Short: SynClock replacement for AmiTCP Author: Uploader: rgrimm isd net Type: comm/tcp Version: 4.8 Replaces: SynClock47.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos Requirements: TCP: device Name: SynClock - Synchronize your Amiga clock from internet atomic clock site. Installation: Copy SynClock to AmiTCP:bin (replaces SynClock v3.1) Synopsis: SynClock NODST/S,QUIET/S,SAVE/S Description: SynClock 4.8 is a compiled AREXX executable that sets your Amiga's system clock using the DATE command and information obtained from an internet atomic clock site. The GMT offset is read from your locale.prefs. The NODST switch turns off auto adjusting of daylight savings time. The QUIET switch suppresses all output. The SAVE switch saves the new date and time to the battery-backed clock of your Amiga. License: Freeware Distribution: Unlimited Authors: Robert Grimm ( IRC: Rraz John Chufar ( IRC: X-Raven