Short: V2.3 Miami phone.log time & cost (MUI) Author: (Maxime Doyen) Uploader: mdoyen free fr (Maxime Doyen) Type: comm/tcp Version: 2.3 Requires: OS2.x (V37+), MUI 3.1+, NList.mcc Architecture: m68k-amigaos UPGRADE WARNING --------------- - IF YOU WRITE OR HAVE WRITTEN A PRICE FILE, PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT THE DEFAULT "MIAMIPHONE.PRICE" THAT SHOW YOU THE STANDARD HEADER, PLEASE UPDATE YOURS BY ADDING A SUCH HEADER AND SEND IT BACK TO ME, THANKS. - IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM V1.4 AND BELOW, YOU MUST MAKE SOME CHANGES IN YOUR PRICE FILE. - NLIST.MCC IS NOW REQUIRED FOR MIAMIPHONE TO RUN. Introduction ------------ «MiamiPhone» is the analyzer for the phone log generated by the TCP/IP stack program "Miami" (© Holger Kruse). It enables to compute the time and the cost of your phone connections for the internet and more!! You can use ticks or exact charge method, configure some discount, special days, name the time zones, apply a filter, display in numbers or bars or lines, display in Euro, print the results... «MiamiPhone» is the result of a friend request who wanted a MUI (© Stefan Stuntz) based phone log analyzer for "Miami", which was not existing till now... It should be useable in many countries because it has a flexible configuration. At last, please note that «MiamiPhone» is freeware but copyrighted by me, but of course donations are welcome :-)) Main features includes ---------------------- - easy price configuration using a simple text file - connect time (seconds between phone connect and modem online) - "ticks" or "exact" charge method - credit time and cost (used in most countries) - retrechment discount - maximum charge discount - special days - optional V.A.T. - euro currency - optional error detection (online with no offline -> computer crash) - a nice graphical display of all connections using bars or lines - display many informations about your connections in a list (number, date, start, end, duration, initial, invoice, zone, speed) - a toolbar for mainly used functions - a display filter on month, year and zone - display filtered and total results of your connections time and cost (number, duration, initial, retrench, v.a.t., invoice) - print the filtered list and results on printer or into a ascii file - localized in some languages (and includes a .cd file for thoses want to) - includes some pre-configured price files for some countries Requirements ------------ - Kickstart 2.0 or higher - Workbench 2.1 or higher - MUI 3.1 or higher (not provided -> util/libs) - NList.mcc (not provided -> dev/mui). - Miami phone log file(s) Products list of the Author (visit ) -------------------------------------------------------------- - HomeBank (biz/misc/homebank.lha) Home accounting with many features, statistics, overdrawn, carcost, ... - MiamiPhone (comm/tcp/miamiphone.lha) Phone log analyzer for Miami log files, count time and cost, display in numeric and graphics. - AminetIdx (util/misc/aminetidx.lha) Aminet INDEX file search, collect and save to various format for easy download. - 05R/W-base (mus/midi05rw-base.lha) Manager and editor for KORG 05R/W, X5, X5D synthetizer.