Short: A Script to maintain a minimum bandwith usage. Author: (Donald T. Becker) Uploader: dtbecker ptd net (Donald T Becker) Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos VERSIONS: : $VER: KeepAlive.rexx 1.1 (28.04.02) : $VER: AliveStat.rexx 1.0 (21.04.02) : $VER: StartAlive.rexx 1.0 (21.04.02) Requirements: 1. RxSocket.library installed, running correctly. 2. Recommended that you make Rx resident. 3. Miami or AmiTCP TCP Stack. 4. You have to be connected to the Internet. Long Description: KeepAlive is an ARexx Script for downloading file(s) from a web site to maintain a mimimum bandwidth usage so that your ISP will not drop your connection due to excessive Idling. Usage: Edit and update StartAlive.rexx as specified in StartAlive.rexx When your TCP Stack connects, have it execute the following: Rx StartAlive To check status: Rx AliveStat To terminate KeepAlive: Rx AliveStat QUIT