Short: Netscape Communicator buttons for IBrowse Author: Gajewski) Uploader: emgaj free polbox pl(Maciej Gajewski) Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos Netscape Communicator buttons for IBrowse based on a rip by Tomas Svensson If you like Netscape buttons, but don't want to have a nasty double border as in case of using T.Svensson's rip (IBrowse doesn't allow to disable its own), nor the original English text, here's a solution :) Tha package consists of following button files: 1. def_navigation - with original subtitles, without border 2. def_navigation.0 - images only 3. def_navigation.1 - images only, but with 1 pixel margins 4. def_navigation.2 - images only, with 2 pixel margins 5. def_navigation.blank - as in 1., but with blank space left for your native language subtitles 6. - Polish version Usage: Just copy desired file over the "old" def_navigation and Voila! :) Important: This package is an enhancement to Mr. Tomas Svensson's work. Thanks to him for this great work & idea. See comm/tcp/NSC.IB-Buttons.lha!