Short: A tiny torrent client for AROS i386 Author: Marcus Sackrow Uploader: alb42 web de (Marcus Sackrow) Type: comm/tcp Version: 0.1 Requires: AROS i386 Network connection Architecture: i386-aros A small torrent client for i386-aros. News: * New fancy gui, with pieces and availibility view and more ;) * Piece-get randomization * Can be started from shell with torrent file as parameter * If no parameter given a requester to select will appear Howto: * Download the archive * Unpack at a location you like (in the archive is a Folder with Icon) * Navigate to the ArTorr Folder * Start the Program by double click onto the icon * Select the torrent file * See how the download goes * Press quit or close at any time to break the download, the download will be continue when you restart with the same torrent file * Downloaded files can be found in “Output” directory in the ArTorr folder if you get problems you can start the program from shil with "-l" as parameter, a log file will be written into the main folder of ArTorr. For question, suggestions, hints and so on use the forum. Uploaded using: