Short: The ultimate webcam viewer (MUI) Author: (Troels Walsted Hansen) Uploader: troels thule no (Troels Walsted Hansen) Type: comm/tcp Replaces: comm/tcp/WebVision22.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE This new upload fixes the WebVision 2.2 problem that it doesn't run for unregistered users. There are no other changes, registered users need not bother downloading this release. NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE - NOTE Introduction ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ WebVision is a viewer program for a fairly recent phenomenon on the World Wide Web - web cameras. Web cameras are recorded images published on the web and updated at regular intervals. They may show everything from a TV channel or somebody's living room to the weather in a city in northern Norway. You can view these images with a regular webbrowser, you can even have it update the page at regular intervals, but WebVision offers a more specialized and optimized approach. Web camera sites are configured in a special window and viewing one opens a dedicated window, which is sized exactly to fit the camera image. Update delay, save directory and other parameters are easily configured individually for each camera. For registered users, an Internet update server is available that allows you to exchange sites with other WebVision users. At the last count, this database contained over 600 webcams, with more being added all the time. Requirements ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ · AmigaOS 3.0 or higher. · A JPG datatype like akJFIF or Prodev-JFIF. · MUI 3.8 or higher. · An AmiTCP compatible TCP/IP stack (like AmiTCP, Miami or TermiteTCP). Features ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ · Highly multithreaded operation, busypointers are practically banned and all operations can be aborted. · Many advanced configuration possibilities. · Extremely flexible autosave function for saving camimages. · Update the hierachical list of camsites automatically over the Internet. · Carefully designed MUI GUI. · Supports CyberGraphX Video Layers for 16 bit images on 8 bit screens. · Supports many advanced HTTP features such as HTTP proxy (with authorization), streaming webcams, Basic authorization, downloading only updated images, etc. Version history ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ WebVision 2.2 (26.9.99) · The &e expansion character only worked right when placed at the end of a filename. (Dean Husby) · Sigh... the WV 2.1 Listtree.mcc workaround wasn't right, I think I finally identified the real problem and worked around it. An annoying sideeffect of this "fix" is that closed groups will be opened if any sites need to be deleted inside them. (Sigbjĝrn Skjĉret) · Changed back to prefer Textinput.mcc over BetterString.mcc. · Changed the way the CGX VideoLayer is attached to the window, this should cure the problem with overwriting the windowborder. (Frank Mariak) · Now uses Popplaceholder.mcc by Marcin Orîowski for autosave formatting codes. (PiKe) · Cloning enhanced, you can now clone groups, and the cloned node is scrolled into view. (PiKe) · Added a contextmenu over the camwindows, with same entries as the Site menu.