Short: Gets latest Aminet uploads via AmFTP with YAM Author: Type: comm/tcp Replaces: AminetFTP.lha AminetFTPo.lha AminetFTPb.lha Architecture: generic AminetFTP.yam Version 4.0 (29 SEP 97) by Charles Patterson Description: Reads your Aminet Uploads email and lets you choose which files to get via AmFTP request. Requirements: rexxreqtools.library 1.3 (© 1992-94 Rafael D'Halleweyn) YAM 1.3.4 (© 1995-96 Marcel Beck) TCP/IP Stack AmFTP 1.75 (© 1995-97 Mathias Michler) Instructions: If you don't get uploads email from Aminet already, send email to with the body: SUBSCRIBE aminet-daily Your Name or SUBSCRIBE aminet-weekly Your Name Use the installer script to install it. Edit script and change FILES to the number you want listed Open the YAM:.config file and add this line: RexxMenu1 = YAM:Rexx/AminetFTP.yam Change the AMFTP, AMINET and LOCALDIR settings in script Download your email then run this script from the YAM ARexx menu. If you use the Offline module, use GetFiles.ftp included in the archive to download the files next time you are online. Changes: 4.0 CHNGD: All types in one installer archive. 3.2 ADDED: Portuguese localization thanks to Alfredo Martins 3.1 ADDED: Dutch localization thanks to Bert Bosma 3.0 ADDED: Installer to save script size 2.8 ADDED: Norwegian localization thanks to Tomas Amsrud 2.7 ADDED: Danish localization thanks to Henrik Andreasen 2.6 FIXED: Corrected French and German localizations 2.5 FIXED: Problem with getting readme file CHNGD: Arrangement of buttons 2.3 ADDED: 'Abort' button to cancel script CHNGD: Renamed 'Cancel' to 'Next' 2.2 ADDED: French localization thanks to Philippe Roux ADDED: Back button in case you missed a file on the previous page 2.1 FIXED: Incorrect German settings 2.0 FIXED: Few unnoticable bugs ADDED: German localization thanks to Marc Hemes CHNGD: User selectable number of files listed in requester If you like/use/hate it, send me a note. Charles Patterson 4632 South Goldenrod Drive Tucson AZ 85730-4102