you can't connect then go back and review your steps. *** (6) Setup your favourite mail client to use your newly installed server. You should give the server name as either "" or "localhost" or the name of your machine. The port number depends on what you entered in the /etc/services file. Use the username and password that you normally use when accessing hotmail. *** Done! Now enjoy your newly installed POP3-HTTPMail gateway! 5. GETTING THE LATEST VERSION ----------------------------- Currently the latest versions can be found at: 6. WHAT ABOUT A WINDOWS VERSION? -------------------------------- Korwin Smith has created a C++ version which runs under windows as a system service. It can be found on the following page: 7. SOME WORDS FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR -------------------------------------- A week ago I was reading an article on a Linux magazine: there was a user with a simple question that seemed not to have an answer: Which email client should I use to pop messages from my hotmail account? The answer was simple and effective: POP3 access is not given for free by, so you should migrate to another free-email provider! I tried to find another solution to the problem: I noted that MS Outlook Express reads hotmail "without any problem" ;-) using a protocol called "HTTPMail", so I thought to create a gateway from POP3 to this protocol, to allow *any* unix email client to do the task. HTTPMail is an undocumented WebDAV-based protocol used by Microsoft to handle folders, login, sending, receiving, delete email messages from Hotmail server (see RFC-2518 for details on WebDAV extensions to HTTP/1.1) Searching on &, I found an implementation of my idea written in perl by Dave Dunkin... it's really hard to find some new inspiration!!! ;-) ... I decided to hack the protocol again, for love of knowledge and to be able to implement it in C. 8. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/SUGGESTIONS/IMPROVEMENTS? ----------------------------------------------- The original author is no longer working on this project and hotwayd is now being maintained by a series of developers. David Smith is taking care of the general coordination of patches, writing the documentation and packaging of hotwayd. You can contact me at the following address: Please don't email me with support request, we have a forum for that where you will get a faster response: or And if you feel like doing some hacking, perhaps implementing some of the optional POP functionality that your favourity mail reader uses, or any minor improvements you may have made to the code then feel free to send in or post up your patch and we will incorporate it into the next release. If you want to help with the addition of IMAP functionality then please send us a message! 9. DISCLAIMER ------------- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°` `°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø Latest update of this package can be found at ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°`ø°` `°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø`°ø ·············································A·r·c·h·i·v·e··C·o·n·t·e·n·t·s·· LhA Freeware Version 2.2 Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg. Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher. Listing of archive 'hotwayd-0.5.3.lha': Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 342 171 50.0% 21-Apr-03 09:55:18 +AUTHORS 6050 2744 54.6% 05-May-03 07:15:50 +ChangeLog 17992 7014 61.0% 02-Nov-02 00:53:58 +COPYING 1 1 0.0% 13-May-03 06:04:44 +HOTWAYD_SYSLOG_QUIET 1524584 946277 37.9% 13-May-03 06:00:52 +hotwayd.020 1520580 945019 37.8% 13-May-03 06:02:46 +hotwayd.060 2022 1001 50.4% 05-May-03 07:15:50 +hotwayd.1 1214 687 43.4% 05-May-03 07:39:46 +NEWS 11096 4112 62.9% 21-Apr-03 09:42:36 +README -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 3083881 1907026 38.1% Operation successful. _____________________________ .Readme created with: MRea \ ============================================================================== >»>»>»>»> Some additional info about this archive: Source: FileSize: 1907461 Bytes CRC: 2A1D26DA MD5: 6616B70FE35CBBCE44DC2A4E7F03D752 SHA: C267F5AD02A55469540179C6BE89AE75F1402546 ==============================================================================