Short: BBS usable FTP client, Bugfixed update, binary only Author: (Andreas Winkelmann), (Oliver Doering) Uploader: mortimer art-line de (Joerg Mortsiefer) Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos In 1993 Mark Tomlinson and Geoff McCaughan created a direct port of the BSD standard code FTP. This port is usable in a secure Enviroment such as a BBS and is able to log all taken actions. For further information please refer to the readmes in the original archive ATCPTELNETFTP.LHA in comm/tcp. In this archive you can also finde the original sources. After using an few hours, i saw that there was a bug at the option parsing. After a while the FTP does not accept its own options anymore, allthough it was started by only the same batch. This Updates fixes this Bug and furthermore it contains an version of FTP, which allows MGET transmissions additionally to the GET, which was only allowed by the original FTP. I would like to thank Andreas Winkelmann and Oliver Doering, who spent a few hours to find all the Bugs (including linker bugs of SAS-C that makes the new compiled ftp crashing in my AmBoS BBS enviroment) and made this new version possible to use in my BBS and of course in others BBS too. Joerg Mortsiefer