Short: Archives AROS Exec Download Tool Author: Matthias Rustler Uploader: mrustler gmx de (Matthias Rustler) Type: comm/tcp Version: 1.1 Requires: wget Architecture: i386-aros Archives AROS Exec Download Tool -------------------------------- AAEDT.alua is an AmiLua script for downloading files from and It uses 'wget' for downloading the index and the archive files. Installation ------------ The script calls wget as 'c:wget'. This means you have either to copy wget to C: or do 'assign c: /wget add'. The script copies the index and the archives to 'ram:'. But you can easily change this by editing the script. Using ----- Select an archive type and press 'Download Index' to fetch the index file. You can download all index files if you want. Choosing 'Parse Index' reads the selected index file, parses its content and fills the list gadget with the entries. Clicking on an entry shows information about it. 'Download README' downloads the README file of the selected archive. 'Show README' shows the latest downloaded README file with MultiView. 'Download Archive' opens a file requester for downloading the selected archive a disk. History ------- 1.1 download from os4depot, download/view of README file, bugfixes 1.0 initial release