Short: AREXX/HTML CGI Script for AWS using SAY Author: (Chris Robertson) Uploader: chris robertson rhein-main de (Chris Robertson) Type: comm/tcp Version: 1.0 Requires: RexxReqTools.lha (util/rexx) Architecture: m68k-amigaos CGITalk is an AREXX script written for AWS (Amiga Web Server by Mike Meyer, on It may also run with the standard httpd, but will probably require a few alterations. CGITalk, consisting of TALK.rexx and talk.html, acts as a gateway between your WWW page and the "say" command. It enables users to enter a message into a form using their browsers and specify some voice parameters (type, pitch, speed). Your Amiga will then speak this message to you. Simultaneously, a requester will pop up on your WB screen, prompting you for a reply. This reply will be turned back into HTML code, and the user on your WWW page will be able to read it. You can have a conversation this way. ;)