Short: SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.8 Author: Dawez and Deftone Uploader: deftone Type: comm/tcp Version: 1.0.8pre Architecture: m68k-amigaos --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bLITZ eNGINEERs are proud to present you a minor revision of smsengineer. Note that this is not a final version, it's just a correction of a lot of bugs we inserted in the first version. We've change the project to shareware to simply mailware. We know that coding is done just for fun and this is the spirit behind smsengineer. So if you want to receive your keyfile, just start the smsregister program and send us the generated form via email and you get your personal keyfile. International Registrations: German (.de,.at,.ch) Registrations: As we're still working on it and we plan to make it really use comfortable for the user and nice, we need your help. If you know any others gateway plz mail us them. Let us know the critics and the compliment cause we want to develop something you like ! We'll try to implement as much as we can. This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note". It is MAILWARE as defined in paragraph 4b. If you like it and use it regularly please send use the register form and you will get your personal keyfile ... For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1.4 or higher). CHECK FOR NEW VERSiONS @ ******* READ THE GUiDE FOR HOW TO USE SMSENGiNEER!!!! ******** _ _./ \___________________ ) TRANSLATiONS (___________________________________________________ Germany - dEFToNE Svenska - SnorsleX Françias - Jerome Chesnot Italian - Giacomo Mazzullo Hungarian - Dósa Márton Espaniol - Javier de las Rivas Croatian - Tomislav Vadja We need help for other languages, if you can translate catalog or guide in your local language, let us know. Your name will be mentioned here. _ _./ \___________________ ) MAiLiNGLiST (___________________________________________________ Join: Send a empty email to And you will get all the infos you need. Rules: The mailinglist is just for those user which want to communicate about problems, info, news and all the other nice things for smsengineer _ _./ \___________________ ) CONTACT (___________________________________________________ If you have any comments just send us a email :) Or Visit our homepage @ Do not forget to write something into Guestbook. Soory for tha real bad english but we are not professional english talking people. If you have fix it and want to send us, plz don't wait :) For Main programm or For translations _ _./ \___________________ ) (___________________________________________________