Short: MUI AmiMessageWin system for AmiTCP V2.x Author: Joran Jessurun Uploader: J Verhoeven nw hse nl Type: comm/net Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is an extension to the first amimsg found on many Aminet sites in the file FtpDaemon.lha. It has a MUI based user interface, and is MultiUser aware. To install this copy the amimsgd to the serv directory, copy the amimsg and amimsgwin programs to the bin directory. Edit the services and inetd.conf file: Users who already have the first version don't have to change anything. Others need to add a line in the services file that gives amimsg port 612. and add a line to the inetd.conf file which allows inetd to launch the amimsgd when it is needed. When you are not familiar with this install FtpDaemon.lha first before AmiMsgWin.lha. Usage: start amimsgwin and test it out. For more questions....... email: Watch out for: -The full source of FTPDaemon -A nameserver for AmiTCP -A MUI based user-editor for MultiUser And much more..........