Short: V1.0 Enhances notify in ChatBox. (ARexx) Author: (R. Mensing) Uploader: bobm lcc net (R Mensing) Type: comm/tcp Version: 1.0 Requires: comm/tcp/ChatBox Architecture: m68k-amigaos ** What is it? ** Notiphy.cb is an ARexx script that adds some missing Notify capabilities to the ChatBox IRC client. - nicks are placed on Notify from a plain text file of nicks. - Nicks can be easily added to the Notify file with a single command. - Nicks can be easily deleted from the Notify file with a single command. - It's easy to install and to setup - Best of all - It's FREE. :) Look for NotiphyGUI soon if it isn't already on Aminet. It is an even better version for those of you that like a GUI interface. R. Mensing ModrnBob - on IRC (Efnet - Galaxynet) --- History ------- V1.0 13 Feb 97 - First public distribution. -------